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" Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh? "
The Freethinking Christians' Magazine: Intended for the Promotion of ... - Side 544
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A journal or historical account of the life, travels, sufferings ..., Bind 2

George Fox - 1694 - 508 sider
...to break such things. ' And further, concerning the true fast the Lord requires, " Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor, that arc cast out, to thy house ? When thou seest the naked, that thou cover him, and that thou hide not...
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A journal or historical account of the life, travels, sufferings ..., Bind 1

George Fox - 1709 - 640 sider
...break fuch * things. * And further, Concerning the true Faft the Lord ' requires 3 Is it not, to deal thy Bread to the Hungry, ' and that thou bring the Poor, that are caft out , to * thy Houfe ? When thou feeft the Naked, that the* * cover him, and that thou bide not...
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The Christian institutes, or, The sincere word of God, a plain account of ...

Francis Gastrell (bp. of Chester) - 1717 - 352 sider
...heavy Burthens, and to let the oppreffed go free , and that ye break every Yoke ? Is it not to deal thy Bread to the Hungry, and that thou bring the Poor, that are call out, to thy Houfe ? When thou feeft the Naked, that thou cover him ; and, that thou hide not thy...
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An abstract of the historical part of the Old Testament [by ..., Bind 1;Bind 66

Edward Harley - 1730 - 332 sider
...HEAVY BURDrss, and to let the OPPRFSSED GO FREE, and that ye break every Yoke. 7 Is it not to DEAL thy BREAD to the HUNGRY, and that thou bring the Poor that are caft out to thy Houle? when thou feeft the Naked, that thou cover him, and that thou hide not thylclr...
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Scripture Politics:: Being a View of the Original Constitution, and ...

Samuel Croxall - 1735 - 530 sider
...heavy burdens; and to let the oppreff'ed go Jree ; and that ye break every yoke? Is it not, to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor, that. are caft cut, to thy hou/'e? When tkoufeeft the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thy...
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An abstract of the historical part of the Old Testament [by E ..., Bind 2

Edward Harley - 1735 - 798 sider
...heavy Burden, and to let the Opprcfled go free, and that ye break every Yoke f 7. Is it not to deal thy Bread to the HUNGRY, and that thou bring the POOR that are caft out to thy Houfe ? When thou feeft the NAKED, that thon cover him: and that thou hide not thy...
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Sermons..., Bind 6

Samuel Clarke - 1744 - 470 sider
...the heavy burdens, and to let the opprejjed go free, and that ye break every yoke? Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are caft out to thy houfe? 'when thou fee ft the naked, that thou cover him, and that thou hide not thyfelf...
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The Works of the Most Reverend Dr. John Tillotson, Bind 2

John Tillotson - 1748 - 428 sider
...him, makes charity and alms a moft eflential part of it, If. Iviii. 7. 9. Is it not (fays he) to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are caJt out, to thy houfe ? -when thou feeft the naked, that thou cover him, and that thou hide not thyfelf...
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The Works of the Most Reverend John Tillotson, Lord Archbishop of ..., Bind 9

John Tillotson - 1757 - 484 sider
...heavy burthens, and to let the opprefled ** go free, and that ye break every yoke ? Is it not " to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou " bring the poor that are caft out, to thy houfe ; " when thou feeft the naked, that thou cover him, ** and that thou hide not...
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Reflections on the Moral and Religious Character of David, King of Israel ...

John Francis (Vicar of Lakenham.) - 1764 - 220 sider
...the heavy Burdens, and to let the Opprejjedgo free, and that ye break every Toke ? Is it not to deal thy Bread to the Hungry, and that thou bring the Poor that are caji vut to thy HouJ'e ? When thou feeft the Naked, that thou cover him, and that thou hide not thyfelf...
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