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tested field, and in his intercourse with all Regardless of his own life, he quickly those who came near him, with a full lus- gathered some fifty or sixty brave spirits, tre-yet it remained for this occasion to and like a brave "Navarre," hurled himshow to his generals, officers and soldiers, self upon the enemy's flanks, driving them not only that the soul of the patriot beat back into the town in utter confusion, in every movement he made, but that his opening the road for the escape of his generosity and nobleness of character command, and placing the wagon train could only seek the good of his country out of danger. The enemy rallied, when and people, despising self-aggrandisement. he was charged again and again, but the He had been left at Shelbyville to dispose Young Murat met them with volleys of the cavalry, so as to cover the movement pistol shots and the clatter of sabres, and of the army to Tullahoma. Gen. Martin, repulsed them. The boldness and gallantry with one thousand men, arrived at Shelby-displayed in these charges have not been ville, after a severe march of fifty miles, surpassed in the history of this Revolution, in a drenching rain, which had damaged and counterbalanced his paucity of numhis ammunition, and most of his guns had bers. It was now sundown; everything was become too wet to be fired. On the ap- across Duck River in security, and he was proach of the enemy from Murfreesboro. about to make still another charge, when with 12,000 cavalry, supported by infantry, a staff officer caught him, and pointed to under Generals Stanley and Granger, of his rear, where the enemy had again surwhich movement General Wheeler was rounded him. With another column,. fully advised. General Martin moved out and took position at the breastworks. Gen. Wheeler soon joined him, but only in time to hear that two hundred of Martin's men, stationed about one mile to his left, had been run over and captured by a large force of the enemy. He then ordered the withdrawal of the forces to the town, which he determined to hold, notwithstanding the condition of his guns and ammunition, as above stated, until the arrival of General Forrest who was momen-safety. It afterwards proved that General tarily expected.

wheeling quickly, he charged through it, and plunged headlong into the river, then swollen to a mighty torrent, and amid a shower of bullets, making the water fairly foam, he clambered up the opposite bank. Of the sixty who formed this "forlorn hope," but thirteen escaped, and three of these were badly wounded. His first thought, after crossing the river, was to send to Gen. Forrest, by a circuitous route, and explain how he could move out in

Forrest never came nearer Shelbyville than the breastworks, from which place Three other heavy columns were press- he sent in a scout and awaited its return. ing upon him. One of them had charged On hearing that the enemy were fighting a portion of his forces, and driven them Gen. Martin's command, and thinking he over the Tullahoma Bridge. Finding him- could be of no service, he turned back and self so completely surrounded, this gallant crossed the river some miles below town. officer started the remainder of his com- Gen. Wheeler was dressed in full uniform, mand out of town, and remained with his and citizens and prisoners taken early in escort, and checked one column which the fight so described him that the enemy threatened their destruction. Charge after easily recognized him, and called to their charge is made, and his sabre flashed over men to catch him. They afterward's told the head of many an invader. When en- the citizens of Shelbyville that they "had tirely surrounded, he charged through a whipped him that day, but that he was the a column which held his line of retreat, bravest man in the world." It was a poor and might have himself retired without triumph to attain so small a result, after further danger. He then saw that a por-fighting for four hours, twelve thousand tion of his forces had been cut off, and the against six hundred. But for the desperate enemy held the bridge over Duck River, resistance they met, many of our trains which, if permitted without further resis- would have been lost. The Shelbyville tance, would have enabled them to have troops, having obtained fresh supplies of pursued and overtaken the army trains.ammunition, fully revenged themselves in

This work accomplished, this energetic and indefatigable soldier was ordered te

the many brilliant and successful fights in, were captured, and the remainder of the which Gen. Wheeler engaged the enemy command completely routed and disin front of Tullahoma, at Alliaonia Bridge, persed, many of whom were picked up on New Church, Elk River Bridge, University the following day. The entire train of Place, and many others, during that hazar wagons fell into his hands, and the Yankee dous but fortunate retreat. commander escaped with only about After our army had reached Chattanoo, seventy-five men, half of whom were disga, the enemy started a large cavalry raid mounted. During this, and the two preinto Alabama. Gen. Wheeler frustrated vious days' fighting, 18 stands of colors this raid by meeting it at the Tennessee of colors were captured by Gen. Wheeler. River. After many vain attempts to effect The next morning he warmly engaged the a crossing, the enemy was compelled to enemy, and drove him into Chattanooga, abandon the expedition. and the following day, being ordered to When our army retired from Chattanoo-drive him from Lookout Mountain, he go to engage the vandal hosts in the great made a night assault upon the enemy's victory of Chickamauga, Gen. Wheeler's fortifications, driving him off the precipicommand guarded all the passes of the tous edge of Point Lookout, capturing a mountains, and was successful, after se- considerable amount of equipage and vere fighting, in checking Rosecrans' right clothing. wing, which was endeavoring to penetrete to Rome. He, with his command, bore a prominent part on the battle field of cross the Tennessee River, and, if possiChickamauga, being hotly engaged during ble, make the circuit of Gen. Rosecrans' bon days of the battle, as well for several army. So worn and jaded were his men days preceding and succeeding that event- and horses that his subordinate commandful day, making frequent charges upon the ers gave it as their opinion that it was enemy's lines with the most telling effect. impracticable to execute the order. The During the 19th and 20th of September, he commanders of three brigades entered captured about 2,000 prisoners, a large solemn protests against their commands train of wagons and ambulances, large being further called upon in their unsersupplies of medical stores, and other val-viceable and worn condition. Cavalry uable property. On the morning of the officers of extended experience asserted 21st he moved with a portion of his forces that half of the command would be lost into Chattanooga Valley, behind the ene- from inability to travel, and even predictmy's right flank, and soon found two col-ed the entire command would be sacriumns of cavalry moving upon him. Be- ficed. In the face of these discouraging fore these columns could unite, he vigo-statements and predictions, this young solrously attacked one and drove it back to-dier knew nothing but obedience to his wards Chattanooga. Leaving his escort orders, and the bugle notes to "march and a regiment to hold that column in were sounded, and by a skillful ruse-decheck, he moved with the remainder of guerre, Ife boldly crossed the Tennessee his force, then reduced to scarcely a thou River at Cotton Port, in the face of an sand men, upon the other column, which enemy whose strength was fully equal to proved to be a brigade of five regiments of his own, warmly assailed the enemy, and cavalry, numbering not less than 2000 drove him towards the Cumberland mounmen, guarding a large and rich train of tains, capturing nearly a hundred prisonwagons. He skilfully disposed his troops, ers. At dusk the column was put in moand placing himself at the head of his tion towards Waldron's Ridge, in a drenchcommand, charged with such vigor that ing storm. About 10 o'clock, General their lines were broken, and the whole Wheeler being in advance with his staff mass swept down the valley. Away they and escort, encountered in the extreme went, and our gallant cavalier in hot pur- darkness of the night a regiment of cavalsuit, keeping up a running fight for seven ry, which he charged, driving them into miles, killing and wounding large num- the most perfect confusion, wounding a bere. Four hundred and fifty prisoners few of the enemy, and capturing ten pris

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tained by them. While withdrawing, he was attacked by an overwhelming force from two directions, which he resisted as he fell back, until dark, inflicting upon his pursuers a heavy loss. By 10 A. M. the next day he had traveled forty miles, and was leading the column which had passed directly over Cumberland mountains, in an attack upon the fortifications at MeMinnville. After a short fight the works were carried, and an immense depot, of supplies, including quartermaster and ordnance stores, 250 horses, a train of wagons, twelve stores well stocked with all kinds of goods, and 587 prisoners, fell into our hands. A large locomotive and train of cars were also captured by Gen. Wheeler while they were endeavoring to escape. The remainder of the day and all night was spent in destroying all property which was not appropriated by the command. The immense bridges over Hurricane Creek and Collins River were also thoroughly destroyed.

oners. With great difficulty the command one person saw the entire train. marched up the mountain, and next day Yankee quartermaster in charge showed reached Sequatchie Valley. By this time by his papers that it numbered 800-six the horses were exceedingly worn. He mile Government wagons, loaded with all selected about 1300 of the best mounted kinds of quartermaster, commissary, ordmen, and took the saddle at 2 A. M. on nance and medical stores, besides which the 2nd of October, to scour the valley in there were a large number of sutlers' wasearch of his prey, while the remainder of gons, and other private vehicles of all. the command was ordered to march slow-kinds-probably in all about 1000 wagons. ly over Cumberland mountain towards Many citizens who saw the trains estiMcMinnville. Three hundred of the men mated their number at between 2000 and he started with were uecessarily detailed 3000 wagons. Some of the enemy's newsto guard his rear and flanks. After papers have represented it as the richest marching six miles with his escort and train captured during the war, and inflictadvance guard, he captured 32 wagonsing the heaviest loss of property ever suș200 mules and horses, and a number of prisoners. These were taken in charge by the 4th Ala. Reg't Cav., and with the remainder of his command, now less than 1000 men, he pressed down the valley. As jocund day began to stand tip-toe on the mountain tops on either side, and the sunbeams to cast their golden radiance upon the fields of that fertile valley, as if to cheer the weary soldier for the brilliant achievements before him, a column of the enemy was encountered, and no sooner seen than the notes of the General's bugle sounded the charge, and each horseman, instinct with new life, rushed forward and dislodged the enemy from each position which he endeavored to hold. On arriving at Anderson's Roads, upon the level valley as far as the eye could reach, and all the way up the mountains, nothing but the white tops of the immense wagon trains could be seen. This train was guarded by a brigade of cavalry in front, one in rear, and a brigade of infantry supported by cavalry was directly opposed to him. For nearly two hours the enemy From McMinnville he moved towards The enemy at resisted stubbornly, but by attacking each the Nashville railroad. column with vigor in detail, before they Murfreesboro' having been strongly reinhad time to concentrate, he succeeded in forced, he deemed it unwise to attack routing them thus capturing the entire them in their fortifications. After capturtrain, with more than a thousand prison- ing a strong stockade, with its garrison, in ers. Eight hours were now consumed in the suburbs, destroying the large railroad selecting and sending to the rear such ar-bridge over Stone River, and tearing up ticles-mules, wagons, &c.—as could be several miles of the track, he moved down carried off, in thoroughly destroying the the railroad to War Trace, capturing two remainder of the wagons, and sabreing or trains with supplies at Christiana and shooting down thousands of mules that Fostersville, tearing up many miles of the were not needed. No accurate estimate of track, burning all the railroad bridges, inthe number of wagons and value of the cluding the large ones near and just below property captured could be made, as nol War Trace and over Duck River,and captur

ing the stockades, with the garrisons.) perty and rich stores destroyed, and the Thence he marched on Shelbyville, where great damage done to the railroad, is taken he captured and destroyed a large quan-into consideration, this can but be considtity of stores, the garrison having beat aered by far the most brilliant and successhasty retreat the night previous.. The ful raid of the war. garrison at Columbia also retreated rapidly toward Nashville, after destroying their


With but little rest, he was ordered into East Tennessee, to co-operate with Gen. Longstreet. By that gallant soldier he was The designs of the expedition having ordered to press towards Knoxville, to been accomplished with far greater success create such a diversion as would hide his than the expectations of the most sanguine. own movements near Loudon. General Gen. Wheeler commenced his return Wheeler pushed boldly over the Tennessee march towards the Tennessee River. River, made a night's march, and attacked Rosecrans' entire cavalry force, not less and captured a Federal cavalry regiment than 13,000 men, had been warmly fight-at Marysville. Just as the regiment suring him in rear and on the flanks for four rendered, Col. Woolford, with his brigade days, being continually repulsed with of cavalry, crossed Little River, to come great loss by our hrave troops. They now to the relief of the party at Marysville. advanced rapidly, after being reinforced Gen. Wheeler charged and drove him by a division of infantry, to attack him. over the river in confusion, capturing one A portion of the command having taken a hundred and ten prisoners, besides killing road different from what they were or- and wounding large numbers. The foldered, were attacked when isolated under lowing morning Gen. Wheeler pushed disadvantageous circumstances. To cor- over Little River and attacked Sander's, rect this error, Gen Wheeler hastens with Shackleford's, Woolford's and Penderhis available troops, numbering about one bicker's brigade's of cavalry, all being thousand men, to their assistance, on the under Gen. Sanders. After a short fight Lewisburg Pike, and places this body of they were driven two miles, when, with a men in position to check the enemy's ad- battery to assist them, thẻy made a stand vance, until the balance of his command in a strong position beyond a creek which and the wagons could be got out of danger. could not be crossed by horses, the enemy The enemy advanced in a bold front, and having destroyed the bridge. General our brave troops met them with grape, Wheeler dismounted half his force, discanister, and the roar of their trusty rifles, lodged the enemy, rebuilt the bridge, and and repulsed each and every charge which charged the enemy mounted, routing their was made by the enemy. So stunning was great reserves, and sweeping them on tothe blow that the enemy received on that wards Knoxville. The charge was conoccasion, that he advanced no further dur- tinued, and the enemy driven pell-mell ing the day, and was content to retire and towards the city. One hundred and fifty be permitted to bury his dead and care for prisoners are captured, a portion of the his wounded. The loss of the enemy in flying troopers hurl themselves into the this fight, as shown by their own reports, river, and attempt to gain the other bank; was more than four times that of our own. a portion go at lightning speed over the Gen. Wheeler continued his withdrawal to pontoons, rushing into the city, creating the Tennessee River, and crossed it at Mus- the greatest consternation; a portion escle Shoals, the enemy appearing at the caped by scattering in all directions, and northern bank as he reached the southern the ground for three miles is strewn with When the worn condition of his command, their dead and wounded. Gen. Sanders, which had for forty successive days pre- the Yankee commander, was mortally vious been engaged with the enemy, the wounded, and died two days later. Thus - large concentration of forces which he Burnside's cavalfy, which was the boast was compelled to fight almost continually of the "Army of the Ohio," was in two in front, flanks and rear, his exceedingly days thoroughly beaten, captured, killed, small losses compared with those of the scattered or demoralized, by an inferior enemy, the vast amount of valuable pro- force under the gallant Wheeler, whose

create a diversion, while important movements were carried on in other localities. Operations of this character, which are the most difficult the service presents, háve been conducted by Gen. Wheeler with such consummate skill, that not only has he invariably accomplished the desired object, but in almost every case inflicted a loss upon the enemy far heavier than that which he himself sustained.

Gen. Wheeler has had five horses killed under him, and a great number wounded. His saddle equipments and clothes have also been frequently struck by the missiles of the enemy. He has himself been three times slightly wounded, and once painfully. He has had sixteen staff officers, or acting staff officers, killed or wounded. In almost every case when his staff officers have been wounded, they were immediately by his side, as they sank from their horses to the ground. No officer, since the

loss in the entire affair was but trifling. Citizens who were in Knoxville at this time state that nothing could be more complete than the rout and affright of this panic-stricken body of cavalry, as they rushed into the city, creating the wildest confusion-during which the "arch traitors" Brownlow and Maynard packed up and started for the North. Many of these vandals were drowned in attempting to swim the river. The enemy's works being too strong for him to attack, he moved, in obedience to orders, to join Gen. Longstreet on the other side of the river, and assisted in investing Knoxville. While here, he succeeded in capturing a number of wagons, a large drove of hogs, and much other valuable property. For the next eight days he was engaged in the siege of Knoxville, continually engaging the enemy. At this time Gen. Grant was making preparations to attack our army in front of Chattanooga. Gen. Bragg tele- commencement of the war, has been more. graphed for Gen. Wheeler to join him, He exposed to the missiles of death than Gen. starts immediately, travels day and night, Wheeler. That his life has been thus far and reaches the army just in time to cover spared, while so constantly surrounded by the retreat from Missionary Ridge. This carnage and death, his thanks are due to he did in his usual able manner. On that God who from his infancy he had the third day Gen. Cleburne was ordered been taught to reverence. to remain in the rear, and fought the enemy at Ringold, Ga., Gen. Wheeler disposing his cavalry on his flanks. During this engagement Gen. Wheeler's hat was struck by a Minie ball, and his foot contused by the fragment of a shell.

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Gen. Wheeler, although small in stature, is in appearance" every inch a soldier," and bears a head which, as termed by the phrenologists, is "admirably fixed." His eye is the very impersonation of that quick conception, heroic valor and dauntGen. Wheeler bore a prominent part in less courage, which has stamped him as the great battles of Shiloh, Farmington, one of the great men of this Revolution, the fights around Corinth, Perryville, Mur- and which explains how he manœuvres 'freesboro', Chickamauga, the last day at his command under a hail-storm of the Missionary Ridge, and the first eight days missiles of death, regarding them no more of the seige of Knoxville. Besides this, than leaves wafted by the wind-or how and being under fire in over five hundred he leads his squadrons in the charge, skirmishes, Gen. Wheeler has commanded crashing into the enemy's ranks, and perin 127 battles, many of which, considering fectly unconscious of the carnage and death the numbers engaged, were the most se- by which he is everywhere surrounded. vere and successful recorded in the his- The contour of his face and the expression tory of cavalry. In each case where his of his countenance exhibit that cool judgstrength has been equal, and in many ment, calm thoughtfulness and quiet digcases where it was far inferior to that by nity which marks his career as a soldier which he was opposed, he has entirely and gentleman. The arduous duties he overrun the enemy, capturing or dispersing has performed, which his large cavalry him. In many cases Gen. Wheeler has command devolve upon him, have only been called upon to engage forces many strengthened his energy and endurance: times his superior, in order to retard the His soldiers have learned to love and adenemy, while covering retreats, or to mire in him all those noble traits, which

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