Lord Verulam's Christina colt has been named "Maynooth," and the Duke of Bedford's Estelle filly "Pic Nic." Mr. Theobald has sold his foal by Muley Moloch out of Pocohantas to John Day. Mr. Maher has sold his bl. c. by Sir Hercules out of St. Lawrence's dam, 2 yrs, to John Stanley, Esq., for 650 sovs.; and his Secundus, Brother to Johnny, 4 yrs, to Sir G. Houston, for 400 sovs. The Marquis of Waterford has purchased Captain Levinge's b. c. by Blacklock out of Tearing Thief's dam for 400 sovs. It ZANONI. This horse (formerly known as the notorious Running Rein), entered for the Chester Cup as "c. by Gladiator," &c. was objected to as not having been properly described in the entry. The case was brought before the Stewards of the Jockey Club the last week in April; and on the part of Mr. Parry, the owner, Isaac Grey (Sir C. Ibbotson's groom) and George Wharton, the lad who led the colt to the Mashorough station, spoke clearly to his identity. Two veterinary surgeons at Newmarket, in the presence of Lord Stradbroke, the Marquis of Exeter, and Colonel Anson (the Stewards), pronounced him to be the same horse that ran for the T. Y. C. Plate at Newmarket as Running Rein. One link in the chain was, however, wanting. was proved that Goodman and Higgins received the horse from Wharton at Masborough, but Higgins was not present to prove that the colt so received was the same he and Goodman delivered to Mr. Worley, at Siwell, near Northampton, as stated at the trial. The Stewards, on the ground that it was possible the colt might have been changed, gave an opinion that the owner of Zanoni had not sufficiently proved his pedigree to qualify him to start for any race, and consequently he was withdrawn from the Chester Cup.-On Wednesday, the 15th of May, the case came again before the same Stewards, and Mr. Higgins having proved that he and Goodman had delivered the same colt received from Wharton to Mr. Worley, the Stewards gave the following opinion in writing:-"We are of opinion, that the horse called Zanoni was bred by Sir Charles Ibbotson in 1840, and that he was got by Gladiator, dam (foaled in 1843) by Capsicum out of Acklam Lass; and that he is the same horse that ran for the Derby 1844 under the name of Running Rein." IRONMASTER. This horse having been nominated for the Derby and St. Leger by a Mr. Francis Marshall, and a Gentleman of that name having died, a Protest was entered against his starting for either race by Mr. Greville and Lord Glasgow, which gave rise to a lengthened correspondence between Mr. A. W. Hill, of Chester, the owner of Ironmaster, and Mr. Weatherby, the question to be decided being, whether the horse was entered by Mr. Francis Marshall, who is dead, or by Mr. Francis Marshall, the son of deceased, now living. Mr. Hill contended for the legitimacy of the nomination as being that of the son. On the 19th of May, the case came before the Duke of Beaufort and the Marquis of Normanby at Mr. Weatherby's, Mr. Greville attending on behalf of himself and the other objectors, and Lord George Bentinck for Mr. Hill. After the examination of several witnesses, the inquiry was adjourned till the 22d, when the Noble Referees came to the following decision, which disqualified the horse :-"It having been established by the evidence of the present Mr. Francis Marshall that the nominations of Ironmaster for the Derby and St. Leger, though in his hand-writing, were written by him as the amanuensis of his father, the late Francis Marshall, whom he never knew to write a letter himself, and were intended by both parties to be the nominations of the father, we are of opinion that they can only be considered the nominations of Mr. Marshall, sen., and are void by his death, according to the law and practices of the Turf."-Signed, BEAUFORT-NORMANBY.Bets" with a qualification" are of course off, but those "all in" stand. On the 22d of April died at Newmarket, William Weatherby, Esq.. aged 81. He was Stakeholder at Newmarket for 60 years; and although he neither gave nor took a receipt for money received for Stakes, and had frequently upwards of £20,000 in his possession at one time, no "error" ever marked his accounts, nor in all his extensive money transactions was an item ever disputed. On the 19th of May, died at York, Mr. John Orton, Clerk of the Course and Judge at the York races. He was also Judge at Richmond, Carlisle, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Burton Constable, and Catterick Bridge; and at one period was Judge of nearly all the Scotch Meetings, including Eglinton Park, Royal Caledonian Hunt, Kelso, Paisley, Stirling, &c. The celebrated brood mare Erin Lass, by Irish Hollyhock out of Rally by Waxy, dam of Landrail, Helen Percy, Percy, Mussulman, The Anchor (late Erin Lad), &c., died recently at Clifton near York, in her 23rd year. Mr. Tom Le Brun's The Bride (late Myopes), by Chateau Margaux out of Vicarage by Octavius, died within a month of foaling to Chilson, halfbrother to Coronation. RACING CUPS FOR 1845. The Ascot Cup, presented by the Emperor of Russia, is a reduced copy in silver of the Equestrian Statue of Peter the Great, at St. Petersburgh, by Falconet. The original Statue is placed on a rock; and in this copy the figure and rock are supported on a triangular base, at whose corners are equestrian figures of Russian soldiers, and on whose sides are views, in relief, of the Palace at St. Petersburgh, the Kremlin at Moscow, and the Castle at Windsor.-Her Majesty's Vase is of a globular form, bearing enrichments of the Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle; the stem in the Elizabethan style, having grouped round it the Royal Supporters, with the Arms, Crowns, and Helmets of Her Majesty and Prince Albert. On the cover is a highlyfinished group representing the Legend of St. Hubert, the Patron Saint of Hunting-that portion of the history being selected where the spectre stag appears to Hubert bearing the Cross between its antlers. The affrighted huntsman at once falls upon his knees to the vision, while his horse is quietly grazing on the bank, and his hounds are reposing by the side of their master. The Royal Hunt Cup exhibits King Robert Bruce in conflict with the three assassins who waylaid him from the fight of the " King's Field." The Goodwood Cup represents Charles II., on horseback, presenting to the winner the first Prize Cup ever run for at Newmarket; and the Steward's Cup at the same Meeting is a representation of Boadicea in her war-chariot, leading on the Iceni against the Romans.-The Doncaster Cup is the representation of an ancient chariot race, exhibiting in a picturesque variety the mechanical powers and magnificent symmetries of the horse. THE LATE MARQUIS OF WESTMINSTER'S RACING STUD. The sale of the racing and breeding stud of the late Marquis of Westminster took place at Eaton Hall on Saturday, May 10, and realised the following prices Brood Mares.-Languish and Sarcasm, 360gs. each; Retort, 350gs. ; Maid of Honor, 320gs.; Lampoon, 220gs.; Maria Day, 250gs.; Fanny Eden, 160gs.; Phryne, 70gs. ; and Thais, 60gs. Yearlings.-Br. f. Sister to The Libel, by Pantaloon out of Pasquinade, 310gs.; br. f. by Pantaloon out of Banter, and b. f. by Touchstone out of Ghuznee, 200gs. each; br. c. by Touchstone out of Decoy, 170gs. ; br. f. by Pantaloon out of Shiraz, 150gs.; br. c. by Pantaloon out of Retort, 140gs. ; br. f. by Pantaloon out of Lampoon, 130gs.; and br. f. by Pantaloon out of Aura, 25gs. Two-year-olds.-Br. f. by Touchstone out of Maid of Honor, 290gs. ; br. c. Brother to The Libel, 270gs. ; and b. c. by Touchstone out of Maid of Honor, 120gs. Three-year-olds.-B. f. by Touchstone out of Languish, 340gs. ; br. c. by Touchstone out of Morea, 240gs.; Falstaff, 160gs.; and b. f. by Touchstone out of Laura, 160gs.-Total, 5055gs. THE CHASE. The Shropshire hunters were brought to the hammer at Mr. Bretherton's Repository on the 24th of April, and realised the following prices:-Black Prince, 200gs. ; Student, 150gs. ; Squib, 105gs.; b. h. by Potcheens, 100gs. ; Yellow Dwarf, 85gs.; mare by Old Port, Sogs.; h. by Necromancer, 75gs.; Hotspur, 60gs.; Polly, 55gs.; Fat Jack and Lady Anne, 50gs. each; g. h. by Herbert Lacy, 47gs.; Chicken Hazard, 46gs.; Annette, 45gs.; Dragsman, 41gs.; Nobbler, b. h. by Herbert Lacy, and The Doe, 40gs. each; Mischief, 38gs.; Othello, 36gs.; Honest Miller, 33gs. :-total 1416gs.Previously to the hounds being put up, an arrangement was made for them to return to their own country, which we are glad to hear will be hunted as usual. SALE OF MR. FOLJAMBE'S HUNTERS. In our last we gave the account of the sale of Mr. Foljambe's hounds. -The disposal of his stud of hunters took place on the 8th of May at Messrs. Tattersall's, when the yard was thronged with the elite of the Sporting World, including the Noble Master of the Royal Buck-hounds, Lords Craven, Curzon, Langdale, Sefton, and Shelburne, Sir C. Cockerell, Sir H. Peyton, Mr. C. Newdegate, M. P., &c.-There were twenty horses put up, for which a spirited competition ensued, realising in the whole 3012gs. The highest priced were, Sampson, 340gs.; Brilliant 300g3. ; Parker, 290gs. ; Sir Gilbert, 240gs.; and the remainder averaged 115gs, each. Aquatics. NEW YACHT CLUB IN THE ISLE OF WIGHT. In order to celebrate the auspicious circumstance of Her Majesty becoming a proprietor in the Isle of Wight, an idea was started of forming a Yacht Club at Ryde, and a party of influential Gentlemen met on the 24th of May, the Queen's birthday, at the Pier Hotel, Ryde, to frame resolutions and establish a Club. Nearly two hundred guineas per annum was immediately subscribed, and Thomas Willis Flemming, Esq., of Quan House, Isle of Wight, was appointed Commodore, and A. Hamborough, Esq., of Steephill Castle, Isle of Wight, Vice Commodore. A resolution was immediately adopted, directing the Commodore to apply for Her Majesty's permission to name the Club "the Royal Victoria Yacht Club," and to solicit the honor of the patronage of Her Majesty and H. R. H. Prince Albert. Amongst the Noblemen and Gentlemen who have already become Members are, the Marquis of Conyngham; Earls of Yarborough and Mountcharles; Lords Rossmore and Keane; the Hon. Lindsay Burrell; Robert Burrell, E. V. Utterson, G. S. Harcourt, and B. B. Williams, Esqrs.; and as Honorary Members, the Earl of Errol, the Hon. W. A. a'Court Holmes, M. P., Sir Augustus Clifford, Sir James Urmston, Captain Brigstock, R.N., James Lind, Esq., W. Buckler Astley, Esq., and many other influential Gentlemen connected with the beautiful Island. HENLEY ON THAMES REGATTA. This Regatta is fixed for the 6th and 7th of June, of which the following is the programme-the Grand Challenge Cup of 100gs. value, now held by the Etona Oxford Club; the Steward's Challenge Cup, held by the Oxford University Boat Club; the District Challenge Cup, held by the Windsor and Eton Boat Club; the Town Challenge Cup, held by the Henley Aquatic Club; the Diamond Sculls Prize for Amateurs ; a "New Challenge Prize," for eight-oared boats, open to College or other Amateur Clubs, except University Subscription Rooms, or Clubs similarly constructed; the Silver Wherries presentation Prize for Amateurs in pair-oared boats, open to all England; and the Henley Regatta Coat and Badge, and other prizes open to apprentices of Thames Watermen who shall have served five and under seven years. THE THAMES REGATTA. The annual meeting of the Members of this Club was held on the 8th of May, at the British Hotel, Cockspur Street, C. J. Selwyn, Esq., one of the Committee, presiding, The Chairman opened the proceedings by stating that the Committee hoped that the ensuing Regatta would not be inferior to preceding years. It would continue, as heretofore, under the patronage of H. R. H. Prince Albert, and he was happy to add that the Right Hon. Lord John Russell, had consented to become one of the Vice Patrons, which now consisted of the Duke of Buccleuch, Earl of Ripon, Lords Castlereagh, Grimston, and J. Russell, the Vice Chancellor of England, and the Lord Mayor. The Treasurer announced that the balance from the last account was £134 2s. 8d., since which about £300 had been received by subscriptions, which included many distinguished names. The days fixed for the forthcoming Regatta were the 24th, 25th, and 26th of June, the entries to close on the 12th, and the prizes as follow:-for Amateurs, the Gold Challenge Cup for eight-oared boats, with Medals to the winners, held by Oxford University; the Silver Challenge Cup for four-oared boats, with ditto, held by the Leander Club; the pair-oared_two Silver Cups; the Silver Challenge Cup, presented by James Leyton, Esq., for sculls; and a Silver Wherry, the presentation and design of Messrs. Makepiece and Walford, silversmiths, Serle Street, Lincoln's Inn-fields, for sculls.-There is to be a Prize of 100 sovs., open to all the world, the whole money given to go to the first boat, with second and third prizes according with the liberality of subscribers. Instead of the 50 sovs. given last year to all comers, a piece of plate is substituted, to be called "The Tradesmen's Challenge Cup," to be competed for by that respectable body, who may not be of the grade of Gentlemen Amateurs, but far removed from the station classed as landsmen. Mr. Evan Morris again gives his prize of coat, badge, and freedom to apprentices in their sixth or seventh year serving between London Bridge and Teddington Lock; and a Prize Wherry is also to be given by the lessee of Vauxhall Gardens. A hope was expressed that the Committee would be able to offer 80 sovs. for pair oars, and 50 sovs. for scullers, to be rowed for by Watermen. - The finale will be the Gentlemen Amateurs' Eight-oared Match for Medals. Cricket. The Collegers and Oppidans at Eton played their annual Match in the Upper Shooting Fields on the 28th and 29th of April, the latter scoring in their two innings 105, and the Collegers 108 in one, winning accordingly with three runs to spare. The first Match of the M. C. C. took place, as announced, on the 13th of May, in Packer's Piece, Cambridge, with Lillywhite and Royston, against the Undergraduates of the University, 12 on each side.-Marylebone went in first, but from want of practice made but bad hands, their score being in the first innings only 38, and in the second 72; total, 110; of which Lillywhite made 24, Mr. R. Barker 21, Mr. Bulwer 15, and Mr. G. Shepherd 13.-The University marked 143, thus winning in one innings and 33 runs; Mr. C. Campbell scoring 39, Mr. Clissold 36, Mr. J. Nicholson 18, and Mr. Dowell 17. VOL. V.-THIRD SERIES, N. S.-No. 30. 3 K The Etonians and the Royal Horse Guards played a Match in the Shooting Fields on the 17th. The former scored 82 and 86; total 168, of which Mr. Adlington marked 38 and not out and 36, Mr. Tremayne 13, Mr. Greene 14, Mr. Baillie 6 and 10, and Mr. Luttrell and Mr. Winter 7 each: the Guards 171, winning in one innings with three runs to spare, of which Hon. J. Milles obtained 64, Private Knight 33, Mr. F. Berkeley 26, Mr. D. Baillie 10, and Mr. H. D. Trelawney 9. The first Match at Lord's this season was between the Marylebone and Petworth Clubs and Grounds, which commenced on the 19th, and was procrastinated till the 21st from the rain at intervals coming down very heavily.—The Petworth first occupied the wickets, making in their first innings 88, and in their second 69; total 157.-Marylebone in the first in-go headed their opponents by one, their score being 89; but in their second they obtained 70 with the loss of six wickets, winning with four wickets to spare.-Petworth: G. Picknell 32 and not out and 14, Bushby 1 and 38, Box 25 and 3, Dean 12 and 3, Channell 6 and 5, Sopp 2 and 2, G. Smith 4 and 0, Mr. H. Borror 2 and 1 and not out, Earl of Winterton 2 and 0, Newman 0 and 2, and Hammond nix; byes 2, wide ball 1.-Marylebone: Dorrington 28 and 5, Sewell 9 and 16 and not, Mr. R. Kynaston 4 and 16, Barker 3 and 14, Mr. Dewing 14 and 0, Mr. A. King George 9 and 1 and not out, Lillywhite 0 and 9, Hillyer 6 and not wanted, Mr. A. Haygarth 0 and 3, Mr. E. Hartoph 1 and not out, and Bayley 0 and not wanted; byes, &c. 21. The M. C. C. played Oxford University on the Magdalen Ground, Cowley Marsh, on the 22d and 23rd, the former winning with four wickets to go down. The Oxonians in their first innings marked 76, and in their second 41; total 117, as follow: Mr. H. E. Moberly 14 and 13, Mr. M. M. Ainslie 14 and 9, Mr. H. C. Hildyard 16 and 0, Mr. V. E. Smith 8 and 0, Mr. C. Randolph 7 and 0, Mr. C. H. Ridding 2 and 5 and not out in either innings, Mr. P. Williams 5 and 0, Mr. R. Honeywood 0 and 4, Mr. C. Lock 2 and 1, Mr. A. Orlebar 1 and 0; byes 16.-Marylebone: Mr. R. Kynaston 33 and 1 and not out, Lillywhite 0 and 14, Mr. E. M. Dewing 6 and 7, Mr. A. K. George 12 and 1, Hon. Wrottesly 7 and not out and 6, Mr. E. Esrom 1 and 7, Hillyer 4 and 1 and not out, Captain Knight 4 and 0, Mr. E. Hartopp, Mr. J. G. Shepherd, and Mr. B. Smythe nix in the first and not wanted in the second in-go; byes and wide balls 8 and 7. The Match between the Marylebone Club and Ground and the Gentlemen of Lincoln's Inn and Temple, with two bowlers each, named for the 26th, was not played in consequence of the unfavorable state of the weather -and is declared off. Fine Arts, etc. THE START FOR THE MEMORABLE DERBY OF 1844. Messrs. Fores have brought out a crack print of the Start for the Derby for 1844, not more remarkable for the year it distinguishes than the dimensions that have been thought necessary to do the subject full pictorial justice. Herring appears to have taken great pains in the composition to bring in nine-and-twenty horses with variety of form to make the whole pleasing and yet sufficiently identical. We say sufficiently identical, for with so many figures in motion within the ropes and without, it is impossible for any man, be he public or be he painter, to grasp with a look a perfect view of the whole scene. Much has to be left to the Artist. There are points enough to recognise, and in its details nothing can be more truthful, either in the ground or the manoeuvring of a Derby crowd, who, having seen the start, are making a run for the finish; but with a knowledge of the tempers of the horses, a previous sight of their running, a little information |