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perils of war. As the book is made up to a considerable extent of letters to friends at home written in the midst of the scenes which it describes, the style is easy and familiar; and as the writer is of a happy temperament, with a disposition to discover a bright side even in the darkest of things, it is agreeable reading; and yet it displays enough of the varying phases and passions of human nature, both in the writer and the people she meets and mingles with, to excite in the mind of the reader corresponding alternations of feeling, which, being natural, are always relished. The first part of the book gives an account of the journey from Table Bay at the Cape to Idulywa on the Transkei, and presents a very lively picture of the mode of travel and of the country through which and the people among whom she travelled. As the party approached the end of their journey, “We were now," says the author, " descending into the valley of the great Kei river, that glorious boundary between Cape Colony and the Transkei; and I felt a thrill of excitement, which amounted to awe, when I was informed that in a few hours more we should cross the frontier. Tropical foliage adorned the mountain, and clothed the deep ravines with beauty, and in the distance I beheld the Blue Mountains, behind which lay our future home." With this little peep at the scenery we turn to the people, specimens of whom the author describes. "I was gazing earnestly at everything, straining my eyes for my first glimpse of the Kafirs beyond the frontier, when at a turn of the road a trio of real Kafir belles suddenly appeared. As I could not speak Kafir, I nodded, smiled, and kissed my hands to them, at which they laughed with delight like children, and apparently said something pleasing in reply. The three walked in a most affectionate manner, with their arms entwined about each other, so that they really reminded one of the group of the Graces. So far as beauty was concerned, few classical figures could have exceeded their grace. Their hands, feet, and ankles were all most delicately formed; and their oval faces, beautifully-shaped heads, and glowing, glorious eyes, made one forget the thick noses and lips which prevented them from being perfectly handsome according to our standard." Not very long after, being settled in her new temporary home, the author's troubles began. The sound of war created alarm, and its outbreak made flight necessary. While she remained some incidents occurred which were well worth recording, among them the visit to "our dear little cabin" of Gangelizwe, paramount chief of the Tembus, and son-in-law to Kreli, chief of the Gcalekas, against whom the English shortly afterwards declared war. We could have wished to give some of those interesting particulars, and to follow the fortune of our heroine, for such we cannot help coming to regard the fair author, but space forbids, and we must leave the reader to the full realization of the events in the volume itself.

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The education of the will is really of far greater importance, as shaping the destiny of the individual, than that of the intellect. Theory and doctrine, and inculcation of laws and proportions, will never of themselves lead to the uniform habit of right action. It is by doing, that we learn to do; by overcoming, that we learn to overcome; by obeying reason and conscience, that we learn to obey; and every right act which we cause to spring out of pure principles, whether by authority, precept, or example, will have a greater weight in the formation of character than all the theory in the world.

DR. J. D. MORELL, Introduction to Mental Philosophy.




Unusual interest has this year at tached to the annual Assembly of this large and influential Christian community. The report presented to it on Religion and Morals drew a somewhat darkly-shaded picture of the state of the people of Scotland in respect to their practical adoption of the principles of the religious life. Several members who addressed the Assembly spoke also in desponding tones, the convener of the committee affirming that the results of the elaborate organization of the Free Church were not so visible in the spiritual regeneration of the people as they should be. The Free Church at the time of its separation from the Established Church of Scotland adopted what is called the "Sustentation Fund." This fund provides for the annual stipends of the ministers, and its effect has been to make a steady rise in these stipends; so that the cases, still not uncommon in England, of ministers receiving salaries often less than £100 a year, do not exist in the Free Church of Scotland. The report of the managers of this fund stated that the total contributions for the year were £171,719, which was a decrease of £4270 as compared with the previous year. The members and adherents in the Church were stated to number 302,262. Dr. Wilson, who submitted the report, said a new effort should be made to increase the fund, the opinion being that the minimum salary of ministers should be £300.

By far the most important question before the Assembly was the case of Professor Robertson Smith. At the time fixed for the consideration of this case the Court was crowded in every part. Considerable excitement appears also to have prevailed, and what must seem strange to those in the habit of attending the Conferences and General Assemblies of the Churches in England, members of the Assembly were vociferously cheered or heartily hissed by the public, who were admitted to witness the proceedings, the students unmistakably manifesting their sympathy with the

accused. Four propositions were submitted for the settlement of the case. Of these one proposed to "proceed with the probation of the libel.' All the others aimed at the immediate and final settlement of the case. The one in the end adopted was the following, which was proposed by Dr. Beith: "The General Assembly, considering that the course of the case has confirmed the report of the College Committee, that they had not found any ground sufficient to justify a process for heresy against Professor Robertson Smith, inasmuch as seven of the eight counts in the original libel have been found irrelevant, while with regard to the remaining count the explanations offered by Professor Smith at various stages, and in particular his answer to the amended libel, afford satisfactory evidence that in this aspect of the case also there is no sufficient ground to support a process for heresy, do resolve to withdraw the libel against him. Further, the Assembly, finding that Professor Smith is blameworthy for the unguarded and incomplete statements of his articles, which have occasioned much anxiety in the Church and given offence to many brethren zealous for the honour of the Word of God, instruct the Moderator to admonish Professor Smith with due solemnity as to the past, in the confident expectation that the defects referred to will be guarded against and avoided in time to come; and finally, the Assembly declares that in declining to decide on these critical views by way of discipline, the Church expresses no opinion in favour of their truth or probability, but leaves the ultimate decision to future inquiry in the spirit of patience, humility, and brotherly charity, admonishing professors to remember that they are not set for the propagation of their own opinions, but for the maintenance of the doctrine and truth committed to the Church.”

The scene of the passing of Dr. Beith's resolution is thus described by the correspondent of the Times: "The final result was announced in the midst of the wildest excitement; so great, indeed, was the confusion, that the clerk's voice could not be heard

when reading out the numbers, and he in their teaching in consequence, the had to read them a second time. After Assembly should issue a commission to silence had been obtained the cheering inquire into the matter. Dr. Adam burst forth again and again, and there did moved a resolution which, while stating not seem to be a lady in the house who that there was no good cause for taking did not wave her handkerchief or a gen- such action, exhorted professors and tleman who did not wave his hat. Order ministers alike to lay to heart the lessons having been restored, Professor Smith which the important case just decided was recalled to the bar. The Assembly's was fitted to convey." On this motion deliverance was then announced to him, Sir Henry Moncreiff proposed the followand the Moderator administered in ing: "The General Assembly having temperate and feeling language the considered the overtures, do not see 'admonition' which he was required to cause for taking action in accordance give. Professor Smith acknowledged with them, but desire to encourage a the rebuke, and admitted its justness spirit of confidence in the theological in as far as the incompleteness of his professors of the Church. The Assemstatements had led to anxiety about his bly at the same time find it to be of views. His few words were appropriate great importance to fix attention on and were spoken with feeling. the fact that both in Great Britain and on the Continent very injurious views are now prevalent regarding the genuineness, the authenticity, and the inspiration of the Scriptures, and on the value of a clear manifestation to the Christian world, as well as to her own members, of the opposite views which this Church maintains. The Assembly, therefore, desire the assistance of the theological professors in that manifestation, and hereby invite each of them to forward to the College Committee, before the 1st February 1881, a statement of the views which he is accustomed or prepared to inculcate on his students, regarding the genuineness, the authenticity, and the inspiration of the Scriptures, so that our theological teaching on these subjects may be thoroughly known and understood. And the Assembly instruct the College Committee to report any such statements received by them to next Assembly, and to lay their report on the table of the Commission in March.'

This conclusion did not terminate the business of the Assembly in relation to this subject. For the three years that the case has been before the Church Courts, the question of the inspiration and authority of the Bible, more particularly of the Pentateuch, has been forced upon the attention of the ministers and members of the Church. That the sentiments expressed in the libelled articles of Dr. Smith tend to lower the general opinion respecting the inspiration of the Word is unquestionable; and it is equally clear that the ablest teachers of the Church have no key to this mystery of inspiration. The professors are on the side of Professor Smith, not perhaps so much from their acceptance of his published opinions as from their desire to secure the liberty of free inquiry and open utterance of what they regard as true. This attitude, however, of the professors presents an important aspect to the thoughtful members of the Church, both lay and clerical. What are the sentiments taught to the rising ministry in relation to the Word, and what will be the effect of these sentiments on the doctrines of the Church? These questions cannot be ignored, and it could, therefore, be no matter of surprise that the teaching in the theological colleges should form the subject of a discussion which excited some interest.

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In proposing this resolution, Sir Henry said he was thinking of the way in which they were now exposed to all manner of injurious views which were abroad over the Continent and in Great Britain; and was looking to the professors to assist the Church in making it plain to the world what their ground was as against these injurious views. His own opinion was, that in the proA number of overtures had been pre- gress of events just now they would find sented from the Highlands to the effect more and more the need for such assist"that as the majority of the professors ance. Dr. Begg, who would have gone had in one form or other declared farther than Sir Henry, was prepared their sympathy with Professor Smith, to acquiesce, and to acquiesce very and as there was a want of confidence cordially, in the proposal; and in the

course of a conciliatory speech gave ut- however, was not to be protested out of terance to the following eminently truth- its very reasonable positions, and in an ful statement: "They knew from great editorial in the issue for May 12th on experience that good preaching must be "The Spirit World" affirmed "as a founded upon the unhesitating admis- tentative and hypothetical view, not as a sion of the inspiration of the Word of dogmatic and positive one," the following God. Ministers must not go up to doctrines: "The last day has already the pulpits and ask the people to listen dawned; the end of the world has come; to speculations of their own. They judgment has begun; Christ has entered must stand upon the authority of the into glory; God hath already made Him Divine Word, and anything which to be Lord and Christ; His fan is in impinged upon that was destructive of His hand; He sits on the throne of His the whole ministry of the Gospel.”

glory judging the nations of the earth; There are several features in the dis- the hour now is when the dead hear the cussions which have arisen on this case voice of the Son of God, and hearing, which are interesting and hopeful for live; they are hourly and momentarily the progress of truth. It is impossible coming forth, they that have done good not to note the admirable spirit in unto the resurrection of life, and they which the discussions have been con- that have done evil unto the resurrec

ducted, and the cheerful acquiescence tion of damnation.' "Undoubtedly," of all parties in the final decision of the the Christian Union continues, "there Assembly. Doubtless there has been are difficulties in this view; there are occasional excitement and warmth, but in any view; but they are far greater little indeed, considering the strong hold and more numerous in that view which which the subject must have on the represents a long and dreary sleep beminds of large numbers of the members. tween death and the judgment, then a The feeling in which the question has regathering of the scattered particles of been discussed is a good preparation for the worn-out body, a future resurrection the closer and deeper study of the in- of that which has done its work and spiration of the Word to which the mingled in the dust, and a great dramatic attention of the members and teachers judgment-scene for no explainable purof the Free Church must be directed. Recent inquiries have often been negative and destructive of all true idea of Scriptural inspiration. The question will next be, not what inspiration is not, but what it is. And on this question it is not too much to hope that the voice of the New Church will be heard, and will direct not a few to a true knowledge of the Word as an ever-living revelation of spiritual truth, and a manifestation of everlasting love.

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pose except to produce a moral effect. We do not here undertake to explain all the proof texts cited in support of this artificial and dramatic theology, but we may indicate the general principle which is to be applied in interpreting them."

We are more than pleased to see this bold stand taken by this prominent paper against the irrational and unscriptural dogmas that cling to the modern Church from the medieval ages. —(From the Messenger.)


One of the questions which has for some time occupied the attention of leading members of the Church of England is the most judicious means of training young men for the ministry. Years ago, little attention was paid to theological teaching or direct and personal religious culture. Latterly an awakened interest has been excited on the subject, and at a recent meeting, held in the Library of Lambeth Palace, under the presidency of the Archbishop of Canterbury, in aid of the movement for establishing theological

halls at Oxford and Cambridge, to educate resident members of the University who are candidates for Holy Orders in the principles of the Reformed Protestant Church, the Primate stated that "he had taken great interest in the movement from the first, as he had a particular objection to anything like theological seminaries, in which priests or ministers were trained, under some one man of narrow mind, to some one narrow platform, and were then sent into the world with little acquaintance with human nature, and little knowledge of the wants of those to whom they were called upon to minister. The foundation, however, of these theological halls at Oxford and Cambridge would show that the Protestant Church of England was not afraid to act upon the principles of the Reformation, or to put itself abreast of the intelligence which loved and courted inquiry, and that it desired to receive all the instruction which enlightened professors of the great Universities could give. He thought that the policy of the Church in not having a distinct system of training for the ministry was a mistake, but, though some of the clergy might not have had systematic training in their art there was no marvellous superiority shown by those who had had other advantages by other systems of theological training. Still, he urged the necessity of general and theological training in those who were to be the ministers of the people, and rejoiced greatly that the theological halls had been founded upon the principles of the Reformation, which he believed the people of England showed no disposition to repudiate.'

The question here discussed is one which interests the members of the New Church. The limited means at our disposal renders it impossible to adopt any extensive schemes of ministerial training. Meantime New Churchmen may gain instruction from the labours of others, and thus, like the householder in the Gospel, "bring out of her treasures things new and old."

TRUE AIM OF EDUCATION. Sir Arthur Hobhouse, in distributing the prizes to the Church Young Men's Association of Eccleston Square, said, among the many advantages he gained at school and college in his younger days, he esteemed as most valuable the good

derived by association with his fellowstudents, and friction of mind by conversation and debate. He begged them, however, specially to remember that sound morality must lie at the root of all government, whether personal or national. It had become fashionable in certain quarters to act simply upon expediency, and thus leave morality to take care of itself. He hoped the young men would first ask at all times, "Is it right?" and then they might next inquire, "Is it expedient?" but let the rectitude of a line of action be first settled before the expediency. Morality was as needful for a nation as it is for an individual. What the individuals are the nation must be. Hence it is of first importance that young men, who are to be the governors of this land in future years, should start with sound views and moral principles.


The Rock is the organ of the evangelical party in the Established Church. In a recent article on the question, "Where is the promise of His coming?" the writer finds some of the peculiar features which are to distinguish the moral characters of the religious professors of the last days, markedly prevalent at the present time. These signs of the times form the apostle's description of the last days (2 Tim. iii. 1-5), which ends with "having the form of godliness, but denying the power thereof." "The last item in this fearful list," says this writer, "is the key to the whole. It seems to fix the description to professors of religion rather than to others. We look rather, therefore, for an extension of outward Christianity than for any falling off in the number of churches or forms of worship. Here, too, the prediction corresponds closely with the actual state of things. For when, in spite of all the scoffings of infidelity, was religious observance ever more fashionable? Cathedral and church restorations, embellishments of chancels, fonts, pulpits, lecterns richly sculptured and adorned-even the Bethels and the Ebenezers of the Nonconformists testify to a lavish, if not prodigal, expenditure on the mere wood and brick and stone. The material temples, like the artistic music and the crowded congregations of Sunday morning, exhibit the form

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