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A Word to the Fair Readers of the New Monthly Belle Assemblée.

more than a half-length, lined with white quilted satin; a close fitting corsage, high at the back, but partially open on the bosom; and sleeves of the half Turkish form. The skirt is open and rounded in front; a full rouleau of sable fur encircles the corsage, and is continued round the skirt; the bottoms of the sleeves are trimmed to correspond. Chapeau of white velours épingle; a round open shape; the interior decorated with a half-wreath of small damask roses at each

side, and white satin brides; the exterior crowned with a bouquet of three long white flat feathers. PUBLIC PROMENADE CHAPEAU.--Composed of rose-coloured velours épinglé; it is a round open shape, lined and trimmed with satin to correspond, and a bouquet of tétes de plumes shaded in different shades of red.

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to the merciful Providence that has provided you with them. Think, then-as you sit by a blazing fire in your warm parlour, or drawingroom, with its close-drawn curtains, its soft carpet and easy couch-think of those who are without these comforts-of the many who are necessarily out of employment during this season of the year, and stretch towards them a helping hand.

of a tale of fiction, I implore you to peruse a Gentle Reader: you often weep over the woes few pages of the romance of real life. Thousands of your fellow-countrywomen, with feelings as sensitive and with frames as delicate as your own, are at this moment exposed to the miseries of cold and want. Many of these individuals have exercised more heroism in their struggles for self-support than the characters you so much admire in tales; for true heroism is seen in a steady perseverance in the path of duty. What say you, my fair friend, to seeking out some case of indigent merit, and lighting up a gloomy chamber with the sunshine of your smiles. We say seeking out, for the worthiest objects are often those least ready to obtrude their sorrows. The voice of kindness is sweeter to the sorrowing than rich music; and the tear which is drawn from your eye by sympathy with the afflicted is a greater ornament than the most costly gem. But perhaps you can do more than offer words of consolation: it may be that there are little superfluities you enjoy which you could deny

NEW MONTHLY BELLE ASSEMBLÉE. yourself, for the luxury of doing good. You

BY C. E. S.

"This is a world of trouble; but there's nothing so bad to bear as hunger," said a poor unemployed mechanic, as he threw himself on one of the seats on London-bridge. The observation was addressed to an elderly man, of genteel appearance, notwithstanding his threadbare coat and almost shoeless feet, who occupied the opposite corner.

"It is hard to want food," returned his companion, with a sigh; "but perhaps you are not quite destitude of comfort. Have you friends?" "Yes, I have a family; but they are my greatest grief. I have not tasted anything since yesterday morning; but I can't bear to go home another day without money for their support."

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Go home?" repeated the stranger, in a low tone; "home?" he reiterated; "you are not so destitute as I am, if you have a home. I have


The above-related conversation took place a few weeks since. Would that they were isolated cases! but, unhappily, there are thousands of our fellow-creatures in this deplorable condition, and they call aloud for our sympathy. We have a long winter in prospect, and a dreary season it will be to those who are without the necessaries of life, or who have no home.

Dear Reader: have you a comfortable dwelling, warm clothing, and a well-spread board? If you have, you cannot be sufficiently thankful

may have articles in your wardrobe, to you useless, which would shield from cold the delicate form of that half-clad needle-woman who passes your window every Saturday night to receive a scanty pittance for her week's toil. Then the pieces removed from your table: would it not be well, now that provision is so dear, to allow some poor widow with a helpless family to call for them? or could you not deprive yourself of some selfish gratification, for the much higher one of bestowing comfort and enjoyment on another? When the first pang of self-denial were past, a tide of delightful reflections would rush to your mind, and prove ample compensation for the loss.

Dear Reader: forgive me for making one more suggestion, which is, that, if you have the time, you employ a few hours every week in making up clothing for those who have not time for this purpose, even though they manage to buy the material.

I commend this subject, with all affection, to the consideration of our gentle friends, assured that their warm hearts will readily respond to the appeal; for I know that their kindly feelings need but to be touched to thrill with the finest sensibilities of their nature. If each fair sister will devote herself to the relief of one family during this season of sickness and distress, a large amount of suffering-and, in some instances, of crime--will be prevented, and she will reap her reward in the consciousness of having performed a duty.


and with John Huss, too; and the graves of these venerable shades arise. Good old men! to your holy men seem to open around me, and I see their memories, a happy-happy New Year.-From the German of Claudius.



J. H. N."

DECLINED, with thanks.-A.; Meta; "Holly;" "Fancy;" ""Sorrow;" 64 Early Recollections, by M. S.-Yes. "Florence" was the so long assumed signature of Mrs. Edwin Hancock.

A letter which we directed "Banks of the Bain" has been returned from the Dead Letter Office. the vague address which a correspondent gave us―

articles; and we cannot return long ones unless we Our correspondents should keep copies of short receive a sufficient number of postage stamps for the given, we will always return the postage stamps if If the article be accepted, and an address required.


A Rose and a Lily of the Valley bloomed side by side; the latter endeavoured to conceal its pale blossom from the proud, scornful gaze of the former; but it could only turn its face away, and ponder in silence why its neighbour should be so arrogating-so self-admiring. It chanced that a passer-by paused before them, and, scarcely gazing at the Lily, stooped and plucked the gaudy Rose; but yet as he departed, he cast a glance, half-pitying, half-despising, at the virgin flower, and exclaimed, 66 Thou poor flower, for what art thou fit? for what wast thou created? thou wast only born to be neglected!" And he went his way, while the poor Lily hung her head still more lowly, and the tears sprung from her eyes as she repeated to herself" Thou poor flower! for what art thou fit? for what wast thou created? thou wast only born to be neglected!" Even as she uttered this, the wild idea crossed her, that she would meet some reply to her smothered question—not but none came-and so she kept repeating these words unconsciously to herself, till the shades of evening began to fall around, deepening the day-beams into the twilight grey. Just then a glow-worm, with its lustrous lamp shining like a glorious jewel, overheard the poor Lily's lamentation, and thus spoke-" Mourn not, oh Lily! for what dost thou weep? dost thou envy the fate of the Rose, thy once vain neighbour? Behold! it is in the hand of yonder passer-bybut its beauty hath fled! its bloom is withered. and lo! even as I speak, he casts it from him with disdain! Be comforted! thy destiny, if more humble, is yet more enduring than that of the Rose! They gather that for its beauty and its pride-they preserve thee for thy innocence and gentleness, which thou mistakest for insignificance, because out of the mouth of a fool came folly!" And the Lily was comforted, and felt contented with her lot; and so she meekly raised her head to greet the night-dews, and to worship the stars, and be happy!-GEORGE J. O. ALLMAN.

NEW YEAR'S DAY.-This is, indeed, a glorious day! At other times I am willing that men should be patriotic, but on New Year's Day my patriotism is stone dead. On that day I feel that we are all brothers-the children of one Father, who is in heaven, and that all the good things of the world are as water, that God has provided for all. I accustom myself every New Year's morning to sit down on a stone by the wayside, to scratch in the sand before me with my staff, and to think on this and on that-not on my readers; I regard them as worthy of all honour -but New Year's morning, on the stone by the wayside, I think not of them; but there I sit and think how often in the year that is gone I have seen the sun rise and the moon; how many flowers and rainbows I have seen; how often I have breathed the fresh air, and cooled my thirst in the running brook; and then I cannot look up, and I take off my cap with both hands and bury my face in it. And then I think of the friends who have died during the year, and that now they can talk with Socrates, Numa, and others of whom I have heard so much that is good

In consequence of an accidental transposition of the verses from the pen of our talented contributor, Mrs. Abdy, last number, we think it only right to reprint her poem entire. It should have stood thus :THE ECLIPSE.


The sun daily gladdens and dazzles our eyes
From his glorious palace of light in the skies;
But mortals so often have basked in the rays,
That faint is their wonder, and feeble their praise.
Yet multitudes now seem around to collect,
And all to the East their attention direct!
Are they watching the light of the sun's rosy dawn?
No, no; they exult to behold it withdrawn!

Their glasses are eagerly pointed on high,
Each gathering blemish and shade to descry;
The sun's brightest rays never drew from their lips
Such words of applause as attend his eclipse.
Not long will this novel excitement remain,
The monarch of day shall soon shine forth again;
But methinks that the scene may instruction convey,
If I weave a short moral to add to my lay.
Ye men, richly gifted with genius and worth,
Who cast the warm sunshine of mind upon earth,
The world lightly values the powers you disclose,
And measured and cold is the praise it bestows.
But let your bright surface exhibit one spot,
your character only be dimmed by a blot,
The notice of all will be fully secured
The moment they learn that your light is obscured!
The crowd's eagle glances will swiftly detect
Your slightest decline, your minutest defect;
And glad declarations will burst from their lips,
That "they always predicted your speedy eclipse!"

Arouse ye; come forth in your lustre; not long
Need ye brook the weak taunts of a wondering throng;
Appear! put their comments and rumours to flight
By the first flashing beam of your glorious light;

And prove, that though darkness the sun may enshroud,
And merit awhile may be veiled by a cloud.
It must soon be acknowledged by numberless lips,
That neither can suffer a lengthened eclipse.

Printed by Joseph Rogerson, 24, Norfolk-street,
Strand, London.

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