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In doing so I may be allowed to express social scale than we do, a Society which a hope that the proceedings of to-day can boast of greater wealth, greater refinemay be looked back upon in the future ment, and higher education. I have no both by minister and congregation with doubt that he will at times feel how great the greatest pleasure and satisfaction. is this difference, and that the superior And I am sure this will be the case if acquirements of his old love will conwe observe that grand corner-stone of trast very markedly with those of the New Church theology, the doctrine of new. Nevertheless, I feel assured he Charity. As a Society we have long can appreciate honest worth although felt the want of a settled minister. it may appear in a humble garb, and I am afraid it is too true that many I trust that the longer he lives amongst who would have become good and use- us the greater reason he will have for ful members of the Church have gone satisfaction that he has accepted our from our midst and their interest in the invitation to the pastorate of the Society. Heavenly Doctrines has died out for In the name of the Middleton Society want of the supervision of some one of the New Church I now bid Mr. whose whole duty it would be to foster Westall welcome to his new sphere of and sustain the growth of religious labour, and I trust the Lord will give principles and the development of a him health and strength to labour long spiritual life. It is also doubtless true and successfully amongst us. that we who have remained in the The Rev. W. Westall (the newlyChurch have failed in many instances appointed minister) next addressed the to do our share of duty. It may be said meeting. He said he thanked them of us that in many things we have done very much indeed for the welcome they those things which we ought not to had given him that night, and for the have done, and left undone those things kindness which they had extended to which we ought to have done, and that him and his family for the few Sundays there is but very little health in us; he had been amongst them. He assured but in extenuation of our shortcomings them that their kindness was fully in this respect we plead that when appreciated, and quite reciprocated, by secular duties intervene there can be himself and his family. He trusted but little time, and in many instances, that the union they were celebrating I am afraid, but little inclination, to that night was a union that might be attend to the requirements of the Church. fraught with every blessing to all of Constant and daily contact with the them. The Middleton Society was one world, its keen competition, its rivalries, of the oldest Societies in connection with its shams and delusions, has a tendency the New Church, and he saw no reason to benumb the religious principles of whatever why it should not be one of the man of the Church and retard the the largest and one of the best. In the acquisition of religious knowledge. congregations he had seen for the few Hence the necessity of men devoting Sundays that he had been here, he felt themselves solely to ministerial duties quite satisfied there was the material for and the reason why Societies require it. Mr. Westall proceeded to narrate their self-sacrificing labours. We believe some of the encouraging incidents in that in Mr. Westall we have got a man the history of the Society, dwelling of the right stamp to look after the interests of the Church in Middleton. He comes amongst us with a ripe experience; he is unshackled, and free to do what he thinks best for the highest good and greatest wellbeing of his flock. As a congregation it is, I believe, the intention of every one of us to assist him, according to our several abilities, to build up the Church, both internally and externally, and we do not doubt that the Lord will give the increase to our united labours. In one respect I feel sorry for Mr. Westall. He has come from a Society which stands much higher in the


particularly upon the fidelity and ex-
cellent character of Mr. Richard
Boardman, its first leader. The early
preachers of the New Church had to
contend for the truth they taught.
past was a time of controversy. Now
there was less need of contention. New
ground had been taken.
They could
occupy the same platform as other
Christian ministers and join them in
useful works. Like the ancient Israelites
they had entered into the promised land,
and they were subject to the same
temptations and had to fight against
the foes who were in possession.



made on the ground, after which a liberal collection was taken up. At the close of this meeting a numerous party assembled to tea, a public meeting being afterwards held, at which appropriate addresses were given by the ministers and other members of the Church who were present.

was to-day the idolatry of self, the neighbourhood for special services on idolatry of wealth, the idolatry of high the following day. Addresses were position. To these men bowed down and forsook the God of Israel. Now, as they had these perils and dangers before them it was of the highest importance that the young people that were brought up at that chapel should be saved as far as possible from these idolatries. They could be saved from them, but to do this meant that the people and minister must work unitedly together. They WIGAN.-A bazaar was opened at this must not suppose that the minister had place on Tuesday, April 27th, and connothing to do but to preach in the pulpit. tinued open during the week. The A minister, if he feels the responsibilities preparation for this "fancy fair" had of his office, would know that he must been very successfully made, and ingo into society-not to preach only, but cluded contributions from "foreign to "heal the sick,' as had been said; parts' as well as home productions. he must also cleanse the leper, raise the The bazaar was opened by Col. M'Cordead, and cast out devils. A minister quodale; addresses being also delivered must do this as if the whole of the work by Revs. Mr. Westall and Mr. Mackereth, and the results depended upon himself. and Mr. Johnson. The ladies who atAnd at the same time he knew that not tended the stalls gave every attention one atom of it depended upon himself. to their visitors, and the proceeds (£220) The congregation, on their part, must were more than sufficient to remove the assist, for unless this was done, very debt remaining upon the building. The little progress would be made. large and commodious buildings, which were erected in 1873 at a cost of £2407, RAMSBOTTOM.-The annual Sunday- are now therefore free from debt and school sermons at this place were the Society is in a position to pursue preached by the Rev. W. C. Barlow, its course of usefulness free from this M.A., in the afternoon and evening of encumbrance. Sunday, May 9th. In the morning of the same day a scholars' service was held, at which Mr. J. Johnson of Wigan delivered an address to parents, teachers, scholars, and friends. There was a good attendance at each service, and collections were made amounting to £51, 18s. 10d.


On May 9th, at 27 Oxford Terrace, Exeter, the wife of Francis M. Eyles of a son (William Sidney).

W. Alfred Bates, of Southport, of a son.
On Tuesday, May 18th, the wife of


At Stockwell, London, 25th April, Mrs. Elizabeth Mason in her ninety-third year. This venerable lady was one of the oldest living receivers of our doctrines in England, and her removal severs another of the very few links which now unite the first generation of New Churchmen with their present descendants.

RHODES (near Manchester). — This small but vigorous Society has long suffered inconvenience from the want of a suitable schoolroom. They have at length seen their way to the erection of one on the ground at the back of their chapel. The room, which will be thirtythree feet wide by sixty-one feet long, conveniently faces a new street, the design being in harmony with the architecture of the chapel. A memorial She married, nearly seventy years stone was laid on the 8th of May by ago, Captain_Hodson, R. N., a relative Thomas Isherwood, Esq., of Heywood, of the Rev. James Hodson, M.D., and in the presence of a numerous attend- becoming an earnest and affectionate ance of friends from the neighbouring believer in our teachings, she attended Societies. The Society was also for- for some time in London the ministry tunate in securing the presence of of that gentleman, and subsequently of many ministers, two of whom, Dr. the Rev. T. F. Churchill, M.D., until Bayley and Mr. Barlow, were in the the failing health of her husband led to

her removal to the country. After his then received those seeds of Divine death she returned to town, and in 1820 truth which during her long life was united to the gifted writer and brought forth such abundant fruit. preacher the Rev. William Mason. For She afterwards joined the Peter Street the next five years the eminent author Society, with which she continued in of the" Appeal," the Rev. S. Noble, lived connection until her decease. Truly in with Mr. and Mrs. Mason, and their her case has been verified the promise house became the resort of the leading recorded in Psalm xcii., "Those that be metropolitan friends of the Church. planted in the house of the Lord shall Here Arbouin, Sibly, Spurgin, Clover, flourish in the courts of our God. They T. Jones, Mrs. French, and many shall still bring forth fruit in old age; others constantly met, and in the social they shall be fat and flourishing," etc. circle deliberated as to the best means Throughout her life Mrs. Leake's of advancing the infant cause. At attachment to the principles of the length, in 1825, Mr. Mason was induced New Church was unwavering, and to remove to Colchester (where he be- ultimated itself in habits of true usefulcame minister at Brightlingsea), and ness. Her old age was characterized remained there until 1828, when he by a sweet content, united with an settled at Melbourne, Derbyshire. uncommon perception and clearness of After twenty-one years of faithful and judgment. The active duties of her life gratuitous labour, he made Derby his were laid aside only a few weeks before residence, and continued to officiate her departure, when a gradual breaking there until shortly before his departure up of the earthly tabernacle took place; to the spiritual world in 1863. At all but the truths which she had believed these places Mrs. Mason was well known in and loved so long were her comfort and deservedly respected as an admirable and consolation to the last. It will not pastor's wife. Her gentle and consistent be out of place here to say that Mrs. demeanour indicated the intelligent, Leake was the widow of the late Robert unassuming Christian lady, and advanc- Leake, Esq., of Manchester, and mother ing days only served to mellow her of Robert Leake, Esq., member of the character and beautifully illustrate our present Parliament for South-East conception of a spiritual "mother in Lancashire. Israel."

Departed into the spiritual world, May 4th, at Fenton, Mary, wife of Joseph Brough and eldest daughter of Felix Pratt Ford, Esq. of the Lawn Farm, Stoke-upon-Trent, in her fifty. ninth year. The subject of this notice was connected with the New Church

After her second bereavement she removed with her niece to Manchester, and finally to London; but physical infirmities deprived her at each place of the privileges of public worship. For a lengthened period she had been awaiting the summons to her eternal home, and after a brief indisposition, mainly from her youth, and was a Sunday. resulting from a gradual decay of nature, she has, it is hoped, realized her fervent anticipation, As for me, I will behold Thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with Thy likeness" (Psalm xvii. 15).


Departed from the earthly scene of her usefulness, at Park Road, Eccles, near Manchester, on the 18th of April, Mrs. Leake, senior, one of the oldest and most worthy members of the New Church. Mrs. Leake was born in 1799, and was the eldest daughter of William Lockett, Esq., first Mayor of Salford. In early life she attended the ministra tions of the Rev. John Clowes, and was a member of his afternoon class at the Rectory in St. John's Churchyard. She

school teacher in the Langton Society soon after its commencement, but declining health had for a long time prevented her uniting in its worship. Her character was marked by truthful. ness, integrity, and an unusual degree of fortitude through the severest trials a woman could have to endure.

Departed this life at Besses-o'-th'Barn, on May 10th, in her ninety-second year, Mrs. Betty Horrocks, relict of Mr. John Horrocks. The departed had been a member of the New Church Society at Stand Lane, Radcliffe, for thirty-seven years. Though living at a considerable distance she attended Sabbath worship as often as her failing strength would allow.


MAY, 1880.




&c., &c.,

(The greater part of which are in handsome bindings,)





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