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MR. Williams in his dangerous work on Reserve, states that it is "through holiness of life that we attain the knowledge of Christ." This vital error is well refuted in the following beautiful extract from a Sermon on "The Christian Race," by the Rev. J. Tunstall Smith.

"In every race, there is a commencing point, whence the competitors break forth upon the course, there is also a goal which terminates their career. There is first a barrier, which marks the commenceof the course. This, to the Christian, is the cross of Christ. Faith in a crucified Saviour is not the end of a Christian's attainment. It is not to be made the ultimate aim of his strenuous aspirations. That is also a momentous error which regards the death of Christ, as the terminating object, in which the believer has only to rest, and do nothing. It is on the contrary, the starting post of a busy career, whence the Christian breaks forth with hope, and alacrity, on all the services of a new obedience. The competitor for the prize in the public games found it necessary to divert himself previously of every encumbrance, which might incommode him. And in like manner, the candidate for the heavenly prize "must lay aside every weight." The burden of his sins, must be previously cast off, and the cares which weigh down his spirit, must be removed. But

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where shall he divert himself of these hindrances, but at the feet of a crucified Saviour? In the next place, there is a goal towards which the candidate must press forward. This goal, the end of Christianity is perfection in holiness. The design of the gospel is to transform man, to renew him after the image of him that created him. And since the perfection of holiness ever lies in the distance beyond you, here is need of unremitting energy and undaunted perseverance."

WHEN an examination of the several conditions of the labourer and the pauper were gone into, and it appeared that there was far too slight a difference between the two,-the Malthusian and the Sadlerian would instantly propose remedies diametrically opposed to each other. The follower of Malthus would exclaim, "How abominable! that the pauper should fare as well as, or better than, the hard working man. Let his provision be immediately reduced?" The disciple of Mr. Sadler, on the other hand, would say, "How shocking! that the honest and industrious labourer, should fare no better than the idle pauper! Let us see whether something cannot be done to raise his condition." The one arguing from this unjust equality, in favour of taking something from the pauper; the other from the same circumstance, in favour of giving something to the labourer.-Life and Writings of M. T. Sadler, Esq.

Review of Books.

THE GIPSIES. Dedicated by permission to James Crabb, the Gipsies friend.-Hatchard.

FEATHERS and straws are sometimes more useful than weightier bodies to shew the course of the wind; and it is in light unstudied little books like this that we may best discern the actual progress of certain trains of thought among the intelligent, benevolent and pious class, who are most forward in instructing the young. Here is a story, pretty and engaging, shewing how certain wild gipsey boys and girls came to know God. There is a deeper tinge of romance about it than we should desire, and certainly the language put into the mouths of these children is immeasurably above what we can suppose natural, while the gospel doctrine, intended to be conveyed, is neither very clear nor very perfect. But our reason for naming the book is this:-we see no cause

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