with goose grease or lard, dress the sore therewith and it will heal it. TO REMOVE EXFOLIATIONS FROM THE SKULL OR ANY OTHER BONE. § 405. Take betony, vervain, and rue, mix them with wheaten meal and the white of eggs, pounding the whole together till they become completely incorporated. Let it be applied as a plaster to the part. FOR ALL SORTS OF CUTANEOUS ERUPTIONS, INCLUDING RINGWORM.* § 406. Take onions, pounding them small and boiling in water or vinegar, let the affected part be washed with this, and it will heal a scald head or any other eruption on any other part of the body. FOR THE ITCH. § 407. Take dock roots, bruising them thoroughly in new butter, and then frying the whole mixing and compounding the mass whilst so doing. Anoint the patient therewith and he will be cured. ANOTHER. § 408. Take the roots of elecampane and clean them well, then boil them in spring water, and when boiled sufficiently, incorporate them with good thick cream, or unsalted butter, so that they may be made into an ointment; let your flesh be anointed with this three times in nine days, viz., once in three days. Drink also a good draught of the water in which the roots were boiled night and morning, for this is an antidote to the specific virus whose existence in the blood and fluids occasions eruptions on the skin, carbuncles, and such like. FOR CARBUncle. $409. Take black wool and incorporate it with some black soap, and bind this upon the disease or carbuncle. FOR CANCER OF THE MOUTH. § 410. Take the juice of plantain, vinegar, and the distilled water of red roses, mix and wash the mouth therewith frequently. * Favus. FOR AN ERUPTIVE VIRUS IN THE BLOOD AND FLUIDS. § 411. Take water chickweed, pound well and express the juice under a press; drink a cupful three times a day on an empty stomach. It is truly good. ANOTHER. § 412. Take chickweed, the leaves or the inner bark of elm, water cress, and scurvy grass, pound them well and express the juice under a press, let it be your only drink for nine days, and as a diet confine yourself to good wheaten bread prepared with yeast and goat's milk; it is proven. This medicine and the former one will destroy the eruptive poison in the blood and humors, also that of the inveterate eruption called in Latin Scabies, and every kind of eruptive poison in the blood. Pneumonia and numerous other diseases, more than an ignorant person would believe, are occasioned by this kind of blood poison. * FOR A BURN OR SCALD. § 413. Take black soap or white, and bind to the injured part. FOR AN ERUPTION OF THE FACE. § 414. Take best wheaten meal, mix with vinegar and honey, and apply to your face. FOR CARBUNCLES AND BOILS. § 415. Take wheaten meal refined, lard, May butter, and sage, pound together and make a plaster thereof, which apply to the carbuncle till it maturates and draws out the matter. FOR PAIN OR SWELLING IN THE MAMMÆ. § 416. Take the bark of the thornless holly, pound well and mix with good old ale, strain and administer it to the patient as a drink; it is proven that by the use of this the gathering of the breast will be prevented. *Scabies or itch-Scabies does not depend upon a virus, but upon the presence of an insect,-the Acarus Follicularum. ANOTHER. § 417. Take milfoil, and an egg (with its shell,) pound together carefully, and apply as a plaster to the breast; it will certainly cure it. FOR PAIN IN THE LEGS. § 418. Take the herb called coltsfoot, (they are like burdock in appearance,) boil them well in the milk of a cow of one colour with oaten groats and May butter, and apply warm the painful part. FOR TIGHTNESS OF THE CHEST. § 419. Take hyssop and centaury in equal portions, pound them well and strain carefully, mix white of eggs with the strained juice, and drink for three days fasting. ANOTHER. § 420. Take rue, and boil well in vinegar, and administer to the patient. FOR HYSTERIA. § 421. Take mugwort, red fennel, and red mint, boil well in old ale, and strain carefully through a cloth; drink it warm and you will recover. FOR A TERTIAN AGUE. § 422. Whoever drinks the juice of betony and plantain, mixed together, will recover. FOR PAIN OR SWELLING OF THE LEGS, FEET, OR ARMS. § 423. Take oatmeal, cow's milk, the juice of house leek, and mutton suet, boil together till it becomes a thick mass, apply as a plaster to the painful part, and it will remove the pain and swelling. FOR AN EPIPHORA OF THE EYE. 424. Take some black snails, and boil in pure water, mix the oil which floats on the surface, and anoint the eye with the same. ANOTHER. § 425. Take lead and melt in an iron pot, remove, and pour vinegar thereon, cover it up carefully so that the vapour may not escape; when cold and settled, let the clean liquor be decanted and kept in a glass bottle; deposit in the bottle a fragment of elyf* as big as a large nut. When required, mix it with equal parts of decoction of mallows, and wash your eye therewith, or mix the vinegar with white of eggs in equal parts, beating them together well. Let your eye be washed with the same. FOR HEADACHE. § 426. Take an apronful of sheep's sorrel, and boil in the milk of a one coloured cow till it is nearly dry, apply as a plaster to the head, the patient keeping his bed, being covered with clothes, so as to cause him to perspire. FOR A COLD IN THE LIMBS. § 427. Take the seed of nettles and boil in honey, anoint your feet and arms or other parts requiring it with the same, and it will remove the cold. FOR A PARALYSIS AFFECTING A MAN'S SPEECH. § 428. Take sage leaves, marjoram leaves, (roots when the leaves cannot be got) and pound the whole together in equal parts, strain, mix with good ale, and administer to the patient. It is well proven. FOR AN ULCER WHICH HAS HEALED OUTWARDLY, BUT IS INWARDLY PAINFUL. § 429. Take barley meal, the white of eggs, and honey, mix them together and make a plaster, apply to the painful part and it will benefit and heal it. FOR ONE WHO HAS DRANK POISON. § 430. Take fresh rue, wash and bruise well, then mix with white wine, strain and let the patient drink a good draught thereof. FOR SWELLING OF THE WOMB, OR HARDNESS OF STOMACH. § 431. Take linseed and boil in goat's milk, applying it as a plaster thereto. * I am not satisfied as to what is intended by Elyf, it is usally rendered aloes, but what use aloes could be of here I do not see. Tr. FOR PAIN OF THE WOMB. S 432. Take horse mint or tansy, bruise well, and strain carefully, boil with old ale and drink as warm as you can. FOR WORMS. 433. Take the juice of tansy and milk, strain and boil well till reduced to a third, drinking it warm. FOR A SCALD HEAD. § 434. Take pitch and wax, boiling them together, shave the scald head carefully, applying the plaster to the same as warm as it can be borne, leaving it on for nine days. FOR PAIN AND OPACITY OF THE EYE. § 435. Take the yolk of an egg, fine wheaten meal, and a little sulphate of copper, mix briskly, applying it to the eye and it will remove the opacity. FOR AN OPACITY OF THE EYE. § 436. Put the juice of ground ivy in the eye, and it will cure it. FOR A RINGWORM. § 437. Take the white of an egg baked, and apply as a plaster on a linen cloth. FOR PAIN IN THE BACK. § 438. Take young broom, boil in spring water, and wash your back with the same. FOR DYSPNEA. $440. Take the strained juice of hyssop, and of centaury in equal parts, mixing them with as much again of the white of eggs; let this be your only drink for three days. FOR PAIN OF THE CHEST. § 441. Take parsley and sage, pound together and apply to your chest. FOR PAIN UND R THE SHOULDER. § 442. Take the juice of sage, and warm wine, one proportion of the juice, and two of the wine, drink it and it will benefit the pain under the shoulder, pain of the womb, and |