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cause he knew that Nathalie, who was amiable, and good, and though careless, would overwhelm him with little attentions.

Nathalie de Hauteville was twenty-two M. d'Ablaincourt accompanied his niece years of age, and for three years had been into the world, because he still enjoyed it. a widow. Nathalie was one of the pretti- However, when they were invited to a est women in Paris-a lively brunette, house where he thought he should not enwhose large black eyes had an indefinable joy himself, the old bachelor turned to his charm. Hers was one of those delicious niece and said, “I fear you will not enjoy faces in which is found at the same time this soirée ; there will be no pretty dresses; the vivacity of an Italian, the burning soul they will do nothing but play. I am very of a Spaniard, and the grace of a French-ready to conduct you thither: you know I woman, those delicate and intellectual do all you wish ; but still I fear you will features which please still more by their get weary there." And Nathalie, who had expression than their regularity. Married at eighteen to a man nearly three times her own age, Nathalie only thought of her dresses, her wedding presents, carrying bouquets of orange flowers, and being called madame.

every confidence in her uncle, and allowed herself to be persuaded, never failed to reply, "You are right, I think we shall do better to stay at home."

It was thus in everything. M. d'Ablaincourt was a gourmand, and without wishM. de Hauteville was rich, and loaded ing it to appear, had said to his niece, "My his wife with gifts. One year slipped away dear friend, you know I am not a gour. in the midst of balls and pleasure. Sud-mand; I do not care how the table is fur denly, after an illness of a few days, M. de Hauteville died, and left Nathalie a widow, who only wept for him as a friend and as a protector. But at eighteen grief quickly passes, the heart is still fresh for sentiments and illusions.

nished, and am always satisfied with what is given me. But your cook puts too much salt in every thing; it is very unhealthy for a young woman, and then she does not serve her dishes with elegance or care, that annoys me on your account, as you Madame de Hauteville was sought after give many dinner parties. Latterly, when and invited everywhere; she was calcula- you had ten to dinner, the spinnage was ted, by her fortune, by her position in life, to badly dressed. What do you suppose will be the ornament of society. However Na- be said of your house when such neglithalie felt she was too young to live with-gence is seen? They will say, Madame out a mentor, to go alone into those brilli- de Hauteville does not know how to manant reunions where she was so much ad- age her servants. That will do you much mired. She intreated her uncle M. d'Ab-harm, and there are some persons who nolaincourt to come and live with her. tice everything." M. d'Ablaincourt was an old bachelor; "That is very true, dear uncle; will you he had never in his life had but one pas- then be good enough to find me a cook? sion, and the object was himself. He How happy am I to have you near me, to loved himself above everything; and if by superintend the thousand little details chance he had ever loved another it was which escape me!" because in all probabilty this other had contributed to his own advantage. He was a profound egotist, but a well-bred one, Nathalie embraced M. d'Ablaincourt, ever having the semblance of only accord- and the cook who did not dress the spining with the wishes of others, and in ful-nage well was dismissed, and one engaged filling his own desires seemed but to care who made dainty friandises, which the dear for others. He loved comfort, and all the uncle very much liked. little refinements which luxury knows how to invest. Such was M. d'Ablaincourt, who had consented to live with his niece, be

"Keep yourself easy, I will attend to everything."

Another time some alteration was necessary in the garden; for example, cutting the trees which were before the old bache

lor's window, because the thick shade widow. M. d'Ablaincourt often sighed a made it damp, which might be dangerous long time for a partner at tric-trac. 10. Nathalie; or it was the elegant caleche To please her uncle Nathalie tried to to be replaced by a landau, which was learn. The young niece could not accommuch easier for a young woman. And plish it; she was too giddy, too careless to thus it was that M. d'Ablaincourt occupied give the necessary attention. The dear himself in seeking the comfort of his uncle scolded her. Nathalie threw it aside, niece. exclaiming, "Decidedly, my dear uncle, I shall never understand that game!'

Nathalie was a coquette; accustomed to captivate, to charm, to seduce; she smi


"So much the worse," replied M. d'Ab

much amusement, and I only wished to teach it you in order to add to your pleasures."

lingly listened to the numerous declara-laincourt; "for it would have given you. tions which were addressed to her, and sent to her uncle all those who aspired to her hand, saying to them, "Before giving you any hope, 1 must know if you please M. d'Ablaincourt." Very likely Nathalie would have replied in a different strain, if she had had any preference; but she liked to please and still retain her liberty.

Things were in this state when, at a brilliant soirée where Nathalie won every heart by her grace, her attractions, and finished toilette, they announced M. d'Agremont, captain in the navy. Nathalie expected to see a rough old sailor, very stern, having at least one wooden leg, and one eye covered with a black bandage. To her great astonishment she saw a man enter, at the furthest not more than thirty

and martial appearance in no way depri ved him of elegance, and who had neither lost a leg nor an eye.

now thirty years of age; for fifteen years he had traversed the sea, and he sometimes felt a desire to lead a more tranquil life.

On his side, the old bachelor, who was master in his niece's house, did not wish her to marry again. A nephew might be less submissive, less careful for him than Nathalie. This was why M. d'Ablain-years of age, a good figure, whose height court never failed to discover some grave fault in all those who aspired to the hand of the pretty widow. This one was of a character too grave, too serious for Na- Armand d'Agremont entered the service thalie; that one was addicted to play, and very early, and dearly loving a sailor's it was to be feared that this passion would life, he became, though very young, a capsome day lead him to commit great folly; tain. Inheriting riches, he further aug. another had had a series of gallant adven-mented his fortune. However, he was tures; indeed, each of the lovers was politely conducted out of the house by the dear uncle, who, in this as in other cases, only seemed to have the happiness of his niece in view. Besides his egotism and gourmandism, the dear uncle had had for several years another passion, it was for tric-trac. This game much amused him; The sight of Nathalie changed all the he preferred it to all others; to play at tric- sentiments of the captain; a sudden revo trac was the greatest pastime of M. d'Ab-lution was worked within him. He saw laincourt. Unfortunately it is not common; the young widow dancing, and could look ladies do not like it in the drawing-room, at nothing else. because it makes no small noise, and the He followed all the movements of Mayoung men prefer bouillotte or écarte; thus dame de Hauteville, whose light and graceM. d'Ablaineourt rarely found an opportu- ful dancing eclipsed all others. At length nity to play his favourite game. When by M. d'Agremont said to some one near him, chance any of the people who visited his" Who, then, is that pretty woman dancing niece knew how to play at tric-trac, he with such grace?"

seized them for the evening, they had no

He was advised to marry, but till now Captain d'Agremont had only laughed at love, which he regarded as a silly passion unworthy a sailor.

"It is Madame de Hauteville, a young chance of escape. But no one ever cared widow; you admire her, do you not, capto play at tric-trac while visiting the pretty |tain?"

"Oh, yes! I think her enchanting!" "She has as much wit as beauty; invite her to dance, you can then talk to her, and judge for yourself."

be fear to see her pretty face assume an expression of severity.

Let no one be astonished at this change in the captain; love alters all characters,

"I invite her to dance! I do not dance." and works miracles; have we not a thous

"Ah! what a pity !!

For the first time in his life Armand regretted not knowing how to dance; he stood near the pretty woman, and sought a pretext to commence a conversation; but when he thought he had found one, some young cavalier would take Nathalie by the hand and lead her to a quadrille.

M. d'Agremont bit his lips, and was obliged to be content to admire the charming dancer.

and proofs from Samson, the destroyer of the Philistines, to M. Corydan, the tyrant of the opera comique.

The niece's new conquest reached the ears of her uncle. M. d'Ablaincourt the ugl little of it, presuming it would be with this supplicant as with others, and that it would be easy to banish him.

However, the reports became more fre quent, and when one day Nathalie told her uncle the captain was coming to see

Thus the evening passed. The captain her, the old bachelor was almost in a pasdared not speak to Madame de Hauteville,sion, and said to his niece,-“ You have but he did not lose sight of her for an in-not done well, Nathalie, you act too much

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Nathalie perceived the captain's con duct. Women soon. see the effect they produce, though they will not appear to do In speaking of M. d'Agremont some one had said, "He pays little attention to women, and has never been heard to compliment one;" and Nathalie said to herself, "It would amuse me vastly to hear him

make love to me."

without my advice. They say Captain d'Agremont is rude, rough, quarrelsome, I never see him but behind your chair, and he has not even asked after my health; it is not necessary for him to visit you. It is for your good I speak, my niece, you are too giddy."

Nathalie, fearing she had acted inconsiderately, was about to tell the captain her soirée would not take place, but her uncle did not require that, he merely wishD'Agremont, who, before seeing Natha-ed to prevent his coming too often. But lie, went very little into company, now what causes our resolutions-ah, the most never failed to go where he hoped to find important events in our life? Often some the pretty widow. He found means to trifle, which chance throws across our path. speak to her, and made great efforts to Here it was the game of tric-trac which please. This change in the captain was caused the charming Nathalie to become remarked, and also his attentions to Na- Madame d'Agremont. thalie. It was said to him, "Take care, The captain played well at tric-trac. do not fall in love with Mme. de Haute-Some words escaped him to this effect. ville; she is a coquette; she will amuse Immediately M. d'Ablaincourt proposed a herself with your passion, and laugh at your sighs." And afterwards to Nathalie, "The captain is quite an original-a bear, with all the faults of a sailor; he is passionate, he smokes, he swears; you will never be able to make him amiable."

game, which d'Agremont accepted, and it continued nearly all the evening, because the sailor understood that he must be agree able to Nathalie's uncle.

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When all had gone, the pretty widow complained of the captain, whom she had not found gallant, and who was not at all occupied with her. "You are right, my uncle," said she, with regret, "the sailors are not at all amiable, and I was wrong to invite M. d'Agremont here."

Notwithstanding these charitable warnings, which were perhaps only caused by jealousy and envy, the coquette and the sailor were very happy to be together, and when d'Agremont let an expression escape him too sailor-like, Nathalie looked at him, "On the contrary, my niece," replied made little movement with her eyebrows, the old bachelor, "this said captain is very then the captain quickly stopped, stam- polite, very well bred. We judged him mered, and dared not finish, so much did wrongly. I have engaged him to come

very often to be my partner-that is to say, to make love to you. He is a man full of wit, and of perfect manners."

to the light; strength to sustain weakness; bursts of gaiety to dissipate melancholy; but if you place together the same temper and organizations, what result will you obtain ?

Nathalie saw that the captain had made a conquest of her uncle, and she pardoned him for not being more attentive to her. D'Agremont came again; thanks to trictrac, he was.sought after by M. d'Ablain-the midst of all his pleasure, the happiness


At length with his love and his submission he captivated the heart of the young widow; and one morning she came blush ingly to tell her uncle, "The captain wishes to marry me. What do you advise?"

The first month of their marriage passed very quickly. However, I must tell it. In

with Nathalie, brilliant with youth and beauty, sometimes Armand became thoughtfal; his face grew dark; a certain uneasiness was read in his eyes; but it did no last, it was a passing cloud, and left no trace. The young wife did not even perceive it. However, at the end of some time these moments of sadness became more frequent, and Nathalie remarked them.

The old bachelor reflected a few moments, and said to himself, "If she refuses, d'Agremont will cease to visit her. No more tric-trac. If she accepts him, he will be in the house, I shall always have him "What is the matter, my dear?" said under my hand for tric-trac. So the answer she to her husband, one day when she saw was, "You will do well to marry the cap-him striking his foot with impatience. tain." "What causes this display of temper?"

Nathalie did not require more, for she "Nothing, I assure you," replied the loved Armand; however, a woman ought captain, as if ashamed of not having masnot to yield too quickly. This one came tered himself. "I have no ennui, no temto the captain and dictated her conditions. per. Against whom do you think I should If it is true you love me exhibit my temper ?"


“Ah! madame. I swear by all that-" "Let me speak, if you please-if it is true that you love me, I must have proofs." "All that you exact I—"

66 "But, sir, do not interrupt me continu. ally. You must no longer swear, as you sometimes do now-it is very shocking before a woman; and, above everything, you must not smoke, for I detest the smell of a pipe of tobacco. Indeed, I will not have a husband who smokes."

"Ah! my dearest, I do not know; but several times I have remarked something. If I have angered you without a cause tell me, that it may not happen again."

The captain tenderly embraced his wife, assuring her she was deceived; and for several days no sighs escaped him which could cause Nathalie any uneasiness; but afterwards they returned, Armand again forgot himself, and his wife perplexed her

Armand slightly sighed. "I will sub-self in vain to guess the cause of his sad

mit to everything," he replied "to please you. I will no longer smoke."

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Here, then, is my hand."

ness. Nathalie remarked it to her uncle. The old bachelor replied, "It is true, I believe something is the matter with d'AgSeveral times while playing at

The marriage was soon celebrated. remont. D'Agremont was at the height of his hap-tric-trac, I have noticed his looking around piness, and Nathalie partook of the love of uneasily, then passing his hand across his her husband. When the world saw them forehead he is sure to play wrong." married, it was said, "How! that coquette marry a sailor?” "That brave captain allowed himself to be captured by the flirtations of the pretty widow! They are a badly assorted couple."

Poor judges of human hearts are those who think that characters must resemble

to produce love. It is contrasts which produce the best effects. We must have shade

"Oh, dear uncle, what is this mystery? My husband has some secret which oppresses him-grieves him. I am certain of it, and he will not trust it to me."

"Very likely; there are many things a wife must not know."

"A wife must not know! but I cannot understand that. I wish my husband to tell me everything-he should have nothing

hidden from me, for I have no secrets from him. I cannot be happy if he to whom I have given my heart hides anything from me."

M. d'Ablaincourt promised to try every means to learn the subject of his nephew's preoccupations, and he began by trying to make him play oftener at tric-trac, which he thought an excellent way to restore good temper.

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My husband disguised as a peasant!" said Nathalie, fixing on the captain looks full of surprise.

"Edward is deceived," the captain replied, seeking to hide his visible embarrassment; "he did not see me there."

"Oh! was it not you?" said the young man, vexed with the impression his words had produced on Nathalie, and perceiving he had been indiscreet; "I was very like

"How was the man dressed?" demanded Nathalie; "where is the hut?"

It was now uear the summer, and they quitted Paris to visit a pretty estate the captain possessed near deceived." D'Agremont seemed to love his wife, and still sought to please her and anticipate her wishes. However, as Nathalie preferred repose to walking, her husband announced his intention to make excursions to see the country each day after dinner; and as this demand was too natural to excite suspicion, every day after dinner, even if they had company, Armand disappeared to take his walk, and returned in a charming humour; his moments of sadness, his impatience and ennui had entirely disappear


Notwithstanding, Nathalie was not satisfied; her suspicions were again excited, and she thought, " My husband is no longer sad and pensive as at Paris, but it is since his evening walks. He is sometimes two hours absent. Where does he go? He prefers to go alone. There is some mystery in his conduct; I shall not be happy till I have discovered it."

Sometimes Nathalie thought to follow her husband, but she experienced great repugnance to this action; to be a spy on the steps of a man, who only seemed occupied in pleasing her, would be very wrong. The young wife felt it, and abandoned the thought. It was only to her uncle that she dared to relate her cares, and he contented himself with replying, Your husband plays less at tric-trac with me, it is true, but still he does play. I cannot try to follow him, for he is a good walker and I am not. I should fatigue myself to no purpose."

One day they had company to dinner. A young man laughingly said to the master of the house, "What were you doing yesterday, my dear Armand, disguised as a peasant at the window of a little hut a quarter of a league distant? If my horse

"Ah, madame, it would not be easy for me to find it again, for I do not know the country. As to the man, he had on a blue blouse, a kind of frock. Ah! how could I suppose it was the eaptain, since it is not carnival time!"

Madame d'Agremont said no more, but she was convinced it was her husband who had been seen; and as he was obliged to disguise himself it must be some impor tant intrigue; and the young wife shed bitter tears, and thought herself very unhappy in having married a man who had such mysterious secrets. Jealousy did not fail to be excited, for from the moment we have secrets from them, ladies are persuaded they relate to infidelities. Is it because their own secrets may be of this nature?

Madame d'Agremont wished to return to town. Always yielding to the least wishes of his wife, the captain hastened. to take her back, and there for some time the movements of impatience and ennui reappeared in the conduct of Armand, till one day he said to his wife," My dear soul, the afternoon walk does me a great deal of good; I was in perfect health during our stay in the country, and being a sailor, you may imagine I want to take some exercise, and that I cannot remain shut up in the drawing-room or visit the theatre directly after dinner."

"Yes, sir, I can understand that very well," said Nathalie, biting her lips with vexation; "take your walk if you derive any good from it."

"However, my dear Nathalie, I fear you are displeased."

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