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interest to the Southern mind, and anxious attracted the attention of many other peo solicitude to the hearts of those Marylan-ple than Governor Foote.

ders who are with us in feeling, than the position of Maryland after the war. Mr. Buchanan has contributed much to the elucidation of this important subject. In a previous pamphlet, entitled "Maryland's Crisis," to which "Maryland's Hope" is a sequel, he presented with great force the various disadvantages of the present position of his State, and the difficulties conspiring against her union with the South. In the pamphlet before us he views the bright side of the picture, and with much earnestness and ability urges the impor tance and necessity of a future political connexion between Maryland and the Confederate States.

The work is published by West & Johnston, which is a sufficient guarantee of its neatness of typographical execution, and exterior appearance.

We have received a copy of the Report of S. S. Scott, Commissioner of Indian Affairs.

The First and Second Reader, designed for the use of Primary Schools, by A. De V. Chandron, Mobile, are two well printed, neatly executed little volumes, and have been most favorably pronounced upon by the Southern Press.


CONFEDERATE WOMEN AND THE WAR.-So much has been said of the women of the

South for the noble part taken in our struggle for independence, [all of which we endorse,] it may not be amiss to give a slight glimpse of the reverse of the picture. We

CONFEDERATE PUBLICATIONS IN ENGLAND. Copy from a lady correspondent of the Mo

A London letter says:

We have two Confederate books. which

will each have some influence. Bentley has published Mrs. Greenhow's account of her imprisonment at Washington. It is as bitter as a woman's hate can make it. Perhaps it is rather too spiteful to serve its object. People do not pity one who seems so able to take her own part; many will wonder, not that she was treated with such severity, but that she got off so well. The other is a commercial. statistical and politi. cal work on cotton, by George McHenry, a Philadelphian, but a Confederate by adoption, and one of the most indefatigable workers in that cause in Europe. He writes for the Index, the Times, the Economist, and works away with wonderful industry.

QUARTERMASTER'S REGULATIONS. From J. W. Randolph, 121 Main Street, we have received "Regulations of the Confederate States Army for the Quartermaster's Department, including the Pay Branch Thereof."

We have not examined this work suffi. ciently to pronounce upon its merits, and are not sure that such examination would have resulted much in our enlightenment as to its value. We do not know whether it contains any revelations of, or provides any remedy for the alleged corruptions in this department of the Army, which have

bile Advertiser and Register. She says:


The Confederacy is writhing in the throes of mighty agony, yet woman bow to fashion's shrine, and burn the most costly incense. Peace with drooping wings hovers in the distance, but, all regardless of woe, our ladies find time for feasting and dancing, for laughing and flirting. As long as they can buy glittering baubles, and throw their treasures into the extortioner's hand, so long will he press his iron heel upon the aching heart of the sunny South. Ladies may rail against the extortion, but they are the support of the extortioner. Without their sinful vanity he could not live.

The daughters of the South are the pride and boast of her chivalry; Heaven forbid that they should make themselves a jest. The example of the mothers of the Revolution stands out in bold relief, a shining light to guide us in the path of truth to the

land of Peace where the flowers of Liberty forever bloom. They speak from the silent shades their warning, lest sinful levity should lead to thy destruction. There are noble hearts among us, whose every throb thrills with patriotic devotion, and whose every breath is a prayer for victory; but how many are joined to their idol pleasure and forget every noble impulse in bowing at the shrine of vanity.

THE CREEDS OF THE WORLD.-The following classification of the inhabitants of the earth, according to the creeds, is made by C. F. W. Deitterich, a very thorough

and careful statistician, and Director of the THE FORCE OF EDUCATION.-Nothing was Statistical Department of Berlin, taking so much dreaded, in our schoolboy days, the number of 1,200,000,000 as the total as to be punished by sitting between two population of the earth, he classifies them as follows: Christians, 335,000,000, or 25.77 per

[blocks in formation]


Ah! the force of education. In after years we learn to submit to such things without shedding a tear.

A young wife remonstrated with her husband, a dissipated spendthrift, on his conduct. "My dear," said he, "I am only like the Prodigal Son-I shall reform by an-by." "And I will be like the Prodigal Son, too," replied she, "I will arise and go to my father's house," and off she went.

ance of a man dancing the polka says: Somebody, describing the absurd appear

"He looks as though he had a hole in ing down the leg of his pantaloons." his pocket, and was trying to shake a shill

"Wife," said a man, looking for a bootjack, "I have places to keep my things, and you ought to know it." "Yes," said she, "I ought to know where you keep your

late hours, but I don't."

"KNEW THE PARTY."-Mrs. Partington, when she heard the minister say there would be a nave in the new church, ob. served that "she knew well who the party was.'

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GIVING IN MARRIAGE IN RUSSIA. When the promise of marriage has been given, the father summons his daughter, who comes covered with a linen veil in his presence, and, asking her whether she be still minded to marry, he takes up a new rod, which has been kept ready for the WITH PLEASURE.-When an old farmer purpose, and then strikes his daughter in Essex buried his wife, a friend asked once or twice, saying: "Lo! my darling the disconsolate why he expended so much daughter, this is the last time that I shall money on her funeral. Oh, sir," replied admonish thee of thy father's authority, he, "she would have done as much, or beneath whose rule thou hast lived until more, for me, with pleasure."

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BACHELOR'S HALL.-An architect propo

now. Now thou art free from me. Remember that thou hast not so much escaped from sway, as rather passed beneath that ses to build a "Bachelor's Hall," which of another. Shouldst thou behave not as will differ from most houses, in having no thou oughtest toward thy husband, he in Eves. my stead shall admonish thee with this rod." With this the father, concluding his speech, OPENED. The following is exhibited in stretches at the same time the whip to the large letters on a shop shutter in London: bridegroom, who, excusing himself briefly, Mr. S. having disposed of this business according to custom, says that he believes to Mr. P., will be opened by him on Friday he shall have no need of this whip, but morning!" he is bound to accept it and put it under his belt like a valuable present.

Curran said of the Liberty of the Press: "That great sentinel of the State, that grand detecter of public imposture; guard it, because when it sinks, there sinks with it, in one common grave, the liberty of the subject and the liberty of the crown.'

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ATONEMENT. A quack doctor on his death. bed willed his property to a lunatic asylum, giving as a reason for doing so that he wished his fortune to go to the liberal class who patronised him.

HONEST AMBITION." Oh, I'm so glad you like birds!" exclaimed a young lady; CHILDREN.-Jean Paul says beautifully of" which kind do you adınire most?" " Well, children: "the smallest are nearest God, I think a good goose with plenty of stuffas the smallest planets are nearest the ing is about as nice as any," replied her beau.



A Magazine Devoted to Literature, Science and Art.

VOL. 38.]


[No. 3.



Author of a History of Virginia.
(Copy-right secured.)


Under these circumstances, after consultation, in which Generals Johnston, Beauregard and Gustavus W. Smith were the chiefs in council, it was determined that the advanced corps of the army should quietly fall back to Centreville. The movement commenced on Tuesday night, the 15th of October. An order was issued that the army should prepare to march at After seeking in vain for a month to a moment's notice. At first an advance draw out the enemy for a general engage- was expected, but when it was ascertained ment, the Confederate officers were called that the army was to fall back, many of to decide what position their armies on the true-hearted people of Fairfax and of the line of the Potomac must take for the the region to be abandoned to the enemy winter. The evacuation It was obviously impossible, were filled with sorrow. without a chain of strong fortifications, to was performed in a very skilful and orderly hold the advanced line of Munson's and manner. Some of the scenes were thus Mason's hills, or even the interior one of described by an eye-witness: "Regiment Fairfax Court House and its flanks. As it after regiment filed through the streets; was not intended that the army should long trains of transport wagons, droves of assault the entrenchments defending toiling and lowing beeves, cavalcades of Washington, the occupation of that city horses, batteries of artillery, companies and of Alexandria for the winter were not and squads of men, and levies of stragcontemplated. It was essential to the glers, singing snatches of familiar songs, "The health and safety of the troops that winter passed by in orderly march." quarters should be occupied and prepared. country for miles around was blazing with And as it was well known that McClel- lights, and far away en the distant hilllan's army was increasing in size and sides, beyond the wood, across the valley, strength, it was necessary that the South-glimmered the camp fires through the ern forces confronting him should be with-dark." "In the observatory built upon the in supporting distance of each other. An roof of the hotel, the signal men were teleexamination of the map will show, that graphing to the outposts, and the red glare while their right and left wings rested re- of the torches waving to and fro, and fallspectively on Dumfries, near the Evans-ing upon the moving forms and faces, and port batteries, and on Leesburg, at the upon the busy masses below, gave all the same time that their centre held Fairfax appearance of magicians moving under Court House, the Confederate lines were the spell of some mighty enchantment." en the convex arc of a circle, with the cen-"At twelve o'clock the army was put in tre thrown dangerously forward, exposing it motion, and in perfect silence, without the to a concentrated attack, if the enemy beat of a drum or the note of a bugle, the should gather enterprize and courage. men marched out of their forsaken en


campments, and took the road to Centre- try covering the Northern belt of Fairfax ville. The Generals superintended the and Loudon, McClellan ordered an admarch in person, and were riding here and vance by Gen. McCall, from Washington there, seemingly unconscious of fatigue. towards Dranesville. At the same time, Whole families were seen walking by the he ordered Brig. Gen. Charles P. Stone, wayside, carrying such articles as they commanding opposite to Edwards' Ferry, could hastily gather in their arms. Old nearly opposite to Leesburg, to throw men, maidens and little children tramped across the river a sufficient force to cothrough the weary night to a home of operate with the lower movement. a safety beyond the reach of a vandal foe." Leesburg is three miles and a half from "With feelings of intense sorrow and the Potomac. Between the town and the pain, I rode by these unfortunate families, river came first open fields, and then a driven from their happy homes to seek thick wooded strip running to a steep bank shelter behind the line of our army. Lean- hanging over the water. Harrison's Ising on the arm of an aged man, the form land was opposite to the landing below of a sick girl, whose patient, pensive face this bank It was about three miles long comes to me more often than any other, and one hundred and fifty yards wide, and passed in the singular cortege. The sight two hundred yards from the Virginia, and was one that brought tears into eyes long nearly six hundred from the Maryland unused to weeping." a shore. Conrad's Ferry was three quarters of a mile above, and Edward's Ferry about seven miles below, just above the mouth of Goose Creek.

The withdrawal of the foe who had so daringly invited them to battle for two months, wrought a highly exhilarating ef fect on McClellan and his army. They ad- On Sunday, the 20th of October, the vanced boldly to Munson and Mason's hills, Federal guns opposite Edwards' Ferry finding no entrenchments that deserved commenced shelling the opposite bank the name, and only a line of mock cannon, with vigor, under the belief that a considewhich had long held them at bay. Pickets rable Southern force was there. At the from the Confederate regiments were still same time, plain demonstrations of their kept at Fairfax Court House, and the Fed-intent to cross at that point were made by erals did not venture to occupy it in lorce. the enemy. Gen. Evans sent to their front But the apparent retreat to Centreville en- the 13th Mississippi regiment, under Col. couraged General McClellan to undertake Barksdale, the 17th, Col. Burt, and part of an advance on the extreme left wing of the 18th, Col. Fetherstone, and ordered the the Southern force, which brought on a Richmond Howitzers, under Capt. Shields conflict among the most sanguinary of the and Lieut. Palmer, to take a strong posi war, when estimated in view of the num-tion commanding the road from Edwards' bers engaged. Ferry to Leesburg. The 8th Virginia, unColonel Evans, whose stubborn courage der Col. Hunton, made up of troops from had been so conspicuous on the field of Prince William and Loudon, with an adManassas, had been made a Brigadier ditional force under Lt. Col. Jenifer, conGeneral, and commanded a force of about sisting of four companies of the 18th Mistwo thousand men in and around Lees-sissippi, and about a hundred dragoons of burg. His command consisted of the 8th the Loudon cavalry, were left in the Virginia, the 13th, 17th and 18th Missis- neighborhood of Ball's Bluff, opposite Harsippi regiments, six guns of the Richmond rison's Island. Howitzer battalion, and a small body of cavalry.

Before daylight on the morning of Monday, the 21st of October, Capt. Devens, of

a See McClellan's order, No. 1, Oct. 20,

Believing that he would be able, without any bloody resistance, to force back the small Southern commands holding their extreme left, and thus to occupy the coun-1861, by A. V. Colburn, Assis. Adj't. Gen. to Gen. Stone. After the battle, McClellan attempted to deny that he had ordered

a Bohemian. Letter in Dispatch, Octo-Stone to advance in force, or to make an

ber 21.

attack. Examiner, Nov. 11, 1861.

vance continued.

batteries of artillery, making up a total of at least four thousand men. a The whole Southern force opposed to them did not at any time exceed eighteen hundred.

the 15th Massachusetts regiment, with, cluding the advanced companies unde about three hundred men, crossed the river Devens, was two thousand three hundred at Harrison's Island, and cautiously ad- strong, and he was immediately followed vanced through the skirt of woods beyond over by the 19th Massachusetts and anthe bluff. They were met by two South-other New York regiment, with two full ern picket companies, one from the 17th Mississippi, under Capt. Duff, and one from the 18th, under Capt. Welbourn, who challenged their advanced skirmishers with the usual query, "Who comes there?" By two o'clock the greater part of Ba"Friends," was the reply; but the ad-ker's troops had gained the bluff, and Capt. Duff received formed on its ridge, with the three pieces them with a volley, which threw them of artillery in position. The guns had into confusion, and stopped the advance been dragged with immense labor up the until other companies came up, steep from the landing; the rifled piece had crossed after the party under Devens. was dismounted and rolled up with levers. The Southern pickets slowly fell back, and afterwards again mounted for action. until met by a reinforcement under Lieut. The Federals advanced towards the woodCol. Jenifer, consisting of four infantry ed plain between the river and Leesburg. companies, and a body of Loudon cavalry, Into this Col. Hunton had thrown his regiwho dismounted and joined the infantry. ment, with the supporting companies of Throwing themselves into the forest shel- the 10th and 18th Mississippi, and the dister, this small body then opened so galling mounted cavalry. He received the enemy a fire that, the Northern force was checked with the greatest intrepidity and coolness. and fell back for reinforcements. a His men fired scorching volleys, under which the Northern troops were severely cut up. Their dead and wounded were borne rapidly to the rear, and carried over


Hearing the firing, Col. Baker of the Federal army, under orders from General Stone, crossed with his brigade, consisting of the 15th and 20th Massachusetts, the Tammany regiment of New York, a corps called the California regiment, made up of some men from that State, and others recruited in the North, and three guns of a Rhode Island battery, two howitzers and a rifled piece. Col, Baker was the former Senator from Oregon, already prominent as a fierce advocate of the war in its most;

to the island in small boats. Col. Baker

with difficulty kept his men in position

under this destructive fire. The artillerists all left their guns and fled, and for nearly an hour one of the howitzers was worked by Col. Baker, Lt. Col. Wistar, Col. Cogswell, and Adjutant Harve;, aided by a few men of the California regibloody form. He was an Englishman by ment. 6 The Southerners had not a piece birth, and a brave man. But on the eve of of artillery in the action, yet so accurate crossing, he expressed misgivings and aud deadly was their use of the musket fears as to the result, and a presentiment and Mississippi rifle, that the enemy's suof his own death. His means of trans- periority in numbers and weight of arms was more than matched. portation were two flat boats, each capable of carrying about fifty men. By the Finding that no advance of the Federals use of lines connec'ed with the shore and from Edwards' Ferry was attempted, Gen. Harrison's Island, the crossing was effect-Evans ordered the 17th and 18th Missised more rapidly than could have been ex-sippi to march rapidly to the left, to reinpected. Gen. Stone had ordered seven force Hunton, retaining the 13th and the thousand five hundred men to co-operate Howitzers on the approaches to Leesburg, in the movement. c Baker's brigade, in- to guard against the possibility of surprise.

a Letter of Bohemian, Dispatch, Oct. 29 Northern account in Examiner, Nov. 5. c Col. Colbourn's account, Examiner, Nov. 1st.

a Official report of Col. Hinks, of 19th Mass., Oct. 23rd. Maryland News Sheet, Oct. 26th. Baltimore South, Oct. 25th. b New York World, Oct. 26th.

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