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Fundus Changes with Menstrual and Uterine
Disorders, G. E. Curry-252, Nov.
Glaucoma, "Small Flap" Sclerotomy in, H.
Herbert-249, Nov.

Glaucoma, Operative Treatment of, P. Smith
-66, Nov. 4.

Iritis, Acute, N. B. Harman-184, Nov. 4.
Keratitis, Interstitial, with Temporary Blind-
ness: Negative Wassermann; Tuberculin
Reaction Positive, Tuberculin and Mercury
in Treatment, Recovery, A. Brav—306, Nov.
Lead Amblyopia, and a Case of Left Homony-
mous Lateral Hemianopsia due to Plumbism,
C. Williams-27, Oct.

Lens in Capsule, Extraction of, with Special
Reference to Smith Operation, A. Shep-
pard-66, Nov. 4.

Mental Symptoms, Association of with Con-
tusion of Eye, E. R. Williams-61, Nov. 9.
Myopia, Surgery of, G. W. Vandergrift—232,
Nov. 25.

Nystagmus, Coal Miners', H. Tomlin-196,

Ocular Palsies Occurring as Sole or Most Con-
spicuous Objective Evidence of Disease, C.
O. Hawthorne-249, Nov.

Ophthalmology, Progress of in 3d and 4th
Quarters of 1909, Abelsdorff and Others-
41, Nov.

Orbital Mucocele, Endonasal Treatment of,
Axenfeld-101, Nov. 16.

Photometer, A, for use of School Doctors, N.
B. Harman-66, Nov. 4.

Retina, Probable Cyst of, G. S. Derby-27,

Salvarsan in Eye Diseases, Dolganoff-57,
Nov. 6.

Salvarsan, I yrs' Experience with, 230 Injec-
tions with Special Reference to Eye and Ear,
B. C. Corbus-202, Nov. 18.
Sclerotomy, Herbert's, Conjunctival Incisions
in, N. B. Harman-249, Nov.

Silver, Protest against Indiscriminate Use of
Organic Compounds of in Ophthalmic Prac-
tice, S. Theobald-70, Nov.

Squint, Convergent, and Heterophoria, Etiol-
ogy, Diagnosis and Treatment of, C. Worth
-66, Nov. 4.

Strabismus, Divergent, with Divergence in
Excess as its Essential Muscular Anomaly,
H. W. Wooton-27, Oct.

Tarsitis, Syphilitic, Case Treated with Salvar-
san, A. C. Sautter-27, Oct.
Trachoma, M. V. Safford-202, Nov. II.
Trachoma Bodies, Present Position of the
Question Regarding, R. Greef-249, Nov.
Trachoma Bodies, Relation of to Conjunctival
Affections, Noguchi and Cohen-41, Nov.
Tuberculin and the Eye, Krusius-101, Nov.


Deaf Children, Classification of, M. Yearsley
-64, Nov.

Ear, Nose, and Throat, Significant Symptoms
in Diseases of, S. McCullagh-233, Nov.
Ear, Pathology of, G. Bruehl—185, Oct.
Ear, Traumatic Lesions of, G. Bacon-202,
Nov. 25.

Eustachian Tube, 11 Cases Operated by Yan-
kauer Method for Closure of, S. McCul-
lagh-185, Oct.


Antrum, Excision of Superior Maxilla for
Sarcoma of, W. B. Johnson-158, Nov.
Aphonia, E. H. Griffin-202, Nov. 18.
Bacterial Infections, Spread of from Nasal
and Naso-pharyngeal Cavities by Way of
Lymphatic Channels, L. Turner-107, Nov.
Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy, Severe
Complications in, Kümmel-101, Nov. 16.
Esophagoscope, A New, R. Lewisohn-147,
Nov. 18.

Laryngeal Polypus, Removal of Under Guid-

ance of Pharyngoscope, O. Glogau-185, Oct.
Larynx, Discussion on Treatment of Tuber-
culosis of, Grant and others-156, Nov.
Nasal Accessory Sinuses-75, Nov.

[blocks in formation]

Nasal Accessory Sinuses, Acute and Chronic
Suppuration of, H. Tilley-184, Oct. 28.
Nasal Lotion, Remarks on a, W. Glegg-261,

Nasal Septum, Deviations of and Submucous
Resection, 100 Cases, J. W. Wood-66, Oct.

Nasal Septum, Submucous Resection of, C. J.
Koenig-185, Oct.

Nasal Septum, Submucous Resection of, Indi-
cations and Contra Indications; Technic, H.
Hays-12 Nov.

Naso-pharyngeal Walls, Obscure Malignant
Tumors of, W. Trotter-66, Oct. 28.
Nose and Throat, 3 New Plastic Operations
on, J. E. MacKenty-202, Nov. 25.

Oral Carcinoma, Study of Factors in Etiology

of, C. Singer-181, v. 17.
Oro-pharynx as a Portal of Entry for Infec-
tion, L. F. Frissell-185, Oct.

Peritonsillar Suppuration, N. Settel-214, Nov.
Septal Spurs, Complete and Permanent Re-
moval of, A. M. Mason-298, Nov.
Sinus Thrombosis, Spontaneous Recovery in,
Haymann-227, Nov. 14.

Speech-Development, Obstructions to, G. Hud-
sqn-Makuen-185, Oct.

Stammering, Treatment of, W. Lilliendahl-
233, Nov.


Adalin, Action of, Fromm-101, Nov. 9.
Auto-therapy, C. H. Duncan-237, Nov.
Bryonia, a Study of, F. P. McKinstry-237,

Chemotherapy of Pneumococcus Infections,
Morgenroth and Levy-57, Oct. 30.

Digalen, Physiological Action of, W. L.
Lymes-66, Nov. 18.

Digipuratum, "Knoll," Rose-57, Nov. 6.
Digitalis and Allied Drugs, Effect of Diges-
tive Secretions on Activity of, W. Hale-147,
Nov. 4

Digitalis Purpurea, Pharmacological Action of
Tincture of, with Special Reference to
Mode of Preparation and Effect of Age, P.
Moran-196, Oct.

Douches, Indications and Technic of, Brieger
-101, Nov. 16.

Enema, The, Its Place in Treatment of Gas-
tro Intestinal Diseases, C. J. Drueck-214,

Guaiacol and Related Substances, Roberts-5,

Internal Secretions, Therapeutic Promise of,
L. Williams-261, Nov.

Glasgow School of Medicine, Origin and De-
velopment of, A. F. Fergus-126, Nov.
Library, Value of to a County Medical Society,
J. M. Anders-232, Nov.

Medical Education in the U. S., Tendencies in,
L. F. Barker-193, Nov.
Medical Education, Memorandum on Submit-
B. Typhosus, Isolation of from a Well, D. M.
Lewis-147, Nov. 11.


Civic Improvement, Physicians'
toward, C. O. Henry-319, Nov.
Climatology, M. W. Curran-233, Nov.
Disinfectants, Note on Carbolic Acid Coeffi-
cient of, E. T. Marchant-184, Nov. 4.

Submucous Knife, An Improved, J. Coleman
-202, Nov. 18.

Tonsil Hemostat, A New, Its Use, A. M. Cor-
win-136, Nov.

Tonsils, Diseased, Rheumatic Fever and Heart
Disease, Relation Between, A. K. Higgs-
238, Nov.

.Tonsillar Calculus, Case, J. McC. McCarthy-
66, Oct. 28.

Tonsillectomy, Why, When, and How, J. L.
Davis-252, Nov.

Vincent's Angina, E. H. Place-61, Nov. 9.
Vincent's Angina, a Study of Invasion of Ton-
sil, W. P. Wherry-185, Oct.


Milk, Cow's, Modification of, E. J. Labbe-
238, Nov.

Milk, Pure, Can it be Obtained in Portland,
(Ore.)? C. S. White-238, Nov.

Orthonal, a New Anesthetic, Moses-101, Nov.

Pharmacopeia, Relation of to Practice of
Medicine, S. Solis-Cohen-232, Nov. 18.
Pituitrin, Clinical Experiences with, Fries—
227, Nov. 14.

Proctocylsis, Usefulness of Special Containers
for, C. S. Venable-12, Nov.

Purgatives, Protest Against Routine Use of,
Walker-9, Nov.

Radium, Action of on the Tissues, P. Mills-
66, Nov. 4.

Sera and Vaccines, Prophylactic and Curative,
Egbert and O'Neill-232, Nov. 11.

Specific Therapy, Biological Basis of, S. Flex-
ner-61, Nov. 9.

Therapeutics, Our, How they Can be Im-
proved, B. Reed-147, Nov. II.

Thiocol, a Clinical Study, H. G. Cole-261,

Vaccines in Treatment, Autogenous, Principles
and Application of, H. A. Craig-202, Nov.


ted to Commission on University Education
in London, F. Von Müller-184, Nov. 11.
Medical Education Past and Present, R.
Saundby-66, Oct. 28.

Pathology, Experimental and Pathological
Physiology, Teaching of to Large Classes,
R. M. Pearce-70, Nov.

Drug and Alcoholic Habitues, Problem of
State Care of, D. Crosby-147, Nov. 25.
Drunkards, Our Neglected; What Virginia
Should do for them, S. Harnsberger-317,
Nov. 10.

Dust Menace and Municipal Diseases, H. S.
Anders-147, Nov. 4.

Gas Bacillus, Infection with in Coal Mines,
Klotz and Holman-155, Nov.
Illuminating Gas, Relation of to Public Health,
Sedgwick and Schneider-155, Nov.
Mankato Typhoid Fever Epidemic of 1908,
Bracken, Bass and others—155, Nov.
Medical Inspection of Schools, Report of Com-
mittee on-147, Nov. 25.

Mental Inspection in Schools, S. J. Steward-
60, lvii, 239.

Monthly Mortality in the Registration Area,
H. A. Brown-232, Nov. II.
Open-air. Rooms and Hospital Schools, Bad-
ger and Hawes-61, Nov. 23.
Physical Examination of School Children, Re-
port of Committee on Administration
Methods of-147, Nov. 25.

Plague, Spread of, C. J. Martin-66, Nov. II.
Poliomyelitis, Epidemiology of, F. E. Batten
-62, xxxiv, I.

Prevention of Most Common Diseases, Duty
of Our Profession and the Public in, J. B.
Elliott-298, Nov.

Sanitation of Villages and Small Towns, with

Special Reference to Efficiency and Cheap-
ness, W. J. R. Simpson-66, Nov. 11.
School Ventilation, Methods of by Chicago
Commission on Ventilation-147, Nov. 25.
Southern California as a Winter Resort, G. G.
Sears-61, Nov. 16.

Suicide from Cut-throat and Drowning, D. J.
Guthrie-126, Nov.

Tuberculosis, Pulmonary, Causes of Prev-
alence of in South-east China, G. D. Whyte-
107, Nov.

Typhoid Fever Epidemic, The Englewood,
Observations on, A. G. Bosler-136, Nov.
Vacuum Cleaners, Cleaning Efficiency and
Sanitary Value of, Frost and Armstrong-
155, Nov.

Venereal Diseases Among Soldiers and Sail-
ors, What are the best Measures to Dimin-
ish and along what lines should we seek
the Coöperation of Federal, State and Mu-
nicipal Authorities? E. B. Vedder-215,

Yellow Fever on West Coast of Africa, J. W.
W. Stephens-66, Nov. II.


Ameboid Movements in Macrocytes and Me-
galoblasts, Morris and Thayer-40, Nov.
Anaphylaxis, J. H. Barach-39, Oct.
Anaphylaxis, Acute, Salvarsan and, J. Auer
-151, Nov.

Anaphylaxis, Discussion on, W. d'Este Emery
-66, Nov. 4.

Anaphylaxis, Lethal Cardiac in the Rabbit, iv,
J. Auer-151, Nov.

B. Coli, Pathogenic Effect of, H. D. Rolles-
ton-66, Nov. 4.

B. Coli, Varities of Associated with the House
Fly, W. Nicoll-152, xi, 3.

B. Coli Communis, Interpretation of Tests for,
Copeland and Hoover-155, Nov.

B. Diphtheriae, Variations in Virulence of
Different Strains of, J. A. Arkwright-152,
xi, 3.

Bacterial Anaphylatoxin and Toxic Bacterial
Extracts, Origin of, Dold-57, Nov. 6.
Beri-beri, Experiments into Causation
Cooper and Fink-184, Nov. 4.


Bile Salts, Anti-bacterial action of, S. L.
Cummins-152, xi, 3.

Blood Coagulability, Significance of with Ref-
erence to Thrombosis, Küster-227, Nov.

[blocks in formation]

Cell Ferments, Oxydizing, Gierke-227, Oct.


Choroid Glands of Cerebral Ventricles, Func-
tion of and Its Relation to Toxicity of
Cerebrospinal Fluid, S. P. Kramer-62, xxx,


Coagulation time of Blood as Affected by
Various Conditions, (Cont.) M. Solis-
Cohen-40, Nov.

Complement Fixation Test in Lues, Further
Observations on, C. F. Craig-155, Nov.
Creatin and Creatinin in Animal Metabolism,
T. A. Wallace-66, Oct. 28.

Cultivation of Tissues in Vitro as a Method
for Study of Cytotoxins, Lambert and Hanes
-151, Nov.

Dysentery Organisms, Action of Nitrates and
Nitrites of, Killed by Various Processes
and of Filtrates from Fluid Cultures, W. J.
Logie-152, xi, 3.

Fever after Intravenous, Injections, Heubner
-227, Nov. 14.

Feces, Source of Error in Test for Occult
Blood in, W. A. Newbold-147, Nov. 4.
Fever, Origin and Significance of, Rolly—101,
Nov. 16.

Hematoporphyrinuria, L. B. Sachs-39, Oct.
Hormonal Action, Knowledge of, Dittler and
Mohr-227, Nov. 14.

Hormones and Their Possible Practical Value,
Jacoby-101, Nov. 16.

Hypernephromas, Malignant, Absence of Ad-
renalin in, C. Brooks-151, Nov.
Immunity, a New Conception of, C. C. Bass
-147, Nov. 4.

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