Moselekatse, had neither herd nor stall, but subsisted on locusts, roots, and the chase. They adopted this mode of architecture to escape the lions which abounded in the country. During the day the families descended to the shade beneath to dress their... The New sporting magazine - Side 201851Fuld visning - Om denne bog
 | 750 sider
...beneath, to dress their daily food. When the inhabitants increased they supported the augmented weight ou the branches by upright sticks ; but when lightened...the same tree. his sport changes daily, his path is hcset with danger, and instead of being, as ho had always hitherto been, the aggressor, he hns now... | |
 | John William Carleton - 1851 - 726 sider
...door with a babe at her breast, permission to oat. This she granted with pleasure, and soon brought mo more in a powdered state. Several more females came...that many families, both of birds and savages, dwell nt peace in the same tree. As Mr, Gordon. Gumming advances into the interior the character of his sport... | |
 | Robert Moffat - 1842 - 686 sider
...peeled by Moselekatse, had neither herd nor stall, but subsisted on locusts, roots, and the chase. They adopted this mode of architecture to escape the...their load, they removed these for fire-wood. The following sketch of the tree (a species of ficus,) taken on the spot, will serve to illustrate what... | |
 | 1842 - 750 sider
...peeled by Moselekatse, had neither herd nor stall, but subsisted on locusts, roots, and the chase. They adopted this mode of architecture to escape the...of their load, they removed these for fire-wood." — Moffat, pp!519, 520. On arriving at Mosel ekatse's first cattle post. Mr. Moffat wished to return,... | |
 | S. Warrand - 1842 - 590 sider
...abounded in the country. During the day the families descended to the shade beneath lo dress their-daily food. When the inhabitants increased, they supported...lightened of their load, they removed these for fire-wood. .. Our limits, will not allow us to particularize the feastings and dancings which accompanied our... | |
 | 1842 - 592 sider
...the day the families descended to the shade beneath to dress their daily food. When the inhahitants increased , they supported the augmented weight on...lightened of their load, they removed these for fire-wood. * Our limits, will not allow us to particularize the feasting* and dancings which accompanied our author's... | |
 | Robert Moffat - 1843 - 448 sider
...peeled by Moselekatse, had neither herd nor stall, but subsisted on locusts, roots, and the chase. They adopted this mode of architecture to escape the...lightened of their load, they removed these for firewood. As a proof of the necessity of such an expedient as above described, I may add, that during the day,... | |
 | Robert Moffat - 1843 - 440 sider
...roots, and the chase. They adopted this mode of architecture to escape the lions which. abounded hi the country. During the day the families descended...lightened of their load, they removed these for firewood. ^ As a proof of the necessity of such an expedient as above described, I may add, that during the day,... | |
 | John Holmes Agnew, Eliakim Littell - 1843 - 606 sider During the day the families descended to the shade beneath to dress their daily food. Wlion the inhabitants increased, they supported the augmented...lightened of their load they removed these for fire-wood. In the original work there is a wood engraving of the tree in which are perched those human nests.... | |
 | London missionary society - 1844 - 810 sider
...Moselekatse, had neither herd nor stall, but subsisted on locusts, roots, and the produce of the chase. They adopted this mode of architecture to escape the...of their load, they removed these for firewood. The frontispiece, engraved from a sketch of the tree (a species of FicuiI taken on the spot, will serve... | |
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