mutual Support and Communication, Elocution without Wisdom being empty and irrational, and Wisdom without Elocution barren and unprofitable. Prestat eloqui, modò cum Prudentia, quàm fine Eloquio acutiffime cogitare, said the great Master of Eloquence. A Faculty to speak properly, and to act wisely, was a Legacy fit to be left by the Saviour of the World to those, by whom he intended to instruct the World. And so much for the first general Thing proposed from the Words, to wit, the Thing promised; I proceed now to the 2. The Person promifing, who was Chrift himself, I will give you a Mouth and Wisdom. I lay a peculiar Stress and Remark upon this, because Christ seems by this very thing to give his Disciples an Afsurance of his Refurrection. He knew that it would not be long before they should see him crucified, killed, and laid in the Grave, and so under all the Umbrages of Weakness and Mortality that human Nature could undergo; but when again in the midst of all this they should remember, that there was still a Promise in store, not yet fulfilled, and withal not capable of being fulfilled by a Person dead and extinct, they must needs from thence have concluded that he could not abide in that Condi tion, but must irresistibly triumph over the Grave, ascend and enter into a State of Sovereignty and Glory. Every Tongue which fate upon the Apostles at the Day of Pentecoft, spoke aloud the Resurrection and Ascension of him who had promised, and then gave the fame. For furely they could not expect to receive Gifts from above, while the Giver of them was under Ground. And so I proceed to the 3. And last Thing proposed from the Text, which was, to shew by what Means Chrift conferred those Gifts upon his Disciples and Apostles; and that we find was by the Effufion of the Holy Ghost, the Author and Giver of every good and perfect Gift, minifterial Gifts more especially. Those were Endowments too great to spring either from the Strength of Nature, or the Force of Industry. The conferring of which we have eminently set forth in Matt. 10. 19, 20. Take no thought (says our Saviour) what ye shall speak, for it shall be given you in that same Hour what ye shall speak. They were furely the first, and perhaps will be the last, who ever did, or are like to speak so much Senfe and Reason extempore. But the Cause is affigned in the next Verse, For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of the Father which speaketh in you. And this glorious Day (we know) informs us that it spoke at length with a Witness, with fiery Tongues, and a fla ming Eloquence, and fuch an one as bore down all Contradiction before it. This was the Inspiration which filled and raised them so much above themselves, for their Work was too big for a meer mortal Strength; and therefore as God himself was to send, so he was alfo to furnish out his own Ambassadors at the Cost of Heaven (as I may with Reverence express it.) The Apostles we find were not (and that by our Saviour's particular Order) to ftir out of Jerufalem till the Holy Ghost was come upon them, and then they went forth armed at all Points, to encounter either Few or Gentile, and they did it both with Courage and Wisdom, and consequently with Triumph and Success. And accordingly we are to carry it in perpetual remembrance, that while the Work of Preaching the Gospel continues in the World (as he, who is Truth itself, has assured us it ever will) the Spirit will never be wanting to the faithful Preachers of it in a suitable Affiftance of them, tho' not in the fame measure (we own) in which the Apostles were assisted by it, whose Work being peculiar and extraordinary, their Assistance was to be so too. Infallibility was in the Apostles a real Privilege, but now a-days an infolent, or rather impudent Pretence. And yet nothing is more confidently and conftantly laid Claim to, both VOL. V. Gg by 1 by the Papist and the Enthusiast, than the Spirit; but none certainly ever yet ventur'd to speak Lies and Nonfense by the Spirit but themselves. To some of which Persons indeed the World may allow a fort of Wisdom, but far from the Wisdom which is from above; and a Mouth too they are well known to have, but a Mouth never so open to speak as to devour. Christ defend his Church from such infpired Impoftors, and vouchsafe his mighty Prefence to all the true (thơ' too much despised) Minifters of it, according to the Measure of that glorious Promise, and the last uttered by him here on Earth at his victorious Afcenfion into Heaven. Go teach all Nations, and lo 1 am with you always, even unto the End of the World. To whom therefore, with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, three Persons, and one God, be rendred and ascribed (as is most due) all Praise, Might, Majesty, and Dominion, both now and for evermore. Amen. ASER The false Methods of governing and establishing the Church of England exploded, &c. in a Discourse upon GALAT. II. 5. To whom we gave place by Subjection, no not for an Hour; that the Truth of the Gospel might continue with you. I Fin the Compass of so small a Space, as from the first Entrance of Chriftianity into the World, to the Times of the Apostle Paul, the Church of Galatia (then but newly plant ed) could pass into so corrupt and degenerate a Condition as this Epistle represents it in, let none be surprised to find the very grossest Errors fometimes got into the very best and puGg2 reft |