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rosea. Anagallis arvensis. Psychotria undulata. Coffea arabica, -bengalensis. Webera corymbosa. Gardenia latifolia,-turgida, dumetorum. Mirabilis Jalapa. Datura Stramonium. Nicotiana Tabacum,-petiolata,--decurrens, angustifolia--glutinosa,-plumbaginifolia. Atropa physaloides. Solanum lycoper sicum,Melongena, hirsutum,---stramonifolium,--æthiopicum. Capsicum baccatum,--purpureum. Serissa foetida. Cestrum foetidissimum. Ehretia lævis. Mangifera indica. Viola primulæfolia, tricolor,-cucullata. Impatiens Balsamina. Ce losia cristata. Carissa Carandas, diffusa. Ophioxylon serpentaria. Cerbera Odallam,-fruticosa. Allamanda cathartica. Nerium odorum. Beaumontia grandiflora.

Pentandria Digynia.-Calotropis gigantea. Caucalis leptophylla. Dancus Carota. Coriandrum sativum. Anethum Sowa. Apium petroselinum,-involucratum. Cuminum Cyminum.

Hexandria Monogynia.-Hippeastrum fulgidum,-~fulgidovittatum,-equestre, rutilum,-reginæ, fulgido—rutilum, -rutilo-equestri-vittatum. Hymenocallis speciosa-amona ―ovata―caribbæa. Allium striatum,-ascalonicum. Ornithaga lum candatum,-aureum. Albuca major--minor. Asphodelus clavatus. Anthericum annuum. Hyacinthus orientalis. Muscari botryoides. Lachenalia orchioides. Aloe obliqua. Loranthus bicolor.-globosus.

Octandria Monogynia.-Tropaeolum majus. Oenothera rosea,-tetraptera,-nocturna. Scytalia. Litchi.-Danura, Daphne viridiflora.

Decandria Monogynia.-Bauhinia purpurea. Cassia Tora, alata. Poinciana pulcherrima. Cæsalpinia sepiaria. Hyperanthera Morungo. Melia robusta, sempervirens. Garuga pinnata. Decandria Digynia.—Saponaria vaccaria,-officinalis. Dianthus chinensis,--petræus,-asper,--sylvestris,--diutinus,→ suaveolens.

Decandria Trigynia.-Silene patula. Stellaria media. Decandria Pentagynia.—Oxalis versicolor,-cernua, — abilis,-multiflora.

Dodecandria Monogynia.-Talinum reflexum.


Dodecandria Trigynia.-Reseda odorata,-luteola. Euphorbia peplis, terracina.

Icosandria Monogynia.-Cactus mamillaris,-stellatus. Amygdalis Persica,

Icosandria Pentagynia.-Spirea corymbosa.

Icosandria Polygynia.-Rosa indica,-chinensis,-semper. florens,―involucrata,-centifolia. Mesembryanthemum cordifo, lium, chrystallinum. Rubus rosæ folius. Potentilla reptans,→→ argentea.

Polyandria Monogynia.—Inga dulcis. Papaver somniferum. -Rhocas,-dubium. Argemone mexicana. Roydsia suaveo


Polyandria Trigynia.-Delphinium Ajacis.

Polyandria Polygynia.-Ranunculus cassubicus.

Didynamia Gymnospermia.-Lavandula multifida. Mentha quadrifolia. Leonurus tataricus. Leonotis Leonurus. Moluccella lævis.

Didynamia Angiospermia.-Penstemon companulata. Linaria minor,-tristis. Antirrhinum orontium. Maurandia semperflorens, personata. Celsia coromandeliana. Volkameria infortunata. Lantana aculeata,—trifolia, Stemodia ruderalis. Bignonia amona.

Tetradynamia Siliculosa.-Myagrum perfoliatum. Lepidium Thlaspi,-didymum.

Tetradynamia Siliquosa.-Cheiranthus Cheiri, Matthiola annua. Sinapis dissecta,—dichotoma,―ramosa,―brassicata. Monodelphia Triandria.-Ferraria undulata, antherosa. Passiflora edulis,-laurifolia,minima,-lutea.

Monodelphia Pentandria —Erodium moschatum. Monodelphia Heptandria.—Pelargonium inquinans, capitatum. Monodelphia Decandria-Pentapetes phoenicea. Astrapia Wallichia. Pterospermum acerifolium. Bombax pentandrum.heptaphyllum. Sida cristata. Malachra capitata,-heptaphylla. Malva hispanica. Hibiscus tiliaceus,-tortuosus.-Rosa sinensis,-phoeniceus,-rigidus,-collinus,-mutabilis. Achania


Diadelphia Triandria.-Fumaria officinalis,-parviflora.
Diadelphia Octandria.—Polygala myrtifolia.

Diadelphia Decandria.-Butea frondosa. Erythrina indica, --ovalifolia. Amorpha fruticosa. Crotalaria tenuifolia, retusa, -sericea, verrucosa,-capensis,-laburnifolia. Lupinus hirsutus. Phaseolus vulgaris. Dolichos gladiatus.—Lablab,—gangeticus. Clitoria ternata,-heterophylla. Pisum sativum. Lathyrus sativus. Sesbana grandiflora,-ægyptiaca. Psoralea coryllifolia.

Polyadelphia Icosandria.-Citrus acida.

Polyadelphia Polyandria-Hypericum monogynum.-Ascyron,-calycinum.

Syngenesia Equalis.-Arnopogon picroides. Sonchus tingitanus, oleraceus. Prenanthus acaulis. Chicorium Endivia. -Intybus, laciniata. Serratula anthelmintica, cinerea,spec. from Nepala. Carthamus tinctorius.

Syngenesia Superflua.-Gnaphalium indicum,-depressum. Conyza repanda,-lanceolaria,-lacera. Tagetes patula,-erecta. Zinnia speciosa. Chrysanthemum indicum,-chinense. Anthemis cotula. Achillea magna,-heterophylla.

Syngenesia Frustanea. --Cosmea sulphurea. Helianthus annuus. Rudbeckia triloba. Calea oppositifolia. Centaurea floscula. Syngenesia Necessaria.-Calendula officinalis. Parthenium Hysterophorus.

Syngenesia Segregata.-Naumbergia trinervata.

Gynandria Monandria.-Cymbidium hyacinthinum. Vanda Roxburgii.

Monoecia Hexandria.-Areca Catechu.

Monoecia Polyandria.-Saguerus Rumphii. Begonia malabarica,-patula.

Monoecia Monodelphia.-Jatropha multifida. Bradleia lanceolaria.

Monoecia Polyadelphia.-Momordica monodelpha. Luffa acutangula.

Asiatic Entelligence.

SERAMPORE.-Suttee.—On the 3d of February about 11 A. M. another of these horrid immolations took place in Serampore, in which two deluded victims perished. On the preceding evening the husband, Jugunnat'ha Sein, of the writer caste, died at the age of seventy. Notice was given to J. S. Hohlenberg, Esq. the truly benevolent magistrate of Serampore, that the two wives intended to burn. He delayed giving permission as long as possible, and early in the morning requested the missionaries to accompany him to the house of the deceased, to endeavour to shake the purpose of the poor women. But it was in vain. They exhibited a most determined resolution; and if they had not, the crowd of relatives and neighbours who surrounded them, seemed sufficiently prepared to supply their lack of firmness. Nothing could be more disgusting than the impudence and levity with which they laboured to turn aside every argument used to dissuade the unhappy women from self-murder. At first considerable hope had been excited, by the grief expressed by the relatives, when the application was made to the magistrate. But it appeared that all this grief was merely assumed, in order, if possible, to escape the odium of asking death—and such a death for those whom it was their duty to protect and support. When the attempt was made to rescue their kinswomen, their grief entirely vanished, and they earnestly implored, that they might be left to their own inclinations, else, said they "our family honour will be destroyed, and the sins of ourselves and our forefathers to fourteen generations, will remain unexpiated, whereas they will be all removed at once by this suttee." It was easy to perceive, that only the first part of this argument in reality weighed with them. Hindoo men, especially in their rank, and in this part of Bengal, are now too much enlightened to believe in the false expectations of their deluded women: of this we have had daily and very decided proof. But the deceitful honour from men, their respect and approbation, which after all is scarcely any thing more than the expression of the lips belying the feelings of the heart-this is their strong reason, and against it the shrieks, the blood, the death of their sisters and their mothers, merely weigh as a feather. After much vain labour we left the afflicting scene. A friend, who witnessed the dreadful consum


mation, informed us, that the women, the one nearly seventy and the other about fifty years of age, maintained their resolution to the last, and came singing from their house to the pile. Care was taken to prevent all-violence being used.

Extracts from the Journal of the Native Brethren, who accom← panied Mr. Williamson on his missionary excursion.-Friday, January 8th, 1824. At Vyddabatty we read a tract, and spoke of Divine things to more than a hundred persons, shewing them the fall of mankind, their ruined state, and that man, being under the condemnation of God, could by no means free himself from his just anger. We related the manner in which God had shewn his displeasure because of sin, by destroying the world with a flood, in the time of Noah, when he preserved Noah by commanding him to build an ark, för building which, upon the dry land, the people mocked him. "Yet Noah," we remarked, " continued to testify that the earth would be overflowed with water; and we in like manner preach to you the gospel, that the world is now being overflowed; but if you will take refuge in Christ, as Noah did in the ark, you shall be saved from eternal ruin, Beside this, there is no way for sinners to be saved;-Believe, Širs, God is eternal, almighty, and righteous." Many of the people heard the word attentively; only a few opposed, saying, that God is the author of both good and evil; to which we replied that, "though we are sinful men, yet we do not teach our children to do evil : then how could God, being pure, holy, and just, lead us to do bad actions? We distributed tracts there, and then went down to the boat.

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Saturday. On our way, went up to Bungdahbazar, where Mr. Williamson entered into conversation with a brahmun, and we sung a verse or two of a hymn. About sixty persons then collected together. We read to them a portion from a tract, concerning the religion of Christians. Two or three persons enquired respecting the nature of sin, to whom we shewed, that the breaking of the commandments of God, is sia. The people heard the gospel very attentively, acknowledging that it was the word of God; and looking in the speaker's face, said, "all that you say is very true." After that we prayed, begging God to bless the people and their households, and to grant them serious minds. One of the bearers, comprehending the petition, said, "you prayed God

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