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the nobles, many of whom were not averfe to it, the public imagined that the only change in the ftate of Venice, would be from an aristocratic to a democratical republic. This alteration had alfo been introduced as a punishment on the nobles, who alone were reprefented as inimical to the French, the commonalty being reputed warmly devoted to them. By the terms of the treaty between Venice and the French, and which these agreed punctually to fulfil, though all its poffeffions were ceded to the French, yet part of them were to be reftored on the final fettlement of affairs in Italy. A large fum of money, no less than eighty millions of livres, had at the fame time been paid to them, by way of atonement and compenfation. Thefe various circumftances induced the public to expect, that content with the transforming of Venice from a lordship, as it was ftyled, to a popular flate, the French would have left it in that condition, which would have placed it on the fame footing as the Cifalpine and Ligurian republics. This too was confidered, by fome very fhrewd politicians, as the fureft method of preferving Italy from the yoke of Auftria, as thofe three republics would in all liklihood unite for their common defence against the attempts of that dangerous neighbour to recover his former domains. But all thefe expectations were at once fruftrated, by the ceffion not only of feveral of the provinces of Venice, but of the very capital of that ancient state, to the house of Auftria. This, in fact, was to annihilate all hopes that Venice would ever again refume its station in the political fyftem of Europe:

experience having long proved, that every country, that fell into the poffeffion of that family, had never recovered its primitive fituation, but through the moft violent ftruggles, and the moft extraordinary and unexpected events.

The friends to liberty had beheld, with marked fatisfaction, the abolition of the Venetian senate, and efpecially of the council of ten, and of the inquifition of flate. The election of fifty individuals, by the fuffrages of the community, with fix commiffaries nominated by Buonaparte, had been greatly approved of, as a very fair and equitble government. As it had continued feveral months, and been exercifed with moderation, an idea had naturally prevailed, that it would have remained unaltered, and the inhabitants enjoyed their new acquired freedom. It was therefore with deep regret and indignation, that thefe found, that they were to be ftripped of what they began to confider as their conftitutional rights, and delivered over to the dominion of Austria ; a power of which they well knew the def potic maxims, and dreaded to become the fubjects more than ever ; fince the introduction among them of French principles and regulations. The commonalty, which felt a particular partiality to thefe, bitterly complained, that they thould have experienced them to no other purpofe, than to grieve for their lofs, when fubjected to the feverity of the Auftrian government.

Thus ended, for the prefent, the conteft between France and Austria, to the great fatisfaction of the people of both countries. In France, the exultation was boundlefs. imitation of the precedents of for


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mer times, the reign of Lewis the XIV. particularly, calculations of the number of victories and trophies won by the French armies were pompously diftributed to all the members and departments of government, and publifhed with much fplendour and folemnity in all parts of the republic. In thefe it was ftated, that the French had been victorious in two hundred and fixty engagements, thirty of them pitched battles. Of their enemies upwards of one hundred and fifty thousand had been flain, and near two hundred thousand made prifoners. About eight thoufand pieces of cannon had been taken, and one hundred and eighty thousand mufkets. Thefe atchievements had taken place within the fpace of three years and a half, commencing with September, 1793, and ending with February, 1797. Since which, upwards of twenty thoufand more of the Auftrians had either been killed or taken during the hoftilities that preceded the armiftice, and preliminary pacification, concluded in April following, between France and the emperor.

While the arms of France were obtaining fo many fucceffes abroad, the internal peace of that country was continually fhaken, by the irreconcileable difpofition of thofe who oppofed the prefent conftitution. Stung with refentment at the many disappointments they had experienced in their efforts to overturn it, these, inftead of relaxing, had rather encreased their refolution to perfevere, and fall in the attempt, fhould fuch a fate attend them, than defift from what they looked upon as equally a point of honour and of duty.

Such ftill continued to be the character of that refolute party which oppofed the republic, and was determined, at all hazards, to labour for its deftruction, and the restoration of monarchy.

Thefe two objects were inceflantly in their contemplation. The blood that had been fo pro'fufely and vainly fhed for their accomplishment was confidered only a just and neceffary tribute, which every loyal fubject fhould hold himself under the most confcientious obligation to pay, when fummoned to do it by thofe who bore the lawful commiffion of the fovereign, and whenever any profpect appeared of acting to advantage in his fervice.

Thefe principles were ftrongly current among large numbers in every part of France. The perfecution and fufferings which thofe, who profeffed them, were liable to undergo, did not seem to make much impreffion upon them: undeterred by the vigilance, with which their motions were watched, they acted together with a concert and boldness that exposed them to perpetual detection. But fuch was their courage and firmness, that they took little or no care to conceal their principles. Their conduct, in fact, bordered on temerity, their zeal being fuch as to overleap all the bounds of difcretion, and to fet their oppreffors at defiance.

Among men of this defcription it was not difficult to find agents, as well as adherents, by those ftrenuous friends to royalty, who still abounded in France: the ftaunch republicans dreading the effects of this unconquerable antipathy to their caufe, and alarmed by the frequent intelligence of threatened infurrections, contracting on their

fide a rancour against the royalifts, and a thirst of revenge that induced them to pry into all their actions, with a fufpicion that fell upon the molt innocent, and that fought for plots and machinations against the eftablished order of things, in the commoneft intercourfe between thofe individuals, who were either known or fufpected to incline to what was termed royalifm.

This being the relative fituation of the partizans of the commonwealth and the monarchy, it was natural that they fhould hold each other in abhorrence. Thofe of the republican party, who favoured moderate mealures, and who, though true to their own fide, were difpofed to treat their antagonists with lenity, incurred, on many occafions, the imputation of being unfteady in their principles: and yet, the only charge that could be brought against them was, that of endeavouring to mitigate the fpirit of enmity that prompted men to unneceflary acts of feverity, and to perfuade them to reft contented with thofe precautions that deprived their adverfaries of the means of executing their inimical intentions, without punishing them merely for entertaining fentiments contrary to their


The nation was deeply involved in this conflict of repugnant ideas and interests, when new jealoufies and apprehenfions arofe, to add freth fuel to the flame of reciprocal animofity. On the twelfth of Plus viofe, (January the thirty-firft, 1797), the directory informed the council of five hundred, that a confpiracy had been carried on againft the republic, by the emiflaries of the late king's brother, ftyling himfelf king of France, and that four

of the principal confpirators had been arrefted.

According to the report of the minifter of police, there had been for a confiderable time, persons in Paris, commiffioned by that prince, to correfpond with his partisans in all the departments, and to organize the plan of an infurrection. After preparing their own people, they next ventured to make application to fome officers in the republican army, in hope of bringing them over to their party. Ramel, commander of the guards, attending the directory, was tampered with, as was alfo Malo, the commanding officer of a regiment of dragoons. They both feigned an approbation of the propofals made to them; but informed the minifter of the police of the bufinefs in agitation. A place was appointed where he might over-hear the difcourfe between thefe officers and the royal commiffioners. Thither he repaired, and they difclofed, in his hearing, the whole plan of the confpiracy, producing, at the fame time, their powers, and the papers relating to it. They were immediately feized, by his orders. Their names were Duverne, Duprale, known alfo by the name of Dunant, and who acknowledged, upon examination, that he had affumed feveral others; Laville Harnois, formerly belonging to the court of the late king; Brothier, who appeared, by papers found upon him, to be in the confidence of Lewis XVIII; and a person called baron Poly. They were accufed of having endeavoured to fe duce the above-mentioned officers into a confpiracy against the republic, in which they were to be affifted by England. Had their defign fucceeded, and a counter revo

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mer times, the reign of Lewis the XIV. particularly, calculations of the number of victories and trophies won by the French armies were pompously diftributed to all the members and departments of government, and published with much fplendour and folemnity in all parts of the republic. In thefe it was ftated, that the French had been victorious in two hundred and fixty engagements, thirty of them pitched battles. Of their enemies upwards of one hundred and fifty thousand had been flain, and near two hundred thoufand made prifoners. About eight thoufand pieces of cannon had been taken, and one hundred and eighty thousand mufkets. Thefe atchievements had taken place within the fpace of three years and a half, commencing with September, 1793, and ending with February, 1797. Since which, upwards of twenty thousand more of the Auftrians had either been killed or taken during the hoftilities that preceded the armiftice, and preliminary pacification, concluded in April following, between France and the emperor.

While the arms of France were obtaining fo many fucceffes abroad, the internal peace of that country was continually fhaken, by the irreconcileable difpofition of thofe who opposed the prefent conftitution. Stung with refentment at the many disappointments they had experienced in their efforts to overturn it, thefe, infiead of relaxing, had rather encreased their refolution to perfevere, and fall in the attempt, fhould fuch a fate attend them, than defift from what they looked upon as equally a point of honour and of duty.

Such ftill continued to be the character of that refolute party which oppofed the republic, and was determined, at all hazards, to labour for its deftruction, and the restoration of monarchy. These two objects were inceffantly in their contemplation. The blood that had been fo pro'fufely and vainly shed for their accomplishment was confidered only a juft and neceffary tribute, which every loyal fubject fhould hold himself under the most conscientious obligation to pay, when fummoned to do it by thofe who bore the lawful commiffion of the fovereign, and whenever any profpect appeared of acting to advantage in his fervice.

These principles were ftrongly current among large numbers in every part of France. The perfecution and fufferings which thofe, who profeffed them, were liable to undergo, did not feem to make much impreffion upon them: undeterred by the vigilance, with which their motions were watched, they acted together with a concert and boldness that expofed them to perpetual detection. But fuch was their courage and firmness, that they took little or no care to conceal their principles. Their conduct, in fact, bordered on temerity, their zeal being fuch as to overleap all the bounds of difcretion, and to fet their oppreflors at defiance.

Among men of this defcription it was not difficult to find agents, as well as adherents, by those ftrenuous friends to royalty, who ftill abounded in France: the ftaunch republicans dreading the effects of this unconquerable antipathy to their caufe, and alarmed by the frequent intelligence of threatened infurrections, contracting on their

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fide a rancour against the royalifts, and a thirst of revenge that induced them to pry into all their actions, with a fufpicion that fell upon the moft innocent, and that fought for plots and machinations against the eftablished order of things, in the commoneft intercourfe between thofe individuals, who were either known or fufpected to incline to what was termed royalism.

This being the relative fituation of the partizans of the commonwealth and the monarchy, it was natural that they fhould hold each other in abhorrence. Those of the republican party, who favoured moderate measures, and who, though true to their own fide, were difpofed to treat their antagonists with lenity, incurred, on many occafions, the imputation of being unfteady in their principles and yet, the only charge that could be brought against them was, that of endeavouring to mitigate the fpirit of enmity that prompted men to unneceffary acts of feverity, and to perfuade them to reft contented with thofe precautions that deprived their adverfaries of the means of executing their inimical intentions, without punishing them merely for entertaining fentiments contrary to their



The nation was deeply involved in this conflict of repugnant ideas and interests, when new jealoufies and apprehenfions arofe, to add fresh fuel to the flame of reciprocal animofity. On the twelfth of Plu viofe, (January the thirty-firft, 1797), the directory informed the council of five hundred, that a confpiracy had been carried on againft the republic, by the emiffaries of the late king's brother, ftyling himfelf king of France, and that four

of the principal confpirators had been arrested.

According to the report of the minifter of police, there had been for a confiderable time, persons in Paris, commiffioned by that prince, to correfpond with his partifans in all the departments, and to ganize the plan of an infurrection. After preparing their own people, they next ventured to make application to fome officers in the republican army, in hope of bringing them over to their party. Ramel, commander of the guards, attending the directory, was tampered with, as was alfo Malo, the commanding officer of a regiment of dragoons. They both feigned an approbation of the propofals made to them; but informed the minifter of the police of the bufinefs in agitation. A place was appointed where he might over-hear the difcourfe between thefe officers and the royal commiffioners. Thither he repaired, and they difclofed, in his hearing, the whole plan of the confpiracy, producing, at the fame time, their powers, and the papers relating to it. They were immediately seized, by his orders. Their names were Duverne, Duprale, known also by the name of Dunant, and who acknowledged, upon examination, that he had affumed several others; Laville Harnois, formerly belonging to the court of the late king; Brothier, who appeared, by papers found upon him, to be in the confidence of Lewis XVIII; and a perfon called baron Poly. They were accafed of having endeavoured to feduce the above-mentioned officers into a confpiracy against the republic, in which they were to be affifted by England. Had their defign fucceeded; and a counter revo

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