| Thomas Halyburton - 1751 - 552 sider
...guiding in fuch times. It is the humble, and not the (elf-conceited Chriftian that the Lord will guide. The meek -will he guide in judgment ; the meek -will he teach his imayt Pfalm xxv. 9. (2.) You will be eafily perfuaded to negleft the means of guidance, I mean, an... | |
 | Thomas Boston - 1767 - 414 sider
...may confult in all ca-fes, and of whom they may learn how to fteer their courfe in every point; and the meek -will he guide in judgment, the meek -will he teach his -way, Pfal. xxv. 9. The darknefs brought on mankind by fin, nothing but the grace of the new covenant can... | |
 | Hezekiah Kirkpatrick - 1785 - 358 sider
...promife. To encourage the cultivation of thi* grace it is Md, "the me'tk Jhall edf and •be fotisfied. The meek "will he guide in judgment ; the meek 'will he teach 1bte wAy. Wbtds Which ftrongly expfefs God's particular delight and pleafure in thofe, who are adorned... | |
 | Samuel Hopkins - 1793 - 642 sider
...eyes to underftand the fcriptures, and behold the wonderful things revealed in thofe facred oracles. " The meek will he guide in judgment ; the meek will he teach his way."* II. THIS fubjeft brings into view the infinite fulness and fufnciency of God. A fulnefs equal to the... | |
 | Ralph Erskine - 1796 - 512 sider
...the more may you expect to know of his mind, and to be led by an unfeen hand in a dark day; for, " The meek will he 'guide in judgment, the meek will he teach his ways:" Study therefore, to walk humbly with your G >d ; and what he doth, though vou know not now,... | |
 | 1797 - 666 sider
...mine eyefeeth thcc.— t» herefore I ablior myfelf, and repent in <M and aihes." Job, xiii. 5, 6. "The meek will he guide in judgment: the meek will he teach his way." Pfalm, SIT. g, '* The fecret of the Lord is with them i'iat fear him; and he will (hew them his covenant."... | |
 | William Huntington - 1797 - 598 sider
...finner arrives before the bleffing comes. This brings him fenfibly into the way of life. " The mcel? will he guide in « judgment, the meek will he teach his way." With njeekpefs the ingrafted word is received; and a, meek and quiet fpirit, in the fight of God, is... | |
 | John Graham (rector of St. Saviour) - 1800 - 134 sider
...any man among you feemeth to be wife in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wife "ff " The meek will he guide in judgment, the meek will he teach his way,J| &c. &c. Now, how do thefe texts apply to your Spirit and Sentiments ? Is there in your procefs,... | |
 | Thomas Halyburton - 1801 - 386 sider
...in fuch times. It is the humble, and not the felt-conceited Chriflian, that the Lord will guide : " The meek will he guide in judgment, the meek will he teach his way," Pfal. xxv. 9. f2.) You will be eafily perfuaded to ncgleft the means of guidance, I mean, an attendance... | |
 | Thomas Halyburton - 1801 - 382 sider
...in fuch times. It is the humble, and not the felt-conceited ChriCian, that the Lord will guide : « The meek will he guide in judgment, the meek will he teach his way," Pfal. xxv. 9. f2.) You will be eafily perfuaded to negleft the means of guidance, 1 mean, an attendance... | |
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