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Will be Published in April, and amongst other Important Papers, will contain:

General Review of Steam Carriages for the next Three Months.-With Plate of all th different Carriages.

Comparative Review of the Generators and Machinery of Locomotive Carriages. With


Canal Navigation: General Review of Quick Boats upon the different Canal of Scot land and England.

Steam Navigation: embracing Notices of the Earl of Dundonald's improvements, and


Currency Question: and New Banking Establishments: the London and Westminster" Bank, &c.

Mode of raising the Sugar Crop at home.

Ireland: advantages of making her comparatively a Clothing Country.

'Explosion of Steam Generators, and close Vessels: its cause and remedy, by J. C. Douglas, Esq., of No. 5, Great Ormond-street. See List of Patents.

Roads Review of Sir H. Parnell's Work upon,

Distillation: Improved modes of,

Steam Ploughs.

Proceedings of the Institution of Locomotion.

"Compulsory Emigration:" its dangers and disadvantages.

Patents, &c.

Fisheries: the advantages to arise from Steam Conveyance, as regards,

Smithfield Cattle Market: the loss and danger occasioned by driving fat cattle. General Review of the past and present state of the Iron Trade of the kingdom; embracing points of no ordinary interest, connected with the prosperity of this great branch of our commercial policy: in which we shall be mainly assisted by Mr. Marshall's valuable Digest of Parliamentary Papers, 1250 copies of which have been ordered for the use of the House of Commons.

Series of Articles upon our Domestic, Social, and National Economy.

Project for making an under-ground Railway in London, as an adjunct to any improved method of Inland Communication, considered.

Caxton's Locomotive Pully. Erricson's Heated Air Engine. &c. &c.

N. B. Our columns will be open to receive communications connected with any of the above important subjects, that may be interesting at this crisis for public information, and we invite contributions from all parties engaged in objects of national utility—from companies, projectors, patentees, &c.

Authors upon topics which fall within the scope of our Periodical wishing to have their Works reviewed, are requested to send them in early each quarter; and Editors of Provincial Newspapers reviewing this Journal are requested to send copies of the papers in which they appear to the Editor, as he is desirous to collect and review the opinions

of the Press.

All Communications (post-paid) for the Editor, Advertisements, &c. to be sent to Mr. MORTIMER, Publisher, 2, Wigmore-street, Cavendish-square, London.

To renew the charge, book must be brought to the desk.

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