FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST, (Each PERSON distinctly) in Love, Grace, and Confolation: o R, The Saints fellowship with the FATHER, By JOHN OWEN, D. D. With a Preface by the late Revd. Mr. Daniel Burgess. 1 JOHN iv. 8. God is love. CANT. 1. 7. Tell me, O thou whom my foul loveth, where thou CANT. viii. 14. Make hafte my Beloved. EPHES. iv. 30. Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye 1 Cor. xii. 4, 5, 6. Now there are diverfities of gifts, but the Printed by J. GALBRAITH and COMPANY. MDCCLXIII. iii CHRISTIAN READER, IT Tis now fix years paft, fince I was brought under an engagement of promife for the publishing of fome meditations on the fubject which thou wilt find handled in the enfuing treatise. The reasons of this delay, being not of publick concernment, I shall not need to mention. Those who have been in expectation of this duty from me, have for the most part been fo far acquainted with my condition and employments, as to be able to fatisfy themselves, as to the deferring of their defires. That which I have to add at prefent is only this; having had many opportunities, fince the time I first delivered any thing in publick on this fubject, (which was the means of bringing me under the engagements mentioned) to reaffume the confideration of what I had firft fixed on, I have been enabled to give it that improvement, and to make thofe additions to the main of the defign and matter treated on, that my first debt, is come at толь |