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Acne, Treatment of with Stock and Auto-
genous Vaccine, E. D. Lovejoy-8, May.
Acne Vulgaris Treated by Autogenous Vac-
cines, 100 Cases, with Method, O. Smiley.
-147, Apr. 27.

Angioneurotic Edema, Cases with Observa-
tions, H. I. Wiel-147, Apr. 27.
Bilharziosis, Treatment of with Salvarsan,
Day and Richards-184, Apr. 27.
Bladder, Fragment of Glass Nozzle Re-
moved from without Operation, V. C.
Pedersen-232, May 18.

Bladder Neck, Obstruction of other than
Senile, J. Mac Muun-6, May.
Capillaries, The, R. E. McVey-6, May.
Circumcision, Ritual, Conditions Result-
ing from, F. Bierhoff-232, Mav 18.
Cystitis, Functional, Case Due to Ame-
tropia, W. M. Richards-6, May.
Dermatobia Noxialis in Man, Case, A. O.
Singleton-147, Apr. 27.

Eczema, Treatment of Various Types and
Stages of, G. N. Meachen-261. May.
Elephantiasis Cutis Penis, M. L. Heidings-
feld-13, May.

Kidney, Torsion of, Two Cases with Operation, H. Lilienthal-6, May.

Luetic and Dermatological Cases in Oto-
laryngological Practice, Unusual, S. H.
Lutz-6, May.

Luetin Reaction, Noguchi's, Practical Value
of, H. F. L. Ziegel-40, Apr.
Parasites, Research work on, S. R. Klein-
6, May.

Precancerous Dermatoses, Two Cases of
Chronic Atypical Epithelial Proliferation,
J. T. Bowen-150, May.

Prostate Gland, Senile Hypertrophy of,
Pathology, Symptoms, Treatment, W.
Griess—6, May.

Prostatic Carcinoma in a Youth, Gardner
and Cummins-147, Apr. 27.
Renal Hemorrhage, Profuse
Nephrectomy; Recovery, H. A. Fowler-
13, May.

Rodent Ulcer Affecting the Retro-auricular
Sulcus, J. H. Sequiera-65, Apr.
Salvarsan and the Wassermann Test in
Syphilis, M. L. Heidingsfeld—232, May 4.
Salvarsan in Pellagra, W. J. Cransten-147,
May 18.

Epispadias, Congenital, Case. T. J. Strong Salvarsan-Iodipin Combination, Special In-270, Apr.

Fibroma Molluscum Gravidarum, S. M.
Brickner-6, May.

Gonococcus Vaccine, Cases Treated by, J.
G. W. Knoll-67, May.

Gonococcus Vaccine, Diagnostic Value of
Intradermal Injections of, J. London—14,

Gonorrhea, Chronic, and Mixed Infections,
F. Kreissl-89, Apr.

Gonorrhea, Chronic Relation of and Other
Infections of Urinary Tract to Joint Dis-
ease, F. Kreissl-147, May II.

Gonorrheal Prophylaxis, Calomel in, R. B.
Henry-215. May..

Gonorrheal Urethritis, Acute, Treatment
of, Angle-5, May.

Hematuria of Nephritis and Renal Papillitis .from Surgical Standpoint, B. S. Barringer-13, May.

Hermaphroditism, True, Case, E. M. Prince
-147, Apr. 27.

Hexamethylenamine in Skin Diseases. C.
R. Love-6, May.

Infertilitas Masculinus, Resumé of Treat-
ment of, Q. W. Hunter-12, May.
Kidney, Diagnosis of Surgical Affections
of, E. O. Smith-6, May.
Kidney, Floating or Movable, from Practi-
tioner's Standpoint, M. Abbott-Anderson
261, May.

dications for, with Technic-214, May. Salvarsan, Remarks on and an Apparatus for Intravenous Administration, R. U. Patterson-215, May.

Salvarsan, Wassermann Reaction in 61 Cases of Syphilis Treated with, Engman and Buhman-150, May.

Sexual Impotence in the Male, Robinson5, May.

Sexual Incompetence, Influence of on Happiness and Endeavor, A. S. Jaeger-6, May.

"606," Fatal Result Following Injection of, H. Moore-107, May.

Skin Consumption, D. C. Donan-178, May


Skin, Diseases of, C. M. Smith-61, Apr. 25.
Skin Eruptions, Modern Views on Signifi-

cance of, H. G. Adamson-184, Apr. 20. Spermatic Cord, Volvulus of, A. A. McConnell-107, May.

Stricture, Periurethral Complications of,
M. Silverberg-147, Apr. 27.

Syphilis, Luetin Test for; 44 Cases, R. B.
H. Gradwohl-202, May 25.

Syphilis, Prevalence of in the So. African
Native and Its Influence in Spread of Tu-
berculosis, B. George-184, May 11.
Tinea Tonsurans in a Patient About 60, G.
Pernet-65, Apr.

Trichosporosis Nodosa, J. M. H. Macleod
-65, Apr.

Ureter, Diagnosis of Surgical Conditions
of with X-ray, D. D. Talley, Jr.,-317,
May 10.

Ureteral Catheter and Cystoscopes, New
Occluding, for Functional Renal Tests, E.
Garcean-147, May 25.

Urethra, Case of Burn of with Lunar Caus-

tic followed by Complete Cast of Ure-
thra, V. C. Pedersen-13, May.
Urinary Tract, Infection of with B. Coli,
L. G. J. Mackey-66, May 4.

Vascular Growths of Skin, Value of Solidi-
fied Carbon dioxide gas in Treatment of,
D. Friedlander-6, May.

Xanthoma Tuberosum Multiplex, Pollitzer
and Wile-150, May.


Cataract Extraction, Intra Capsular, H.
Smith-246, Apr.

Cataract Operations in Aniridia Conjuncta,
J. Feger-248, Apr.

Cataract, Senile, Treatment of Early Stages
of, H. Smith-184, Apr. 20.
Choroiditis, Tubercular, Case with De-
tachment of Retina, A. E. Davis-259,

Cilia, Congenital Deficiency of with Di-
stichiasis, Traquair-247, May.
Color Blindness, Interesting Case of, A. R.
Galloway-66, Apr. 27.

Conjunctiva and Sclera, Tuberculosis of
following Removal of Pigmented Papil-
loma of Conjunctiva, L. C. Peter-41,

Conjunctiva, Sarcoma of, W. N. Sharp-138,

Cornea, Conical, Operative Treatment of,
L. W. Fox-248, Apr.
Cornea, Technic in Grafting Cornea of a
Rabbit for Destructive Ulcer of, Benson
and Austin-147, May 4.

Corneal Transplantation, a Successful
Method of, W. Löhlein-41, May.

Descemet's Membrane, Rupture of, Due to
Blow from Blunt Object, J. L. McCool
-248, Apr.

Eye and Throat, Rheumatic Diseases of,
C. R. Dufour-317, May 10.

Eyelids, Case of Primary Syphilitic Lesions
of, P. Briganti-6, May.

Eyestrain, F. Van Fleet-328, May.
Eyestrain, Role of in General Practice, A.
S. Cobbledick--261, May.
Foreign Bodies, Small, Removal of From
Eye, F. Allport-270, May.

Glaucoma, An Operation for, M. S. Mayou
-249, May.

Glaucoma, Case Covering 37 yrs. G. T.
Mould-249, May.

Glaucoma, Chronic, The Reduction of Ten-
sion in, A. Zorab-249, May.
Glaucoma, Hemorrhagic; Sclerectomy, M.
A. Terson-248, Apr.

Glaucoma, Iridectomy and Sclerectomy in,
J. Bettremieux-248, Apr.

Glaucoma, Its More Recent Pathology and
Treatment, G. C. Savage-298, May.
Glaucoma, On the Site of Trephining for,
Its Importance, E. T. Smith-249, May.
Glaucoma Problems, P. Smith-247, May.
Glaucoma, Secondary to Cataract, Sclero-
Corneal Trephining for, and for Certain
Other Conditions, R. H. Elliot-249,

Glaucoma, Simple Sclerectomy in, J. Bet-
tremieux-248, Apr.

Lens, Recent Essays Concerning Fathology
of, C. Hess--41, May.

Myopia, Functional, Eye Training for Cure
of, W. H. Bates-232, May 18.

Ocular Muscle-tucking Operation, Further
Communication on My, G. A. Suffa-41,


Ophthalmia, Sympathetic, U. S. Bird-298,
Ophthalmological Observation of Charles
Dickens During His Visit to America,
A. S. H. Brown-246, Apr.

Ophthalmology, Progress of in 3d and 4th
Quarters of 1910, Abelsdorff and others-
41, May.

Ophthalmoscope, Electric, a Light Hood
for, C. W. Le Fever-248, Apr.

Puncta Lacrimalia Multiplica, E. F. Chase
-248, Apr.

Refraction, Errors of, N. H. Bowman-304,

Skiascopic Test, The, R. G. Waddy-41,

Strabismus in Children, J. L.. Dickey-319,

Syphilis, Ocular, Treatment of Various
Forms of with Salvarsan, G. E. de Sch-
weinitz-306, May. 1

Trachoma, J. H. Stewart-293, May.
Vertical Rectus Incision, Possible Dangers
of, M. F. Porter-147, May 11.
Vessel Formation in the Vitreous, Case, J.
Dunn-41, May.

Visual Defects, Alleged, Detection of, O. H.
Andrews-270, Apr.


Auditory Vertigo and Tinnitus Aurium, A.

A. Gray-14, Apr. Lateral Sinus, Thrombosis of, Resection of Internal Jugular, Spontaneous Evacuation of Abscess through Foramen Jugulare; Recovery, P. G. Goldsmith-156, May.

Middle-ear Inflammation in Children, Importance of Early Diagnosis in, G. A. Aschman-319, May.

Otitis Externa Circumscripta, H. B. Brown -259, May.

LARYNGOLOGY AND Adenoids, Recurrence of, T. Guthrie-184, Apr. 20. Bronchoscopy or Esophagoscopy, 5 Cases of Foreign Body in which was performed, W. C. Griswold-259, May. Larynx, Operative Treatment of benign growths of, R. McKinney-298, May. Nasal Septum, Causes of Perforation of, W. B. Chamberlin-92, Apr.

Nasal Septum, Results in 50 Cases of Sub-
mucous Resection of, J. Burt Hamilton-
156, May.

Nose, Vicious Circles Associated with Dis-
orders of, J. B. Hurry-184, May 11.
Alum, a Useful Drug, I. Bram-214, May.
Bacterial Therapy, W. O. Wetmore-232,
May 4.

Cacodylates, The, and their Therapeutic
Uses-214, May.

Chemotherapy, Specific, Present Status of,
R. Sieskind-233, May.

Digitalis Tincture, Its Potency and Keep-
ing Qualities, A. Goodall-66, Apr. 20.
Galactagogue, a New, Observations on a,
W. Lauzun-Brown-64, May.
Gelsemium and Gelsemine, Redfield-5,

Mechanical Therapeutics, Treatment by at
the Edgar Allen Institute, Sheffield, R.
Abercrombie-184, Apr. 20.

Anatomy, a Scheme for the Teaching of,
A. C. Geddes-66, May 18.

Animal Experimentation and its Benefits
to Mankind, W. B. Cannon-234, May.
Antivivisection, Influence of on Character,
W. W. Keen-61, May 2, May 9.

Otology, Aids to Diagnosis in and their
Clinical Significance, J. F. McKernon-
329, Mar.

Syphilis and Deafness, J. K. Love-126,
Tympanomastoid Exenteration, Spontane-
ous, E. Amberg-147, Apr. 27.

Vaccine Therapeutics, Present Status of in
Purulent Diseases of Ear, R. H Huvelle
-234, May.

Vertigo, Middle-ear, Cured by Local Treatment, H. B. Brown-259, May.


Oral Infections, Chronic, T. L. Gilmer-
40, Apr.

Syphilis, Diagnosis and Treatment, G. B.
Trible-317, May 10.
Tonsillectomy as Performed in Service of
Drs. Dupuy and De Poorter, Charity Hos-
pital, New Orleans, H. Dupuy-298, May.
Tonsils, Bacteriology and Pathology of

with Special Reference to Chronic Articu-
lar, Renal and Cardiac Lesions, D. J.
Davis-155, Mar.

Tonsils, Faucial, Results of Enucleation of, in 53 Cases, J. H. H. Pearson-156, May. Tonsils, Plasma Cells in the, D. J. Davis155, Mar.

Vincent's Angina, O. N. Bryan-299, May. AND THERAPEUTICS

Milks, Fermented, Dietetic and Therapeutic Value of, P. G. Heinemann-147, Apr.

Radium Emanation in Mineral Waters, T.
P. Lowe-184, Apr. 20.

Radium Emanations, Treatment at Spas
Particularly with Reference to, G. A.
Persson-232, May 18.

Serum and Vaccine Therapy, O. P. Chap-
man-178, May 1.

Serum Therapy, W. S. Garlock 67, May. Vaccine and Serum Therapy, S. D. Taylor-178, May 1.

Vaccine Therapy in Medicine, T. W. Clarke -234, May.

Vaccines, Use of to Prevent and Cure Diseases, M. Wollstein-328, May.


Economic Problems of Interest to the
Medical Profession, Symposium, Bartley,
Bristow and others-187, Apr.
Medical Education, A Study of Mind in,
W. A. White-147, May II.

Medical Library, Importance of to the

Medical Profession, J. W. Farlow-329, Mar.

Medical Statistics, Value of, S. W. French -215, May.

Medicine, Von Hansemann's Plea for Conditional Reasoning in, C. F. Bolduan— 232, May II.

Obstetrical Teaching, Clinical, a Plea for,
J. L. Rawls-317, Apr. 26.

Rational Medicine, Services of Sciences to,
H. W. Wiley-234. May.
Specialists and Specialist Education in Aus-
tria-Hungary, H. Frey-156, May.


Anesthesia, Liability of Physicians for Accidents Occurring during, A. C. Vandiver-232, May 11. Anti-tuberculosis Crusade, The Organization of an, R. A. Lyster-184, May 4. Contagious Diseases on Board Ship, E. G. Parker-215, May.

Drinking Water, Tests as to Efficacy of Chlorinated Lime in Purifying, A. T. Cooper-215, May.

Eugenics, a Plea for a Better Race, E. A. Foley-136, May.

Flies, City, Numbers and Types of Bacteria Carried by, J. C. Torrey-155, Mar. Hygiene, Occupational, in the Navy, J. L. Neilson-233, May.

Law, The, as it Relates to Physicians and

the Buffalo Health Department, F. E. Fronczak 67, May.

Medical Expert Matter, a New Departure in the, S. W. Little-67, May. Mosquitoes and River Vessels, A. Balfour -184, Apr. 20.

Neck Clothing, Unsuitable, Effect of on Health, W. G. Walford-66, Apr. 20. Physician, Relation of to Public, I. S. Wile -232, May 4.

Preventive Medicine, A. J. Burkholder317, May 10.

Surgery, Clinical, Co-ordination of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Teaching of, with a View to Securing Efficiency, A. J. Ochsner-300, May.

Swiss Universities and their Medical Faculties, Tissot-5, May.

Thanatology, A Questionnaire and a Plea for a Neglected Study, R. Park-147, Apr. 27.

University Education, Plea for Reform in, E. Souchon-232, Apr. 27.

Urologist, The Training of the, H. Cabot232, May 25.


Public Health, Local Medical Examiner, The Medical Director, the Insurance Co., and the, M. M. Smith-304, May. Public Health Movement, Woman's Place in, R. S. Morton-328, May.

Public Health, Relation of Press to, C. Slack-299, May.

Public Hygiene, Relation of Railway Corporations to, H. B. Hemenway-270, Apr.

Public Health, The New, H. W. Hill-162, Apr. 15.

Sanitary Conditions in the Philippines, L. M. Maus-89, Apr.

School Health, E. A. Meyerding-293, May. School Rooms, Heating of, by closed Slowcombustion Stoves burning Coke, Sinclair and Kirkham-184, May 11.

Sexual Morality, Another Point of View, M. Glasgow-203, May.

Sexual Morality, Past, Present and Future, W. J. Robinson-203, May.

Tuberculosis, Program of Campaign for Prevention of in N. J., A. C. Hunt-158, May.

Typhoid Carrier on Ship Board, A. W. A. Sawyer-147, May 4.

Typhoid Fever, Co-operation as a Factor in Prevention of, L. L. Lumsden-298, May.


Agar and Gelatin, Rapid Filtration of, W.

L. Holman-155, Mar.

Albuminolysius and their Relation to Preci-
pitin Reactions, H. Zinsser-151, May.
B. Aerogehes Capsulatus, W. Little-293,

B. Leprae, New and Efficient Method of Cultivating from the Tissues, with Observations on different strains of Acid

fast Bacilli found in Leprous lesions, Duval and Wellman-147, May II.

B. Mesentericus and Allied Organisms, Observations on, Gruner and Fraser-155, Mar.

Blood Platelets, Behavior of in Toxemias and Hemorrhagic Disease, W. W. Duke70, May.

Blood Plates, Methods of Examining and Enumerating, H. S. Reid-110, May. Calcium Metabolism, Estimation of, W. B. Bell-66, Apr. 20.

Cancer, Unicellula; The Parasite of Cancer, H. Butlin 66, Apr. 27.

Complement Fixation Reaction in Diagnosis of Contagious Abortion in Cattle, W. P. Larson-155, Mar.

Corpus Luteum and Pineal Body, Action of, Ott and Scott-225, Apr.

Cellular Activity in Health and Disease, E.

E. Goldmann-184, May 4. Creatin, Effect of Fat and Carbohydrate Diets on Excretion of in Cases of Retarded Development, F. H. McCrudden151, May.

Eggs, Fresh, Occurrence of Bacteria in, R.
C. Rosenberger-232, May II.
Emetin, Amebacidal Action of, W. B.
Wherry-155, Mar.

Focal Infections, Bacteriologic and Experimental Observations of, D. J. Davis-40, Apr.

Giant Cells, Foreign Body, Production of
in Vitro, R. A. Lambert-151, May.
Heart, Pathology of, H. S. Bernstein-2,

Heart, the Human, Anatomy of, N. K.
Fromm-2, May.
Immunochemical Studies with Peptones, A.
A. Epstein-151, May.

Intestinal Infantilism, Complete Balance
Studies of Nitrogen Sulphur, Phosphorus,
Calcium and Magnesium in, McCrudden
and Fales-151, May.
Lingulatula Serrata in a Native Central
American, Darling and Clark-40, Apr.

MEDICAL Fitch, Dr. Samuel Sheldon, a New England Consumption Specialist of 75 Years ago, H. F. Stoll-61, May 2. Lister, a Memory and Appreciation of, H. C. Cameron-75, May.

Lister in Edinburgh, F. L. Gassett-75, May.

Lister in Glasgow, A. Malloch-75, May. Lister in London, J. Stewart-75, May. Lister, Joseph, Reminiscences of, St. G. Baldwin-75, May.

Lister, Lord, N. A. Powell-75, May. Lister, Personal Reminiscences of, H. O. Marcy-75, May.

Lister, Surgery Since, G. A. Bingham-75, May.

Nuclease in Carcinoma, Presence of, E. H. Goodman—151, May.

"Paraffin" Plasma, Bactericidal and Hemolytic Powers of and of Serum, T. Addis155, Mar. Paralysis, Epidemic, Correlation of in Animal and Man, J. Van Vliet-233, May. Parasite Amebas in Intestine of Man with a Study of Intestinal Protozoa of Healthy Men in Southern U. S., E. R. Whitmore -40, Apr.

Rideal-Walker Test and Rideal-Walker Method, Remarks on, S. and E. K. Rideal -155, Mar.

Salvarsan, Experimental Studies on Administration of by Mouth to Animals and Man, Kolmer and Schamberg-151, May. Sensitization of Corpuscles, Effects on

Titrations of Inequality of, C. H. Bailey -151, May.

Spirocheta Refringens, Pure Cultivation of, H. Noguchi-151, May.

Spleen, Correlation of Histological and Chemical Changes in during Necrosis and Autolysis, H. J. Corper-151, May.

Sprue, The Blood in, G. C. Low-170, May


Streptococci, Relation of Varieties of with

Especial Reference to Experimental

Arthritis, D. J. Davis-147, Apr. 27. Tissues, Permanent Life of Outside the Organism, A. Carrel-151, May.

Typhus Fever, Experimental Proof of Identity of Brill's Disease and, Anderson and Goldberger-232, May 11.

Vaccine, Method of Estimating Strength of by Standard Bacterial Emulsion, J. A. B. Hicks-66, Apr. 27.


Orthopedic Surgeons of Latter Half of 19th Century, Reminiscences of, V. P. Gibney-232, May 4.

Medicine as Depicted in English Literature Before the 18th Century, M. Frank -147, May 25.

Pasteur and Lister, Influence of on Sur

gical Pathology, I. H. Cameron-75, May. Patin, Gui, His Life and Character as Contained in his Letters, A. N. Blodgett― 61, May 16.

Rabelais, Maitre François, Outline of Medical Career of, C. G. Cunston-232, Apr. 27.

Surgery, Pre-Listerian, R. B. Nevitt-75, May.


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