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tibia, the skin, producing ulcers, and the female organs of generation; and has been found of great value in syphilitic conditions of bones and skin, especially in cases abused by the use of mercury, relieving the nocturnal pains of such cases.

1. The first comparison I make is between Asaf. and Puls. in their action upon the female organs, in which they are similar, to this extent, that both produce a profuse greenish leucorrhoea with swelling and inflammation of vulva, also labor like pains in the uterine region, with cutting sensations and bearing down.

2. The character and direction of the pains of Asaf. and Valer. Both produce very prominently, sharp, sticking pains in various places, especially in the head and chest, and note particularly that these pains in both extend from within outwardly.

Both produce also various other pains of a tensive, crampy, tearing character.

In the symptomatology of Asaf. you find running all through twitching in the muscles of the extremities, while in Valer. crampy, tearing pains in the extremities are more prominent.

All I have to say of the pains of Puls. is that they are of a drawing, tearing character, and in the head at least we find pain having same direction, viz., from within outward, but it is a pressive pain, rather than sharp and sticking.

Would say, also, right here, that the pains of Puls. are often confined to one side (like Cham.) and come on slowly and increase gradually, leaving suddenly.

(The pains of Bell. come quickly and leave quickly.)

3. All three remedies are alike in this respect, viz., that the location of their pains changes quickly from place to place, being felt now here and in a moment elsewhere.

(Bell., Caul., Colch., Mang. and Kal. have a similar condition with many others.)

4. The pains of all three are also alike, in that they are relieved by motion and in the case of Asaf. and Valer. by a peculiar form of motion, viz., walking.

(Lyco., Rhus., Rhod. better by motion.)

5. Throat symptoms.

Asaf. has "sensation of a ball rising into throat and must constantly swallow it to keep it down."

Valer. "has nausea, with sensation of a thread hanging in the throat."

Puls. has a sensation as if a worm was rising into throat; a quamishness felt in the throat; more sick in the throat than in the stomach.

In Puls. this condition is due to condition of stomach and perhaps it is so in Valer., but the symptoms in Asaf. are evidently of a more marked hysterical character.

6. The condition of tympanitis is marked in all three, especially in Asaf. and Valer.

In Asaf. a feeling as of reversed peristaltic action, with rising and eructation.

Puls. is indicated in condition of much flatulency, due to slow and imperfect digestion, especially when the patient is troubled by rolling and rumbling in the bowels in the evening and night.

7. All resemble one another in having among the mouth symptoms a fatty or rancid taste. This is most prominent in the case of Valer., where we find the symptom of a "taste and smell of fetid tallow."

8. And lastly, Asaf. and Puls. are alike in having relief in and desire for the open air. Valer., differing from both, in having conditions worse in open air.-Medical Advance.


From a paper by Dr. W. Jefferson Guernsey, in Medical Advance.

Anacardium heads the list; and when not contra-indicated, will surely benefit the trouble. The patient is much worried about his forgetfulness, and besides a general hypochondriacal disposition, may be inclined to profanity on the slightest provocation.

Baryta carb. suits the dwarfish person who is physically as well as mentally weak. Subject to throat troubles. And for a child who cannot be taught because it fails to remember.

Glonoine, for one who forgets well known streets and loses his way. Particularly if he has at any time been overcome by the sun. This patient is uncommunicative.

Hyoscyamus is also averse to being questioned, yet talks much in a rambling way. Dreads being poisoned or betrayed. Does foolish things, and it is especially of use when the trouble is the result of unrequited love or jealousy.

Lachesis is a talkative remedy and changes rapidly in thought from one subject to another. Makes mistakes in writing because of default of memory; useful at climacteric period, or for old whisky drinkers.

Lycopodium makes mistakes in writing, as to letters, syllables, words, or even the sense. Is sensitive, irritable and dyspeptic.

Medorrhinum has weakness of memory from suppressed gonorrhea.

Natrum muriaticum makes mistakes in talking, through forgetfulness, and is rendered awkward by it. Despondent and weeps from consolation. Especially worse after cauterizing with nitrate of silver.

Nux moschata is hysterical, of course; and the memory fails in holding the thought while reading, writing, or speaking.

Phosphorus has difficulty in arranging his thoughts; is indifferent; taf, lean, narrow-chested, and may be of hemorrhagic diathesis.

Phosphoric acid has also indifference, but is chiefly to be thought of for cases dependent upon sexual excesses.

Bellis Perennis in Psoriasis-Hom. Review, London: A girl, aged twelve years, had general psoriasis. There were large patches scattered all over limbs and trunk. She had been under old-school treatment, in hospitals, and privately for five years without benefit. She had been in the habit of drinking cold water when heated, and it was after this that rash first appeared. Bellis perennis IX was given. The result was almost magical. There was a clearing off of rash perceptible at the end of first week. In a month it had quite disappeared. Medicine was continued altogether for six weeks. Nine months after, there had been no return of rash.


From a Lecture by Professor J. C. Wise, M. D., Kansas City Hom. Med. College.

The group of heart remedies to be thought of in emergency consists of cactus grand., digitalis, glonoine, cereus, strophanthus, strychnia phos. Kalmia is a drug that will always relieve when digital. is indicated, and is not so dangerous.

Cactus grand. should not be used lower than the 3x. It is the opposite of digitalis in its action. The old school give 5 to 30 drops of the tincture. Glonoine is useful when immediate heart action is wanted. The strongest sold is 3x. It is an alcoholic tincture.

Strophanthus is a heart tonic, but has no curative action. It is also an

alcoholic tincture.

Strychnia phos. takes the place of digitalis in dropsy. The 2x and 3x triturations are recommended.

My Dear Doctor-By a typographical error in a circular recently sent out by me, the State Institute is announced to convene on May 29; it should read May 21. The meeting will be held in St. Paul, continuing for three days. Kindly notify your chairman and the secretary of the title of your paper; do so at once, and greatly oblige. Yours fraternally, HENRY C. ALDRICH.


Cocoa is said to be of great value in overcoming the alcohol or morphine habit.

Gelsemium will often do more good in irritable bladder than any other remedy. It is especially adapted to those women of hysterical type troubled by irritabilty of the neck of the bladder, calling for constant urination.

Rhus aromatica, or the fragrant sumach, which grows all through the northern states, is strongly recommended for incontinence of urine in a tonic state of the bladder. From ten to fifteen drops of the tincture are

given three times a day.

Extreme brittleness of the finger nails, alumina.

Swollen feet, with great pains on walking, ledum.

A constant backache, constant aching, with little or no amelioration, may yield to cannabis ind.

Better out of doors is a great key-note of pulsatilla.

Many remedies will act quickly if administered in hot water, which will prove inactive if given otherwise.

A lady suffering excruciating burning and soreness from protruding hemorrhoids, and failing to obtain relief from numerous ointments and remedies, was very promptly relieved by a few doses of iris ver.-Ex.

The dwarfish person, who is physically as well as mentally weak, subject to throat troubles; and, for a child that cannot be taught because it fails to remember, baryta carb.

The cheeks are red, the upper lip and linea nasalis bluish white; picking of the nose, capricious humor, the child must be carried to put it to sleep; cina.

Painful urination every time he catches cold, dulcamara.-Allen.

Tumefied breast, which will neither heal nor suppurate, may be relieved by phytolacca.-Allen.

In puerperal convulsions, when the spasms are apparently under control, look out for a return of the spasms, if the pupil remains contracted.

Cactus grand. should not be used lower than the 3x. It is the opposite of digitalis in its action. The old school give five to thirty drops of the tincture.

Strychnia phos. takes the place of digitalis in dropsy. Should be used in the 2x or 3x trituration.

Supra-orbital pain, alternating from side to side, does not always mean lac-canin, but often indicates sepia, and has been verified.

Periodicity of seven days, canth. croe., gels., nux-mos., phos., phyt., sang., sep., sil., sulph.


The Denver Journal of Homeopathy, for March, 1895, is upon our table, a handsome and well-edited journal. It attends strictly to its knitting, therefore is making rapid strides in popular favor.-The American Homeopathist.


Homeopathic treatment is to be given at the City Hospital of Louisville, Ky. By order of the Board of Public Safety, the Homeopathic College of Physicians will treat one-fifth of the patients. The Southwestern Homeopathic College will hereafter be on an equal footing at the City Hospital with the other medical colleges of the city. So the Board of Safety has decided, and an order issued to Superintendent Barbour, of the City Hospital, to that effect. The order provides that one-fifth of the patients in the City Hospital shall be treated by physicians from the Southwestern Homeopathic School of Medicine.

JORHAT, Assam, India, March 30, 1895. Dear Publisher: Be good enough to send me a sample copy of The Denver Journal of Homeopathy, at an early date.

Yours truly,



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