As in a former commentary upon << Sport in the West," I shall select one or two good things as specimens of what can be done to satisfy the most greedy of stomachs with the Tiverton fox-hounds. Perhaps the quickest bat of the season was at the last fixture at Bickleigh Bridge. The find was in Polaleve Wood, round which the varmint streaked a ring by way of getting a second puff in his bellows, and then " deep in the dell come follow and find me," he rattled once more into the heart of the wood. Perhaps from the proof that he already had had of the good intent and capacities of his ardent "Inimicals" sweeping too close to his brush to be pleasant, he tried the chickabiddy dodge-by the vulgar 'yclept the "artful"-and hung fire in the covert, like Paddy's rusty musket, afraid to go off. At length "run or die" was the stern decree of Destiny, and so out he broke and gave himself to view. Tally-ho! By the Goddess of the quiver, chaste as Alpine snow, he looked game worthy of thee and thy nymphs to slip a hound to; but Diana mounted on a cocktail is scarcely fitted for a poetical imagination, so let us leave the ideal and come to facts. 66 Straight as a ruled line, the fox, and a fine large dog he was, pointed for Cruwys Morchard, the hounds being on excellent terms with him. The country was severe, yawners and raspers presenting themselves at every stride. Those who possessed a knowledge of the difficulties in their way lived well with the skimming path; but some, whose information was limited, were seen stretching their necks under the operation of "craning." From Cruwys, Charley made for the Temple, and through these coverts he was pressed without check, let, or stop. Now was the time for ambition to shew forth. Men and horses dropped off like leaves in autumn weather," and the Field momentarily became select and selecter still. Great Bradley was the next point, and here the animal with the bushy tail"* was run into in the open, and died for e'en the like cause that pulls down all things with pulse and blood. Among those in the first flight from find to finish were, Mr. Henry Dunsford, well-mounted as he ever is; Mr. Hole; Mr. Cannon, on his celebrated old mare; Mr. J. A. Toms, on a runaway nag; a Gentleman in black riding a young chesnut; two Officers of the 13th Light Dragoons; the Huntsman; and Mr. Skinnor, acting in the capacity of Whip. The puff was out of the horses at the finish, which was not be wondered at considering the severity of the pace and the country, the distance from end to end being more than eight miles, and the time fortyseven minu es. I shall content myself with another record of the doings of these killers. The first meet in the Dulverton country afforded excellent sport. Here the fixture, as a matter of course, was at the seat of Mr. Cridland, who entertained his sporting friends to the creature comforts as an introduction to the fun in store. In a home covert, pug was found "at home," and, quickly discovering that it was too hot to hold him, he mide an exit readily and with but little hesitation. The scent was a burning one, and the weather as beautiful as a maiden could desire for her blushing bridal morn. Fleet as pigeons the pursuing and pursued * Seg Titley's "Ideas on Hunting." the held their course towards the hills near the Wellington Monument-(by way, from the little town adjoining it is that the iron Duke takes his title)-but the fox taking across a deep vale with awfully stiff fences, and plenty of them, soon made the Field remarkably thin. Half-adozen of the right sort, however, faced the impediments like Sportsmen should, and among them Mr. Cridland, on his famous grey, shewed in front, with Capt. Price on a clever little mare, Mr. Sanford of Mynehead, and his son, and two or three others. The hounds raced the fox so hard across the open that he could not reach his first point, and after a bursting run for one hour and seven minutes, he was pulled down in the open near Nynehead Court. The majority of the Field, having taken to the roads, had the satisfaction of coming up after the completion of the diversion. It is not the luck of all to be in their proper places; but may Fortune favor the brave, and cherish the bold! DEATHS OF THE TWO CELEBRATED STALLIONS CAMEL AND LIVERPOOL. PEDIGREE AND PERFORMANCES OF CAMEL. In our last Number we briefly noticed the death of this celebrated stallion at Mr. Theobald's, Stockwell, Surrey, that Gentleman having caused him to be shot, being completely worn out with age. As a racer, Camel was certainly not much distinguished; yet he ran several pretty good races, and might therefore be termed a respectable horse; although he was greatly in repute as a stallion, and excelled by none of the present day, his stock having carried off the St. Leger on two occasions, viz., with Touchstone and Launcelot, both the property of the Marquis of Westminster. The Camel blood are held in high repute by foreigners; as a proof of which, it may be stated, that about two years ago some American dealers went to Eaton House, the seat of the Marquis of Westminster, for the purpose of purchasing Touchstone; and, after seeing the horse, expressed themselves highly pleased with his appearance. They next inquired the "figure," when the Noble Marquis informed them to their utter astonishment, "the American dominions!" PEDIGREE. Camel, a brown horse, foaled in 1822, was bred by the late Earl of Egremont, got by Whalebone, dam (Chichester, Legal Tender, Elfrid, Camelina, and Gaberlunzie's dam) by Selim; grandam, Maiden, by Sir Peter; great grandam, by Phenomenon; great great grandam, Matron (Sir Solomon, Rupee, and Blackleg's dam), by Florizel; great great great grandam, Maiden (the dam of Challenger, Severet, Otho, Young Maiden, Walnut, and Miss Pratt), by Matchem out of Mr. Pratt's famous Old Squirt mare, &c. PERFORMANCES. In 1825, Camel, the property of the Earl of Egremont, when three years old, at Newmarket First Spring, Est. 9lb., received 50 sovs. ft. in a Match from Mr. Greville's br. c. Peter Porteus. At the same Meeting, he ran second to General Grosvenor's br. c. Crockery, for the Newmarket Stakes, but beat Duke of Portland's Mortgage, Duke of Grafton's Cramer and Bolero, Mr. Pettit's Retreat, Mr. Rogers's Flounder, Mr. J. Dilly's Sentiment, and Lord G. H. Cavendish's ch. c. by Selim out of Sister to Remembrancer. At Newmarket Second Spring, ridden by W. Arnull, he won 50 sovs. for three-year-olds, colts 8st. 7fb., and fillies 8st. 41b., R. M., beating by a neck Duke of Rutland's Adeliza, Duke of Grafton's Pigmy, Lord Jersey's Ariel, Mr. Thornhill's Surprise, Mr. Goddard's Pretension, Mr. Wortley's Scandal, Lord Warwick's Mephistophiles, Mr. Udny's b. c. by Muley, dam by Seud or Sorcerer, Mr. Vansittart's Darioletta, and Mr. Payne's br. c. by Octavius, dam by Whalebone.-At Newmarket Second October (W. Arnull), he won one-third of a subscription of 25 sovs. each, for three-year-olds, colts 8st. 91b., and fillies 8st. 61b., A. F., 10 subs., beating by a length Duke of York's Dahlia, Duke of Portlands Mortgage, and Duke of Grafton's Tontine.-At Newmarket Houghton, Sst. 31b. (W. Arnull), he won a Match of 200 sovs., T. Y. C., beating by a length Mr. Udny's Tarandus, 4 yrs, 8st. 71b.-At the same Meeting, he was beaten by half a length in a Match with Mr. Wortley's Scandal, Est. 5. each, D. M. In 1826, at Newmarket Craven, Camel (W. Arnull) won the Port Stakes of 100 sovs. each, h. ft., for rising four-year-olds, colts 8st. 7fb., and fillies 8st. 4lb., T. M. M., six subs., beating by a neck Lord Exeter's Redgauntlet, Duke of York's Lionel Lincoln, Mr. Scaith's Whipcord, and Mr. Shard's Hougoumont. In 1827, at Newmarket Houghton, Camel (W. Arnull) won a Match of 200 sovs., beating by a length Lord Exeter's Redgauntlet, 8st. 7lb. each, Ab. M. The above are all his performances.-He was then put to the stud and is the sire of the following:-Caliban, Crocodile, St. Hilary, Touchstone, Vittoria, Abbas Mirza, Camlet, Constantia, The Glama, Hester, Regatta, Sheik, Sir William, Zara, Burden, Cyrus, Swallow, Elizondo, Grand Cairo, Lady Ann, Pelopia, Spider, Wintonian, Zerlina, Antelope, Brown Duchess, Callisto, Caravan, Pickwick, Camelino, Reel, Vicuna, Wapiti, Westonian, Launcelot, Revoke, Wilderness, Black Bess, Cambyses, Dromedary, Clematis, Lampoon, Simoom, Alice, Misdeal, Archy, Argos, Cameleon, Cecil, Queen of the Gipsies, Pickpocket, Roderick, Seahorse, Sweetmeat, Carol, Seringo, Winton, Black Stockings, Prologue, &c. The following statement will shew what the stock of Camel have done on the Turf during the last twelve years :— THIS very popular and valuable stallion died on the 24th November, at Brampton, Cumberland. He was a bay horse, foaled in 1828; bred by Richard Watt, Esq., of Bishop Burton, near Beverley, Yorkshire, and was allowed by competent judges to be the most "correct model” of Old Tramp of all that stallion's progeny. He was sold, when two years old, to J. Robinson, Esq, who parted with him to the late Duke of Cleveland; the latter Nobleman selling him to J. Ramshay, Esq., of Naworth Castle, whose property he was at the time of his decease. PEDIGREE. He was got by Tramp, dam (bred by Mr. Watt in 1822) Manchester (Whirlpool, Waresti, Welsh Pool, and Wadasta's dam) by Whisker; grandam, Mandane (bred by Mr. Panton in 1800), the dam of Ernest, Flip, Manuella, Altisidora, Petuaria, Captain Candid, Fococurante, Muta, Lottery, Brutandorff, &c., by Potso's; great grandam, Young Camilla (Penny Trunipet, Enchanter, and Allegratta's dam), by Woodpecker; great great grandam, Camilla (Ragged Jack, Colibri, Candor, Catherine out of the dam of Slipper, Hedley, Shadow, Sprite, Wanderer, and Vagabond's dam out of Sophia, Crazy Poetess, Humming Bird, and Jerboa's dam), by Trentham; great great great grandam, Coquette (Glider, Driver, and Dartar's dam), by the Compton Bard out of Sister to Regulus by the Godolphin Arabian, &c. -Liverpool was a very good racer, having beaten several of the best horses of his time and as a stallion he stood very high, being the sire of some of the best horses on the turf. In our 21st Volume, N. S., we gave a splendid portrait of this celebrated horse, with a list of his performances which terminated in 1833, when he was taken out of training and put to the stud, and was the sire of the following winners-Wee Willie, Commodore, Lanercost, Malvolio, Naworth, Ararat, Lady Liverpool, Calypso, Messmate, Queen Bee, The Tilter, Broadwath, A British Yeoman, Augury, Bee's-wax, Moss Trooper, Sir Abstrupus, Crenoline, Espoir, Everton, Hippona, Isabella, New Brighton, Royal Charlie, Sheffield, Brush, Charlotte, Crosby, Full-sail, Jamaica, Mocha, Panther, Plantagenet, Princess Alice, Seaport, Winfarthing, and several others. The following statement will at once shew what Liverpool's stock have done on the turf since their first appearance :— ASHDOWN PARK. THE frost, which had set in so severely during the Newmarket Champion Meeting, went off just in time to enable the Open Meeting (which had been advertised to take place at Ashdown Park on the 16th and following days) to proceed. From the continuance of the frost to so near the time, the party assembled at Lambourn on the 16th was not a very numerous one, not 60 THE ASHDOWN PARK CHAMPION COURSING MEETING. withstanding a good entry was made for the Gold Cup, as well as for the Craven and Puppy Stakes. On the 17th the fog was so thick on the Downs, that it was late cre the running commenced, when, seeing no chance of its getting clear, the Stewards decided on trying what could be done, and nine courses were run off the first day. On the 18th, the fog was equally thick, but as the Judge, by keeping close to the dogs, had not much difficulty in seeing on the preceding day, it was determined the coursing should go on, and nearly twenty courses were run without one greyhound being unsighted in one of the thickest fogs I ever saw. On the 19th, we had a nice clear morning, and I never saw a finer day's sport. Some of the hares were of the stoutest sort, and in the course between Bill Scott and Frighten'em, for the Craven, both dogs were brought to a stand still, and the hare went away as strong as possible. An equally good hare was found for Feathers and Brilliant contending for the Gold Cup: they are two fast and excellent greyhounds, and though they did not stop, they did very little with their hare. The Meeting was admirably arranged under the Stewardship of Mr. Goodlake and Mr. Bowles. Mr. Nicholson (a Lincolnshire man), who nas lately come to reside in the neighbourhood of Lambourn, was the Judge, and fulfilled the duties of his office to the satisfaction of every one. He rides well to the dogs, is soon back, and very prompt in his decision, and appears to possess a thorough knowledge of the Sport. The Gold Cup, value 65 sovs., was cleverly won by Mr. Jenner's white bitch Feathers beating, in the last tie, Mr. Etwall's Fawn dog The Winner, after an undecided course. The bitch shewed superior speed in both courses, but the first was not of sufficient length: in the last she finished with a fine kill: she is a puppy, and ran well at the Champion Deptford Meeting, and was only beaten by Mr. A. Graham's Agitation, the winner of the Stakes: sirce which, she won the Oaks at the Gerleigh Meeting: she has always ran in Mr. Fowle's nomination. The Craven, which consisted of a Silver Cup value £25, and £40 in specie, was won by Mr. Gordon's black bitch Crape she is an excellent worker, with a good share of speed: she beat, in the last tie, Mr. Flesher's fawn bitch Elssler. Crape won the Great Western Cup for puppies, last season, at the Deptford Champion Meeting. The Stakes for Dog Puppies was won by Mr. W. Etwall's fawn dog West-end, beating, in the last tie, Mr. Fowle's red dog Frantic. West-end is a fine young dog, with lasting powers. The Stakes for Bitch Puppies was won by Mr. Bowles's yellow bitch Blessington, running in Mr. Lawrence's nomination: she beat, in the last tie, Mr. Meyrick's black and white bitch Magpie. Blessington is a smart greyhound, possessing the speed of her sire and the endurance of her dam. Hares were plentiful and very few killed, and a good meeting may be looked for in February over the same fine ground. W. M. The Gold Cup.-Mr. Flesher's Empress beat Mr. J. Parkinson's (absent), Mr. J. Mathew's Brilliant beat Mr. E. Jones's Jim-along-Josey, Mr. Palmer's Perseverance beat Mr. Etwall's Empress, Mr. F Parkinson's Pirate beat Mr. Nash's Cruiskeen, Mr. Fowles's Feathers beat Mr. Rake's Regent, Mr. H. Miller's Polly beat Mr. Dunsford's Daphne (absent), Mr. Etwall's The winner beat Captain A. Wyndham's (absent), and Mr. Lawrence's Leda beat Mr. Bowles's Blacksmith's Daughter. First Ties.-Brilliant beat Empress, Perseverance beat Pirate, Feathers beat Polly, and The Winner beat Leda.-Second Ties.-The Winner beat Perseverance, and Feathers beat Brilliant.Deciding Course.-Feathers beat The Winner. The Craven Puppy Stakes.-Mr. Etwall's Elastic (Spring) beat Mr. F. Palmer's Pic-nic, Mr. Gordon's Crape beat Sir G. Quentin's Gem, Mr. Fowles's Frighten'em beat Mr, Dunsford's Dreadnought (absent), Mr. Bowles's Bill Scott beat Mr. Nattriss's Name-her, Sir G. Quentin's Vesper beat Mr. Smith's Sam Slick, Mr. F. Par |