all along behaved itself fuitably to the Royal Name and Title which it bears; and that it will make the fame August Name, the standing Rule of all its Actings and Proceedings for ever; still remembring with itself, that it is called the King's School, and therefore let nothing Arbitrary or Tyrannical be practised in it, whatsoever has been practised against it. Again, it is the King's School, and therefore let nothing but what is Loyal come out of it, or be found in it; let it not be so much • as Tinctured with any Thing, which is either Republican or Fanatical; that so the whole Nation may have Cause to wish, that the King may never want fuch a School, nor the Nation may ever want fuch a King. A Prince, great in every thing, which deferves to be accounted Great; a Prince, who has some of all the Christian Royal Blood in Europe, running in his Veins; so that to be a Prince, is only another word for being of Kin to Him: who, though he is the Princely Center of so many Royal Lines, meeting in his Illuftrious Perfon; is yet greater for his Qualifications, than for his Extraction; and upon both Accounts much likelier to be Envyed, than Equalled by any, or all the Princes about him. In a word, and to conclude all; a Prince so deservedly Dear to fuch, as truly love their Country and the Profperity of it, that, could it be warrantable E 2 rantable to pray for the Perpetuity of his Life amongst us, and Reign over us, we could not do it in Words more proper and significant for that purpose, than that God would vouchsafe to preserve the One, and continu e the Other, till we should defire to fee a Change of Either. To which God, the Great King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, be rendered and aScribed, as is most due, all Praise, Might, Majesty, and Dominion, both now and for. evermore. Amen. A A SERMON Preached before King CHARLES II. AT HIS CHAPPEL in WHITEHALL, ON THE Thirtieth Day of Jan. 166. BEING THE ANNIVERSARY FOF THE Execrable MURDER Of the Late King CHARLES I. Of Glorious Memory. ILLUSTRIOUS, BLESSED, AND Never-Dying Memory OF CHARLES I. KING OF GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE and IRELAND, Cauflefly Rebelled against, Unhumanly Im prifon'd, and at length Barbaroufly Murder'd before the Gates of his own Palace, by the Worst of Men, and the most Obliged of Subjects. : JUDGES XIX. 30. And it was fo, that all that Jawit, faid, there was no fuch deed done or feen, from the Day that the Children of Ifrael came up out of the Land of Egypt, unto this Day: confider of it, take advice, and speak your minds. T HE Occafion of these Words was a Foul and Detestable Fact, which had happen'd in one of the Tribes of Ifrael; and the Occafion of that Fact was (as the Text not obfcurely intimates) the Want of Kingly Government amongst the Ifraelites at that Time. It being noted as a Thing of particular Remark in Judges xxi, and the last, that this Villany was committed, wher E4 |