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fellows, though-good materials for a nation. Out | well as the assassinations. It won't do. There must of chaos God made a world, and out of high passions be a universal republic,-and there ought to be. comes a people. "The crow is lame of a leg-wonder how it hap"Clock strikes going out to make love. Some-pened-some fool trod upon his toe, I suppose.what perilous, but not disagreeable. Memorandum The falcon pretty brisk-the cats large and noisy-a new screen put up to-day. It is rather antique, the monkeys I have not looked to since the cold but will do with a little repair. weather, as they suffer by being brought up. Horses "Thaw continues-hopeful that riding may be must be gay-get a ride as soon as weather serves. practicable to-morrow. Sent the papers to Alli-Deused muggy still-an Italian winter is a sad thing, grand events coming. but all the other seasons are charming.

"Eleven o' the clock and nine minutes. Visited "What is the reason that I have been, all my La Contessa G. Nata G. G. Found her beginning lifetime more or less ennuyé? and that, if any thing, my letter of answer to the thanks of Alessio del I am rather less so now than I was at twenty, as far Pinto of Rome for assisting his brother, the late as my recollection serves? I do not know how to commandant, in his last moments, as I had begged answer this, but presume that it is constitutional,her to pen my reply for the purer Italian, I being an as well as the waking in low spirits, which I have ultra-montane, little skilled in the set phrase of invariably done for many years. Temperance and Tuscany. Cut short the letter-finish it another exercise, which I have practised at times, and for a day. Talked of Italy, patriotism, Alfieri, Madame long time together vigorously and violently, made Albany, and other branches of learning. Also Sal- little or no difference. Violent passions did;lust's Conspiracy of Catiline, and the war of Jugur-when under their immediate influence-it is odd, tha. At nine came in her brother, Il Conte Pietro-but-I was in agitated, but not in depressed spirits. at ten, her father, Conte Ruggiero. "A dose of salts has the effect of a temporary

"Talked of various modes of warfare-of the inebriation, like light champagne upon me." But Hungarian and Highland modes of broadsword ex- wine and spirits make me sullen and savage to feercise, in both whereof I was once a moderate 'mas-rocity-silent, however and retiring, and not quaiter of fence.' Settled that the R. will break out on relsome, if not spoken to. Swimming also raises the 7th or 8th of March, in which appointment I my spirits,-but in general they are low, and get should trust, had it not been settled that it was to daily lower. That is hopeless; for I do not think have broken out in October, 1820. But those Bo-I am so much ennuyé as I was at nineteen.lognese shirked the Romagnuoles. The proof is, that then I must game, or drink,

"It is all one to Ranger.' One must not be par- or be in motion of some kind, or I was miserticular, but take rebellion when it lies in the way. able. At present, I can mope in quietness; and Came home-read the Ten Thousand' again, and like being alone better than any company-except will go to bed. the lady's whom I serve. But I feel a something,

"Mem.-Ordered Fletcher (at four o'clock this which makes me think that, if I ever reach near to afternoon) to copy out seven or eight apothegms old age, like Swift, I shall die at top' first. Only of Bacon, in which I have detected such blunders as I do not dread idiotism or madness so much as he a school-boy might detect, rather than commit.-did. On the contrary, I think some quieter stages Such are the sages! What must they be, when such of both must be preferable to much of what men as I can stumble on their mistakes or mistatements? think the possession of their senses. I will go to bed, for I find that I grow cynical.

"January 6, 1821.

"January 7, 1821, Sunday. "Still rain-mist-snow-drizzle-and all the in"Mist-thaw-slop-rain. No stirring out on calculable combinations of a climate, where heat and horseback. Read Spence's Anecdotes. Pope a fine cold struggle for mastery. Read Spence, and turned fellow-always thought him so. Corrected blunders over Roscoe, to find a passage I have not nine apothegms of Bacon-all historical-and Read the fourth vol. of W. Scott's second series of read Mitford's Greece. Wrote an epigram. Turned Tales of my Landlord.' Dined. Read the Lugano to a passage in Guinguene-ditto, in Lord Hol-Gazette. Read-I forget what. At eight went to land's Lope de Vega. Wrote a note on Don Juan.* conversazione. Found there the Countess Gel"At eight went out to visit. Heard a little music trude, Betti V., and her husband, and others.-like music. Talked with Count Pietro G. of the Pretty black-eyed woman that-only twenty-twoItalian comedian Vestris, who is now at Rome-same age as Teresa, who is prettier, though. have seen him often act in Venice-a good actor- "The Count Pietro G. took me aside to say that very. Somewhat of a mannerist; but excellent in the Patriots have had notice from Forli (twenty broad comedy, as well as in sentimental pathetic. He miles off) that to-night the government and its has made me frequently laugh and cry, neither of party mean to strike a stroke-that the Cardinal which is now a very easy matter-at least, for a here has had orders to make several arrests immeplayer to produce in me. diately, and that, in consequence, the Liberals are Thought of the state of women under the ancient arming, and have posted patrols in the streets, to Greeks convenient enough. Present state, a rem- sound the alarm and give notice to fight for it. nant of the barbarism of the chivalry and feudal "He asked me what should be done?'-I anages-artificial and unnatural. They ought to mind swered, fight for it, rather than be taken in detail;' home--and be well fed and clothed-but not mixed and offered, if any of them are in immediate apprein society. Well educated, too, in religion-but to hension of arrest, to receive them in my house, read neither poetry nor politics-nothing but books (which is defensible,) and to defend them, with my of piety and cookery. Music-drawing-dancing-servants and themselves, (we have arms and ammualso a little gardening and ploughing now and then. nition,) as long as we can, or to try to get them I have seen them mending the road in Epirus with away under cloud of night. On going home, I offered good success. Why not, as well as hay-making and him the pistols which I had about me-but he remilking? fused, but said he would come off to me in case of accidents.

"Came home, and read Mitford again, and played with my mastiff-gave him his supper. Made another reading to the epigram, but the turn the same. To-night at the theatre, there being a prince on his throne in the last scene of the comedy,-the audience laughed, and asked him for a Constitution.This shows the state of the public mind here, as

• Don Juan, note 9, to Canto v.

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"It wants half an hour of midnight, and rains;as Gibbet says, a fine night for their enterprisedark as hell, and blows like the devil.' If the row don't happen now, it must soon. I thought that their system of shooting people would soon produce a reaction-and now it seems coming. I will do what I can in the way of combat, though a little out of exercise. The cause is a geed one.

"Turned over and over half a score of books for Drank some Seltzer-water. Mem.-received to-day the passage in question, and can't find it. Expect a print, or etching of the story of Ugolino, by an to hear the drum and the musketry momently (for Italian painter-different, of course, from Sir Joshua they swear to resist, and are right)-but I hear no-Reynolds's, and I think (as far as recollection goes] thing, as yet, save the splash of the rain and the no worse, for Reynolds is not good in history. Tore gusts of the wind at intervals. Don't like to go to a button in my new coat.

bed, because I hate to be waked, and would rather "I wonder what figure these Italians will make sit up for the row, if there is to be one. in a regular row. I sometimes think that, like the

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Mended the fire-have got the arms-and a Irishman's gun, (somebody had sold him a crooked book or two, which I shall turn over. I know little one,) they will only do for 'shooting round a corof their numbers, but think the Carbonari strong ner;' at least this sort of shooting has been the late enough to beat the troops, even here. With twenty tenor of their exploits. And yet, there are matemen, this house might be defended for twenty-four rials in this people, and a noble energy, if well dihours against any force to be brought against it, rected. But who is to direct them? No matter now in this place, for the same time; and, in such a Out of such times heroes spring. Difficulties are time, the country would have notice, and would the hot-beds of high spirits, and Freedom the mother rise, if ever they will rise, of which there is some of the few virtues incident to human nature. doubt. In the mean time, I may as well read as do any thing else, being alone.

"January 8, 1821, Monday.

"Tuesday, January 9, 1821.

"Rose-the day fine. Ordered the horses, but "Rose, and found Count P. G. in my apartments. Lega (my secretary, an Italianism for steward or Sent away the servant. Told me that, according to chief servant) coming to tell me that the painter had the best information, the government had not issued finished the work in fresco, for the room he has been orders for the arrests apprehended; that the attack employed on lately, I went to see it before I set out. in Forli had not taken place (as expected) by the The painter has not copied badly the prints from Sanfedisti-the opponents of the Carbonari or Lib- Titian, &c., considering all things.

erals and that, as yet, they are still in apprehension only. Asked me for some arms of a better sort, "Dined. Read Johnson's 'Vanity of Human which I gave him. Settled that, in case of a row, Wishes,'-all the examples and mode of giving the Liberals were to assemble here, (with me,) and them sublime, as well as the latter part, with the that he had given the word to Vincenzo G. and exception of an occasional couplet. I do not so others of the Chiefs for that purpose. He himself much admire the opening. I remember an observaand father are going to the chase in the forest; but tion of Sharpe's (the conversationist, as he was called V. G. is to come to me, and an express to be sent off in London, and a very clever man), that the first line to him, P. G., if any thing occurs. Concerted opera- of this poem was superfluous, and that Pope (the tions. They are to seize-but no matter. very best of poets I think) would have begun at

'Survey mankind from China to Peru !'

"I advised them to attack in detail, and in differ- once, only changing the punctuationent parties, in different places, (though at the same time,) so as to divide the attention of the troops, who, though few, yet being disciplined, would beat The former line. 'Let observation,' &c., is certainly any body of people (not trained) in a regular fight-heavy and useless. But 'tis a grand poem-and so unless dispersed in small parties, and distracted true-true as the 10th of Juvenal himself. The with different assaults. Offered to let them assem-lapse of ages changes all things-time-languageble here, if they choose. It is a strongish post-the earth-the bounds of the sea-the stars of the narrow street, commanded from within-and tenable sky, and every thing about, around, and underwalls. neath' man, except man himself, who has always "Dined. Tried on a new coat. Letter to Mur-been, and always will be, an unlucky rascal The ray, with corrections of Bacon's Apothegms and infinite variety of lives conducts but to death, and an epigram-the latter not for publication. At eight the infinity of wishes leads but to disappointment. went to Teresa, Countess G. * * At nine All the discoveries which have yet been made have


and a half came in Il Conte P. and Count P. G. multiplied little but existence. An extirpated disTalked of a certain proclamation lately issued. ease is succeeded by some new pestilence; and a Count R. G. had been with * * (the **), to sound discovered world has brought little to the old one, him about the arrests. He, **, is a trimmer, and except the p-first and freedom afterward-the latter deals, at present, his cards with both hands. If he a fine thing, particularly as they gave it to Europe don't mind, they'll be full. pretends (I doubt in exchange for slavery. But it is doubtful whether him-they don't,-we shall see) that there is no such the sovereigns' would not think the first the best order, and seems staggered by the immense exer- present of the two to their subjects. tions of the Neapolitans, and the fierce spirit of the "At eight went out-heard some news. They say Liberals here. The truth is, that cares for little the king of Naples has declared, by couriers from but his place (which is a good one) and wishes to Florence, to the powers (as they call now those play pretty with both parties. He has changed his wretches with crowns) that his constitution was mind thirty times these last three moons, to my compulsive, &c., &c., and that the Austrian barbaknowledge, for he corresponds with me. But he is rians are placed again on war pay, and will march. not a bloody fellow-only an avaricious one. Let them they come like sacrifices in their trim,' "It seems that, just at this moment (as Lydia the hounds of hell! Let it still be a hope to see Languish says) there will be no elopement after all. their bones piled like those of the human dogs at I wish that I had known as much last night-or, Morat, in Switzerland, which I have seen. rather, this morning-I should have gone to bed "Heard some music. At nine the usual visiters two hours earlier. And yet I ought not to com--news, war, or rumors of war. Consulted with P. plain; for, though it is a sirocco, and heavy rain, I G., &c., &c. They mean to insurrect here, and are have not yawned for these two days. to honor me with a call thereupon. I shall not fall

"Came home-read History of Greece-before back; though I don't think them in force or heart dinner had read Walter Scott's Rob Roy. Wrote sufficient to make much of it. But onward !—it is address to the letter in answer to Alessio del Pinto, now the time to act, and what signifies self, if a who has thanked me for helping his brother (the single spark of that which would be worthy of the ate commandant, murdered here last month) in his past can be bequeathed unquenchedly to the future? last moments. Have told him I only did a duty of It is not one man, nor a million, but the spirit of humanity as is true. The brother lives at Rome. liberty, which must be spread. The waves which "Mended the fire with some 'sgobole,' (a Romag

nuole word,). and gave the falcon some water.

• Childe Harold, Canto 111., stanm lxiii., and note 14.

dash upon the shore are, one by one, broken, but full of grossly false scenery, as all Americans_deyet the ocean conquers, nevertheless. It overwhelms clare, though they praise parts of the poem. It is the Armada, it wears the rock, and, if the Neptu- thus that self-love for ever creeps out, like a snake, nians are to be believed, it has not only destroyed, to sting any thing which happens, even accidentally, but made a world. In like manner, whatever the to stumble upon it.

sacrifice of individuals, the great cause will gather

"January 10, 1821.

"January 12, 1821.

strength, sweep down what is rugged, and fertilize "The weather still so humid and impracticable, (for sea-weed is manure) what is cultivable. And that London, in its most oppressive fogs, were a so, the mere selfish calculation ought never to be summer-bower to this mist and sirocco, which has made on such occasions; and, at present, it shall now lasted, (but with one day's interval,) checked not be computed by me. I was never a good arith- with snow or heavy rain only, since the 30th of metician of chances, and shall not commence now. December, 1820. It is so far lucky that I have a literary turn; but it is very tiresome not to be able to stir out, in comfort, on any horse but Pegasus, "Day fine-rained only in the morning. Looked for so many days. The roads are even worse than over accounts. Read Campbell's Poets-marked the weather, by the long splashing, and the heavy errors of Tom (the author) for correction.* Dined soil, and the growth of the waters. went out-music-Tyrolese air, with variations. "Read the poets-English, that is to say-out of Sustained the cause of the original simple air against Campbell's edition. There is a good deal of taffeta the variations of the Italian school. in some of Tom's prefatory phrases, but his work is good, as a whole. I like him best, though, in his

"Politics somewhat tempestuous, and cloudier own poetry. daily. To-morrow being foreign post-day, probably | something more will be known.

"Came home-read. Corrected Tom Campbell's slips of the pen. A good work, though-style affected-but his defence of Pope is glorious. To be sure, it is his own cause, too,-but no matter, it is very good, and does him great credit.


"Murray writes that they want to act the tragedy of Marino Faliero; more fools they-it was written for the closet. have protested against this piece of usurpation, (which, it seems, is legal for managers over any printed work, against the author's will,) and I hope they will not attempt it. Why don't they bring out some of the numberless aspirants for theatrical celebrity, now encumbering their "I have been turning over different Lives of the shelves, instead of lugging me out of the library? Poets. I rarely read their works, unless an occa-I have written a fierce protest against any such atsional flight over the classical ones, Pope, Dryden, tempt, but I still would hope that it will not be Johnson, Gray, and those who approach them near- necessary, and that they will see, at once, that it is est, (I leave the rant of the rest to the cant of the not intended for the stage. It is too regular-the day,) and I had made several reflections, but I feel time, twenty-four hours-the change of place not sleepy, and may as well go to bed. frequent-nothing melo-dramatic-no surprises, no starts, nor trap-doors, nor opportunities for tossing "Read the letters. Corrected the tragedy and their heads and kicking their heels and no lovethe 'Hints from Horace.' Dined, and got into bet- the grand ingredient of a modern play. ter spirits. Went out-returned-finished letters, I have found out the seal cut on Murray's letfive in number. Read poets, and an anecdote in ter. It is meant for Walter Scott-or Sir WalterSpence. he is the first poet knighted since Sir Richard "All writes to me that the Pope, and Duke of Tus-Blackmore. But it does not do him justice. Scott's cany, and King of Sardinia have also been called to —particularly when he recites-is a very intelligent Congress; but the Pope will only deal there by countenance, and this seal says nothing. proxy. So the interests of millions are in the hands of about twenty coxcombs, at a place called Lei


"January 11, 1821.

"I should almost regret that my own affairs went well, when those of nations are in peril. If the interests of mankind could be essentially bettered, (particularly of these oppressed Italians,) I should not so much mind my own 'sma' peculiar.' God grant us all better times, or philosophy.


"Scott is certainly the most wonderful writer of the day. His novels are a new literature in themselves, and his poetry as good as any-if not better (only on an erroneous system)-and only ceased to be so popular, because the vulgar learned were tired of hearing Aristides called the Just,' and Walter Scott the Best, and ostracised him.

"I like him, too, for his manliness of character, for the extreme pleasantness of his conversation, and his good nature towards myself, personally.May he prosper!-for he deserves it. I know no reading to which I fall with such alacrity as a work of W. Scott's. I shall give the seal with his bust on it, to Madame la Contessa G. this evening, who will be curious to have the effigies of a man so celebrated.

"In reading, I have just chanced upon an expression of Tom Campbell's;-speaking of Collins, he says that no reader cares any more about the characteristic manners of his eclogues than about the authenticity of the tale of Troy.' 'Tis false-we do care about the authenticity of the tale of Troy.' I have stood upon the plain daily, for more than a month in 1810; and, if any thing diminished my "How strange are my thoughts!-The reading of pleasure, it was that the blackguard Bryant had the song of Milton, Sabrina fair,' has brought impugned its veracity. It is true I read Homer back upon me-I know not how or why-the hapTravestied,' (the first twelve books,) because Hob- piest, perhaps, days of my life (always excepting, house and others bored me with their learned locali- here and there, a Harrow holyday in the two latter ties, and I love quizzing. But I still venerated the summers of my stay there,) which living at Camgrand original as the truth of history (in the mate- bridge with Edward Noel Long, afterward of the rial facts) and of place. Otherwise it would have Guards,-who, after having served honorably in the given me no delight. Who will persuade me, when expedition to Copenhagen, (of which two or three I reclined upon a mighty tomb, that it did not thousand scoundrels yet survive in plight and pay,) contain a hero?-its very magnitude proved this. was drowned early in 1809, on his passage to Lisbon Men do not labor over the ignoble and petty dead- with his regiment in the St. George transport, which and why should not the dead be Homer's dead? was run foul of, in the night, by another transport. The secret of Tom Campbell's defence of inaccuracy We were rival swimmers-fond of riding-reading, in costume and description is, that his Gertrude, and of conviviality. We had been at Harrow to&c., has no more locality in common with Pennsyl-gether; but-there, at least-his was a less boistevania than with Penmanmaur. It is notoriously rous spirit than mine. I was always cricketing

• Don Juan, note 9, to Canto V.

rebelling-fighting-rowing, (from row, not boatrowing, a different practice,) and in all manner of

mischiefs; while he was more sedate and polished. "I must premise, however, that I have read no At Cambridge-both of Trinity-my spirit rather thing of Adolph Müllner's, (the author of Guilt," softened, or his roughened, for we became very great and much less of Goethe, and Schiller, and Wie friends. The description of Sabrina's seat reminds land than I could wish. I only know them through me of our rival feats in diving. Though Cam's is the medium of English, French, and Italian transnot a very 'translucent wave,' it was fourteen feet lations. Of the real language I know absolutely deep, where we used to dive for, and pick up-hav-nothing-except oaths learned from postillions and ing thrown them in on purpose-plates, eggs, and officers in a squabble. I can swear in German poeven shillings. I remember, in particular, there tently, when I like-Sacrament-Verflutcherwas the stump of a tree (at least ten or twelve feet Hundsfatt'-and so forth; but I have little of their deep) in the bed of the river, in a spot where we less energetic conversation. bathed most commonly, round which I used to "I like, however, their women, (I was once so cling, and wonder how the devil I came there.' desperately in love with a German woman, ConOur evenings we passed in music (he was musi- stance,) and all that I have read, translated of their cal, and played on more than one instrument, flute writings, and all that I have seen on the Rhine of and violincello), in which I was audience; and 1 their country and people-all, except the Austrians, think that our chief beverage was soda-water. In whom I abhor, loathe, and-I cannot find words for the day we rode, bathed, and lounged, reading occa- my hate of them, and should be sorry to find deeds sionally. I remember our buying, with vast alacrity, correspondent to my hate; for I abhor cruelty more Moore's new quarto, (in 1806,) and reading it to- than I abhor the Austrians-except on an impulse, gether in the evenings. and then I am savage-but not deliberately so.

"We only passed the summer together;-Long had gone into the Guards during the year I passed in Notts., away from college. His friendship and a violent, though pure, love and passion-which held me at the same period-were the then romance of the most romantic period of my life.


"Grillparzer is grand--antique-not so simple as the ancients, but very simple for a modern-too Madame de Staël-ish now and then-but altogether a great and goodly writer. "January 13, 1821, Saturday. "Sketched the outline and drams. pers. of an intended tragedy of Sardanapalus, which I have for "I remember that, in the spring of 1809, H** some time meditated. Took the names from Diolaughed at my being distressed at Long's death, dorus Siculus, (I know the history of Sardanapalus, and amused himself with making epigrams upon his and have known it since I was twelve years old,) name, which was susceptible of a pun-Long, short, and read over a passage in the ninth vol. octavo of &c. But three years after he had ample leisure to Mitford's Greece, where he rather vindicates the repent it, when our mutual friend, and his, H's, memory of this last of the Assyrians. particular friend, Charles Matthews, was drowned "Dined-news come-the powers mean to war also, and he, himself, was as much affected by a sim- with the peoples. The intelligence seems positive ilar calamity. But I did not pay him back in puns-let it be so-they will be beaten in the end. The and epigrams, for I valued Matthews too much, king-times are fast finishing. There will be blood myself, to do so; and, even if I had not, I should shed like water, and tears like mist; but the peohave respected his griefs. ples will conquer in the end. I shall not live to see it, but I foresee it.

"Long's father wrote to me to write his son's epitaph. I promised,-but had not the heart to com- "I carried Teresa the Italian translation of Grillplete it. He was such a good, amiable being as parzer's Sappho, which she promises to read. She rarely remains long in this world; with talent and quarrelled with me, because I said that love was not accomplishments, too, to make him the more re-the loftiest theme for true tragedy; and, having the gretted. Yet, although a cheerful companion, he advantage of her native language, and natural fehad strange melancholy thoughts sometimes. I male eloquence, she overcame my fewer arguments. remember once that we were going to his uncle's, I believe she was right. I must put more love I think, I went to accompany him to the door into Sardanapalus' than I intended. I speak, of merely, in some Upper or Lower Grosvenor or course, if the times will allow me leisure. That if Brook street, I forgot which, but it was in a street will hardly be a peacemaker. leading out of some square,-he told me that, the night before, he had taken up a pistol-not know- "Turned over Seneca's tragedies. Wrote the ing or examining whether it was loaded or no-and opening lines of the intended tragedy of Sardanaphad snapped it at his head, leaving it to chance alus. Rode_out some miles into the forest. Misty whether it might, or might not, be charged.' The and rainy. Returned-dined-wrote some more of letter too, which he wrote me, on leaving college, my tragedy.


** January 14, 1921.

to join the Guards, was as melancholy in its tenor "Read Diodorus Siculus-turned over Seneca, as it could well be on such an occasion. But he and some other books. Wrote some more of the showed nothing of this in his deportment, being tragedy. Took a glass of grog. After having ridmild and gentle; and yet with much turn for the den hard in rainy weather, and scribbled, and scribludicrous in his disposition. We were both much bled again, the spirits (at least mine) need a little attached to Harrow, and sometimes made excursions exhilaration, and I don't like laudanum now as I there together from London, to revive our schoolboy used to do. So I have mixed a glass of strong recollections. waters and single waters, which I shall now proceed to empty. Therefore and thereunto I conclude this "Read the Italian translation of Guido Sorelli of day's diary. the German Grillparzer-a devil of a name, to be The effect of all wines and spirits upon me is, sure, for posterity; but they must learn to pro- however, strange. It settles, but it makes me gloomy nounce it. With all the allowance for a translation,-gloomy at the very moment of their effect, and and, above all, an Italian translation (they are the not gay hardly ever. But it composes for a time, very worst of translators, except from the Classics though sullenly. -Annibale Caro, for instance-and there the bastardy of their language helps them, as, by way of "Weather fine. Received visit. Rode out into looking legitimate, they ape their father's tongue)- the forest-fired pistols. Returned home dinedbut with every allowance for such a disadvantage, dipped into a volume of Mitford's Greece-wrote the tragedy of Sappho is superb and sublime! part of a scene of Sardanapalus.' Went outThere is no denying it. The man has done a heard some music-heard some politics. More great thing in writing that play. And who is he? ministers from the other Italian powers gone to know him not; but ages will. 'Tis a high intel- Congress. War seems certain-in that case, it will be a savage one. Talked over various important


** January 15, 1921.

matters with one of the initiated. At ten and half returned home.

"I have been reading the Life, by himself and daughter, of Mr. R. L. Edgeworth, the father of "I have just thought of something odd. In the the Miss Edgeworth. It is altogether a great name. year 1814, Moore ('the poet,' par excellence, and he In 1813, I recollect to have met them in the fashdeserves it) and I were going together, in the same ionable world of London (of which I then formed carriage, to dine with Earl Grey, the Capo Politico an item, a fraction, the segment of a circle, the of the remaining whigs. Murray, the magnificent, unit of a million, the nothing of something) in the (the illustrious publisher of that name,) had just assemblies of the hour, and at a breakfast of Sir sent me a Java gazette-I know not why or where- Humphrey and Lady Davy's, to which I was invited fore. Pulling it out, by way of curiosity, we found for the nonce. I had been the lion of 1812; Miss it to contain a dispute (the said Java gazette) on Edgeworth and Madame de Staël, with the CosMoore's merits and mine. I think, if I had been sack,' towards the end of 1813, were the exhibitions there, that I could have saved them the trouble of of the succeeding year. disputing on the subject. But, there is fame for "I thought Edgeworth a fine old fellow, of a you at six-and-twenty! Alexander had conquered clarety, elderly, red complexion, but active, brisk, India at the same age; but I doubt if he was dis-and endless. He was seventy, but did not look puted about, or his conquests compared with those fifty-no, nor forty-eight even. I had seen poor of Indian Bacchus, at Java. Fitzpatrick not very long before-a man of pleasure, "It was great fame to be named with Moore; wit, eloquence, all things. He tottered-but still greater to be compared with him; greatest-pleasure, talked like a gentleman, though feebly. Egdeworth at least to be with him; and, surely, an odd coin-bounced about, and talked loud and long; but he cidence, that we should be dining together while seemed neither weakly nor decrepit, and hardly old. they were quarrelling about us beyond the equinoc- "He began by telling that he had given Dr. Parr a dressing, who had taken him for an Irish "Well, the same evening I met Lawrence, the bog-trotter,' &c., &c. Now I, who know Dr. Parr, painter, and heard one of Lord Grey's daughters (a fine, tall, spirit-looking girl, with much of the patrician thorough-bred look of her father, which I dote upon) play on the harp, so modestly and ingenuously, that she looked music. Well, I would rather have had my talk with Lawrence (who talked delightfully) and heard the girl, than have had all the fame of Moore and me put together.

tial line.

"The only pleasure of fame is that it paves the way to pleasure; and the more intellectual our pleasure, the better for the pleasure and for us too. It was, however, agreeable to have heard our fame before dinner, and a girl's harp after.

and who know (not by experience-for I never should have presumed so far as to contend with him-but by hearing him with others, and of others) that it is not so easy a matter to 'dress him,' thought Mr. Edgeworth an assertor of what was not true. He could not have stood before Parr an instant. For the rest, he seemed intelligent, vehement, vivacious, and full of life. He bids fair for a hundred years.

"He was not much admired in London, and I remember a 'ryghte merrie' and conceited jest which was rife among the gallants of the day,-viz., a paper had been presented for the recall of Mrs. Siddons to the stage, (she having lately taken leave, "January 16, 1821. to the loss of ages,-for nothing ever was, or can "Read-rode-fired pistols-returned-dined-be, like her,) to which all men had been called to wrote-visited-heard music-talked nonsense-and subscribe. Whereupon, Thomas Moore, of profane went home. and poetical memory, did propose that a similar "Wrote part of a tragedy-advance in act 1st paper should be subscribed and circumscribed 'for with all deliberate speed.' Bought a blanket. the recall of Mr. Edgeworth to Ireland.'* The weather is still muggy as a London May- "The fact was-every body cared more about her. mist, mizzle, the air replete with Scotticisms, which, She was a nice little unassuming 'Jeannie Deans'though fine in the descriptions of Ossian, are some-looking bodie,' as we Scotch say-and, if not handwhat tiresome, in real, prosaic perspective. Poli- some, certainly not ill-looking. Her conversation tics still mysterious. was a quiet as herself. One would never have

"January 17, 1821. guessed she could write her name; whereas her "Rode the forest-fired pistols-dined. Ar- father talked, not as if he could write nothing else, rived, a packet of books from England and Lom-but as if nothing else was worth writing. bardy-English, Italian, French, and Latin. Read till eight-went out.

"January 18, 1821.

"To-day, the post arriving late, did not ride. Read letters-only two gazettes, instead of twelve now due. Made Lega write to that negligent Galignani, and added a postscript. Dined.


"At eight proposed to go out. Lega came in with a letter about a bill unpaid at Venice, which thought paid months ago. I flew into a paroxysm of rage, which almost made me faint. I have not been well ever since. I deserve it for being such a fool-but it was provoking-a set of scoundrels! It is, however, but five-and-twenty pounds.

"As for Mrs. Edgeworth, I forget-except that I think she was the youngest of the party. Altogether, they were an excellent cage of the kind; and succeeded for two months, till the landing of Madame de Staël.

"To turn from them to their works, I admire them; but they excite no feeling, and they leave no love-except for some Irish steward or postillion. However, the impression of intellect and prudence is profound-and may be useful.

"January 20, 1821.

"Rode-fired pistols. Read from Grimm's Correspondence. Díned-went out-heard music-returned-wrote a letter to the Lord Chamberlain to request him to prevent the theatres from represent"January 19, 1821. ing the Doge,' which the Italian papers say that "Rode. Winter's wind somewhat more unkind they are going to act. This is pretty work-what! than ingratitude itself, though Shakspeare says without asking my consent, and even in opposition otherwise. At least, I am so much more ac- to it! customed to meet with ingratitude than the north wind, that I thought the latter the sharper of the two. I had met with both in the course of the twenty-four hours, so could judge.

"January 12, 1821.

"Fine, clear, frosty day-that is to say, an Italian frost, for their winters hardly get beyond snow; for which reason nobody knows how to skate (or skait)-a Dutch and English accomplishment.

"Thought of a plan of education for my daughter Allegra, who ought to begin soon with her studies. Wrote a letter-afterward a postscript. Rather in low spirits-certainly hippish-liver be in the jest, I have not, as far as I can recollect, the slightest claim to .~ touched-will take a dose of salts.

• In this, 1 rather think he was misinformed ;-whatever merit there may


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