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took her husband away from her, and she died that night in giving birth to this boy.

"For sixty years everything had gone on so smoothly with me, that I was ill prepared, in my old age, to stand this blow-I felt it rankling at the very core of my heart. My cottage looked sad and mournful-my sloop looked deserted, and in sorrow I prayed to be taken to the grave where my daughter lay. But Providence willed it otherwise. After days and weeks of restless disquietude, I suddenly resolved on going to Paris. The Emperor, said I, is generous-he will hear the prayer of an old man, and restore his son to him. This idea gave me the energy of youth. I travelled to Paris on foot; and there the scene of bustle which everywhere met my astonished eye, lulled for a moment my resentment and my sorrow. It was just before the battle of Austerlitz. The boulevards were thronged with the gaudy equipages of the rich and powerful. Peers, councillors, and senators were crowding to the palace, to make their homage to the Emperor. Praise and adulation re-echoed from every street and square in the capital; and the military energies of France were in full preparation for war. Hurried along I knew not whither-by the impetuous rush of the multitude, I found myself in the Champ de Mars, where thousands of the finest looking troops in the world were assembling amidst the enthusiastic cheers of the Parisians. In vain I cast my searching eyes along the ranks-my boy was nowhere to be seen. A sudden and convulsive movement announced the approach of the Emperor. The air resounded with acclamations. The countless multitude rushed simultaneously towards the post of honour. I was carried along with it-resistance was vain; and scarcely knowing what would become of me, I raised my eyes, and discovered my son in the body-guard of Napoleon. With the energy and vigour of my early days I made an effort to get near him, and at the moment he seemed within my grasp, I was borne away in another direction by a counter movement of the crowd. I called upon the name of my son, but my feeble cry was lost in the deafening shouts of Vive l'Empereur !'


Again the stream took another course, and I found myself within a few yards of the Emperor. My despairing cry of Mon fils!' opened me a passage -it caught Napoleon's ear; he turned

round; I rushed forward, and throwing myself at his feet, besought him to restore my son to my arms.

"France,' said Napoleon, 'has need of all her sons. Grieve not, old man. These,' he added, extending his hand towards the magnificent array before him these are all my children!'

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The air was rent with shouts of Vive l'Empereur! Vive Napoléon !' Overcome with grief, I turned from the Champ de Mars, and wandered to an obscure hostelrie at the other end of the town. The hopes which had sustained me on my journey were shattered, and I felt my frame sinking under the weight of my miseries. My child, my only child, was on the eve of quitting France. The glory of our country was to be purchased only by oceans of her blood. In my heart I cursed the ambition which robbed every cottage of its children-the wife and mother of her protector-the aged and infirm of their support.

"Slowly and in sadness I traced my feeble steps back to my home; but how changed was its aspect !-no longer the abode of contentment and happinessno more, after our anxious toil upon the deep, was the glad song of the fisherman to enliven our frugal meal-no more the lively voice of our poor Annette to cheer us after the peril of some stormy day. Still I would not despair,—my little boy tied me to life. I looked forward with anxious hope to the return of his soldier-father, and joyed in my anticipations of presenting him his son. During my absence, my boy contrived, with a touch of paint, to make our old sloop look well again; he had, morever, mended our nets: and, encouraged by the good example my child set me, I renewed my daily occupation.

"Thrice only did I hear of Jerome. Shortly after the glorious day of Austerlitz, when the star of our Emperor shone forth in all its magic brilliancy, I received the first tidings of my boy: he had distinguished himself on that bloody but memorable field--he had drawn upon himself the notice of his commanding officer, and was promoted. After an interval of some months, again I heard of his increasing fortune. Little did the Emperor consider, when he presented him with the cross of the Legion of Honour, that this was the soldier whom the poor old fisherman claimed of him in the Champ de Mars. These glories, gentlemen, raised my heart within me. Did not Ney, Davoust, and Lannes,

said I, rise from the ranks? and may not the humble fisherman live to see his son a general-a marshal of France !

"Alas! alas!-Honour and rank lead but to death. In the next battle-fired by the praise he had received, stimulated by ambition-my boy was foremost in the fight, and fell-covered, said the letter I received, covered with glory.

"It was then I felt in all its force the vanity of my aspirations. Humbled though I was, and little as I had to bind me to this world, I struggled to suppress my grief; and many a long winter's night, when the pitiless storm has dashed against the casements of my cottage, have I exerted myself to conceal the sorrows of my aching heart. Le bon Dieu has left me, said I, in this boy, the image of my child-for him shall my grief be forgotten-for him will I labour on; and for his sake have I continued to stem the tide of my affliction. But I felt the infirmities of age creeping on me; I had no longer the manly assistance of my son to lessen the dangers to which the appearance of your squadron exposed me. I could no longer venture, as we used to do, along the coast with the boldness and freedom of an expert mariner. My little voyages were protracted; my sloop, like myself, was almost worn out; and upon one occasion, a cannon shot from that black schooner of yours, struck us on our starboard bow, tore away our bulwark, and nearly deprived me of my boy. Yesterday morning we returned to Rochelle with a cargo of wine; the old sloop almost knew her way along the coast; and I had made up my mind, if God spared me my life, to work for my boy, until I earned enough to purchase a small chasse-marée for him. By that time I hoped he would be man enough to manage a vessel of his own, and his poor old grandfather might then sink in quietness to his grave.

"Mais, l'homme propose et Dieu dispose!-the event of last night has withered all my hopes. I have seen my poor old sloop-my friend, my companion for sixty years broken, unmercifully broken to pieces, and her shattered remains burnt to the water's edge. 'Twas a sad sight, gentlemen, for an old man of eightythree years to behold; and as the timbers crackled in the blaze, I thought my poor heart would break from its feeble tenement! and now what am I?-a broken-down captive in the hands of a powerful enemy.'

The old man checked himself; he

*H.M.S. Arrow.

seemed to feel that his grief was hurrying him into expressions which he should not give utterance to; and raising his eyes, he touched his cap in silence, as an atonement for what he had already said. The recital of his simple narrative seemed to be a relief to his mind, and he thanked us with a modesty I shall never forget, for our kindness in listening to it.

To sleep that night was out of the question-in fact we had not much time to think of it, as it struck seven bells (half past three o'clock) just as the fisherman finished his story, and we were in one of those smart frigates the regulations of which obliged us to turn out of our hammocks every morning at five bells, just allowing those who had the middle watch a two hours' restless nap, amidst the almost suffocating fumes of the finer particles of sand which enveloped them from the dry, holy, stoned deck. I thought a good deal of the French fisherman; and my reflections carried me with delightful rapidity from the dark cockpit to the command of a noble frigate: I imagined myself in all the pomp of power and authority, looking with benign compassion on the sorrows of the poor old captive. I thought of the happiness I should feel in restoring to him the remnant of his property; in fact my aspirations carried me so far, that I actually dozed off into the visionary idea of being a post-captain, and to complete the fabric of my dream I was one of the finest post-captains in the service; when the hoarse voice of the master-atarms, who shook my hammock until he almost shook me out of it, roared out, "Past five bells, Sir!" I then discovered I was but a younker. I had scarcely dropped into another nap-for I generally stood a second call-when the voice of the quarter-master roused me: "The first-lieutenant wants you on the quarterdeck, Sir." I gave a spring from my hammock in right good earnest. Such a summons, and at such a time, boded nothing good; instead of looking forward to what I would have done in my dream, I looked back to what I had left undone in my waking moments; but my thoughts were too confused to take a distinct glimpse of anything retrospective. Dressing myself with amazing alacrity, for a second call in this case was quite out of the question, I was on the quarter-deck with the speed of lightning, when, to my horror, the first objects that met my eye were the signal-flags we had used the night before, lying in disorder abaft the mizen-mast; an empty-black-jack; scraps of cheese and biscuit, and my Brittania


"I was bred a lady, and must have my state through the prejudice of education."

Inconstant, Im.

metal tooth-cup-the sorry remnants of THE MYSTERIOUS COUNTESS. our middle watchers. The first-lieutenant, to do him justice, never passed over the delinquency of the youngsters; and I verily believe that one or two mast-headings in the morning sharpened his appetite for his breakfast. On the present occasion, he eyed me with a malicious grin, which had more of pleasure than reproof in it, and to give my midnight frolic its full effect, had given strict orders that the flags should not be touched. Habit had accustomed us to each other; that is to say, I knew my man; for I walked quietly to the Jacob's ladder, and slowly ascended the rigging to the main top-mast head, while he called out" Four hours, younker."

This sudden transition somewhat cooled the enthusiasm of my dreaming lucubrations, especially when I thought of the assistant surgeon, who lay snugly shrouded in his hammock, whilst I was trying the difference of the temperature between the cockpit and the mast-head. The moment the first-lieutenant descended to breakfast, I took the immediate liberty of descending also; and calculating the exact time he would take to masticate his hot roll-which, by the by, I had learnt on former occasions to estimate to a nicety-I ascended again, and had just resumed my elevated post when he returned to the quarter-deck. His first glance was at the mast-head. He called me down. "Well, youngster," said he, "have you recovered the effects of your middle watcher?" "I have," said I, rather meekly. "Very well; you may go down to your breakfast."

The worst part of the affair was, however, to come. The first-lieutenant had ordered the midshipman's black-jack to be thrown overboard, and the offender must be punished. I was tried by a court-martial, fined six for one, and received a feeling mark of the caterer's striking propensities, which again convinced me of the fallacy of my dream.

At twelve o'clock a boat with a flag of truce left the ship, under the command of my friend Mr. Elwin, with the fisherman and his son. I ran up to the maintop with my telescope, that I might uninterruptedly watch their progress to the land. A crowd of fishermen collected round the old man's cottage, as soon as they observed the boat leave our ship; but when they perceived she was pulling in towards the town, they all hastened to welcome the old man's arrival; and at two o'clock he was restored to his aged wife, a heart-broken bankrupt.

U. S. Journal.

ON the 4th of October, 1829-I love to be particular in dates-a coach and six drew up before the shop of the wellknown jeweller, M- Rue St. Honoré. The equipage was covered with a profusion of gilding and heraldic devices, and the liveries of the footmen indicated high rank in the possessor. The steps being adjusted, a lady, splendidly dressed, descended, and entered the shop, where all the attendants, and even Mhimself, were profuse in their attentions

anticipating every look and sign, and displaying before her the most costly diamonds and pierreries.

The lady, with the most lofty nonchalance, selected jewels to the amount of about five thousand pounds, which were immediately placed in a casket by the obsequious attendants, when, handing her purse to the jeweller, he found it contained a sum, somewhat exceeding three thousand pounds, and short of the requisite amount. The lady, with many graceful apologies, and a momentary flush of vexation, begged pardon for the mistake-desired M- to lay the parcel by until she should call again with the money, and giving her name as the Comtesse de L-, departed with all the ceremony and splendour that marked her first appearance.

The coach passed up the Rue St. Honoré, in the direction of the Barrière Neuilly, turned by the Place de Louis Quinze, and finally stopped at the house of a celebrated physician in the Rue de Rivoli. The lady alighted here, and was shewn into the presence of the wellknown Docteur N- who, arising from his seat at a table covered with anatomical preparations, saluted her with his usual courtesy, and begged to know why he was honoured with this unexpected visit.

The lady, assuming an air of settled melancholy, replied, "I can hardly command my feelings, to tell you the cause of my unhappiness. My dear husband, the Comte de L-, during the early years of our marriage, was all that a fond wife could desire; my slightest word, hint, or sign was sufficient inducement for him to obtain any object of my wishes; but latterly the scene has changed," (here her voice became nearly inarticulate through grief,) "he has become

moody, sullen, and reserved; at times breaking forth into violent fits of rage without any apparent cause, thus making my life a perpetual scene of misery-in short, dear doctor, I more than suspect he is touched with insanity, and it is on his account that I now visit you, to obtain your advice, which I consider of more weight than that of any other member of the profession," (here the doctor, much flattered, made a low, disclaiming bow), "especially as the dreadful secret has been concealed from all his family, not even his brothers and sisters having the slightest intimation of it. "The following circumstance, doctor, has especially influenced my present visit. My dear husband, the compte, wishing to support the honour of his house, sent me last spring to the noted jeweller M-, Rue St. Honoré, with a carte blanche, to select ornaments to wear at the approaching festival. I at first hesitated; but finally, urged by his earnest protestations, went to-day, and chose a few to a trifling amount, more to please him than myself; as he delights, the dear Compte," (here the lady sobbed), "in seeing me splendidly dressed and supporting my rank. But, from the many similar instances I have observed, I have not the least doubt, that, on being reminded of the fact, he will pretend utter incredulity, and on being assured of its truth, burst into those terrible paroxysms, which but too clearly indicate the cause of his disorder. Therefore, dear doctor, favour me with your best-kindest advice -and-and-excuse the feelings of a wife;" (here the lady applied her handkerchief to her face, and was silent).

The doctor, crossing his leg, and supporting his chin upon his gold-headed cane, began to cogitate, with his eyes half-closed, and his body inclining forward at an angle of forty-five degrees. "Hum-- madame, confine him-yes, madame, we must-a clear case, madame -the humours, which, had they been pituital or salivary, would have been expectorated, having become sanguineous and melancholic, have retrograded upon the cerebellum-hem-m-and, collecting within the parietal developments, have partially obtunded the organ of memory, and occaecated the mental perceptions-yes, madame-water-gruel and flagellation" (here the lady's tears redoubled), "beg pardon, madame, tell the worst-always best-what says Galen? Non decipiendum sed monendum;' but excuse me, madame, while I make the necessary preparations."

So saying, he arose, rung a bell, and

directed his valet to see his chariot at the door, and to order Jean, le porteur, and François, le cocher, to attend him immediately; "and, hark'ee," said he in an under tone, "tell them to bring all my apparatus des lunatiques, dépechez, and let them follow in my chariot. will avail myself of the carriage of the comtesse," (the lady made a bow of acknowledgment), "and be careful to remain in the ante-room till I call aloud."

The servant retired, and in a few minutes announced every thing ready. The doctor entered the carriage of the comtesse; his own chariot followed at a short distance behind. During the ride, he used every argument to assuage the grief of the lady, which would burst forth at times with increased vehemence, until the honest médicin himself, hardened as he was to the details of his profession, became affected by sympathy. It seemed as if every tranquil moment only added to the violence of the succeeding paroxysm.


Passing down the Rue St. Honoré, they reached the jeweller's, M-, before mentioned, when the lady pulled the string of the coach and alighted. Upon entering the shop, she desired Mtake the packet of jewels, and accompany her in the coach, assuring him of his pay as soon as she reached the hotel of the comte, adding, with a fascinating smile, that he could have no apprehensions, since the jewels were still in his keeping. The jeweller, with a low obeisance of flattered vanity, took the parcel into his hands, insisted upon handing Madame la comtesse into the coach, sprang in himself, and the coachman snapping his whip, the equipage rolled magnificently down the Rue St. Honoré.

After a drive of a mile and a half, and crossing the Boulevards, they stopped at a splendid hotel in the Place du Trône, celebrated in history as the site of the Bastile. The jeweller, with his packet, alighted first, then the doctor, and lastly the comtesse.

The doctor making a sign to his myrmidons, they remained in the hall, while the lady ushered the jeweller and doctor into an ante room, until the compte should be apprised of the arrival of his visitors. After a short interval, she returned, and directed them to follow her. Ascending a splendid flight of stairs, she pointed them to the apartment of the comte, at the same time receiving from the jeweller the package of diamonds, hinting to him to present his bill to the comte, who was ready to satisfy him.

Upon entering the room, an elegant chambre carrée, they found a fashionably dressed gentleman, engaged in writing at an escritoire. He arose at their approach, and seemed to regard them with a look of astonishment.

"Symptoms to a hair!" ejaculated the doctor, in an under tone.

"To what am I indebted," said the compte, "for the honour of this visit?"

"I believe I am addressing the Comte de L-," said the doctor.

"The same," replied he, with a slight bow.

"My name is N—," rejoined the doctor, after a pause.

"I have not the pleasure of knowing you," said the compte.

To be so coolly and sensibly received by a madman, was a circumstance beyond the doctor's comprehension; the compte shrunk not from his fixed gaze, which, from custom immemorial, has been known to enthral the insane, nor did any "gaucheries" betray the "compression of his cerebellum." However, the doctor determined to persevere until some symptom should manifest itself, to justify calling in his posse comitatus.

"Were you never-that is to sayhave you never been-hem-Monsieur le Compte-afflicted with a violent vertigo, or headache, proceeding from-ahem-pressure of the cerebral particles? indeed, sir, you look pale-let me feel your pulse there it is-unsteady—tremendous acceleration! ah!"

"Sir!" replied the comte, who had yielded his hand in passive astonishment, "your language is entirely incomprehensible explain yourself, sir, or I shall order my servants to shew you the door." "Now don't be getting warm," replied the doctor, coolly, delighted at what he thought unequivocal symptoms; "don't fly into a passion; we all know your situation; a little touched," (pointing to his head), "just as your wife, the comtesse, said-very sensible at times," (aside to the jeweller).


My wife?" almost gasped the comte, "this is beyond all endurance! I have no wife-and, sir, let me tell you—"

"Poor man-poor man-just as she said-forgets his nearest friends and relations. I suppose, then, M. le Comte, you do not remember the jewels you ordered for the comtesse against the coming féte, of M. M? nor your repeated solicitations against her will? nor-"

"Mon dieu! que deviendrai-je?" almost yelled the comte, leaping up and throwing down his chair in his fury, as the jeweller advanced obsequiously,

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And the comte, fairly exhausted by passion, sunk into a chair.

"By what authority do you invade my house? and who are you?" he exclaimed.

"You'll know soon enough-got 'em outside strait-jacket and all — here!" cried the doctor, stamping his foot.

The men stationed without, burst in with cords, canvas, and all the apparatus for confining lunatics, and made a rush upon the astonished comte, who, at the moment of their entrance, drew a concealed pistol and fired it at the doctor. The ball grazed the left side of his head, carried off a curl of his periwig, and so jarred his "cerebral developments," that he fell completely stunned.

The rest rushed upon the defenceless comte, and overpowered him. They then slipped a strait-jacket upon him, and bound his legs with ropes, preparatory to carrying him to the doctor's maison de santé.

The doctor himself recovered immediately from the stunning effects of the shot, and superintended the operations with all professional precision, "bearing,” he said, "no ill to the pauvre comte for what he did, mente non compote, and labouring under a mental plethora of sensibility."

But the cries of the comte were loud and long; he roared, foamed, and grinned at the benevolent doctor, and was in a fair way to occupy a cell in any maison de santé with due lunatic propriety, when the neighbours and passers by, alarmed at his outrageous cries, poured into the chamber from all quarters, and among them his intimate friends, the Duc de C- and the Vicomte de S.

"On seeing them, the comte suddenly burst into tears, and entreated them to free him from his confinement, assuring them of his sanity of mind in such convincing terms, that the vicomte could hardly be restrained from drawing his sword, and making an example of the doctor on the spot.

"Ecoutez moi, donc! Ecoutez moi!" was all the terrified man of physic could utter.

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