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1861, Col. Baylor, as Military Command-turi ed, and the cavalry charged them vigant, issued his proclamation, erecting aorously, putting them to flight, and routing territorial government, with executive and them completely, Their loss was fifty judicial officers, and declaring the terri-killed and wounded, and three prisoners, tory, until otherwise decreed, to consist of besides their camp stores, ammunition and all of New Mexico south of the 34th par-equipage.a Zollicoffer pushed forward allel of latitude, within which limits the his men into Laurel and Clay counties, local laws then in force should continue breaking up encampments of Federals at until changed by act of the Confederate Congress.a Thus was this important territory secured for the South.

On the 5th of September, Gen. Johnston arrived in Richmond. He was visited by many who knew and admired him. His thoughtful and intellectual face, and commanding person, increased the respect with which public. opinion already regarded him. He was promptly appointed, by President Davis, to the command of the department of Kentucky and Tennessee, and, without delay, repaired to the scene of his duties.

Laurel Bridge, and at the Salt Works on Goose Creek, and securing two hundred barrels of salt, which were then greatly needed in the South.b

On the 22nd of September a hot skirmish occurred at Elliott's Mills, about twelve miles above Columbus, between two battalions of cavalry-one from Tennessee, under Col. Logwood, and one from Missis sippi, under Lt. Col. Muller-and a considerable body of the enemy. The Confederates charged and drove them back nearly two miles, killing five. When near the mill, two regiments of infantry, with Every sign indicated that a collision of artillery, reinforced the Federals, and the arms must soon occur in Kentucky, Gen. Sonthern troops fell back slowly and in Polk, after taking possession of Columbus, good order, without the loss of a man.c proceeded to fortify it by erecting earth Gen. Zollicoffer continued his advance, works and mounting heavy guns, which and early in October reached the town of commanded the river and the opposite Loudon, in Laurel county. He was welshore. Occasionally Federal gun-boats comed by many of the best inhabitants. came within range, but after receiving one In Madison county the feeling in favor of or two shots, retired up the river. On the the South was almost universal. The peo9th of Sept., Gen. Jeff. Thompson, with ple met together and subscribed four hun his Missouri brigade, crossed the river to dred beeves to feed Zollicoffer's army, and the Missouri side with his whole force, offered to maintain them ninety days.d and planted a battery of four guns in a The Federal camps in that region were good position, six miles above Columbus. broken up and driven northward. The enemy attempted to dislodge him, but reinforcements were sent to him, and they desisted from their attack.b

From his strong position at Cumberland Mountain, Gen. Zollieoffer prepared for cautious advances upon the enemy. On Thursday, the 19th of September, he sent forward eight hundred men, with three companies of cavalry, under Col. Battle, who approached Barboursville, in Knox county. Here a camp of about four hundred Lineol troops were assembled. They fired upon the Confederates, killing Lieut. Powell, and mortally wounding private Bowder. Their fire was instantly re


Meanwhile, Gen. Buckner had made important moves. Outraged by the subserviency of the Kentucky Legislature, and satisfied that Lincoln intended to bind his State in chains, he did not hesitate as to the course of duty. On the 12th of September, from Russellville, he issued an address to "the freemen of Kentucky," in which he presented, with force and elo

a Knoxville Register, Sept. 21. Dispatch, Sept. 25.

b Nashville Union and American, Sept. 30. Whig, Oct: 8.

c Columbus correspondence in Mem

a Houston Telegraph, Aug. 17. Procla-phis, Appeal, Sept. 23rd. mation in Whig, Aug. 30th.

b Memphis Appeal, Sept. 10.

d Bowling Green Courier, in Dispatch, Oct. 19.

quence, the alternative of freedom or op- Green river, with a Federal party numpression now before them. He declared bering about eighty, from Col. Crittenden's that his own choice was made: "For one, regiment. The Confederates made the I will enter the lists for freedom. I love attack with so much vigor. that at the first the wild hills and beautiful valleys of my shock fourteen of the Federals were killed, native land. Your sires and mine won and the rest fled. In the fight, Morgan them from the savage. It devolves on us dismounted and shot dead the Indiana to defend them from the invasions of a Captain who led the foe. The Southern scarcely less merciless foe." "We recog-loss was only two men.a nize in none the right to oppress us. Nei- Capt. Morgan was a native Kentuckian, ther the President of the United States from Lexington. His heart, was devoted nor the servile Congress which assembled to the South. He now commenced his to register his edicts, nor the Legislature of career of arms, which was afterwards to Kentucky, which has sold for gold and be developed in acts of heroism, address executive favor the birthright of our free-and vigor that have placed his name dom, have the authority to snatch from us among the most brilliant of the Confedeour God-given heritage of liberty."a

rate leaders, and given him a rank above the Sumters and Marions of Revolutionary days.

He resigned his position as Inspector General of the State forces, and was commissioned as Brigadier General in the On the 23d of Octeber, Gen. Zollicoffer Confederate service. A large number of advanced to reconnoitre the position of a the brave and patriotic Kentuckians, who Federal force at Camp Wild Cat," be-. had previously been under his command, tween the two branches of Rockcastle adhered to him now, and were mustered river. He found them strongly entrenched into the armies of the South. He ad- in the fork with log and earth works. He vanced from the borders, and on Wednes- assaulted a part of their works, and carday, the 18th of September, at half-past ried one entrenchment, after a fight, in 10 o'clock, entered the town of Bowling which the men, under Cols. Rains and Green, in Warren county, eleven miles Newman, shewed great steadiness and south of Green river, and immediately on spirit. Finding the position too strong, the line of approach to Louisville. His and too full of men to be stormed, he withadvance guard were Kentuckians. On drew his forces, with a loss of eleven the day of his entry he issued a proclama-killed and forty-two wounded. He brought tion to the people of Kentucky, stating off forty prisoners, and some captured that their Legislature had been faithless to arms and ammunition. The enemy's loss their will; that instead of enforcing neu-is said to have reached one hundred and trality, they had sought to make the State thirty.b a fortress, in which the armed forces of The movements of the Confederates the United States might securely prepare along the whole Southern line, running to subjugate alike the people of Kentucky through the interior of Kentucky, extendand of the Southern States. He declared ing from Columbus, in the West, to Presthat the Confederate troops occupied Bow-tonsburg and Pikeville in the mountains, ling Green as a defensive position, and on the Virginia frontier, alarmed the Union that he renewed the pledge previously given by their commanders, to retire as soon as the Federal forces would in like manner withdraw.b

On the 7th of October, an advance party of scouts, under Capt. John H. Morgan, about twenty-seven in number, had a sharp skirmish at Bacon Creek, beyond

a Address, Russellville, Sept. 12, 1861. b Nashville American. Proclamation, Dispatch, Sept. 23rd.

powers and led them to inaugurate counter attacks. Gen. Anderson, though suf ficiently zealous in seizing unarmed citizens, did not display the activity in the field called for by the Lincoln Govern

a Telegram, Oct. 11th. Northern letters in Louisville Journal, Oct. 16th.

b Compare telegram. Knoxville Register, Oct. 25, with narrative in Nashville Banner, Oct. 27th, and Capt. Ewing's ac count, Oct. 26. Dispatch, November 4, 6, 11th.

ment. He was relieved from command) there. They immediately formed, and at ostensibly by his own request, and be- about 8 o'clock advanced on the Southern cause of his feeble health, although he is force at Belmont. These movements said to have declared, that in addition to could be plainly seen from the Confedethis reason, he preferred to die in retire-rate camp; and dispositions were made to ment as "the Anderson of Sumter" rather meet them... than risk a disastrous battle with inade

quate men and arms.a Gen. McCook suc: ceeded him in command, and prepared for offensive war.

The first shock of the conflict was borne

by two Southern regiments, Col. Tappan's Arkansas and Wright's 13th Tennessee, with a battery which had been sent into On the 6th of November, Gen. Ulysses the field chiefly by the private means and S. Grant, commanding the Federal troops exertions of Col. Watson, of Louisiana, at Cairo, prepared for a move against the and therefore was called by his name, ålConfederate camp at Belmont, opposite though commanded hy Capt. Beltzhoover. to Columbus. His purpose, as declared Skirmishers of infantry were sent forsome days after, was to prevent the South- ward, with one field piece, and as the erners from sending reinforcements Federals advanced, they opened fire, to General Price, and also to prevent them checking the assault, and slowly falling from cutting off two columns of Federal back, as the enemy in numbers pressed troops whom he had sent from Cairo and forward to flank them. Rapid volleys Cape Girardeau to operate against Jeff were exchanged as the opposing forces Thompson.b But when his movements, neared each other. The enemy were, to both before and after the impending bat-a great extent, sheltered by the woods, in tle, are logically considered, it is hardly which the battle commenced, and although to be doubted that he intended to take the unequal Southern force had the same permanent hold of the position at Bel-shelter at first, yet, as they were pressed mont, and to operate against Columbus on every side, they were gradually forced from both sides of the river. By his direc- back into the more open fields around tion, a considerable force was sent from their encampment. Paducah to approach by way of Mayfield,

and he sent another body on the Kentucky side were hard pressed, Gen. Pillow, of Seeing that the small force on the other side by way of Elliott's Mills. Both of these columns were to threaten Columbus while the principal move was in progress under in his own direction.

Tennessee, hastened over to their succor
with Col. Mark's Louisiana and Cols.
Pickett's, Freeman's and Knox Walker's
Tennessee regiments. General Polk could

Before daylight, on Thursday, the 7th of November, he embarked in steain-boats spare no more men, because he had received information of the advance of with an available force of three thousand

five hundred men, consisting of Colonel Federal troops from Paducah, and was Dougherty's 22d, Buford's 27th, Fouke's hourly expecting their approach to assail 30th, and Logan's 31st Illinois regiments, Columbus. On reaching the Missouri Lanman's 7th Iowa, Taylor's Chicago bat- shore, Gen. Pillow threw his men rapidly tery, and two companies of Cavalry, unin line of battle. His whole force did der Captains Delano and Dollen. Grant not exceed twenty-five hundred men. commanded in person, aided by General Notwithstanding his inferiority in numJohn A. McClernand. They proceeded bers, and the disadvantage of his position down the river to Lucas' bend, where in the open field, while the enemy were they landed on the Missouri side, about under forest cover, he presented a formithree miles below Columbus, and entirely dable front which the foe endeavored in beyond the range of the cannon mounted

a Bowling Green correspondent. patch, Nov. 6.

vain to break. From half-past 10 to 12, the battle raged with continuous violence, Dis- the reports of musketry and the roar of cannon mingling with the shouts of the

b Grant's official report, Nov. 10, 1861. combatants. The Confederate left was Examiner, Nov. 30th.

somewhat protected by felled trees and an

abattis; on their right, the Federals made) repeated charges, but were received with such deadly rounds from Beltzhoover's guns and the muskets of Wright's TenMesseeans, that they were driven back be-yond the range of fire.


Again they advanced on the centre with such a pressure of numbers that for a time it wavered, and there was danger of the line of the Southern troops there being broken General Pillow displayed the highest courage and address in cheering his troops and driving back the enemy. He was in full uniform, and rode a very beautiful animal, "the finest gray mare" in the army.a He was seen everywhere along the lines forming his troops and arging them to the combat, yet he escaped unhurt. His staff were equally gallant, but not so fortunate. Every one had his horse shot under him, and one of his aids was shot through the hip at the same time that his horse fell riddled with balls. By their exertions, the Confederate centre was again formed, and again the enemy was driven back.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Two snowflakes sailed through an April sky,

On the wing of a cloud that was floating high;

Their hearts seemed pure as their robes were white,

And, jewelled, they glittered in the morn
ing light.

"I will go," said one," to earth I'll go ;"
"I'm too pure and too cold in this realm of

Oh, too oft, too oft, pure hearts, I ween,
Are seduced hy the far-off, deceitful sheen
That wraps, as a veil, the sunlit bowers,
Where vice reigns supreme among foun-

tains and flowers!

She went, but while in the upper sky,
Met a gay, young Zephyr careering on

As a carpet-knight, he tossed his curls,
And turned her young head with his waltz-
es and whirls.

In this obstinate conflict, the North wes tern men, consisting of Illinois and Iowa troops, first came into collision with Southerners, and it was abundantly manifest No wonder, dazed. by his many charms, that they fought with a resolution, vigor She fell unresistingly into his arms. and skill far beyond that of the New Awhile he fondled the silly fay, England and middle States troops. Gene- Then mockingly, laughingly, put her away. rals Grant and McClernand were often Ah, swift then fell the sin-stricken sprite, greatly exposed, and both had horses shot No more to return to the regions of light. under them. Col. Lanman was severely

wounded. The battle lines often swayed A stagnant stream caught the fallen flake back and forth, as the contending regi-Twixt a bloated toad and a venomous ments pressed upon each other.

THE ENRAGED MUSICIAN.-The famous Rameau, the composer, while making a call on a lady, suddenly sprang up, seized a little dog that was yelping at her feet, and threw him out of the window. "What is that for?" cried the lady. "Because he barks out of tune!" shouted Rameau, with the indignation of an enthusiastic musician whose ear had been cruelly wounded.

a Memphis Avalanche. Columbus correspondent. Dispatch, Nov. 19.


[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

And sank at last, through a bog's green bell, last of the immortals, the poet who slime, joined the music of harmonious diction to

To the doom of the fallen and the end of the fascinations of romance, has ever claimcrime.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Sadly at eve the beam left the fay,

And he followed the westering sun away.
On his return with the morning light,
He found but the corpse of the Heaven-
born sprite.

A bright tear lay on the daisy's leaf,
And the flower's soft eyelids were dewy
with grief.

Then the beam in a vaporous shroud
Took the spirit up to its home in the cloud.

Unstained by crime, unsullied by sin,
What a glorious life the snow-flake's has


The death of such is only a change
To a higher life and a loftier range,
Of sight and of thought, of joy and love,
'Mong the chosen of God, in His heaven



ed a larger and more attentive, if not a
more select audience than any other. In
vain would lawgivers, real and imaginary,
Solons or Platos, banish minstrel and bard
from their commonwealths.
The epic
chant, the tragic wailing, and the comic
recitative have maintained their ground,
and come down to our own days unimpair-
ed in their influence, but rather ripened
and mellowed by time; like those master-
pieces of sculpture which have received a
golden tinge from the hand of eld. For
ourselves, whether as readers or as critics,
we confess that Homer and Virgil, Tasso
and Ariosto and Chaucer, take precedence
among our favorite authors. Even Milton
falls in with the humour of the multitude,
and pleads guilty to having spent whole
nights, even till day dawned, in poring
over the poet who sung

The fairest of her sex, Angelica,

or him

Who left half told

The story of Cambuscan bold, and neither Chaucer nor Ariosto could have received a finer compliment.

The glory of English poetry is a light kindled from the sunny skies of Italy. Milton, Spenser, Shakespeare and Chaucer drew their inspiration, directly or indirect: ly, from the same source. And neither the merits nor the beauties of the Northern poets can be properly appreciated, but by those who are familiar with their Southern predecessors. Boccaccio, Petrarch, Dante, left a mass of materials from which the British muse constructed a new world. Chaucer, in particular, appears to have The art of telling a good story in good been formed at that school. His style of verse, is one, which has always held a high thinking often too delicate and refined for place among men in every stage of civilian Englishman; the manner in which he zation and refinement. From the days developes his theme, the very productions when Homer sang the wrath of Achilles, of his pen, and particularly his façon, give that effected so much of damage not only indications of a student of Italian literato the Greeks, but also to the Trojans, and ture; and that, not lightly, nor on the surmore than all to himself, down to those of face merely, but as one who labours and Gertrude of Wyoming, no less barbarous, finds delight in his labour. It must be acor of Lalla Rookh, of Moore and Camp-knowledged that few, even among those

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