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as the man in Bluebeard says and sings. I wrote to to maintain, and the campaign is apparently now to you upon matters at length, some days ago; the open, and as I have already spent thirty thousand letter, or letters, you will receive with this. We are dollars in three months upon them in one way or desirous to hear more of the loan; and it is some other, and more especially as their public loan has time since I have had any letters (at least of an in- succeeded, so that they ought not to draw from inditeresting description) from England, excepting one viduals at that rate, I have given them a refusal, of 4th Feb., from Bowring (of no great import-and-as they would not take that,-another refusal ance). My latest dates are of 9bre, or of the 6th in terms of considerable sincerity. 10bre four months exactly. I hope you get on well in the islands here most of us are, or have been, more or less indisposed, natives as well as foreign



"They wish now to try in the islands for a few thousand dollars on the ensuing loan. If you can serve them, perhaps you will, (in the way of information, at any rate,) and I will see that you have fair play, but still I do not advise you, except to act as you please. Almost every thing depends upon the arrival, and the speedy arrival, of a portion of the loan to keep peace among themselves. If they can but have sense to do this, I think that they wil. be a match and better for any force that can be "The Greeks here of the government have been brought against them for the present. We are all boring me for more money. As I have the brigade doing as well as we can."



"April 7.



'quæque ipse

Et quorum pars magna fui.'


"If this had been begun ten years ago, and faith-rating a romance, or rather a tale, in prose ;-but fully kept!!!-heigho! there are too many things I what romance could equal the eventswish never to have remembered, as it is. Well,-I have had my share of what are called the pleasures of this life, and I have seen more of the European and Asiatic world than I have made a good use of. "To-day Henry Byron called on me with my little They say 'virtue is its own reward,'-it certainly cousin Eliza. She will grow up a beauty and a should be paid well for its trouble. At five-and-plague; but, in the mean time, it is the prettiest twenty, when the better part of life is over, one child! dark eyes and eyelashes, black and long as should be something—and what am I? nothing but the wing of a raven. I think she is prettier even five-and-twenty--and the odd months. What have than my niece, Georgiana,-yet I don't like to think I seen? the same man all over the world,-ay, and so neither; and, though older, she is not so clever. woman too. Give me a Mussulman who never asks "Dallas called before I was up, so we did not questions, and a she of the same race who saves meet. Lewis, too-who seems out of humor with one the trouble of putting them. But for this same every thing. What can be the matter? he is not plague-yellow-fever-and Newstead delay, I should married-has he lost his own mistress, or any other have been by this time a second time close to the person's wife? Hodgson, too, came. He is going Euxine. If I can overcome the last, I don't so to be married, and he is the kind of man who will much mind your pestilence; and, at any rate, the be the happier. He has talent, cheerfulness, every spring shall see me there,-provided I neither marry thing that can make him a pleasing companion; myself nor unmarry any one else in the interval. I and his intended is handsome and young, and all wish one was-I don't know what I wish. It is odd that. But I never see any one much improved by I never set myself seriously to wishing without at- matrimony. All my coupled contemporaries are taining it and repenting. I begin to believe with bald and discontented. W. and S. have both lost the good old Magi, that one should only pray for the nation, and not for the individual;-but, on my principle, this would not be very patriotic.

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"No more reflections.-Let me see-last night I finished Zuleika,' my second Turkish Tale. I believe the composition of it kept me alive-for it was written to drive my thoughts from the recollection of

their hair and good-humor; and the last of the two had a good deal to lose. But it don't much signify what falls off a man's temples in that state.

Mem. I must get a toy to-morrow for Eliza, and send the device for the seals of myself and ** ***. Mem. too, to call on the Staël and Lady Holland to-morrow, and on 審 who has advised me (without seeing it, by-the-by) not to publish Zuleika;' I believe he is right, but experience might have taught him that not to print is physiAt least, even here, my hand would tremble to write cally impossible. No one has seen it but Hodgson it. This afternoon I have burned the scenes of my and Mr. Gifford. I never in my life read a compocommenced comedy. I have some idea of expecto-sition, save to Hodgson, as he pays me in kind. It

'Dear, sacred name, rest ever unreveal'd,'

• The Bride of Abydos.

is a horrible thing to do too frequently;-better print, and they who like may read, and, if they don't like.


you have the satisfaction of knowing that they bitter diet! Hodgson likes it better than the have, at least, purchased the right of saying so. "I have declined presenting the Debtor's Peti- the Fragment. I am sure, had it not been for Mur Giaour, but nobody else will, and he never liked tion, being sick of parliamentary mummeries. I ray, that would never have been published, though have spoken thrice; but I doubt my ever becoming the circumstances which are the groundwork make an orator. My first was liked; the second and third it -I don't know whether they succeeded or not. I heigh-ho! have never yet set to it con amore; one must have God; the youngest so like! I thought I should have "To-night I saw both the sisters of; my some excuse to oneself for laziness, or inability, or sprung across the house, and am so glad no one was both, and this is mine. Company, villanous com- with me in Lady Holland's box. I hate those likepany, hath been the spoil of me;'-and then, I nessess-the mock-bird, but not the nightingale have drunk medicines,' not to make me love so like as to remind, so different as to be painful. others, but certainly enough to hate myself. "Two nights ago, I saw the tigers sup at Exeter and of distinction. One quarrels equally with the points of resemblance 'Change. Except Veli Pacha's lion in the Morea, -who followed the Arab keeper like a dog,-the fondness of the hyæna for her keeper amused me The respectable Job says, Why should a living "No letter from Such a conversazione! There was a hip- man complain?' I really don't know, except it be but I must not complain. popotamus,' like Lord Liverpool in the face; and that a dead man can't; and he, the said patriarch, the Ursine Sloth' hath the very voice and manner did complain, nevertheless, till his friends were of my valet-but the tiger talked too much. The tired, and his wife recommended that pious proelephant took and gave me my money again-took logue, Curse-and die;' the only time, off my hat-opened a door-trunked a whip-and when but little relief is to be found in swearing. behaved so well, that I wish he was my butler. The have had a most kind letter from Lord Holland, on handsomest animal on earth is one of the panthers;The Bride of Abydos,' which he likes, and so does but the poor antelopes were dead. I should hate to see one here:-the sight of the camel made me pine again for Asia Minor. Oh quando te aspiciam?


"Nov. 16.


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"Nov. 17.


Lady H. This is very good-natured in both, from whom I don't deserve any quarter. Yet I did thisk, at the time, that my cause of enmity proceeded from Holland House, and am glad I was wrong, and wish I had not been in such a hurry with that confounded "Went last night with Lewis to see the first of-but people, now they can't get it, make a fuss, I satire, of which I would suppress even the memory; Antony and Cleopatra. It was admirably got up, verily believe, out of contradiction. and well acted-a salad of Shakspeare and Dryden. Cleopatra strikes me as the epitome of her sex-something about Scott and me, George pro Secto, George Ellis and Murray have been talking fond, lively, sad, tender, teasing, humble, haughty, and very right too. beautiful, the devil!-coquettish to the last, as well I only wish they would not set me up as a competiwith the asp' as with Antony. After doing all tor. Even if I had my choice, I would rather be the If they want to depose him, she can to persuade him that-but why do they earl of Warwick than all the kings he ever made! abuse him for cutting off that poltroon Cicero's Jeffrey and Gifford I take to be the monarch-makers head? Did not Tully tell Brutus it was a pity to in poetry and prose. The British Critic, in their have spared Antony? and did he not speak the Rokeby Review, have presupposed a comparison, Philippics and are not words things?' and such which I am sure my friends never thought of, and words very pestilent 'things' too? had a hundred heads, they deserved (from Antony) to. I like the man-and admire his works to what If he had W. Scott's subjects are injudicious in descending a rostrum (his was stuck up there) a-piece-though, Mr. Braham calls entusymusy. All such stuf can after all, he might have as well have pardoned him, only vex him, and do me no good. Many hate his for the credit of the thing. But to resume-Cleopa- politics,-(I hate all politics;) and, here, a man's tra, after securing him, says, 'yet go'-'it is your politics are like the Greek soul-an crewler, besides interest,' &c.; how like the sex! and the questions God knows what other soul; but their estimate of about Octavia-it is woman all over. "To-day received Lord Jersey's invitation to Midthe two generally go together. dleton-to travel sixty miles to meet Madame de want us to go to the play together; she has been 'Harry has not brought ma petite cousine. Staël ! I once travelled three thousand to get but once. Another short note from Jersey, invitI among silent people; and this same lady writes ing Rogers and me on the 23d. I must see my octavos and talks folios. I have read her books-agent to night. I wonder when that Newstead

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like most of them, and delight in the last: so I business will be finished. It cost me more than won't hear it, as well as read. "Read Burns to-day. What would he have been, What matters it what I do? or what becomes of words to part with it-and to have parted with it! if a patrician? We should have had more polish-me ?-but let me remember Job's saying, and conless force-just as much verse, but no immortality sole myself with being a living man.' -a divorce and a duel or two, the which had he survived, as his potations must have been less spir- monotonous, and yet desultory. I take up books, "I wish I could settle to reading again; my life is ituous, he might have lived as long as Sheridan, and fling them down again. and outlived as much as poor Brinsley. What a burned it because the scene ran into reality, a novel, wreck is that man! and all from bad pilotage; for for the same reason. began a comedy, and no one had ever better gales, though now and then away from facts; but the thought always runs a little to squally. Poor dear Sherry! I shall never through, through...........yes, yes, through. I have In rhyme, I can keep more forget the day he, and Rogers, and Moore, and I had a letter from Lady Melbourne, the best friend passed together; when he talked, and we listened, I ever had in my life, and the cleverest of women. without one yawn, from six till one in the morning. "Got my seals * "Not a word from **. Have they set out from plaything for my petite cousine Eliza; but I must lion's jaws? If so-and this silence looks suspeHave again forgot a**? or has my last precious epistle fallen into the send for it to-morrow. I hope Harry will bring her cious-I must clap on my musty morion' ad I sent Lord Holland the proofs of the last hold out my iron.' I am out of practice, but I Giaour,' and the Bride of Abydos.' He won't won't begin again at Manton's now. Besides, I like the latter, and I don't think that I shall long. would not return his shot. I was once a famous It was written in four nights to distract my dreams wafer-splitter; but then the bullies of society made from **. Were it not thus, it had never been com- it necessary. Ever since I began to feel that I had posed; and had I not done something at that time, a bad cause to support, I have left off the exercise. I must have gone mad, by eating my own heart- "What strange tidings from that Anakin of

to me.

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anarchy-Bonaparte! Ever since I defended my Houri. She was very good-tempered, and every bust of him at Harrow against the rascally time- thing was explained.

servers, when the war broke out in 1803, he has "To-day, great news,- the Dutch have taken been a Héros de Roman' of mine, on the conti- Holland,'-which, I suppose, will be succeeded by nent; I don't want him here. But I don't like the actual explosion of the Thames. Five provinces those same flights, leaving of armies, &c., &c. I have declared for young Stadt, and there will be am sure when I fought for his bust at school, I did inundation, conflagration, constirpation, consternot think he would run away from himself. But I nation, and every sort of nation and nations, fightshould not wonder if he banged them yet. To be ing away up to their knees, in the damnable quags beat by men would be something; but by three stu- of this will-o'-the-wisp abode of Boors. It is said, pid, legitimate-old-dynasty boobies of regular-bred Bernadotte is among them, too; and, as Orange Sovereigns-O-hone-a-rie O-hone-a-rie! It must will be there soon, they will have (Crown) Prince be, as Cobbet says, his marriage with the thick- Stork and King Log in their Loggery at the same lipped and thick-headed Autrichienne brood. He time. Two to one on the new dynasty! had better have kept to her who was kept by Barras. "Mr. Murray has offered me one thousand guineas I never knew any good to come of your young wife, for the 'Giaour' and the Bride of Abydos.' I and legal espousals, to any but your sober-blooded won't-it is too much, though I am strongly temptboy,' who 'eats fish' and drinketh 'no sack.' Had ed, merely for the say of it. No bad price for a he not the whole opera? all Paris? all France? fortnight's (a week each) what?-the gods knowBut a mistress is just as perplexing-that is, one, it was intended to be called poetry. two or more are manageable by division. "I have dined regularly to-day, for the first time

"I have begun, or had begun a song, and flung since Sunday last-this being Sabbath, too. All the it into the fire. It was in remembrance of Mary rest, tea and dry biscuits-six per diem. I wish to Duff, my first of flames, before most people begin to God I had not dined now! It kills me with heaviburn. I wonder what the devil is the matter withness, stupor, and horrible dreams;-and yet it was me! I can do nothing, and-fortunately there is but a pint of bucellas and fish.-Meat I never touch, nothing to do. It has lately been in my power to -nor much vegetable diet. I wish I were in the make two persons (and their connexions) comforta- country, to take exercise,-instead of being obliged ble, pro tempore, and one happy ex tempore,-I re- to cool by abstinence, in lieu of it. I should not so joice in the last particularly, as it is an excellent much mind a little accession of flesh,-my bones can man. I wish there had been more inconvenience well bear it. But the worst is, the devil always and less gratification to my self-love in it, for then came with it,-till I starve him out,-and I will not there had been more merit. We are all selfish be the slave of any appetite. If I do err, it shall and I believe, ye gods, of Epicurus! I believe be my heart, at least, that heralds the way. Oh in Rochefoucault above men, and in Lucretius, (not my head-how it aches!-the horrors of digesBusby's translation,) about yourselves. Your bard tion! I wonder how Bonaparte's dinner agrees with has made you very nonchalant and blest; but as he him?

has excused us from damnation, I don't envy you

"Mem. I must write to-morrow to 'Master your blessedness much-a little, to be sure. I re- Shallow who owes me a thousand pounds,' and member last year, ** said to me at **, Have we seems, in his letter afraid that I should ask him for not passed our last month like the gods of Lucre- it;-as if I would !-I don't want it (just now, at tius?' And so we had. She is an adept in the least), to begin with; and though I have often text of the original, (which I like too;) and when wanted that sum, I never asked for the repayment that booby Bus. sent his translating prospectus, she of 101. in my life-from a friend. His bond is not subscribed. But, the devil prompting him to add a due this year; and I told him when it was, I should specimen, she transmitted him a subsequent answer, not enforce it. How often must he make me say saying, that, after perusing it, her conscience would the same thing? not permit her to allow her name to remain on the "I am wrong-I did once ask to repay me. list of subscribers.' But it was under circumstances that excused me to Last night, at Lord Holland's him, and would to any one. I took no interest, nor -Mackintosh, the Ossulstones, Puységur, &c., required security. He paid me soon-at least, his there I was trying to recollect a quotation (as I padre. My head! I believe it was given me to ache think) of Stael's, from some Teutonic sophist about with. Good even. architecture. 'Architecture,' says this Macoronica Tedescho, reminds me of frozen music.' It is somewhere-but where?-the demon of perplexity must know and won't tell. I asked Moore, and he said it was not in her; but P- -r said it must be hers, it was so like.

it too.




"Nov. 22, 1813.

"Orange Boven!' So the bees have expelled the bear that broke open their hive. Well, if we are to have new De Witts and De Ruyters, God speed the little republic! I should like to see the Hague and the village of Brock, where they H. laughed, as he have such primitive habits. Yet, I don't know, does at all' De l'Allemagne,'-in which, however, I-their canals would cut a poor figure by the memo think he goes a little too far. B., I hear, contemns ry of the Bosphorus; and the Zuyder Zee look But there are fine passages;-and after all, awkwardly after Ak Degnity.' No matter, -the what is a work-any-or every work-but a desert bluff burghers, puffing freedom out of their short with fountains, and, perhaps, a grove or two, every tobacco-pipes might be worth seeing; though I preday's journey? To be sure, in Madame, what we fer a cigar or a hooka, with the rose-leaf mixed with often mistake, and pant for,' as the cooling the milder herb of the Levant. I don't know what stream,' turns out to be the mirage,' (critice, liberty means,-never having seen it,-but wealth verbiage;) but we do, at last, get to something like is power all over the world; and as a shilling perthe temple of Jove Ammon, and then the waste forms the duty of a pound (besides sun and sky and we have passed is only remembered to gladden the beauty for nothing) in the East,-that is the coun


to explain

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try. How I envy Herodes Atticus!-more than Pomponius. And yet a little tumult, now and then, "Called on C She is is an agreeable quickener of sensation; such as a very beautiful, to my taste, at least; for on coming revolution, a battle, or an aventure of any lively home from abroad, I recollect being unable to look description. I think I rather would have been Bonat any woman but her-they were so fair, and un-neval, Ripperda, Alberoni, Hayreddin, or Horuc meaning, and blonde. The darkness and regularity Barbarossa, or even Wortley Montague, than Maof her features reminded me of my Jannat al homet himself.

Aden.' But this impression wore off; and now I "Rogers will be in town goon!-the 23d is fixed ca look at a fair woman without longing for a for our Middleton visit. Shall I go? umph? -In

this island, where one can't ride out without overtaking the sea, it don't much matter where one goes.


"Ward-I like Ward. By Mahomet! I begin to think I like every body; a disposition not to be encouraged; a sort of social gluttony, that swallows "I remember the effect of the first Edinburgh every thing set before it. But I like Ward. He is Review on me. I heard of it six week before, piquant; and in my opinion, will stand very high in read it the day of its denunciation,-dined and the House and every where else if he applies reg drank three bottles of claret, (with S. B. Davies, ularly. By-the-by, I dine with him to-morrow, think,)-neither ate nor slept the less, but never-which may have some influence on my opinion. It theless, was not easy till I had vented my wrath is as well not to trust one's gratitude after din and my rhyme, in the same pages, against every ner. I have heard many a host libelled by his guests, thing and every body. Like George, in the Vicar with his burgundy yet reeking on their rascally of Wakefield, the fate of my paradoxes' would lips. allow me to perceive no merit in another. I remembered only the maxim of my boxing-master,

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"I have taken Lord Salisbury's box at Covent which, in my youth was found useful in all general Garden for the season;--and now I must go and riots, Whoever is not for you is against you-prepare to join Lady Holland and party, in theirs, mill away right and left,' and so I did;-like at Drury Lane, questa sera. Ishmael, my hand was against all men, and all "Holland doesn't think the man is Junius; but men's anent me. I did wonder, to be sure at my

own success

And marvels so much wit is all his own.'

that the yet unpublished journal throws great light on the obscurities of that part of George the Second's reign.-What is this to George the Third's? I don't dead? If suddenly apoplexed, would he rest in his know what to think. Why should Junius be yet

as Hobhouse sarcastically says of somebody, (not unlikely myself, as we are old friends ;)-but were it to come over again, I would not. I have since grave without sending his dwar to shout in the redde the cause of my couplets, and it is not ade- ears of posterity, Junius was X. Y. Z., Esq., buried quate to the effect. C told me that it was be-in the parish of lieved I alluded to poor Lord Carlisle's nervous dis- church-wardens! order in one of the lines. I thank heaven I did not ye booksellers!' know it-and would not, could not, if I had. I must alive, and will never die without the disclosure. I naturally be the last person to be pointed on defects or maladies.

Repair his monument, ye
Print a new edition of his letters,
Impossible; the man must be

like him; he was a good hater.
"Came home unwell and went to bed,-not so
sleepy as might be desirable.
"Tuesday Morning.

Shadows to-night

Have struck more terror to the soul of Richard,
Than could the substance of ten thousand
Arm'd all in proof, and led by shallow •*.

"Rogers is silent,-and, it is said, severe. When ne does talk, he talks well; and, on all subjects of taste, his delicacy of expression is pure as his poe"I awoke from a dream-well! and have not othtry. If you enter his house-his drawing-room-ers dreamed?-Such a dream! but she did not overhis library-you of yourself say, this is not the take me. I wish the dead would rest, however.dwelling of a common mind. There is not a gem, Ugh! how my blood chilled-and I could not wake a coin, a book, thrown aside on his chimney-piece, -and-and-heigho! his sofa, his table, that does not bespeak an almost fastidious elegance in the possessor. But this very delicacy must be the misery of his existence. Oh the jarrings his disposition must have encountered through life! I do not like this dream,-I hate its foregone con"Southey I have not seen much of. His appear-clusion. And am I to be shaken by shadows? Ay. ance is Epic; and he is the only existing entire man when they remind us of-no matter-but, if I of letters. All the others have some pursuit an- dream thus again, I will try whether all sleep has nexed to their authorship. His manners are mild, the like visions. Since I rose I've been in considerabut not those of a man of the world, and his talents ble bodily pain also; but it is gone, and now, like of the first order. His prose is perfect. Of his Lord Ogleby, I am wound up for the day. poetry there are various opinions: there is, perhaps, "A note from Mountnorris-I dine with Ward; too much of it for the present generation ;-poster-Canning is to be there, Ferere, and Sharpe, perhaps ity will probably select. He has passages equal to Gifford. I am to be one of the five,' (or rather any thing. At present, he has a party, but no pub-six,) as Lady ** said, a little sneeringly, yesterday. lic-except for his prose writings. The life of Nel-They are all good to meet, particularly Canning, and son is beautiful. -Ward, when he likes. I wish I may be well enough

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" is a Litterateur, the Oracle of the Coteries, to listen to these intellectuals. of thes, L* W*, (Sidney Smith's Tory Vir- "No letters to-day; so much the better, there are gin,') Mrs. Wilmot, (she, at least, is a swan, and no answers. I must not dream again; it spoils might frequent a purer stream,) Lady B **, and all even reality. I will go out of doors, and see what the Blues, with Lady Caroline at their head-but I the fog will do for me. Jackson has been here; say nothing of her,—look in her face, and you for- the boxing world much as usual; but the club inget them all,' and every thing else. Oh that face! creases. I shall dine at Crib's to-morrow: I like by 'te, Diva potens Cypri,' I would, to be be- energy, even animal energy, of all kinds; and I loved by that woman, build and burn another have need of both mental and corporeal. I have not Troy. dined out, nor, indeed, at all, lately; have heard


Moore has a peculiarity of talent, or rather tal-no music, have seen nobody. Now for a plunge ents, poetry, music, voice, all his own; and an ex- high life and low life. Amant alterna Came pression in each, which never was, nor will be, pos- næ!'

sessed by another. But he is capable of still higher "I have burned my Roman, as I did the first flights in poetry. By-the-by, what humor, what-scenes and sketch of iny comedy-and, for aught I every thing in the Post-Bag!' There is nothing see, the pleasure of burning is quite as great as Moore may not do, if he will but seriously set about that of printing. These two last would not have it. In society, he is gentlemanly, gentle, and alto- done. I ran into realities more than ever; and gether more pleasing than any individual with some would have been recognized and others guessed whom I am acquainted. For his honor, principle, at.

and independence, his conduct to **** speaks "Redde the Ruminator, a collection of essays, by 'trumpet-tongued.' He has but one fault-and a strange, but able, old man (Sir Edgerton Bridges) that one I daily regret-he is not here. and a half-wild young one, author of a poem on the

• It was thus that he, in general, spelled this word.

• The present Lord Dudley.

"Wednesday, 24th.

Highlands, called Childe Alarique.' 983 'sensibility,' (always my aversion) occurs a thou-Post. The word cries? 'Orange Boven,' according to the Morning sand times in these essays; and, it seems, is to be an excuse for all kinds of discontent. This young man can know nothing of life; and, if he cherishes ing-so-I am 'firm as the marble, founded as the "No dreams last night of the dead nor the liv the disposition that runs through his papers, will rock'-till the next earthquake. become useless, and, perhaps, not even a poet, after all which he seems determined to be. "Ward's dinner went off well. There was not a him! no one should be a rhymer who could be any body, which I am sure I could not by contradiction, God help disagreeable person there-unless I offended any thing better. And this is what annoys one, to see for I said little, and opposed nothing. Sharpe (a Scott and Moore, and Campbell and Rogers, who man of elegant mind, and who has lived much with might all have been agents and leaders, now mere the best-Fox, Horne Tooke, Windham, Fitzpatspectators. For, though they may have other os- rick, and all the agitators of other times and tensible avocations, these last are reduced to a sec- tongues) told us the particulars of his last interview ondary consideration. time among dowagers and unmarried girls. If it tion, which sent that gallant spirit to aspire the *, too, frittering away his with Windham, a few days before the fatal operaadvanced any serious affair, it were some excuse; skies.' Windham,-the first in one department of but, with the unmarried, that is a hazardous specu- oratory and talent, whose only fault was his refinelation, and tiresome enough, too; and, with the ment beyond the intellect of half his hearers, veterans, it is not much worth trying,-unless, per- Windham, half his life an active participator in the haps, one in a thousand. events of the earth, and one of those who governed

"If I had any views in this country, they would nations,-he regretted, and dwelt much on that probably be parliamentary. But I have no ambition; regret, that he had not entirely devoted himself to at least, if any, it would be aut Cæsar aut nihil.' literature and science!!!' His mind certainly My hopes are limited to the arrangement of my af- would have carried him to eminence there, as elsefairs, and settling either in Italy or the East, (rather where; but I cannot comprehend what debility of the last,) and drinking deep of the languages and that mind could suggest such a wish. I, who have literature of both. Past events have unnerved me; heard him, cannot regret any thing but that I shall and all I can now do is to make life an amusement, never hear him again. What! would he have been and look on, while others play. highest game of crowns and sceptres, what is it? scribbler? Such an exchange must have been sugAfter all-even the a plodder? a metaphysician ?-perhaps a rhymer? a Vide Napoleon's last twelvemonth. pletely upset my system of fatalism. I thought, if not look upon his like again." It has com gested by illness. But he is gone, and Time 'shall crushed, he would have fallen, when fractus illabatur orbis,' and not have been pared away to grad-except to **, and to her my thoughts overpower "I am tremendously in arrear with my letters,ual insignificance;-that all this was not a mere jeu me,-my words never compass them. of the gods, but a prelude to greater changes and Melbourne I write with most pleasure-and her mightier events. But men never advance beyond a answers, so sensible, so tactique-I never met with To Lady certain point;-and here we are, retrograding to the half her talent. dull, stupid, old system,-balance of Europe-pois- younger, what a fool she would have made of me, If she had been a few years ing straws upon kings' noses, instead of wringing had she thought them off! Give me a republic, or a despotism of have lost a valuable and most agreeaule friend. one, rather than the mixed government of one, two, Mem.-a mistress never is nor can be a friend. worth her while,-and I should three. A republic-look in the history of the While you agree, you are lovers; and, when it is Earth-Rome, Greece, Venice, France, Holland, over, any thing but friends. America, our short (eheu!) commonwealth, and

"I have not answered W. Scott's last letter,-but

compare it with what they did under masters. The I will. I regret to hear from others that he has Asiatics are not qualified to be republicans, but they lately been unfortunate in pecuniary involvements. have the liberty of demolishing despots,-which He is undoubtedly the monarch of Parnassus, and is the next thing to it. To be the first man-not the most English of bards. I should place Rogers the Dictator-not the Sylla, but the Washington or next in the living list-(I value him more as the the Aristides-the leader in talent and truth-is last of the best school)-Moore and Campbell both next to the divinity! Franklin, Penn, and, next to third-Southey, and Wordsworth, and Coleridge these, either Brutus or Cassius-even Mirabeau-or the rest, di Toλo-thus:

St. Just. I shall never be any thing, or rather always be nothing. The most I can hope is, that some will say, 'He might, perhaps, if he would.'

"12, Midnight.

"Here are two confounded proofs from the printer. I have looked at the one, but, for the soul of me, I can't look over that 'Giaour' again,-at least, just now, and at this hour-and yet there is no


"Ward talks of going to Holland, and we have partly discussed an ensemble expedition. It must be in ten days, if at all, if we wish to be in at the revolution. And why not? ** is distant, and will be at * still more distant, till spring. No one else, except Augusta, cares for me-no ties-no trammels andiamo dunque se torniamo, bene-se non ch' importa? Old William of Orange talked of dying in the last ditch' of his dingy country. It is lucky I can swim, or I suppose I should not well weather the first. But let us see. hyenas and jackals in the ruins of Asia; and bullI have heard frogs in the marshes, besides wolves and angry Mussulmans. Now, I should like to listen to the shout of a free Dutchman.






There is a triangular 'Gradus ad Parnassum!' The names are too numerous for the base of the triangle. "Alla! Viva! For ever! Hourra! Huzza! Poor Thurlow has gone wild about the poetry of which is the most rational or musical of these the names upon my triangle more upon what I be Queen Bess's reign-c'est dommage. I have ranked

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