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times think a person of your tender feel-, Why, if I had seen only your picture ings, and large heart. cannot go through should have loved you; how could I resist life, shutting yourself out from all the sweetest emotions it is given us to know; at such times," he continued turning from the water to her face, "I look around for the fortunate person upon whom you could have bestowed so rich a treasure as your heart."

all the charms of life?" he asked, with a softly reprachful glance. Evelyn shunned his look, and he added with an impatient jesture, "I could never make love by rule and compass. If I loved you at once why need I wait years to tell you so?" I thought Miss Loch avel would be superior

"And whom do you see?" she asked jest- to such conventionalism. I thought you ingly. would understand me."

"No one who is worthy, and I am sure your ambition will prevent you ever be stowing your love upon an unworthy object," he answered dejectedly. "I wish," he continued, "you would gratify my cu riosity and give me your beau ideal of the man whom you would have become your Lord, your Governor, your King?"

"I have him in my mind's eye, floating out-but I cannot explain. He must be, first of all, good and noble, and he must be that much cleverer than me that he can lead me, but not so much cleverer that I cannot follow him."

Evelyn was still leaning upon the rail with her face averted from him. At last she turned to him and said in a tone of deep, heartfelt sorrow,

"Doctor, why have you roused me from my dream? I was so happy in your friendship."

A sudden pallor overspread the Doctor's face, as he looked fondly into hers, then bowing his head upon his hand, he said, in a tome of unutterable sadness, “Ah, yes. It is always thus-friendship-regard, any thing but that love which I crave more than life itself. O Miss Lochavel! your

"Ah, me, what an awfully difficult task woman's heart would be touched with you will have to find such a man."

"I don't think so," replied Evelyn, artlessly. "I see them noble and clever enough, I don't despair of finding goodness too."

"Listen to me, Miss Lochavel," he said softly, laying his hand upon hers. "Give me a place in your heart, and you can make me what you will. Your love would make me good."

"No, oh no," cried Evelyn, in a tone ofj distress, and struggling to free her hand. "I cannot make you good. Icannot make myself good."


"Don't turn from me," said the Doctor, pleadingly. "Let me tell you how much love you. How I worship you.. Do you, can you love me?" he asked, bending for ward with an eager glance into her face. He saw only a look of troubled surprise there, and drawing back, he added gloomily, "if you will not let me love you, I have nothing left to live for."

"You have known me too short a time for such love as this," said Evelyn incredulously.

compassion, if you knew what a life of misery and privation mine has been. With me, no bud of hope has ever reached the flower. All are blighted. Al. Other people can win love fall and deep, while mine must ever be unreturned-or if a heart learns to throb for me, the cold finger of death stills its beatings. Evelyn, Evelyn, what have I done to merit such a fate from that heaven which is called just ?"

"Husb," said Evelyn, in a tone of gentle reproach, while tears of compassion sprung to her eyes.

"Forgive me," said he, "I did not mean to wound you, but when a man loves with his whole soul, as I have loved you, and finds it is all in vain, sorrow will make him selfish. I was learning contentment, or at least, I was starving out of my heart all desire for love when I met you. You came across my path like a great tempta. tion, and I had no power to resist. What a fool I was ever to think you could care for me."

"I do care for you-care more for you now than you will believe. But

"Do not think so," he cried, passionate- "Then why not let me love you," he ly. The first hour I saw you I loved you asked, while his soft, trembling fingers -my heart acknowledged you its queen. again closed pleadingly upon her hand,

and a flush of hope relighted his face. "Why not let me love you? As a proof of my great love for you, I am willing to wait months, or years, if you will only give me the slightest ray of hope, that you can ever return my love."

Silent and sad, they walked in the young moonlight.

You have doubtless observed, and perhaps been annoyed by the fact that the smallest amount of love-making cannot be carried on in a village, without exciting remarks, "I cannot," she answered honestly, "Iso, of course, anything so pointed as Dr. cannot. I am only your friend. I can promise to be no more."

Gilmer's attentions to Evelyn did not escape observation. The correctness of the "Then life is one long blank to me," said information which the good people had he, compressing his lips, while that ghastly on the subject was really wonderful too. pallor again overspread his face. "Would They even knew the very day-nay the very. your refusal could strike me dead, or that hour when the Doctor had proprosed to this gurgling brook had power to destroy her, The remarkable accuracy, with life, I might soon end it, with all its woes." which they judged so far, suddenly forsook An expression almost of contempt flit-them at this point, though, for they believ ted over Evelyn's face as she replied to ed and reported an engagement existing between the above named parties. I sup


"I did not expect to hear this from you, Drpose, if the records of Cupid's court could Gilmer. To see a man strong and talented, be examined, it would be found that the with the world before him, and his destiny decision "No" was as often recorded as in his own hands, sinking thus beneath the "Yes," yet I never knew a case of courtblow of disappointment, I cannot tell ship that was not aggravated into an enyou what emotions it excites in me." gagement, by Madame Rumor, until there was something positive known to the con trary.

The Doctor's face worked convulsedly as he replied:

"You are all in the world that I care for What have I to live for ?"

The Doctor was a little startled to find himself receiving congratulations, just "Men of your stamp, Dr. Gilmer are not when he felt most dejected, or even crabgenerally deaf to the voice of ambition; bed, perhaps for a discardal will somehow easily you might win distinction. times have that effect on an otherwise Your Creator has given you the capacity to amiable man. It seemed very much like entertain and instruct all around you. This mockery to him at first, and I think he had is not all," she continued, in a low tone, dim, unsettled ideas of knocking two or while a faint blush overspread her face, three men down, or thought with grim sa"You have yet to make your peace with atisfaction of severing the jugular of some justly offended God, a work for which of his especial friends. By and by, though, our life-time is given us-and yet you talk these diabolical thoughts gave place to betof nothing to live for." ter feelings, and it came to be a pleasure "Enough, enough," cried the Doctor, to the Doctor to listen to these sympathetic raising his head from his hand. "Grant expressions. me your forgiveness, and I will live to prove I am worthy. Forget all that I have said this evening, and be to me the sweet invaluable friend you were before."

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It seems one of the peculiarities of human nature to love to hear those things which we wish very much were true, even when we ourselves are painful"Gladly," cried Evelyn, holding out herly aware of their non-existence. So the hand to him, which he took and pressed to Doctor learned to love these congratulahis lips. "Gladly will I forget this even-tion, and when he became familiarized ing and live as we were before. Your friendship has become very dear and necessary to me."

Dr. Gilmer only smiled sorrowfully as he placed her arm in his and turned towards the village.

with them, he began to think, after all, they might some day be deserved, for she had expressed a great regard for his friendship, He knew of no other attachment, so long as that was the case-he might hope. I have described the Doctor as being of a san

then give her up. It was false philosophy, but he honestly believed it. Cupid is a · cruel, cruel god. Any other deity would have had compassion on a poor miserable subject, and not have maddened him by a decision confirmatory of his great fears. Charles thought he could be more resigned, if he found Evelyn kind and gentle

It is needless for me to tell you Charles did not tarry long. He left with a bosom filled with demoniacal passions, I am afraid resolved never, never to return.

grine temperament, you remember. After, tender strain, again, after a short time givsuch reflections, he resumed his visits toen to aggravation. Proving that it is imthe Colonel's and saw Evelyn very often possible to be angry long with one we love. She was very kind to him. She was ten-He went back to the village. He thought der-hearted, and could not bear the idea of it would be wiser to see her this last time, giving another pain, and she strove by every means in her power to convince the Doctor that, although she could not love him, and marry him she had the best feelings in the world for him. It was pure charity, on her part, but the Doctor saw it, and mistook it for encouragement. And the world saw it and mistook it for love. Madame Rumor, with more foundation or even slightly tender towards him, this than usual, continued to spread her reports, last evening. But instead he found Dr. until they reached out to the Willows and Gilmer. The Doctor was looking exagge startled Charles from his dreams. Evelyn ratedly happy, Charles thought, and was engaged, and to Dr. Gilmer? I know of one incessant stream of talk. Evelyn no combustible material the explosion of seemed to listen with exceeding interest. which, at his very feet, would have caused Persevering in her conscientious determinhim more astonishment, so I am left en-ation to lessen the pain she had given, she tirely without a comparison by which to paid him numberless little attentions, express his surprise. I find it difficult to which the Doctor received with excessive express his after feeling, they were so satisfaction. complicated. His first and strongest were anger and vexation against himself-he had allowed a prize offered to his acquisition, to be usurped by another without making one proper effort to win it. His next was indignation against Dr. Gilmer. He, by some guileful influence had won her heart. He thought he could have borne it better, had it been anybody in the world but Dr. Gilmer. Surely a man of his nature conld My story was in serious danger of comnever make Evelyn happy. He felt self-ing to an awkward conclusion with my condemned that he had not himself given last chapter. Charles, you saw, was honher some idea of the Doctor's character, estly determined never to come back, and but pshaw! she must know, she did know, I might never have been able to have and here his thoughts ran out into a little petulant strain against Evelyn. Poor, in. nocent Evelyn! By George! she must have been easily won, to have given her heart to such a man as Gilmer, because he could talk well, quote poetry and flatter, and look tenderly at her. Such things gave but a pitiful promise of happiness. The day would surely come, when she would unconquerable desire to give a party would repent being entrapped by such snares. This was a most unlooked for awakening from his dream. Forthwith he must put her from his thoughts-and yet he thought he would like to see her once more before she was banished. Have one more look― perhaps word, of love-before he gave her up forever to another. So he fell into this



brought my hero and heroine together again, but for a little timely assistance from Col. Rixey. The Colonel was subject to, I know no word that expresses the disease, but it was in reality an incurable fever for party giving. This disease would sometimes make its appearance at the oddest and most inconvenient seasons. An

seize him when there appeared really no provocation for it. In this case, though, there was some slight reason in his whim. Henry's school days in the village were over, he was going off to College, and Mattie wanted to give the party. `Evelyn, too, the Colonel said, in his conversation with Mrs. Rixey, would enjoy it. Mrs.

Rixey was in the habit of raising a great not thinking of the impression he was mamany objections to the parties, and the king, he was only nursing a delicious deColonel was in the habit of resisting and lusion. He was unwilling that any other making light of them. She, with her prac-person should approach her, only because tical good sense, generally gave in after a it would break that spell. He didn't care little resistance, and went cheerfully to that she should talk to him. It suited his work to prepare them. I think the Colo-humor well that she should be silent, he nel's remark that Evelyn would enjoy it, only craved to have her near him. was a convincing argument with her, for she had been troubled of late with the idea that Evelyn was looking sad,

When the scheme was explainad to Evelyn, she entered heartily into it, and by her taste and ingenuity added many an exquisite touch to Mrs. Rixey's arrange


A perplexing, troubled idea had come into Evelyn's head as she stood in silence by the Doctor. It was an idea Davy Childress had suggested to her months before, but she had taken no serious notice of it at the time. Appearances this evening brought it forcibly to her mind. It was the idea that Charles and Sis Childress were fond of each other. She could not tell why it bothered and perplexed her, except that she thought they would not suit each other very well. Yet she could not explain the origin of this thought, for Charles was looking very much pleased, and Sis seemed radiantly sanguine. Sis was unusually affected, Evelyn thought, and she could not help feeling provoked with her for shaking her curls about in such a senseless manner, but she chided herself the next moment for the feeling, for Sis looked so innocent and happy, and once, when they were standing very near each other, and Charles had turned away, Sis whispered in such a delightfully confiding tone, "I think he is the model of manly excellence."

Evelyn turned away from her flushed. joyful face, with a smiling assent, smothering in her heart, an uncharitable thought that Sis was rather silly.

All the fashion, wealth and beauty of our town and county turned out to that party. Even Charles Ruscal was induced to lay aside the recluse life he had been living since his last visit to the village. He explained to himself very often that he was not going, to see Evelyn, but because he felt it his duty not to slight one of the Colonel's parties. To strengthen himself in this conviction, he kept aloof from Evelyn that evening, devoting himself exclusively to Sis Chrildress. He talked a great deal, and seemed very gay. Evelyn thought she had never seen him look happier. He was very near her all the evening, although he was not talking to her, or seeming aware of her presence. It was a weak ness with Charles, that he was consciously guilty of he wanted to hear all she said. She was not saying much, though. I think it was not a pleasant evening for Evelyn. She seemed in a dreamy abstracted mood. As the hour for supper approached, Davy She did not acknowledge it to herself, but Childress began to wave his perfumed Dr. Gilmer's attentions were annoying to handkerchief like an enchanter's wand her. They were calculated to embarrass, about Evelyn, in spite of the Doctor's forat least, if not annoy her. He was by her midable air of possessorship. To be can. side all the evening-not the gay talking did, though, I believe the Doctor was Gilmer he was wont to be, but quiet and more amiable to Davy than he would have silent, regarding her with an expression of been toalmost any other man in the room. subdued tenderness. There was a certain When supper was announced, Davy offerair of right-posession in his manner, ed his arm and Evelyn accepted it. When which would have impressed the idea of they came out from the table, Davy asked an engagement upon any ignorant observer. her to promenade with him on the porch. If Evelyn had not been so pre-occupied, It was mild and pleasant, and Evelyn conshe would have observed this conduct of sented, secretly glad to escape for a while the Doctor's, and perhaps been seriously from the Doctor's attentions. angered by it, though I don't think the "Why Miss," said Davy, as soon as they Doctor meant anything rascally. He was had gotten out on the porch, "Why Miss, L

never saw anything so 'special as Dr. Gilmer's attentions. Hardly gives a fellow a chance to speak to you, Miss."

face, as if he was taken with a violent fit of tooth-ache.

Evelyn said something again, in a com

"The Doctor and I are good friends," passionate tone, about being sorry, and unsaid Evelyn, quietly.

"Friends, Miss," said Davy, bobbing his head sagaciously. Yes, I'll be hushed if you ain't more than friends."

Evelyn did not reply, and Davy continued, adjusting his cravat nervously with one hand:

able to love him. David exclaimed in a tone of wild incredulity:

"Good Heavens, Miss! I had no more idea of it than nothing. I was just as sure [you'd say yes, as I could be."

"Really. I am afraid you have misunderstood me," replied Evelyn, rather proud

"I tell you what Miss, I think you would ly. "I am not conscious of ever having be be an uncommon good hand to lead a fel-trayed any partiality for you." low on.

Uncommon good hand."

"Lead on to what? I don't understand


"No. Oh no. Stop, Miss. Pray don't," cried David imploringly, raising his handkerchief to his face. "Not a bit of it, Miss.

"To love you, and to tell you so," replied Not you. I'll do you justice. It was me Eavy, emphatically. made a fool of myself. But, oh I loved "Oh!" replied Evelyn, carelessly, "I don't you so," he added again applying his handkerchief to his eyes. know why you should think so."

Evelyn looked at him with a troubled face, and he said, with an explanatory manner:

"I, of all people in the world, Miss," said Davy, laying his hand on his heart with a tragical air, and looking fixedly into her face. "You, why," asked Evelyn, in a per- [ject to it. A great flowing at the nose and

plexed tone, as she returned his glance.

"Think I must have the grip, Miss. Sub

eyes." He paused as if a sudden thought -"here had struck him, and said, "Miss, may be, if I was to kneel to you it would be better. Without further consideration he came lumberingly upon his knees, and seizing her hand cried in the most impassioned tone, "O Miss, I hope, I hope thing."

"O Miss. Me, because Davy broke down with a nervous giggle. Turning his head aside he coughed in his hand, then said resolutely, but tremulously, "I'll face it out. O Miss, I love you most deeply.".

Evelyn was silent, and David continued excitedly, waving his handkerchief. "O Miss, I do love you devotedly, and you are not to think its on account of the money at all. It would have been all the same, Miss, if you had not been worth a cent. I value you above pearls and diamonds, Miss."

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"I am very sorry to hear it," replied sult, concluding that it would take David Evelyn. about as long to think of something pretty "Why?" cried David, in a tone of min-as Athens was in spreading herself from gled astonishment and alarm. the Acropolis to the sea.

"Because I don't love you," she replied frankly.

David sprang up, and rushing after her, whispered despairingly, "One minute, Miss! Is there a previous attachment?

Evelyn did not reply, and he asked eagerly:

"Good gracious, Miss!" cried David, in an unnaturally high key, while he made spasmodic movements with his arms and legs. "Why, Miss! you are not in earnest. Stop and think. I am as rich as I can be. I'll do every thing you want me to. And oh Miss, I do love you so," he added with Evelyn was surprised when she returned a lugubrious wail, laying his hands to his to the parlor, to have Charles meet her in

"Is it Dr. Gilmer ?" Then added in a tone of sad admonition. "It won't do, Miss. He couldn't bread you."

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