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of ascending the hill. It is expected that Kisses admit of a greater variety of the memorial will be inaugurated during character than perhaps even our lady readthe month of October next.-Oxford Jour-ers are aware. Eight basial diversities mal. are mentioned in Scripture. The kiss of Salutation-Sam. xx. 41. I Thess. v. 16. Valediction-Ruth ii. 9. Reconciliation-2 Sam. xiv. 33. Subjection-Psalms ii. 12. Approbation-Proverbs ii. 4 Adoration-I Kings xix. 184 Treachery-Matt. xxvi. 49. Affection-Genesis xiv. 15.

It is stated in Paris that Queen Victoria has hitherto refrained from replying to the letter of her son-in-law, intimating the splendid victory" of the Prussians at Duppel.

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It is understood that Madame Alboni has retired from "the profession."





Charleston was the port near which La Fayette first landed in America. At a public dinner given him on his second visit to this country, he gave the following toast:

Uncle Sam had a neighbour who was in the habit of working on Sunday, but after Perpetual and ever increasing prosperity awhile he joined the church. One day he to the city of Charleston, where an Amer met the minister to whose church he be-ican recruit received a first blessing, and longed. Well, Uncle Sam," said he, " do which shall have the last wishes of a grateyou see any difference in Mr. P. since he ful veteran.

joined the church?" "Oh, yes," said In the latest volume of Carlyle's history Uncle Sam, "a great difference. Before, when he went out to mend his fences on Sunday, he carried his axe on his shoulder, now he carries it under his overcoat."

A physician, examining his student as to his progress, asked him, "should a man fall into a well forty feet deep, and strike his head against one of the tools with which he had been digging, what would be your course if called in as a surgeon?" The student replied, "I would advise them to let the man lie and fill up the well.".

of Frederick the Second, occurs the following fearfully and wonderfully made sentence: "Let us try and select, and extricate into coherence and visibility, out of these historical dust-heaps, a few of the systematic phenomena of physiognomic procedures of Frederick in his first weeks of his kingdom, by way of contribution to some portraiture of his then inner man." Certainly.

Jean Paul has many fine thoughts. Here is one:

"Man has two minutes and a half to live

Francis, Duke of Luxembourg, was a celebrated French general, and much de-one to smile, one to sigh and a half to love for in the midst of this he dies. But. formed. His uniform success, when contending with William III., of England, the grave is not deep-it is the shining When the rendered him an object of jealousy to that thread of angles that seek us. prince, who once, in the bitterness of his unknown hand throws the fatal dart at the heart, called him "hump-backed." "What end of man, then boweth he his head, and the dart lifts the crown of thorns from does he know of my back?" said the mar-. his wounds." shal," he never saw it."

There are two things which will make us happy in this life, if we attend to them. The first is, never to vex ourselves about what we can't help; and the second, never to vex ourselves about what we can help.

It is a singular fact that a woman cannot look from a precipice of any magnitude without becoming giddy. But what is still more singular, the giddiness departs he very moment somebody puts his arm around her waist to keep her from falling. Queer, isn't it.

Never speak of a man's virtues before his face, nor of his vices behind his back.

THE TIME TO BLUSH.-" Blush not now, said a distinguished Italian to his young relative, whom he met issuing from a haunt of vice, "you should have blushed when you went in." The heart alone is safe which shrinks from the slightest contact or conception of evil and waits not to inquire, what will the world say?

Dean Swift says: "A woman may knit her stockings, but not her brows-she may darn her hose, but not her eyes-curl her hair, but not her lips-thread her needle, but not the public street."

Major General John Pope, the prince of Federal liars, is going to write a history of Perpetual motion-a woman's tongue his campaign. It is likely to be a good

when talking about her baby.


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