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Literary Notices.

law-making power shall resume its vacant seat, when pointing to the recent action of the Confederate Congress with reference to the periodical press, we can, with every

Our catalogue of new publications for hope of success, say to an enlightened the past month, is exceedingly meagre. Virginia Legislature, "Go thou and do However active the presses of publishers likewise." We have upon our table the may have been, the irregularity of the following recent publications. mails for which we are indebted to the

By Campbell & Dunn. Approved by the Educational Association of Virginia, through their Committee. Richmond: Ayres & Wade. 1864.


First-To have a proper combination of spelling and reading lessons, the former auxiliary to the latter.

Secondly-To make the beginner familiar with one step before taking another. Thirdly-To contain connected narra tives that will interest the young reader, instead of disconnected sentences, com

polite attentions of Sheridan, Kantz, Spears and others, to whom the Southern people owe so many obligations, has "curtailed" even the usual brief "proportions" of our list of book notices. We question, howe ver, whether publishers have escaped the This work has the following advantages: difficulties and obstacles which have mul-it is a Southern publication, embracing the tiplied to such an extent during the past most approved features of previous publithree or four weeks, as to enforce a sus-cations, prepared by competent hands, enpension in alinost every department of dorsed by some of the most eminent and business. If the experience of our co-successful of Southern Teachers, and publabourers and brethren of the press else-lished by an enterprizing firm, well known where, has been at all similar to that of for its energy and success in its publicathe periodical press of Richmond, many tions. The compilers have endeavored weeks will elapse before the business of to give The Child's First Book the followpublication can resume its former activity. ing features: Here, in Richmond, the editors, proprietors and employees of periodicals have, for the time being, been swept away by one universal,, indiscriminate deluge of enrollment, (conscription would be plainly a misnomer in this connection, since that would imply a legitimate exercise of its privileges by the law-making power) which has neither spared "age" nor exhibining in the whole "sound instruction in bited the slightest consideration for the morality and true religion." helplessness of "sex," and which has The work realizes a creditable degree embraced "the lame, the halt," and we of success in the attainment of three immay say the "blind," if such a degree of portant ends, and we bespeak for it the nearsightedness as requires the aid of favourable consideration of those who spectacles to read a "proof," or avoid appreciate the importance of encouragecontact with a lamppost may be said to approximate blindness. Our contemporaries of the daily press may well congratulate themselves in these troublous times, upon their political character and their THE ABMY SONGSTER. Dedicated to the accredited influence with the masses. Το Army of Northern Virginia. Published our brethren of the "monthlies" and by Geo. L. Bidgood, Richmond, Va., 1864. "weeklies," we extend our sympathies in their forlorn condition, as representatives This is one of the almost numberless of matters of such insignificant concern, catalogue of "Song-Books," "Songsters," as the religious and literary interests of etc., which has been published during the our people. We also tender them the as- war, rejoicing in such patriotic titles as surance of our confident anticipation of the "Rebel," "Stonewall," "Soldiers," &c., the "coming of a better time," when the which with a most refreshing contempt

ment of meritorious Southern publications, instead of the wretched Yankee trash, with which the youthful Southern mind has been so long poisoned.

for consistency in name and date, embrace ine of this gigantic strife-culminating in sprinklings from the lyric muse of almost Southern Independence-will go hand in hand to an emulative Posterity. every age and clime. "No one to love," "Rory O'Moore," "Kathleen Mavourneen," "Marseillaise," &c., &c., of course figure extensively. We suppose that the "Army Songster" is quite as good as the rest, and we are not sure that this is extravagant praise.

It is the duty of every proud-spirited Southron, particularly men-of-the-line, “rank and file" braves, to make mutual expressions of the valor and merit of comrades in arms. The noblest impulses and the most sacred ties, felt in the breast of the soldier only, impel them to it. Unimportant or uninteresting as may seem a single incident, interwoven with many others, it will be enshrined in every home, treasured as imper

wreathed with the blood-bonght "roll of honor," and held sacredly inviolable amid the trophies and archives of every county ard State, eventually to be engraven on the golden page of a Free Nation's History.

We have already endorsed by an edito-ishable on the consecrated Society-roll, rial announcement the worthy object which is expained in the following advertise ment. This eloquent appeal does not re quire the assistance of commendation from us of the noble design which is sought to be promoted. We most cheerfully insert the appeal, and invoke the earnest attention and co-operation of our readers:


February, 1864.

The obscurity of advertisement suggests to the undersigned the importance of using a medium of more earnestness in approach


Facts should be attested by an official, civil or military. Such as are desired to remain unpublished during the war, should be so marked. Diary's and other manu. scripts will be returned.

Address Captain George Chase, eare of Magnolia Weekly, Richmond, Va.

Journals of the Southern press feeling an interest in the work, will please copy and notice editorially.

The Charade in our March Number has

ing the public upon the nature of a work, elicited a number of replies from corresthe design of which is immediately for the ad-pondents, all making the answer "Courtvancement of the Southern cause, by offering ship." The large number of persons usuan inspiriting, historic reward to the immortal ally believed to be awaiting the issue of a veteran soldiery of the Confederate Army. It aims purely to do justice in awarding business so interesting, possibly affords an merit to worth; if partial, it will be in explanation of the interest which the honest effort to extol the virtues of the Charade has attracted, and the facility with humblest, as of the most exalted. It will which it has been interpreted. The followbe replete with INCIDENTS of remarkable daring, endurance, sacrifices and suffering is so happily rendered, that we make ings in battle, marches, camp, hospital no apology for its appearance, though it is the and imprisonment-by which victors and second answer which we have published. victims, with or without rank, living or dead, whose meritorious deeds eminently entitled to distinction, shall be placed in the annals of the present American war.

Sketches of the lives of distinguished soldiers, regardless of grade; descriptions and events of campaigns, battles, skirmishes, raids, scouts; incidents of every character, in which there is pathos, humor, romance, comedy or tragedy-all such as have become fugitive by newspaper no. tice, especially anecdotal and obituary, are solicited.

Admiration for the Spartan-spirited daughters of the sunny South, demands for them the highest and most enduring tribute. Innumerable instances are expected of their unexampled devotion. They are worthy the loving praise of a great, chivalric race. The hero and hero




"In days of old" a Court, I guess,

Was robed in "Splendor regal,"
And could of "gold" allow no less
Than to be "tender legal."
To watch 6:
a public man"—I ween,
No "plan" is any better-
And he who would his fortune screen,
Must to 66 a friend" be debtor.


"Then," in the Ship that "bore him on"

"Man did delight,"—and greatlyAnd tho' its fame for speed be gone, It lost it rather lately;

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Addressed by a Baptist Minister in Florida, to a Presbyterian Minister in Virginia, his College Chum, some five and forty years ago,

"I long hae thought, my youthful friend, A something to hae sent you, Tho' it should serve no other end

Than just a kind memento."-BURNS.

'Tis long, my friend, since we hae met, Or since we've held familiar chat On Mollie, Eveline or Bet;

On jiltin' jades, or this or that. But ye maun ken I've nae forgot

With whom I quondam conn'd my


With whom it aftimes was my lot
To haud dispute, and aft a freak.
Ah! blithesome were those days of auld,
And gleesome did their moments pass;
We baith were young, we baith were

An' ilka loed his lore an' lass.
Aweel! aweel! those days are gaen
To haud dispute with 'auld lang syne,'
Sae let them gang an' gab alane;

For by gaen days we'll nae repine.

Its nae in man, whate'er his craft,

To gar the wheels o' Time run back: We winna grieve-O look alaft;

There's guid an' gear for a' we lack.

The daylight there kens ne'er a cloud,
Nor dusky Een, nor murky Night;
'Tis noonday aye, an' brightness croud-
The thought amaist bedims my sight.
O when we meet my friend aboon,
We'll need nae mair your Argand lamp,
Nor light o' stars, nor sun, nor moon;

We'll by the Laird o' light encamp.

An' by the brightness o' his face

We'll con nae lawlan lingo more; We'll turn Heaven's golden leaves o' grace,

An' as we con the GUDE adore.

J, S. B.

The three rules given by the celebrated John Hunter for the rearing of healthy children were--" Plenty of milk, plenty of sleep and plenty of flannel."

Foreign Selections.

that, amid all the woes of the Southern Confederacy, her women still feel their utter ignorance of the fashions whenever they have a new dress to make up or an LIFE IN THE CONFEDERATE STATES.-The old one to renovate. I imagine that when wife of a General in the Confederate ser- our intercourse with the rest of mankind is vice, writing to her friend in Europe, says: revived, we shall present a singular as"There are many little things in which pect; but what we have lost in external our daily life is changed-many luxuries appearance, I trust we shall have gained cut off from the table which we have for in sublimer virtues and more important gotten to miss. Our mode of procuring, qualities." necessaries is very different and far more complicated. The condition of our curPRINCE ALFRED.-Whether or not it is rency has brought about many curious true that Prince Alfred, as Lord Brougham results; for instance, I have just procured remarked at the late Social Science Conleather for our negro shoes by exchanging gress, is one of the best of princes, he has tallow for it, of which we bad a great become an immense favourite among the quantity from some fat beeves fattened and Modern Athenians, some of whom have killed upon the place. I am now bargain- gone the length of seeking locks of his ing with a factory, up the country to ex-bair from the barber who usually had the change pork and lard with them for blocks honour of cropping his Royal Highness. of yarn to weave negro clothes; and not Like his elder brother, the Prince is a heavy only negro clothing I have woven, I am smoker. Nothing, in fact, seems to please now dying thread to weave home-spun for him better than a good pipe of tobacco, myself and daughters. I am ravelling up and a chat with two or three cheerful comor having ravelled all the old scraps of fine panions. He is also of a mechanical cast worsteds and dark silks to spin thread for of mind, and in his smoking room at Holygloves for the General and staff, which rood he had fitted up a turning lathe, with gloves I am to knit." These home-khit which he was in the habit of amusing gloves and these home-spun dresses will himself by making neat little boxes and look much neater and nicer than you would other articles as presents for his visitors. suppose. My daughters and I, being in In photography he is remarkably proficient, want of under garments, I sent a quantity having imbibed a strong relish for it from of lard to the Macon factory, and received his mother, who is known to be practicalin return fine unbleached calico, a pound ly conversant with the art, and to have inof lard paying for a yard of cloth. They structed her family in its details. A phowill not sell cloth for money. This un- tograph of the Prince, taken by himself a bleached calico my daughters and self are few days ago at Holyrood, now forms one now making up for ourselves. You see of the chief attractions in the saloon of a some foresight is necessary to provide for fashionable and popular artist here. I may the necessaries of life. If I were to de- further mention, as facts which are not scribe all the cutting and altering of old generally known, that his Royal Highness things to make them new, which now per- is equally expert on the violin and harmo petually goes on, I should far outstep thenium. One incident illustrating a highly limits of a letter-perhaps I have done so favourable trait of the Prince's character already, but I thought this sketch would must not be omitted. Some time ago, as amuse you, and give you some idea of our will be remembered, one of his eyes was Confederate ways and means of living and accidentally blackened while he was playdoing. At Christmas I sent presents to my ing at racket. The ball, it seems, had relations in Savannah, and instead of the been flung against him by a student, who, elegant trifles I used to give at that season of course, became greatly annoyed, not to I bestowed as follows:-several bushels of say alarmed at the result of his awkwardmeal, peas, bacon, butter, lard, eggs, sau-ness. The poor fellow manifested extreme sages, soap (home-made), rope, string, and and, no doubt, sincere sorrow for the oca coarse basket! all of which articles, I am currence, but his despondency gave place assured, were most warmly welcomed, and to hearty admiration when the Prince good more acceptable than jewels and silks humouredly asked him to dinner at Holywould have been. To all these we are so rood Palace next day, in order to lighten familiarised that we laugh at these changes the tedium of his Royal Highness's temin our ways of life, and keep our regrets |porary imprisonment. The invitation, I for graver things. The photographs of your believe, was accepted.-Edinburgh corres children I was so happy to see. You would pondent of St. Andrew's Gazette. have smiled to have heard my daughters divining the present fashion from the style of dress in the likenesses. You must know

tator, is estimated at £5,000,000.
Lord Overstone's fortune, says the Spec-

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GARIBALDI AND VICTOR HUGO-On Satur | him adieu. At this time the Italian style day week, the day on which he received was in high favour at Vienna; Meyerbeer the visit of his Royal Highness the Prince wrote his "Two Caliphs" at the request of of Wales, Gen. Garibaldi wrote as follows the court, and, neglecting the prevailing to Victor Hugo:-(Translation.)-"To Vic taste, failed of success. He then took the tor Hugo, Hauteville House.-Prince's gate, advice of Salieri, author of "Tarere," London, 22nd April, 1864. Dear Victor who comforted him by the assurance that Hugo, To visit you in your exile was with he had evinced true gerius in his last mume more than a desire-it was a duty; but sical composition, and pressed him to visit many circumstances prevented me. I hope Italy. Here his taste became modified you will understand that distant or near I under the influence of a beautiful climate, am never separated from you, and from and he was charmed with the Italian style. the noble cause you represent. Always In this style he wrote his first great opera, yours, G. Garibaldi." (Reply.) "Haute- the "Crociato in Egitto," which establishville house, 24th April, 1864.-Dear Gari-ed his fame. From this time he commenbaldi,-I have not written to you to come ced a series of works which have achieved because you would have come, and what the highest success. His "Robert le Diaever might have been my delight to take ble," the "Huguenots," the Prophète," you by the hand-you the true hero-the "Etoile du Nord," and " 'Dinorah," whatever joy I might have had to receive are known all over Europe. Besides his. you in my house, I know that you were operas he has written a Stabat, a Miserere, better occupied you were in the arms of a Te Deum, twelve psalms, several canta. a nation, and one has not the right to take tas, an oratorio, and a great number of you away from a people. Guernsey sa-melodies to Italian, French, and German lutes Caprera, and perhaps one day may words. In 1842 he was Chapel-master to visit it. In the meantime let us love one the King of Prusssia. He was also a Memanother. The people of England at the ber of the Academy of Fine Arts at Berpresent moment present a noble spectacle.lin, an Associate of the Institute, and an Be the guest of England after having been Officer of the Legion of Honour. the Liberator of Italy. This is beautiful INTERESTING ANTIQUARIAN DISCOVERY.-A and grand. He that is applauded is fol-discovery of considerable interest to antilowed. Your triumph in England is a victory for Liberty. The Old Europe of the 'Holy Alliance trembles at it. The reason is, there is no great distance from these acclamations to deliverance- Your friend, Victor Hugo."

quarians has been made in digging for the foundation of the memorial to the late Sir George Lewis, which is to be erected on a Soon after the workmen had commenced commanding eminence at New Radnor. operations, solid walls of great thickness DEATH OF MEYERBEER.-A telegram an- were here and there discovered, and on nounces the death of the celeb.ated com-going down to the depth of twelve feet the poser, Meyerbeer. He was born at Berlin, floors of rooms, dungeons, court yards, and September 5th, 1794. His father, James dark passages of various kinds were seen. Beer, a rich Jew banker, gave him an ex-In fact, much of the remains of Radnor cellent education, and his musical talents Castle was thus unexpectedly brought to developed themselves so early that at light, many of the moulded windows and seven years of age he played the piano- arch doorways being apparently but little forte at concerts. At the age of fifteen he injured. Some of the windows, indeed,. commenced his musical studies. The contain their original iron gratings. The Abbé Vogler, one of the greatest organists moulded details of the remains date back of Germany, had at this time opened a as far as the 13th century, and are good school of music at Darmstadt, into which specimens of the style. On these discov. only the rarest talent was received for cul-eries being made, the committee consulted tivation. Here Meyerbeer had for fellow- the architect of the memorial, Mr. John pupils Gæusbarber, chapel-master at Vien- Gibbs, of Oxford, and the unanimous opinna, C. Maria von Weber, and Godsfroy de ion was that the discovered remains should Heber. Two years after the commence-be preserved and a fresh site selected. ment of Meyerbeer's residence with Vog- The memorial will now therefore be erectler the latter closed his school, and the ed not far from the foot of the Castle Hill, two travelled in Cermany during a year. and at a point where the road diverges At Munick, under Vogler's auspices, Mey-right and left from the Kington Road, a erbeer produced his first work, "Jephtha's spot similar to that on which stands the Daughter;" he was then eighteen years of Martyrs Memorial at Oxford. Altogether, age. Vogler now drew up, with amusing the change may be considered advanta self-complacency, a brevet of maestro, togeous, as the passer-by on either road will which he added, at the same time, his now be enabled to examine the beautiful blessing, gave both to Meyerbeer, and bade | details of the memorial without the trouble

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