K REPENTANCE EXPLAINED AND ENFORCED; BEING A SERIOUS APPEAL TO EVERY MAN'S CONSCIENCE, ON ITS NATURE, NECESSITY, LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIEY; INSTITUTED 1799. AND SOLD AT THE DEPOSITORY, 56, PATERNOSTER-ROW; AND OTHER BOOKSELLERS. REPENTANCE. CHAPTER I. ON THE STATE OF THE IMPENITENT. I WILL tell you, Reader, in the beginning, what is my design in this little book: I do not intend to amuse you with curious questions, or engage you in fierce disputes, and vain janglings; but to shew you the things that belong to your peace. You must soon die, and bid farewell to the world. You are gliding down the stream of time into a shorelese and bottomless ocean. It is clear, from the word of God, that after death you must be either eternally happy or eternally miserable. It is as plain as words can make it, that if you go on hardened in sin to the last, your precious immortal soul will be lost for ever. I therefore beg your serious attention to the subject of Repentance. No subject is more frequently and earnestly pressed upon men in the holy scriptures. Every messenger, that God has sent to perishing sinners, has brought a call to repentance. Every instance, of the careless and profane cut off by death, is a loud call to the living. Every affliction, in your own person, is a call from God to repentance. Think of the value and duration of the soul. Luther declares this life to be but a little piece of life everlasting. When you have passed over your |