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self strenuously to complete the works. | with the enemy's cavalry, the main force He was efficiently aided by Major Gilmer, of the Confederates was withdrawn to a of the Engineers, and under their indefati- position near the Stewart road, leading to gable efforts, seventeen guns were mount- Fort Donelson. By reason of the flooding ed on the main work, twelve of which of the river grounds and the enemy's posi bore on the river, consisting of one tention, this was the only line of retreat open inch Columbiad, one rifled cannon, throw-to them.

ing a ball weighing sixty-two pounds, two Upon a deliberate view of the whole poforty-twos and eight thirty-two pounders, sition of the Southern military interests, all arranged to fire through embrasures Gen. Tilghman now reached a resolve formed with sand bags.a At the same high in soldierly self-devotion. He saw time a number of laborers were kept at that the preservation of Fort Donelson work on the epaulments, and to endeavor was of paramount importance, and beto shut the water out of the fort. The lieved that it might be saved, if the main rising of the river had already sent two feet of water into the lower magazine, and the ammunition was removed to a temporary magazine above ground.b

body of his forces, and other reinforcements expected, reached it in time. The capture of Donelson would not only insure that of Fort Henry, but also render necesWhile these works were in progress, sary the abandonment of Bowling Green, Gen. Tilghman went to Fort Donelson, Nashville and Columbus, while, on the and passed a day in the thorough inspec- other hand, the capture of Henry would tion of its works. On the 4th of February, be comparatively small in its results, and heavy. firing was heard trom the direction by the delay of resistance might save of Fort Henry, and at four o'clock in the Donelson. He resolved, therefore, to deafternoon a courier arrived with the infor-vote himself, with a small garrison of mation that the enemy were landing in sixty-one officers and men, to the defence force at Bailey's Ferry, three miles below, of Fort Henry, while his main body, by on the east bank of the river. Gen. Tilgh- the delay thus gained, was enabled to man immediately returned to Fort Henry march in safety to Fort Donelson. with an escort of cavalry.

Ignorant of his plans, the enemy advanced their infantry on both sides of the river as far as could be done without coming under the fire of their own gunboats. They then halted their land forces, and waited for the reduction of the fort by their flotilla, knowing that until this was done they could not move to the attack of the

The preparations of the Federals for capturing the fort and its surrounding works, with their garrisons, were truly formidable. General Grant, with twelve thousand men, advanced from Bailey's Ferry up the east bank; Gen. Smith, with six thousand, marched up the west bank, while Commodore Foote, with seven gun-outworks. boats, armed with fifty-four cannon, approached by the river. To meet this combined assault, Gen. Tilghman had but a total of two thousand six hundred and ten men, only one-third of whom were well armed and disciplined.c Yet, had the location of Henry been fortunate, even this small force would have held it for an indefinite time. But it was impossible to overcome the disadvantages of its exposure. After some vigorous skirmishing

p. 80.

At eleven o'clock on the morning of Tuesday, the 4th of February, Commodore Foote assumed a line of battle with his gunboats, about two miles below the fort. His first shot was fired at about 1 o'clock, without effect. The flotilla then drew slowly up the river, firing as they ad→ vanced, but generally with wild aim and little injury to the work. Gen. Tilghman had not yet arrived, but Col Heiman was vigilant and full or courage. Knowing that their thirty-two pounders would do no

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a Col. Gilmer's official report, March 17, execution at such a distance, he forbade all firing except trom the Columbiad and b Col. Herman's official report, Feb'y 8, the 24-pounder rifle.a These were care. p. 557.

c Official report, Feb. 12th, p. 11.

a Col. Herman's off. rep., July 8, p. 558.

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fully trained on the approaching boats,, tion. The Cincinnati-the flag-ship of and fired with accuracy and effect. By Com. Foote-was struck twenty-eight reason of its great recoil, the Columbiad times, and so much irjured that she was broke the clamps which fastened the car-compelled to return to Cairo.a Few of riage to the chassie, and for fear that it the gunboats escaped injury. Yet, by their would upset under another discharge, it number, and the unhappy position of the was not fired again. But the rifle poured fort, they were able to continue the assault upon the boats a stream of archer shells, with destructive vigor. which struck them again and again, and When the flotilla reached a distance of as they came within range, all the eleven twelve hundred yards from the fort, their guns bearing on the river opened on them. fire was tremendous, and began to tell The fire was continued for half an hour, with serious effect upon the earth works when the flotilla withdrew. Their object and embrasures. Sad disasters occurred was to feel the strength of the fort. They at the most effective guns of the garrison. received several damaging shots, and did At twenty-five minutes before one o'clock," not renew the attack until the 6th. At the 24-pounder rifle burst with frightful daylight on the 5th Gen. Tilghman ar- violence, killing three men and wounding rived, and completed all arrangements for all the others employed in working it. making a resistance as protracted as the This event discouraged the garrison, befort could offer, and thus gaining time for cause it destroyed their best gun, and the retreat of his main force to Donelson. caused them to doubt the strength of the On Thursday, the 6th of February, the large pieces when fired with heavy Federal fleet again approached in line of charges. Yet the artillerists stood bravely battle. They fired their first shot at a to their work, and continued the fire with quarter before twelve. They drew gradually nearer, firing incessantly, though for a long time with very inaccurate aim. The fire of the fort was perfectly cool and deliberate. The garrison was so small that the duty of working the twelve guns bearing on the river required all their efforts, and gave them no time for reserve. Hence Gen. Tilghman, with his efficient aids, Cols. Heiman and Haynes, Majors Gilmer and McCornice, enjoined upon the men to fire slowly, and always with good aim. The artillerists were directed by Captains Miller, Haydon and Taylor, and Lieuten- blacksmith was sent for, and came immeants Watts, Welles and Jones, and well diately. He worked with perfect coolness performed their duty. They labored un- for many minutes, exposed to the hottest der the disadvantage of not being able to fire of the enemy, endeavoring to open the fire plunging shots. The high water vent, but without success.b Thus the brought the gunboats nearly level with most efficient guns of the fort were silent. the fort, and the line of fire on both sides Meanwhile the gunboats drew nearer was almost point blank. Nearly every and nearer, until the nearest was not over shot from the fort took effect. In an hour six hundred yards distant. Their fire, and a half the gunboats were struck from more than forty guns, was terrific. seventy-four times. Twenty-two balls struck the Essex, one of which passed directly through one of her boilers, taking off the head of Captain Porter's aid in its passage. The scalding steam injured many of her men. She was so disabled that she floated helplessly down the stream, and took no more part in the ac

the coolest courage. At one o'clock a heavy shell from a gunboat passed through an embrasure, breaking and upsetting the 32-pounder there, and disabling every man at the piece. Nearly at the same moment, a 42-pounder exploded prematurely; killing three men, and wounding the chief of the piece and several others. To add to the discouragement thus produced, the fire of the Columbiad ceased. Gen. Tilghman at once examined into the cause, and found that the priming wire had been jammed and broken in the vent.

A brave

The air was filled with a hurricane of shot and shells, which tore asunder the parapets of the fort, destroyed the embra sures, and dismounted many of the guns. The incessant labor of the few men in the

a Gen. Tilghman's official report, 13, 15. b Lt. Col. Gilmer's official report, p. 83.

garrison had so exhausted them that they, fight, and is such a high-toned, brave mar, sunk with fatigue. In an hour and five that he won my heart."a minutes, only two guns continued to re- The loss of the Confederates was twenspond to the enemy's fire. The officers ty-one killed and wounded, and forty prísrepresented to Gen. Tilghman that all was oners, with the fort and its armament, and lost unless fresh men could be obtained. a small quantity of quartermasters and He answered: "I shall not give up the commissary stores. The Federals lost work." He threw off his coat and sprang seventy-four killed and wounded-more upon the chassie of the nearest gun, en-than the whole garrison opposed to them. couraging the men by his example and Although the fort was thus lost, yet words to contiue the combat. At the same Gen. Tilghman's skilful dispositions and time he directed Col. Heimar to send for obstinate defence gained the all-important fifty men from his regiment on the out-time needed to save the main body of his posts, to relieve the exhausted garrison.a command. They retreated by the Stewart Col. Heimar. started for them himself, but road. Want of transportation compelled before he could bring them, the fate of them to leave their artillery and most of Fort Henry was decided. The gunboats their camp equipage. It was fortunate poured in a fire under which it was apparent that the work would be soon in ruins, the guns all dismounted, and the garrison killed or disabled. At ten minutes before two o'clock a flag of truce was waved from the parapet by Gen. Tilghman in person. But the fire of the enemy continued, probably because the signal was not seen in At ten minutes after two, the flag of the fort was lowered in token of surrender. The fire on both sides ceased, and the terms of capitulation were promptly arranged. The officers were to retain their side arms, and both officers and men were to be treated with the highest consideration due prisoners of war.b

the smoke.

It was stated in Northern papers that when the surrender took place, Commodore Foote made to Gen. Tilghman the disparaging remark, that had he been in command of the fort, he would not have · yielded it. This statement is wholly false. Officers present testify to the terms of military courtesy which passed between the adverse commanders, and Commodore Foote, in a letter to a relative, soon afterwards, said: You will see quite enough, and perhaps more than you want to see, about our fight. Tilghman and I became quite sociable, if not warm friends, before I turned him over to our General as I was leaving, the evening of our action. He acted so bravely and gallantly in the

a Report of Col. Heiman, 560; Gilmer, 83.

b Gen. Tilghman's report.

they did not attempt to take it, for the roads were impassable for wheels, by reason of heavy rains and the back water of the Tennessee. A body of the enemy's cavalry attacked the rear guard about three miles from Fort Henry, but were decisively repulsed by a regiment under Col. Gee and Major Garvey. On the night of the 6th the retreating column reached Fort Donelson, adding twenty-five hundred and fifty men to its effective force.


(Inscribed to the memory of GEORGE WALTER ROGERS, who was mortally wounded at the battle of Stone River, January 2nd, 1863.



Where the cannon, loudly roaring,
Hailed upon us shot and shell,
Where were myriad rifles pouring
Storms of missiles, there he fell.


In the fore-front of the battle,

Eager in the dreadful fray,
'Mid the booming and the rattle,
Smiling like a child at play.


There before him was the foeman,
There th' invading Infidel,

a Letter in Chicago paper, March 7, furnished to me by Col. T. H. Ellis.

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Many are apt to regard Italian literature as a thing of the past. They place it in the same category with the Classics of Greece and Rome, or side by side with that brilliant group of literary gems to which the Castilian proudly points as the bequest of Cervantes, Lope de Vega and Calderon, but to which so few have been added in the long ages since their days. When allusion is made to the literature of that soft tongue, which in its modern phase we hear only as the medium of the artistic music of the opera, there are few minds which do not instantly recur to the days of Ariosto and Tasso, Petrarca, Dante and Boccaccio, or of the astute and subtle Machiavelli. Some indeed, mindful of that bastard drama, which it suited no other tongue so well to adorn, and which couched itself so readily in the natural melody of the Tuscan, are at no loss to

"While she waits and hopes to see me, recall the names of Metastasio, Goldoni,

She will learn that I am dead, And the angel that must free me, Brings a woe upon her head."

Verdi, and. their brothers in that art. In times very near to us, the writings of such men as Alfieri and Silvio Pellico cannot fail

to make us acknowledge that all the glory genius, the thoughts of statesmen, the kind of Italian litarature does not linger in the ling utterances of song in a garb of such distant corridors of medieval times, that splendour and grace that none could fail the light of to-day's sun is shining upon to recognize their power and dignity. It the thinkers of that fair land with some at was from this source that the vanguard of least of the brightness with which he English thought first drew the lesson that illumines those of English lineage. But a new era was dawning upon Europe, that with the almost feminine softness of him, the time was come, when new modes of whom Austrian dungeons had becalmed thought, a new civilization and fresh prininto the peace of a martyr, the great mass ciples were to find their expression in new of humankind can have little affinity. Fresh languages adapted by nature to their utter from the sunshine of freedom, with their ance. When Geoffrey Chaucer, fresh from manly vigour undiminished, they read his conference with Petrarca and Boccaccio, sad tale with pity indeed, but scarcely went back to England to pen his Canterwith sympathy, As for Count Alfieri, bury Tales in the native dialect of his proud, impetuous, austere, with a mind countrymen, England took her first step cast in the mould of the haughty Patrician forward in the race for literary honour.. of ancient Rome, and with passions as hot Before that day Italy had already in Boiardo, as a feudal baron's, his temper, his char- Pulci, and others, her budding literature; acter, the type of his genius, were so little and her first bloom had supplied her with akin to the time in which he lived, that it the works of Ariosto and Dante. A Mockseems almost an anachronism to rank Lim Heroic, such as Tassoni gave her in his among the modern writers of Italy. But Rape of the Bucket, has scarcely been even there is one class of writers, who have attempted in English literature, if we exredeemed the mixed race of Latin and cept the Rape of the Lock, decidedly Lombard from the shame of pointing back Pope's best poem, as a work of art. The to medieval times, when the world asks burlesque in Fielding's Tom Thumb is so for the latest productions of their language broad, that there is no trace of the Heroic rich enough in genius to claim the meed of visible; and we can really find nothing foreign praise. A noble array of Novel- else approaching the nature of this deists come forward to prove the title of their scription of poetry in the annals of early beloved Tuscan tongue to a place among English literature. Even the soaring Muse those languages, which can boast a con- of Milton appears to be indebted for the nected, living and growing literature. We conception of his great poem on the origin claim, it is true, a glorious literature as our of Sin to the Divine Comedy, and for his heritage, in common with English speech chaste and beautiful Comus to the Italian and English law. But, noble and justly Masques. If, in later times, the writers of honoured as that literature is, we cannot, Italy have not altogether kept pace with in this matter, boast very much over the the rapidly increasing variety and scope Italians. They, too, possess a rich, a varied, of English authorship, we must look for a cherished treasure in the many pages of the cause in the cramping influences of dead and living princes of the pen, the enslaved religions and political thought. chosen of the Muses. While the Norman A constant and unavailing series of strugFrench was still the written language in gles for liberty has stifled the voice of England, and the scorned Saxon remained genius, and clogged the efforts of national the badge of a conquered people, in. Italy energy so long, that her writers were left the Tuscan tongue had long emerged from in the beginning of the present century the the night of medieval barbarism, had left sole privilege of painting the manners of the ungraceful and inflexible language of the past. But here, in the only field of the old Empire to its barren rule over the labour in which their genius could move disputations of Schoolmen, the decrees of unimpeded, they have succeeded so well, Councils and the petty studies of Acade-that the English is perhaps the only nation mies, and had entered upon the nobler which they have not excelled. mission of clothing the inspirations of

Incited by the world-wide fame of Walter

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