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"Did you ever think how rarely we re ney into the schoolmaster's pockets, the veal our true motives for doing a thing?" schoolmaster was putting absolutely noHe had scarcely spoken before he re- thing into David's head. So, Childress, pented, for Evelyn's face crimsoned, and Sr., abandoned the idea of learning, and she raised her eyes to his with a look of wisely resolved to take David into his eager inquiry. Charles answered her counting house, and thus it was that David glance with a blush as deep, and as guilty became a merchant. He had not been in as her own. Neither of them made any the store long, before he began to discover additional remark, and the silence was be- that curious talent for manners of which I coming both painful and embarrassing, have just been telling you. David had the when Charles rose to leave. After such a most inimitable way of drawing a scentconversation, Evelyn might possibly have ed handkerchief from his breast pocket, fallen into one of her old pensive moods, with the thumb and first finger of his left but for the timely entrance of visitors, who hand, while he gesticulated with his right. put such thoughts to flight. Miss Childress He could spread it on the breeze in such a and her brother, David, came in for a "lit- manner as to fill a whole room with pertle call visit," as Davia expressed it. In fume, and yet appear all the time so envifact David had become quite fond of ma- ably unconscious of the fact. David had king these little call visits, and I have been one other accomplishment, which his remiss in not introducing him to your no- friends maintained was natural, too, but tice sooner. David was a tall, thin, bandy- we suspected the hand of art in it. In shanked young gentleman, with black addressing you, standing, he always drew hair, which he allowed to grow very long, the left foot back into the right position, and a pale, greenish face, of corresponding and pitched the upper part of his body so length. From this slight description, you far in advance of the lower, that he seemwill be apt to discover that David was ed in incessant danger of toppling over, nothing of an Apollo, neither was he re- while he made an ugly figure behind, markable for wisdom. David's forte was which was suggestive of broken backs, manners. I believe he had more manners &c. I suspect he acquired this in some than almost any person I ever saw, which chance encounter with a dancing master. was the more remarkable as he had never I am afraid Evelyn had but little patience had any great opportunities for acquiring with David's exquisite ways, but she could them. From this fact, David's friends argued endure him for his sister's sake, for she that he must have a natural talent that way. liked her. This was not Miss Childress, This was gratifying, as David had disap- her name was Ann, and she was very digpointed them in another respect. When nified in fact. This was a younger one, he was younger, and had shorter legs, and known in the village by the familiar name a smaller head than at the time of which I of Sis. She was a sanguine girl, rather write, his father, a man of means had pretty, and had the reputation of being resolved to make a scholar of him. For very sprightly, though, in truth, I think it this purpose, he bound him out to a popu- was merely the sprightliness of strong anlar teacher to be educated. The teacher imal spirits, and unreflecting good nature. bound himself for an astonishing amount She must have been a sweet irl though, of learning, while Childress, Sr., bound for her friends seemed to love and admire himself for a plentiful supply of money. her very much, and David was always Well, both of these engagements were telling of something clever she had said or honestly kept, but, unfortunately, they for- done. got, in making the contract, to bind young David to furnish the brains, and David, taking advantage of this omission, stubbornly refused to furnish the brains-which, of course, spoiled the whole plan. Childress, Sr., being a shrewd, sharp individual, soon discovered, that while he was putting mo

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The conversation, on the occasion of this little call visit, of which I have been telling you, turned upon Charles Ruscal, which was quite natural, as Charles had been visiting both places that day.

"Charles Ruscal has been paying you a little call visit to-day, Miss?" said Davy,

rising from his seat. David generally) This was expressive, but certainly not stood when he had a remark to make. I explicit, and as Sis could not aid him, he suppose he was capable of throwing more was forced to take his leave without makvolume into a sentence, with his bodying himself satisfactorily understood on the pitched forward in the manner which we subject of love and melancholy.

have described. 66
Charley is my most
particular friend, and especial acquain-
tance," he said, drawing his handkerchief
from his pocket, and exhaling the perfume.
"Isn't he Sis? Why, Miss, look how Sis
is blushing." He cried exultingly, and


Editor's Table.

THE MESSENGER has passed into other

pointing to his sister, who was shaking her curls, and growing very red in her endea- hands. Of this the public has been apprivor to make it plain that she was not zed by the daily prints. It may not be blushing. "Why, Sis, had no idea you'd generally known, however, that the new show it so plain," said Davy, becoming Proprietors, whose debut is made in the very much amused. "To tell you the truth, present number, are young gentlemen brimMiss." he said with a confidential wink full of energy and ambition, with abundant towards Evelyn, "we think they are fond means, and, above all, imbued with correct of each other, Charley and her.” opinions in regard to the proper mode of Evelyn could not suppress a look of sur- developing a literary journal. They intend přise, while Davy, laying the first finger of to make THE MESSENGER, both externally and internally, far more inviting than it his right hand in the palm of his left, went has heretofore been; to pay for contribuon to demonstrate the thing.

“You see, Miss, it is so; Charley hardly

ever comes to town, without coming to our house, and when he's there he talks all the time to Sis, and makes her sing love songs

to him. Now don't that look like it Miss?" Evelyn could not deny her conviction,| that it had that appearance, although Sis was appealing to her for support.

"Why, Dave, how can you talk so?" cried Sis, shaking her curls, and showing other symptoms of confusion. "You know he scarcely notices me when sister Ann is in the room, unless he wants me to sing He wouldn't care for that if you could sing," she added, turning to Evelyn with a playfully teasing manner.

tions; to advertise liberal to secure agencies in all the principal cities and towns of the Confederacy; to enlist the best and brightest talent in the land; and,

while upholding a lofty standard of literature, so to enliven and invigorate the old magazine, as to enlist the favour and attract the admiration of all classes of society, except such as delight in productions intrinsically low and puerile. Their ideal is high, but at the same time popular, and it is their purpose to leave nothing undone which can ensure the public approval and establish at once their own reputation and that of the magazine.

They are prepared to do what their predecessors have not done and were not able to do; that is, to impart to the business management that energy and system without which no enterprise can or ought to

"Ah, yes Miss, what a pity you don't sing," interposed David, as he resumed his seat with a dejected air. "What a pity; there is one song I would give a thousand prosper, and to give to the editorial departdollars to hear you sing."

"What is it?" asked Evelyn, expressing regret at her inability to gratify him.

"I can't think what's the name of it, but it's a love song," answered Davy, waving his handkerchief with a perplexed air. "Sis can't you think of it."

"If sister Ann was here she could tell in a minute. Its got 'melancholy' in the

second line."

ment that undivided attention which a first class magazine imperatively_demands. And here the former Editor and Proprietors think fit to say a word in self-defence, as well from natural impulse as to forestall criticism detrimental to themselves, which the certain and rapid improvement of the magazine will be sure to provoke. Owning a printing establishment, the incessant engagements of which occupied nearly

their whole time and means, the Proprie- enlist sympathy and elicit articles by let tors could devote only intervals of leisure ter-writing. Under all these disadvantato THE MESSENGER. Long experience had ges, it is something to the retiring "mantaught them not to place too much confi-agement" that they have been able to keep dence in the Southern demand for litera-alive THE MESSENGER during three years of ture; they were unwilling to give up a terrible war, and in spite of a depreciated certainty for an uncertainty. To them, as currency and a great scarcity of paper. to others, a bird in the hand was worth two This they think they may justly claim, and in the bush. Hence THE MESSENGER was they care to claim no more. not and could not be developed as it should have been. The risk of expanding and improving it, the Proprietors were unwilling to run. They were not unwise enough to sacrifice a paying business for one which might not pay, and which could be made to pay only by giving up, one that was already paying. The circulation of THE MESSENGER was small, so small, and the cost of publication, latterly, so heavy, that the pay of the Editor was trifling, and that of contributors merely nominal. It may excite surprise, and will no doubt sound laughable when we state that, in times of peace, the Editor's salary was but $300,a pitiful sum, truly, which was increased during the past year to $400, or, allowing for present depreciation, just Twenty Dollars in coin, for editing the leading and, in fact, the only Southern magazine for a whole year.

This expose is made in no spirit of complaint, but simply to show how Southern literature was supported, and why THE MESSENGER languished. The Editor felt that no injustice was done him by the Proprietors, for they worked much more and much harder than himself, not only without remuneration, but with actual loss. It was optional with the Editor to retain or decline his position; but, for many reasons, he liked it and chose to remain, hop. ing for better things. Nevertheless, he was compelled to seek a support from other sources, and, finding it, could spare from his manifold occupations only a few hours


A better and brighter era has dawned on the Magazine, which for thirty years has stood in the front of Southern periodicals. New life is to be infused into it and a true system to be adopted. It will now succeed, because it has entered the path which leads invariably to success. is no occasion to invoke the public favour in behalf of the new owners. The world looks kindly on all young aspirants for distinction, and withholds no favor from them so long as they deserve it. By their tact taste, judgment, energy, they must stand or fall. In the present instance, they are going to stand. We have seen them, conversed with them, measured them, and make bold to predict success for them. A

bright career, beset with some difficulties,

it is true, is before them; but the time is not distant, when they will look back upon the revelations made in this, our parting editorial, as a curious and instructive legend of Southern literature in its early and struggling stages.

It remains only for the former Editor and Proprietors to make their bow. With best wishes alike for their old subscribers

and contributors, and for the new Proprietors; with kindliest remembrance of the associations, past and present, which now terminate; and, above all, with profoundest aspirations for the success of that great and sacred cause on which all Southern literature depends, they bid their friends and readers a cordial, hearty, hopeful fare


to devote to that which should have engaged his whole time. Thus hampered, it was impossible for him to do full justice The public has already been informed, to himself, or to the Magazine. Unable to through the proper channels, of the change compensate contributors sufficiently, op- which has taken place in the editorial as pressed with compulsory writing for other well as business control of the "Messenjournals, he could not secure the articles ger." With the present number, the edihe wished, even by the cheap remunera-torial labors of Dr. BAGBY in connection tion of friendly correspondence. He who with the Magazine will terminate, and the toils for the daily press has little chance to present editor at the same time assumes


A Magazine Devoted to Literature, Science and Art.

VOL. 38.]





Author of a History of Virginia.

(Copy-right secured.)


[No. 2.

treated with respect and was soon returned
to the Southern lines.

The careful reconnoisances of the ene-
my's position at Elk Water, discovered its
great natural strength and its perfect fortifi-
cation by all the arts of engineering appli-
cable to mountain roads, forests and water
courses. It could not have been carried
except by regular approaches with siege
lines and heavy guns. For this the South-
ern army was not prepared, and after full
consideration, General Lee gave orders to
his subordinates to draw their brigades
and regiments back to their camps at Val-
ley mountain and Greenbrier river.

On the 13th, General Lee moved nearer to the enemy's position on Elk Water, to reconnoitre it more carefully. One of his aids, Col. John A. Washington, of the Engineer Corps, was very daring in His approaches so much so as to draw an unThis unfruitful advance, caused some heeded word of warning from other offi- disappointment in the Southern mind, and He was a great nephew of George critics were not wanting who censured Washington, and had been the owner of General Lee for not making an assault the Mount Vernon estate, until it was pur-upon the enemy's works, and who insisted chased by an association of ladies. He that he was too much averse to shedding was highly esteemed by his comrades, and being now in his first campaign, sought for success and renown with ardor. On Friday, the 13th, he was riding, with six companions, around the enemy's works, when they came suddenly upon a party of Federal scouts who had just advanced from their picket station. A volley was fired into them; his comrades retreated, but Washington, who was riding in advance, fell from his horse with four bullets through his body. When the scouts came up, he was lying in the moment of death, his hand attempting to grasp his pistol: he faintly smiled and said, "How are you boys, give me some water;" a canteen was placed to his lips, but he was dead. a His body was

the blood of his soldiers, and expected to
win decisive positions and advantages by
strategy, rather than by hard fighting. But,
subsequent reflection and experience, have
shown that this able leader was right in
his course in this campaign. His broad
military foresight forbade him to jeopard
his troops in a bloody assault upon impreg-
nable entrenchments, and the time came
when, at the head of a splendid army, he
proved himself capable of dealing the most
terrible and bloody blows with matchless
skill and energy.

Learning now by couriers of the union of
Rosecrans and Cox, and of their advance
upon Wise and Floyd, General Lee deci-
ded at once to reinforce the Southern ar-
mies on the line of Lewisburg, feeling as-.

a Letter in Cincinnati Commercial, Ex-sured that a strenuous effort would there aminer, October 5th. be made to penetrate the valley of Virgi


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nia. He left General Henry R. Jackson,, was already suffering heavily from sick with about twenty-five hundred men, to hold ness, caused by forced marches and expohis position on the Greenbrier river, and sure to the cold rains of the mountains. ordered the residue of his army to follow Not less than fifteen hundred patients were him to Lewisburg. He reached General in his wretched hospitals, lying under worn Floyd's camp, at Meadow Bluff, on Friday, and ragged canvas tents, in heaps of the 20th of September, and after conferring soaking straw, shivering with chills or with him for two days, joined Gen. Wise, burning with fevers and daily dying in at Sewell Mountain, on Sunday the 22nd. scores. He felt that his expedition, comWise's position had been selected and ju- menced with so much of vaunting and diciously entrenched by Gen. Henningsen. triumph, was a failure. In the words of and the experienced eye of Lee saw at one of his own followers: "It was indeed once that it was very strong and capable one of the most foolish, as well as one of of arresting a very heavy hostile force. the most flattened out expeditions that could He accordingly ordered forward his troops possibly happen, and it is no wonder that "The fact of the to the spot and extended the defensive the men felt miserable." works already planned. matter is: Carnifax Ferry, about which so much has been said and written, turns out more and more to our cost, a great blunder and a sad mistake; and instead of heaping opprobrious epithets on Floyd and calling him coward, we must in the end admit

In one of these

Meanwhile General Rosecrans, with fif teen thousand men, advanced and took possession of the top or Big Sewell Mountain, skirmishing with the forward troops of the Wise brigade. conflicts, Lieut. Col. J. W. Spalding, a brave Virginian, was killed. Gen. Lee daily expected an attack and was prepared for it. His force now assembled immediately confronting the enemy, was twelve thousand, and his entrenchments enabled him to

defy an attack in front. His only danger was that his position might be turned by difficult and circuitous roads round the mountain. Against this he guarded by great vigilance and constant cavalry scouts, in which Col. J. Lucius Davis, of the Wise Legion was specially active and success


that he has turned out to be Rosecrans'
superior as an officer and a general. He
out maneuvred him in every way, and in
The same
every sense of the word." a
writer thus describes the woe of the Yan-
kees in seeing the front of Lee's army:
Sewell, giant like in form, while our troops
"There stood the Southern troops on Little

stood looking on with amazement, full of
chagrin and disappointment."

A stealthy reconnoisance in the darkness of night, around the Confederate position, revealed its strength. Rosecrans made no attempt to entrench, for he had no purpose of holding his camp on the Big Sewell. Rosecrans had been led by Cox to be- He gave orders for a silent retreat. On the lieve that he would meet very feeble oppo- night of the 6th of October, his troops sition in his triumphant march to Lewis-moved to the rear in the dark, and the next burg. a He pushed forward his men over morning, when the Confederates looked horrible roads and through drenching rains. ont from their eamp, the whole of the Gen. Benham led his advance. On reach-threatening host that had confronted them ing the top of Big Sewell, great was his for twelve days before, was gone. Geneastonishment and chagrin to find a strong ral Lee made no attempt to pursue them, army marshalled in his front, and well the state of the roads, and his want of constructed entrenchments stopping his cavalry and artillery horses, rendering it path at every point. He was so much impossible. The enemy fell back to Moundiscouraged by the certainty of severe bat-tain Cove, thirteen miles below Gauley tle and probable defeat if he advanced, bridge, and in a few weeks the united force that wavering and indecision took the of Rosecrans and Cox at all effective, did place of boldness and hope. His army

a Letter from Camp Benham, Oct. 8th, in Cincinnati Times.

a Letter of M. E. I. from Camp Benham, October 8th. Cincinnati Times.

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