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angels to Abraham, Lot, Hagar, Jacob, angelic force on the one side, and inand Joshua. He then showed that these fernal force on the other, flowed down ministries were visible and conscious, and moved the ground of man's affection and not such as angels perform for men and thought. And because this connecnow. Nor was such ministry either tion is invisible, and its ministry ununiversal or general then, but special, conscious, it can be given without any exceptional, and extraordinary, and was a danger of enslaving men. If men follow part of that extraordinary work which the the impulses stirred up by angels, they Lord performed through the Israelitish advance in that which is good; but if people. It was through them that the they follow the impulses of evil, they Lord gave His Word, and Himself be- sink in sin, but angels still minister came manifest in the flesh. It was for to them to restrain and check them in this purpose that the Lord adopted them their downward career. This ministry as His peculiar people, gave them a is united with the ministry of the peculiar government and worship, sus- Word. When men read its calls, extained them in their journeyings and hortations, and appeals; when they warfare by mighty miracles, and gave read its warnings, remonstrances, and to them the visible ministry of angels. threats, angelic ministries unite thereBut when that worship was accomplished and the Word of God finished, then these exceptional agencies ceased, and the visible ministrations of angels terminated with them. He then showed that the whole testimony of Israelitish history went against the idea, that the visible ministry of spirits and angels would conduce to the renovating of the Church or the regeneration of man, for of all Churches the Israelitish was the most carnal in their conceptions and worship of God. And yet notwithstanding the open ministry of angels, they could not be kept in that carnal faith even, but killed the prophets, and stoned them which were sent unto them, and made the Word of God of none effect by their traditions, and at last were reduced to the most terrible bondage of all, the bondage of obsession, in which the minds and bodies of men are taken possession of by evil spirits who did with them whatever they chose. For Christians, then, to seek after such a ministry, is like the man upon the housetop coming down to take something out of the house; it is for them to return from the field, where they are cultivating Christian faith and life, and put on the habiliments of an effete and worn-out age. No, if men would escape the desolation of abomination, they must flee to the mountains, and trust to a higher love, a higher faith, and a higher intelligence for safety.

The lecturer then showed that there was an angelic ministry which was invisible and universal, for all men were connected with spirits and angels on the one hand, and with evil spirits and devils on the other, by means of spheres; and

with to urge men to obey the calls to
holiness and to shun the allurements to
sin. Nor is the connection which links
man with heaven always the same, but
varies with the different states of man's
mind. In infancy and childhood there
is a connection by which angels can
minister in implanting the first affec-
tions of love and charity in the soul.
In boyhood and girlhood there is an-
other connection, which ministers more
effectually to the love of knowing, and
to the acquisition of knowledge thereby.
In manhood and womanhood there is
another, which ministers to righteous-
ness and holiness of life, and the forma-
tion of an angelic character thereby.
And in old age there is another, which
ministers to the mellowing of man, and
to the ripening or maturing of the
spiritual character formed.
This con-
nection links man not simply with one
angel, but with hosts, who help him in
the walk of the regeneration, and pro-
tect him in temptation and trial; and
the visible ministry recorded in the
Word is to be taken not as a sample,
but a shadow, a type, of the invisible
ministry which is given now. When
conscience is threatened and surrounded
by foes, like as Elisha and his servant
were surrounded in Dothan, the pro-
tecting power of hosts of unseen angels
is there and preserves it from harm.
When integrity is assailed by passion,
the furnace of which is heated seven
times hotter, the Lord enables it to
pass through the fiery trial unscathed,
like the three Hebrews, for He sends
down the power of angelic hosts, like
His angel of old, which preserves it
from harm. Angels also minister to

men when temptation is over, as they ministered to our Lord when the devil had left Him. Both Divine and human ministry is twofold, visible and invisible, external and internal. The Lord ministers visibly to us through the works of nature, and invisibly by the operations of His Spirit within. Men minister visibly to us by their works around us, angels minister invisibly by their operations within us. Both are essential and lay us under a lasting indebtedness, but it is the invisible which effects the greater good and lays under the greater obligations. The lecturer concluded by urging his hearers to ponder over the subject, for it was calculated to exalt their love of God, enlarge their conceptions of His Divine Providence, and extend their survey of those wonderful agencies through which He is ever seeking to promote the great work of human salvation.


BURTON-ON-TRENT.-An effort to spread a knowledge of the doctrines of the Church in this town has just been concluded. During the months of February and March a course of five lectures has been given under the auspices of the London Missionary and Tract Society. Mr. Gunton delivered two of the course on successive weekday evenings on the subjects, "The Second Coming of the Lord-How, when, and where the Lord comes; "The Scriptural Way of Salvation." The remaining three were given by the following gentlemen: the Rev. W. O'Mant, "Swedenborg and his Teaching;" Rev. J. Ashby, "The Future Life-What can we know about it?" The last of the course was delivered by the Rev. R. R. Rodgers of Birmingham, on "The Ark and the Flood." lecturer first dealt with the ordinary theories relating to his subject, and showed from scientific evidence that a literal flood had never taken place, and AUXILIARY NEW CHURCH MISSION- that a literal ark was an impossibility. ARY AND TRACT SOCIETY.-This So- He then showed what was the true nature ciety is desirous of obtaining the of the flood and the spiritual significaservices of isolated receivers and readers tion of the ark, and concluded by showof New Church doctrines in the capacity ing that the Scriptures generally conof corresponding members, more especi- tained a meaning other than that conally in provincial towns where no New veyed in the letter. At the conclusion Church Society exists. It very fre- of the lecture Mr. Rodgers invited those quently happens that the Society's present to ask questions, and an hour's work might be very materially assisted very pleasant conversation was the did it possess representatives who could result. The lecturer dealt with his furnish necessary local information, and subject and also with the questions so it is believed, on the other hand, that genially and charitably that those the correspondents themselves would present, although differing from him in derive much benefit from connection opinion, could do no less than thank with a Society by means of which they him for the manner in which he had might advance in some measure the dealt with the subject. On this, as on reception of New Church truth. It former occasions, the Rev. Joseph Ashby is well known that the list of isolated of Derby presided. The audiences were receivers published in the minutes of not large, but were very attentive, and Conference is exceedingly imperfect, anxious at the conclusion of each lecture and the Society has therefore decided to avail themselves of the opportunity to issue this notice with the view of to question the lecturer upon the subobtaining the names of others almost ject discussed. Some years ago a unknown to any of the organizations of Society existed in this town, but it the Church. The duties of correspond- would seem that all its members are ing members of the Auxiliary Society departed. One young man who attended do not entail any great amount of all the lectures undertook the sale of trouble or publicity, and involve no books, distribution of tracts, and made pecuniary assistance. The secretary, himself useful in a variety of ways, Mr. H. T. W. Elliott, 122 Englefield is anxious that the effort may be proRoad, London, N., would be glad to ductive of good results, and to this end furnish, on application, copies of the is doing all that lies in his power. Society's rules and reports, and any other information that might be desired.

MANCHESTER-Sale of New Church

Works. An influential committee has schools were managed by the same combeen appointed by the various New mittee. For many years past, however, Church institutions in Lancashire, to the conduct of the two institutions has take the necessary steps for establishing been quite distinct. Both possess

a central depôt in Manchester for the qualities that have ensured success. It sale of New Church works. The com- was not until the schools had been in mittee has issued an appeal to the existence for twenty-two years that they Church for a three years' guarantee received any assistance from the Govfund, to which they hope to find a ernment. Inspection began in 1848, liberal response. Nine gentlemen have and the first grant came in 1849. The offered £5 each, per annum, towards money thus obtained was expended in this fund. The growing inquiry for the extending the course of study and imwritings of the Church indicates that proving the quality and method of the the time has arrived when greater teaching. The schools became popular, facilities should be afforded the general and in 1857 a sum of £2000 was expublic in purchasing New Church litera- pended in enlarging the accommodation. ture, and the committee earnestly hope The school has been fortunate in securthat they will receive sufficient encour- ing good teachers, and to the care, agement to warrant them in making ability, and teaching faculty of Mr. the effort to supply this long-felt want. Moss, Mr. Scotson, and the Misses Names of guarantors will be gladly Moss its success is chiefly due. Mr. received by Mr. W. Hughes, Cheetwood, William Hughes, a well-known member Manchester; Mr. J. Fletcher, Stone- of the School Board, has for twenty clough, near Manchester; or by Rev. P. Ramage, Stoneclough, near Manchester, Hon. Sec.

years served it as honorary secretary. The jubilee of the school was celebrated on December 14, 1877, when many of the pupils, old scholars, friends, and NEW CHURCH EDUCATION. DAY subscribers assembled in the large hall SCHOOLS, PETER STREET, MANCHESTER. of the Young Men's Christian Associa-These schools, which have long been tion. On this occasion a presentation distinguished by their efficiency and was made to Mr. James Scotson. A success, have now been transferred to meeting of old scholars was held a week the Manchester School Board. On the eve of this transfer, January 26th, the following article appeared in the Manchester Guardian:


later, and the series of celebrations closed with the children's parties on the 20th and 21st. Mementos of the jubilee were presented by the scholars to "As the transfer of the Peter Street the Misses Moss and Miss Kennerley. Day Schools to the Manchester School About the middle of the year an old Board has been for some time under scholar sent a sum of £20 to be invested consideration and will probably be as a prize in the boys' and girls' departeffected at the meeting of the board ment for regular attendance. This he to-day, some particulars regarding them desired to be called 'The Moss Prize,' will not be without interest. The in memory of the first master of the Manchester New Jerusalem Church Day school. The motto of 'Regularity, Schools were established June 25, 1827, Punctuality, and Diligence,' was and can thus claim more than half a strongly enforced by that successful century of usefulness. When the school teacher. The first winner of the prize began the interest felt in popular edu- was Walter Cottrell, a boy who had not cation was comparatively slight. Hence once been absent from school during honour is certainly due to those fol- five consecutive years—a fact probably lowers of Swedenborg who in 1827 unparalleled amongst the elementary were amongst the pioneers of that work schools of the country. Of the twentyof elementary education which has since five exhibitions offered by the Mandeveloped so greatly. The committee chester School Board for competition had the co-operation of Mr. Thomas by the scholars of public elementary Agnew, when the school was first schools no less than thirteen have been opened in Bolton Street, Salford. Mr. secured by scholars of Peter Street Moss, the master, and his assistant School. When the Grammar School teachers were soon transferred to Peter Foundation Scholarships were first Street, but for some time the two thrown open to competition four candi




dates from this school offered them- should be added the art classes for selves and three were successful. freehand and geometrical drawing. A the next examination the first place was number of the pupils cannot be preagain taken by a pupil of Mr. Scotson's, sented again for examination, having whilst five others succeeded in gaining passed all the prescribed standards. scholarships. It is a remarkable and a significant fact that these scholarships, which are open alike to middle-class and elementary schools, have been taken principally by pupils from elementary schools. The possibility of a connection between the elementary schools and the universities would, a generation ago, have been thought an idle dream. It may, therefore, be worth noting that three boys, who received the rudiments of their education at these schools, have taken valuable scholarships at Oxford, and are now completing their education at that University. It will be seen from these brief details that the Peter Street School belongs to a very high type of elementary schools. Mr. H. E. Oakeley, her Majesty's Inspector of Schools, writes of the boys' school, 'I have been greatly pleased by my visit to this excellent school, which is second to no elementary school that I have ever seen.' Similar testimony could be cited from Professor Adamson and others well known for their practical acquaintance with schools and teaching. “A passage from Mr. A. P. Graves' report will show the range of the subjects taught:

DEPTFORD.-On Tuesday evening, February 17th, the annual meeting of the Deptford Society of the New Jerusalem Church was held, when the members and friends sat down to tea at 6.30, which was presided over by the ladies of the church. At eight o'clock the business part of the meeting commenced, and after a few remarks from the chairman, the secretary and treasurer read their reports. From these we gathered that while in some respects the Society had made steady progress, others were not quite so satisfactory. The general depression had told upon their finances, the balance at the end of 1879 was not so good as at the end of 1878, and it was felt that an extra effort would have to be made or there would be a deficit this year instead of a balance. Accordingly, at the close of the meeting a subscription was started to meet the various claims as they become due. One object to which special attention was called, and to accomplish which various suggestions were made, was the clearing off of the debt which still remains on the building. If this were done they would then be able to carry out a long-cherished plan of erecting a schoolroom at the back of the church, for which there is ample room. Great interest was taken in the business of the meeting.

"Of the attainments of the boys it is impossible to speak too highly. With the sole exception of the spelling of the fourth standard, the answering in reading, writing, and arithmetic, repetition, geography, and grammar, throughout the school is quite the most brilliant that I have received this year. Again, the knowledge of English literature, DERBY.-The Annual Church Meeting mathematics, animal physiology, and of the Society was held on Monday physical geography easily outstrips that evening, February 16th; tea was proshown in any other department exam- vided in the schoolroom; there were ined by me, and a dozen boys presented about forty members present, and great in French evinced an acquaintance with interest and cordiality were manifested the grammar, vocabulary, and pronun- throughout the evening. Reports from ciation of the language, far beyond the the various institutions connected with requirements of the code. The solo the church were read and received, and and part singing on the tonic sol-fa it is most gratifying to state that they principle is also exceedingly good. Al- all spoke of good work done and of together the friends of primary educa- openings for the future. tion could have no more signal proof of the importance to which it can be brought than the development it has attained in Peter Street School.'

"To the subjects named by Mr. Graves

EDINBURGH. -The members and friends of this Society met this evening, March 5th, at their church, No. 6 Infirmary Street, to welcome as their

minister Mr. William Alfred Presland, formerly of Keighley. Through the kindness of one or two of the members the church was newly painted, the pulpit painted and upholstered at the back, and the desk newly cushioned. The ladies prepared a surprise for the assembly by their graceful adornment of the church. Above the pulpit was placed a life-sized painting of Swedenborg beautifully framed. Exotics and evergreens adorned the walls and the window recesses, and the windows were all gracefully draped with beautiful curtains.

him a hearty reception at their hearths and their homes as a friend.

The chairman, taking Mr. Presland's hand, said, "It only remains for me therefore, in the name of the Society, to offer you a hearty Scotch welcome amongst us. You will be glad to know that although you come to a small Society, you come to an undivided one. There is not, so far as I am aware, a single jarring element amongst us. I have to express the hope that during your labours here you may meet with no obstacle in extending the walls of the holy city New Jerusalem."

Shortly after six the chair was taken Mr. Potts then addressed the by Mr. E. H. Craigie, who was sup- assembly, expressing the great pleasure ported by Mr. Presland, Mr. Potts from he had at being present to welcome Glasgow, Mr. Allbutt from Paisley, and another brother minister to Scotland, Mr. M'Lachlan from Alloa. Several and to be told by our chairman that ladies and gentlemen from Glasgow, there was not a jarring element amongst Paisley, and Alloa were also present, us. He would not attempt to give any the assembly numbering one hundred advice of his own to the younger and fifty in all.

After tea the chairman, addressing the audience, said he remembered, about twenty-eight years ago, the members of this Society met here for the purpose of taking farewell of a highly respected and much-beloved pastor, the Rev. William Bruce, the advantages of whose services, friendship, and cultivated mind this Society had enjoyed for over twenty years. Mr. Bruce was now the editor of our Repository, and the author of some of the most standard works of the Church. His name and his works would doubtless descend in New Church literature with as much distinction as the name of his ancestors did in Scottish history. The Society had kept in mind Mr. Bruce's last words, "Forget not the assembling of yourselves together," and the pulpit had since been filled by a succession of preachers and members of the Society. The chairman paid a graceful compliment to several gentlemen for their kindness in thus ministering to the wants of the church, especially naming Mr. M'Lachlan, Mr. Eadie, Mr. Hjaltalan, Mr. Hay, and specially Mr. Johnston. Although well served by these gentlemen, they always felt the want of a minister devoted to the duties of his office, and they had met to welcome Mr. William Alfred Presland as their future teacher, pastor, and friend. He knew they would receive him willingly as a teacher, reverence him as a minister, and give

brother, but read some portions from Swedenborg's "Heavenly Doctrines of the New Jerusalem" touching this special subject. Mr. Potts then read several extracts from Swedenborg, which were warmly received.

Mr. Allbutt followed, expressing his great pleasure at being present, and his experiences of the Scottish character, which he found so very different to what he had expected; and from the president's report of the Edinburgh Society, he had no doubt Mr. Presland would have equally happy experiences.

Mr. M'Lachlan next addressing the meeting, assured Mr. Presland of as hearty a welcome in their own way to Alloa as he was receiving at Edinburgh, and advised him as a leader in Scotland to study the Scotch character, and he would find that it was much easier to lead them than to drive them.

Mr. Presland then gave a most feeling and appropriate reply to all the respective addresses, which was received with great acclamation by all. We only regret we are not able to reproduce it here, and we shall not mar it by any attempt at description or abridgment.

Mr. Paterson from Paisley and Mr. Andrew Eadie from Glasgow afterwards addressed the meeting. The remainder of the programme consisted of an excellent selection of music, which was completed with great acceptance.

HULL.-A movement was recently

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