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Republic and his Holinefs, is de- the Republic of Genoa; thinking

clared to extend to the Batavian Republic.

XXIII. The poft of France fhall be re-established at Rome, in the fame manner as exifted before.

XXIV. The school of arts, inftituted at Rome for all the French, fhall be re-eftablished, and fhall continue to be conducted as before the war. The palace belonging to the Republic, where this fchool is held, fhall be reftored without waste.

XXV. All the articles, claufes, and conditions of the prefent treaty fhall be, without exception, obligatory for ever, as well on his Holinels as on his fucceffors.

XXVI. The prefent treaty fhall be ratified with the fhorteft poffible delay.

Made and figned at the headquarters of Tolentino, by the faid Plenipotentiaries, February 19th, 1797.

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THE French Republic and the Republic of Genoa being defirous to confolidate the union and harmony which have always exifted between the French Republic and

likewife that the happiness of the Genocfe nation requires that it fhould regain poffeffion of the depofit of its fovereignty; the two ftates have agreed upon the following articles:

I. The government of the Republic of Genoa acknowledges the fovereignty to refide in the aggregate of all the citizens of the territory of the state.

II. The legiflative power fhall be entrusted to two reprefentative councils: the one compofed of three hundred, and the other of one hundred and fifty members. The executive power fhall be delegated to a fenate of ten members, over which a doge fhall prefide: the fenators fhall be in the nomination of the councils.


III. Every commune fhall have a municipality, and every district an adminiftration.

IV. The mode of election of all the authorities, the limits of the diftricts, the portion of authority entrusted to all the different bodies, the organization of the judicial power and the military force, fhall be determined by a committee of legiflation, charged with the task of framing the conftitution, and all the organical laws of the government, with the referve of doing nothing contrary to the Catholic religion, to guarantee the confolidated debts, to preferve the free port of the city of Genoa and the bank of St. George, and to take measures, as far as means thall permit, to provide for the support of the poor nobles who at prefent exift. This committee shall be obliged to complete its work in the fpace of one month, reckoning from the day of its formation.

V. The people finding them

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felves restored to the enjoyment of their rights, every kind of privilege and exclusive establishment which breaks the unity of the ftate is neceffarily annulled.

VI. The provifional government fhall be entrusted to an executive committee, who shall be compofed of twenty-two members, over which the reigning doge fhall prefide, and which fhall be inftalled upon the 14th of the prefent month of June, 26th Prairial, the 5th year of the French Republic.

VII. The citizens who shall be called upon to compofe the provifional government of the Genoefe Republic, are not at liberty to refufe the office without being regarded as indifferent to the welfare of the country, and condemned to a fine of two thoufand crowns.

VIII. When the provifional government shall be formed, it fhall determine the neceffary regulations for the forms of its deliberations; it shall appoint, within a week after its installation, the committee of legiflation, empowered to frame

the conftitution.

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IX. The provifional government fhall fix the juft indemnification due to the French who were pillaged upon the 3d and 4th Prairial.

X. The French Republic, defirous of giving a proof of the intereft which it takes in the happinefs of the Genoefe people; defirous of feeing them united, and free from factions, grants an amnesty to all the Genoefe against whom it has grounds of complaint, either on account of the tranfactions of the 3d and 4th Prairial, or on account of the different events which took place in the imperial fiefs. The provifional government fhall employ its utmoft endeavours to ex

tinguish all factions, to unite all the citizens, and to convince them of the neceffity of rallying round public liberty, and fhall therefore grant a general amnefty.

XI. The French Republic fhall grant its protection to the Genoese Republic, and even the affiftance of its armies to facilitate, if neceffary, the execution of the above articles, and to maintain the integrity of the territory of the Genoefe Republic.

Treaty of Peace and Friendship between the French Republic and Her Moft Faithful Majefty the Queen of Portugal.

THE French Republic and Her Moft Faithful Majefty the Queen of Portugal, defirous of re-establishing the bonds of commerce and friendship which existed between the two powers before the prefent war, have given full powers to enter into negotiations for that purpose, viz. the Executive Directory, in the name of the French Republic, to citizen Charles Delacroix; and Her Very Faithful Majefty to M. le Chevalier d'Aranjo Dazevedo, of her faid Majefty's council, Gentleman of her Household, Knight of the Order of Chrift, and her Envoy Extraordinary and Minifter Plenipotentiary to the Batavian Republic; who, after having exchanged their respective powers, have concluded the prefent treaty of peace.

Article I. There fhall be peace, friendship, and good understanding between the French Republic and Her Moft Faithful Majefty the Queen of Portugal.

II. All hoftilities fhall ceafe, as well by land as by fea, reckoning from the exchange of the ratifica tions of the present treaty, viz. in

fifteen days for Europe, and the feas on her coafts, and thofe of Africa on this fide the equator: forty days after the faid exchange for the countries and feas of America and Africa beyond the equator, and three months after for the countries and feas fituated to the eastward of the Cape of Good Hope. III. The ports, towns, places, or any other territorial poffeffions of either of the two powers, in whatever part of the world, which are occupied or conquered by the troops of the other, fhall be reciprocally reftored within the periods abovementioned, without either compenfation or indemnity being required. IV. Her Moft Faithful Majefty engages to obferve the most exact neutrality between the Republic and the other beiligerent powers. A fimilar neutrality fhall be obferved by the French Republic, in case of a rupture between Portugal and any other European power. In confequence, neither of the two contracting parties, during the courfe of the prefent war, fhall furnish to the enemies of the other, in virtue of any treaty or ftipulation whatever (public or fecret) any fuccours in troops, fhips, arms, warlike ammunition, provifions, or money, under whatever title or denomination.

V. Her Moft Faithful Majefty fhall not admit into her great ports more than fix armed fhips of war belonging to any one of the belligerent powers, nor more than three into her fmaller ports. The prizes made by their flips of war or refpective cruifers fhall no more be received into her Majefty's ports than the cruifers themfelves, unless it be in cafes of tempeft or imminent peril, and then they fhall depart as foon as the peril is paft. All

fale of merchandise or captured veffels fhall be feverely prohibited. The French Republic fhall obferve the fame regulations with respect to fhips of war, cruifers, or prizes belonging to the European powers with which Her Moft Faithful Majefty may enter into war.

VI. Her Moft Faithful Majefty acknowledges, by the prefent treaty, that all the territories fituated to the north of the limits hereinafter mentioned, between the poffeffions of the two contracting powers, belong in full property and fovereignty to the French Republic: renouncing, as far as need be, as well for herfelf as her fucceffors, all the rights to which the might pretend upon the faid territories, under whatever title, and particularly in virtue of the eighth article of the treaty concluded at Uti echt, the 11th of April, 1713. The French Republic reciprocally acknowledges that all the territories fituated to the fouth of the faid line, belong to Her Moft Faithful Majefty, in conformity to the treaty of Utrecht.

VII. The limits between the two French and Portuguese Guyanas fhall be determined by the river called by the Portuguefe Calmeme, and by the French Vincent Pinfon, which flows into the ocean above the North Cape, about two degrees and a half fouthern latitude. They fhall follow the faid river to its fource, and afterwards a right line drawn from the faid fource towards the weft, as far as Rio Blanco.

VIII. The mouth, as well as the whole course of the faid river Calmeme or Vincent Pinfon, belong in full and entire fovereignty to the French Republic, without, however, the fubjects of Her Moft Faithful Majefty, established in the envi


rons to the fouth of the faid river, being prevented from ufing it freely, and without being fubject to the duties of entrance, courfe, and water-duty.

IX. The fubjects of Her Moft Faithful Majefty who are fettled to the north of the frontier line above marked, shall be free to remain there, obeying the laws of the Republic, or to withdraw with their effects, or to fell the lands belonging to them. The facuity of retiring and felling their moveable or immoveable effects, is reciprocally referved to the French who may be fettled to the south of the faid frontier line. The exercife of the faid faculty is limited to one, and the other to two years, reckoning from the exchange of the ratifications of the French treaty.

X. There fhall be negotiated and concluded as foon as poffible between the two powers, a treaty of commerce founded upon equitable bafis, and reciprocally advantageous. Until it is concluded, it is agreed,

1ft. That the commercial relations fhall be re-established immediately after the exchange of the ratification, and that the citizens or fubjects of each of the two powers fhall enjoy in the territories of the other all the rights, immunities, and prerogatives enjoyed by the most favoured nations.

2d. That the provifions and merchandifes, the produce of their foil or their manufactures, fhall be refpectively admitted, if the provifions and merchandife of the fame kind of other nations are, or fhall afterwards be admitted; and that the faid provifions and merchandifes fhall not be fubject to any prohibition which shall not equally fall

on other provifions and merchandifes of the fame kind imported by other nations.

3d. That nevertheless the French Republic not being able to offer to Portugal but a price extremely low for its wines, and being unable to compenfate by the introduction of French cloths into that kingdom, things fhall reciprocally remain, with refpect to those two articles, in their prefent state.

4th. That the duties of custom and others upon provifions and merchandife of the foil and manufactures of the two powers, shall be reciprocally regulated upon the fame footing as with regard to other most favoured nations.

5th. That out of the duties thus regulated, there fhall be allowed a drawback in favour of merchandifes the produce of the foil or manufactures of the ftates of each of the two powers, provided they are imported in national veffels on account of the merchants to whom they belong, and fent in right of the ports of Europe, on the one hand, to the ports of Europe on the other. The amount of thefe drawbacks, as well as the kinds of merchandises to which they hall apply, to be regulated by the treaty of commerce to be concluded between the two powers.

6th. That further, all the ftipulations relative to commerce inferted in preceding treaties concluded bétween the two powers fhall be provifionally executed, wherein they are not contrary to the prefent treaty.

XỈ. Her Moft Faithful Majefty shall admit into her ports the French fhips of war and merchantmen, under the fame conditions as the fhips of the most favoured nations are ad

mitted. The Portuguefe veffels fhall enjoy in France the most exact reciprocity.

XII. The French confuls and vice-confuls fhall enjoy privileges, immunities, prerogatives, and jurifdictions, as they enjoyed them before the war, and as they are enjoy ed by the moft favoured nations.

XIII. The ambaffador or minifter of the French Republic at the court of Portugal, fhall enjoy the fame immunities, prerogatives, and privileges as French anbafladors enjoyed previous to the war.

XIV. All the French citizens, as well as the individuals compofing the establishment of the ambassador or minifter of the councils, and other agents accredited and acknowledged by the French Republic, fhall enjoy in the states of Her Moft Faithful Majefty the fame liberty of worship as is enjoyed by the most favoured nations in this respect.

The prefent, and two preceding articles, fhall be reciprocally obferved by the French Republic with regard to the ambafladors, minifters, confuls, and other agents of Her Moft Faithful Majefty.

XV. All the prifoners made on both fides, including marines and failors, fhall be given up in a month, reckoning from the exchange of the ratification of the prefent treaty, on payment of the debts they fhall have contracted during their captivity. The fick and wounded fhall continue to be taken care of in the re

fpective hofpitals: they fhall be given up immediately after they are cured.

XVI. The peace and good friendfhip re-established by the present treaty between the French Republic and Her Moft Faithful Majefty, are declared to extend in common to the Batavian Republic.

XVII. The present treaty fhall be ratified, and the ratification exchanged in two months, reckoning from this day.

Done, performed, concluded,
figned, and confirmed, to wit,
by me Charles Delacroix, by
the feal for foreign affairs, and
by me the Chevalier d'Aran-
jo, by the feal of my arms, at
Paris, the 23d Thermidor,
fifth year of the French Re-
public, anfwering to the 10th
of Auguft, old ftyle.


The Executive Directory agrees to fign this prefent treaty between Her Moft Faithful Majefty the Queen of Portugal, negotiated in the name of the Republic by citizen Charles Delacroix, Minifter Plenipotentiary, invefted with powers to that effect by a decree of the 30th last Meflidor, and charged by his inftructions.

Done at the national palace of
the Executive Directory, the
24th Thermidor, 5th year
of the Republic, one and in-
divifible. For the fake of

By the Executive Directory,
LAGARDE, Sec. Gen.*

*The Executive Directory, however, by a decree of the 26th October, declared this treaty null and void. The following is a copy of the decree :


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