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The Sophomore Class

On March 16, elected Joseph William Murphy of Brooklyn, N. Y., as fence orator.

The Final Debating Team

On March 19, was chosen as follows: J. N. Pierce, 1906 T.S.; H. D. Smith, 1907 T.S.; E. H. Hart, 1907. Alternates, L. O. Bergh, 1906; R. B. Hull, 1907; R. R. Lockwood, 1907.

The Freshmen Debaters

On March 20, were chosen as follows to debate against the Princeton Freshmen on April 6: J. L. McConaughy, M. B. Vilas, C. T. Clark. Alternate, C. H. Thurston.

The Freshman Class

On March 20, elected as fence orator M. J. Dougherty of Brooklyn, N. Y.

Courant Elections

On March 21, were announced as follows: William Rose Benet, 1907 S., of Benicia, Cal.; Harry Sinclair Lewis, 1907, of Sauk Center, Minn.; Howard Jones Mandell, 1907, of Ellington, Conn.; Minott Augur Osborn, 1907, of New Haven, Conn.; Simon Truby Patterson of Kittanning, Penn. H. S. Lewis resigned and W. R. Benet was elected Chairman, while S. T. Patterson was elected Book Reviewer.

The "LIT."

On March 26, held its 70th annual banquet at the Tontine.

The Y. M. C. A. Elections

On March 26, were announced as follows:-Graduate Officers: University General Secretary, J. G. Magee, 1906; Academic Secretary, J. H. Twichell,, 1906; Sheffield Secretary, R. C. Morse, 1906 S. Academic officers: President, W. D. Barnes, Jr., 1907, of Mansfield, Mass.; Vice President, G. Dahl, 1908, of Chicago, Ill.; Treasurer, H. S. Wells, 1907, of Scranton, Penn.; Secretary, K. B. Welles, 1908, of Scranton, Penn.; Librarian, W. R. Leete, 1908, of New Haven, Conn. Sheffield officers: President, F. E. Wernecken, 1907 S., of Detroit,

Mich.; Vice President, T. A. D. Jones, 1908 S., of Excello, Ohio; Treasurer, R. L. Lovell, 1908 S., of Plainfield, N. J.; Secretary, J. F. Weller, of Newburgh, N. J.

Phi Beta Kappa

On March 29, held its 126th annual banquet at the University Club.

The Yale-Harvard Debate

On March 30 was won by Harvard.

Basketball Scores

Yale 17, Harvard 23.

The Basketball Officers

On March 30, were elected as follows: Captain, H. Noyes, 1908; Manager, C. H. Chapin, 1907 S.

In Memoriam

Henry H. Beardslee, 1909.


The vogue of the modern novel of sword and thunder is passing. For a time the united presses of all the land, with an uninterrupted stream of them, seemed scarcely able to satisfy the insatiable thirst of the public. But that time is passed. The days of even the historical novel are numbered. Its glimpses of historic people are to give place to full-sized pictures in the public taste. The day of the biography has come. Such is

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La Mare au Diable. By George Sand.
Profils Anglais. By C. A. Sainte-Beuve. Published by G. P.
Putnam's Sons.

Here are two luxuriously bound little classics. Their pliable leather backs, good paper and distinct type are enough to make the booklover's heart rejoice. This is an ideal library edition. The Angel of Pain. By E. F. Benson. J. B. Lippincott Co.

The scene of this interesting novel is laid in the fashionable country districts of England. The land of close cut lawns and trim hedges is vividly drawn. In this delightful setting the strong plot and characters of the book stand distinctly forth. The key-note of the story is the great sacrifice for love described. In this lie the strength and the appeal of the book. A unique character-creation is Tom Merivale, who has had the ability of giving messages to bird and beast.

We also wish to acknowledge the receipt of the following books, some of which will be reviewed in a subsequent issue: Frederick A. Stokes Co.,

The Siege of the South Pole.

Childhood and Growth.

G. P. Putnam's Sons.

Greece to A. D. 14.

Saints in Society.

Houghton, Mifflin & Company.

The College Man and the College Woman.

The Basses. By Wm. C. Herris and Tarleton Bean. Frederick A. Stokes Co.

The True Andrew Jackson. By Cyrus T. Brady. J. B. Lip

incott Company.

R. M. E.


"The Fallacy of

There is an excellent little phrase, by a New Havener, the Elsewhere." Now the elsewhere may not be entirely fallacious, but at least we who are here in New Haven,-even the man who declares that he came to Yale because he took the wrong train,-all of us can learn many things about New Haven, to our exceeding profit. How many of the class in American Social Conditions think that only New York has slums? Do they know of the strange region of Oak Street, of its Saturday night when the Jewish Sabbath is just over? Have they ever seen it at three in the morning, when huge rats frisk boldly down the sidewalks, and the shops are opening for a new day? Do they know the delightful dive on Fair Street, where beggars throw off blindness and lameness, as by a mighty miracle, and organ grinders tell wonderful tales to that Falstaff of a Neapolitan, mine host, of the quaint sheepskin jacket and the vast beers? Do they know the tale of the murder of a policeman in a terrible battle in New Haven's worst alley; that tale which your friend the policeman will tell you at two of a winter morning, as he slaps his half-frozen hands against his chest and tries doors? He is one of those strange outré people, the folk of the night, who live and tell one their heart's secrets when you are asleepor at that Hellhole, the Tontine, which Mayor S. cannot see in his eager search for vice in this Puritan town. Oh, a wonderful folk you could find down Chapel Street if you had been awakened by the song of the linotypes. Or are you of a bookish turn? Do you realize that the Stokes house was a red-coat hospital when the British invaded New Haven; that here Jonathan Edwards courted the daughter of the house, and here Webster wrote a part of his dictionary? Do you know that the whipping post stood not far from the district school house, on the college-green? Do you know that the ghost of Morse still haunts the Weir house, where he invented the telegraph? Do you know the tales of the days when "great West Indiamen labored up the harbor under full sail"? Do you know how near to your room is the site of the house of the great Roger Sherman, visited by his friend Washington? Do you remember the brave days when the president of Yale marched out at the head of his students with a prayer and a musket to resist the red coats?

Have you ever seen one of the most wonderful collection of epoch-making pictures in the world? Have you studied them, as men come many a mile to do? They are in the Art School, two blocks or less from the room where you are reading this. Do you know of the fine collection of colonial things in the Historical Society building on Grove Street? It is quite as interesting as Poli's, which I am quite certain you have seen. And in the Cemetery on the same street are buried Eli Whitney, Noah Webster, Harriet Beecher Stowe's father, a vice-president of the United States, who signed the Declaration, with a fine lot of Admirals and Generals, and famous scientists. Forget Mount Auburn, and visit the Grove Street cemetery for a bit of Youngish Night Thoughts.

There are hundreds of stories and plots of the strange old days in New Haven for you, oh LIT. heelers, in books in the city and Yale libraries. When the Wanderlust sends you in fancy to Paris or India, take a still longer voyage in that terra incognita, New Haven!

We quote the following


Leafy aspens twinkling shiver

Near the margin of the river

While the creeping thirsty grasses,
Every tendril touched aquiver,

Find the water as it passes.

Amaryllis there delaying,
Dances, rhythmically swaying,
Spirit, silvery and slender,
There the wilful winds are playing
Blithely in the morning tender.

While I gaze, the spirit fleeing

Shyly from my mortal seeing

Leaves the touch of April fingers.
Though I yearn with all my being

Amaryllis never lingers.

H. S. L.

March Vassar Miscellany.

Purssell Mfg. Co.





Broadway at Twenty-first Street, New York

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