I he island, for at high water it is divided into two, makes a kind of a cone, the pillars converging together towards the centre ; on the other, they are in general laid down flat, and in the front next to the main... the monthly journal - Side 457af several hands - 1774Fuld visning - Om denne bog
 | 1774 - 592 sider
...There is an elegant view of this beautiful appendage to Staffa. " The firft divifion of Boo-lha-la, for at high water it is divided into two, makes a...centre : on the other, they are in general laid down fiat, and in the front next to the main, you fee how beautifully they are packed together; their ends... | |
 | 1778 - 640 sider
...fmall, but by much the neateii formed of any about the place. «' The firft divifion of the ifland, for 'at high water it is divided into two, makes a kind of a cone, the pillars converging together towards the centre : on the other, they are in general laid... | |
 | Uno von Troil, Joseph Banks - 1780 - 440 sider
...high water it is divided into two, makes a kind of a cone, the pillars converging together towards the centre: on the other, they are in general laid...front next to the main, you fee how beautifully they they are packed together ; their ends coming oilt fquart! with the bank which they form : all thefe... | |
 | Uno von Troil - 1780 - 444 sider
...ftill fmall, but by much the neat eft formed of any about the place. The firft divifion of the ifland, for at high water it is divided into two, makes a kind of a cone, the. pillar* converging together towards the centre : OH t.he other, they are in general laid... | |
 | John Knox - 1787 - 566 sider
...lofupport the mafs of incumbent earth that prefled on them. B 4 " The " The firft divifion of the ifland, for at high water it is divided into two, makes a kind of a cone, the pillars converging together towards the centre : on the other, they are in general laid... | |
 | 1801 - 554 sider
...fmall, but by much the neat ell formed of any about the place. " The firft divifion of the ifland, for at high water it is divided into two, makes a kind of a cone, the pillars converging together towards the centre : on the other, they are in general laid... | |
 | Robert Forsyth - 1808 - 594 sider
...water it it divided into two, stakes a kind of a cone, the pillars converging together Staff*, towards the centre. On the other they are in general laid...down flat ; and in the front next .to the main, you see how beautifully they are packed together ; their ends coining out square with the bank which they... | |
 | John Pinkerton - 1809 - 1102 sider
...flill fmall, but by much the neateft formed of any about the place. " The firft divifion of the iiland, for at high water it is divided into two, makes a kind of a cone, the pillars converging together towards the centre ; on the other, they are in general laid... | |
 | James MacDonald (A.M.), Board of Agriculture (Great Britain) - 1811 - 852 sider
...much the neatest formed of any about the place. The first division of the island, for at high wateY it is divided into two, makes, a kind of cone, the pillars converging together towards the centre. On the other they are in general laid down fiat ; and in the front next to the... | |
 | Edward Polehampton - 1815 - 540 sider
...high water it is divided into two, makes a kind of a cone, the pillars converging together towards the centre ; on the other, they are in general laid...down flat, and in the front next to the main, you see how beautifully they arc packed together, their ends coming out square with the hank which they... | |
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