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Gonococcus Infection, General, Case, Cholzow-339, v, 12.

Gonorrheal Rheumatism, W. Murrell-261, Jan.

Graves' Disease, Surgical Aspects of, G. W.
Crile-12, Jan.

Hare Lip and Cleft Palate; 3 Cases in One
Family, A. T. Hawes-232, Jan. 27.
Hare Lip, Treatment of, T. W. Brophy-
300, Jan.

Heart, Wounds of, Ranzi-322, Dec. 14.
Hernia, Epigastric, A Cause of Chronic
Diarrhea, F. Cobb-29, Jan.

Hernia, Inguinal, Management of in Childhood, W. F. Campbell-202, Jan. 20. Hernia Properitonealis Vesicalis, Hanasiewicz-322, Dec. 14.

Hernia, Richter's, C. S. White-300, Jan. Hernia, Strangulated Femoral, J. Douglas -147, Jan. 20.

Hodgkin's Disease and Sarcoma of Cervical Glands, Surgical Pathology of 43 Cases, J. M. Blackford-300, Jan. Intestine, small, X-ray Diagnosis of, Stenosis of, Novac, 322, Dec. 28. Intussusception, Case Complicated by Volvulus, C. S. Lawrence-147, Jan. 6. Iodine Methods of Skin Sterilization, History of, J. E. Cannaday-9, Jan. Jejunal and Gastro-jejunal Ulcers, A. W. Mayo-Robson-66, Jan. 6.

Joint Disease, Tuberculous in


Surgical Interference in, A. H. Tubby184, Jan. 6.

Joint Contractures, Polyarticular, Muscles as Cause of, Jansen-34, xcvi, 3. Joints, Loose, Intra-articular Silk Ligaments for Fixation of in Residual Paralysis or Anterior Poliomyelitis, Bartow and Plummer-67, Jan.

Knee Affections, Tubercular, Operative Measures for, H. W. Marshall-61, Jan. II.

Madelung's Deformity of the Corpus, Springer-337, xxix, I and 2.

Nail Extension, the History of, Steinmann -337, xxix, I and 2.

Operative Technic, Failures in which make for Success or Failure, W. B. Chase— 9, Jan.

Osteitis Deformans, Paget's, R. Lyons

141, Jan. Osteoarthritis

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Wolfsohn and Brandenstein-34, xcvi, 3. Pancreatitis, Acute, Surgical Treatment of, W. Körte-29, Jan.

Pericolitis, Membranous, Surgical Aspects of, L. S. Pilcher-29, Jan.

Peritonitis, General Suppurative, Post-Op. erative Treatment of, A. Judd-202, Jan. 6.

Phenol Gangrene, Case, F. Buckmaster147, Jan. 13.

Post-operative Complications, Causes of and Early Voluntary Movements with Avoidance of Usual Confinement to Bed as a Means of Combating Them, W. F. Burrows-158, Jan.

Pylorus, Infantile Hypertrophic Stenosis of Based on 7 Operated Cases, F. E. Bunts-8, Jan.

Railway Injuries and their Treatment,
C. W. Doughtie-317, Jan. 1.
Septicemia, Sporotrichosic, Case, Hodara
and Fuad Bey-31, cx, 3.

Sigmoid, Acute Angulation and Flexure of, a Causative Factor in Epilepsy, with Special Reference to Treatment, W. H. Axtell-12, Jan.

Sphygmomanometer, test of During Surgi-
cal Operations, H. K. Thoms-300, Jan.
Sprain-fracture, a Study of, Ross and
Stewart-29, Jan.

Stomach, Surgical Treatment of Benign
Diseases of, Burk-56, 1xxvi, 3.
Struma, Epithelial, Further Reports on,
Langhans-316, Dec. 7.

Surgeons of North America, Clinical
Progress of, Lanphear-5, Jan.

Surgery, Relation of to Medicine, F. B. Tibbals-161, Jan.

Surgical Knife, A, on the Safety Razor Principle, F. H. Lahey-300, Jan. Surgical Progress, Recent, S. M. Mason319, Jan.

Syndactyly, Rare Case of, Miyata-337, xxix, I and 2.

Talus Operations, Late Results of, Especially Ogston's Operation in Congenital Clubfoot, Zander-337, xxix, I and 2. Tendons and Ligaments, Artificial, of Silk in Surgical Treatment of Paralyses, H. Allison-12, Jan.

Tendons, Retracted, Rolling down of, Fol

lowing Accidental Division, A. C. Strachauer-162, Jan. 1.

Thigh, Deep Penetration of by a Crochet
Needle, F. Griffith-232, Jan. 13.
Thorax, Treatment of Stab Wounds of,
Lawrow-56, lxxvi, 3.

Thymus, Enlargement of-A Remarkable
Thyroid, Diseases of, C. H. Mayo-161,
Case, A. M. Kennedy-126, Jan.


Torticollis or Wry-neck, A. H. Tubby261, Jan.

Tuberculosis, Surgical, General Considerations in Treatment of with Tuberculin, N. K. Macleod-234, Jan.

Tuberculosis, Surgical, Treatment of, J. A. Macleod-234, Jan.

Tuberculosis, Surgical, Treatment of in Children, Leg. Kerr-203, Jan.

Tuberculosis Adenitis, Treatment of, 56
Cases from the Tuberculin Department
of Mass. General Hospital and Private
Practice, J. B. Hawes 2d-61, Jan. 18.
Ulcers, A New Cell Proliferant in Treat-
ment of, C. J. Macalister-66, Jan. 6.
Upper Extremity, Universal Extension for,
Haun-337, xxix, 1 and 2.

Varicocele, Lymphatic, F. C. Madden-184,
Jan. 6.

Varicose Ulcers, Treatment of, Fischer-
97, Dec.

Wounds, Treatment of, with Reference to
Tetanus Prophylaxis, Berghausen and
Howard-147, Jan. 13.

Wrist Drop and Allied Conditions, Opera-
tion for, Relief of, Davis and Finley-
300, Jan.

X-ray Localization of Foreign Bodies;
New Method Based on Displacement of
Shadows, J. E. Blake-234, Jan.


Abdominal Incision, An Ideal for Pelvic
Surgery in the Female, C. G. Child, Jr.
147, Jan. 13.

Aseptic or Antiseptic Hands in Obstetric
Practice? which and why? D. H. Stewart
-9, Jan.

Cervix, Acute Edema of in Pregnancy, with
Case, C. E. Paddock-300, Jan.
Cesarean Section, Indications and Technic,
29 Cases, T. M. Burns-147, Jan. 13.
Cesarean Section, Technic, with Report of
II Cases, E. M. Prince-300, Jan.
Dudley's Operation for Dysmenorrhea and
Sterility, 73 Cases of, Brickner-9, Jan.
Ectopic Gestation, Significance of De-
layed Operation in, E. Marvel-9, Jan.
Endometritis, Pathology of, Albrecht-223,
xxxiv, 4.

Esthiomène After Carcinoma of Rectum,
Muller-330, Ixix, 3.

Gastrocolic Displacements, Relation of to
Intrapelvic Conditions in Women, Reed
-9, Jan.

Gynecologist, General Practitioner as a.
Candler-5, Jan.

Hematoma, Post Partal, of Anterior Lip
of os Uteri, Koch-330, 1xix, 3.
Hydrops Foetalis Universalis, Etiology of,
Fischer-330, lxix, 3.

Kraurosis Vulvae, C. F. Kivlin-232, Jan.


Lithopedion, W. S. Bainbridge—9, Jan.
Myomata and Adenomyomata of Uterus,
Origin of, Heimann-330, lxix, 3.
Obstetric Experiences Among the Amer-
ican Indians, F. Shoemaker-147, Jan. 6,
Obstetric Surgery at the Preston Retreat,
E. P. Barnard-300, Jan.

Obstetrical Conscience, Need of a Better
Developed, C. E. Boys-161, Jan.
Omphalorrhagia, Neonatorum, J. H. Rich-
ards-202, Jan. 13.

Ovarian Function, Physiology and Pathol-
ogy of, Adler-32, xcv, 2.

Ovum, A Young Human, Todyo-32,

[blocks in formation]

Pernicious Vomiting of Pregnancy, C. B.
Ingraham-147, Jan. 6.

Pregnancy, Double Tubal, Case, E. T. Mil-
ligan--147, Jan. 13.

Pregnancy, Ectopic, Treatment of with
Cases, Including one of Lithopedion
Complicating Uterine Pregnancy, C. A.
Stillwagen-9, Jan.

Puerperal Fever, Study of and Deductions
from, 50 Cases of, H. M. Stowe-300,
Puerperal Infection, T. J. Walkins-300,

Puerperal Septicemia, Treatment of with
Vaccines, A. Hawkyard-66, Jan. 6.
Roentgenologic Examination of Pregnant
Uterus, P. M. Hickey-161, Jan.
Tentorium, Tearing of the During Labor,
Pott-330, 1xix, 3.

Toxemias of Pregnancy, S. H. Blodgett―
202, Jan. 13.

Tubes, Pregnant, Cause of Rupture of,
Kiutsi-32, xcv, 2.

Umbilical Cord, Alterations in Syphilis,
Dominici—316, Dec. 7.
Urethroscope, Female, Modification


Skene's, E. Garceau-300, Jan.
Urinary Toxicity in Pregnancy, Franz-
322, Dec. 21.

Uterine Cancer, Its Early Recognition by
General Practitioner, J. C. Murphy-12,

Uterine Cancer, Thermocautery and Rad-
ium as Palliative Measures in, W. B.
Chase-234, Jan.

Uterine Myomata, Two Unusual Cases of,
A. Stein-232, Jan. 20.

Uterine Segment, The Inferior, Report on,
Gräsel-330, Ixix, 3.

Uterus and Adnexa, Recognition and Treat-
ment of Gonorrheal Infection of, W. E.
Ashton-306, Jan.

Uterus, Cancer of, Practical Aspects of Di-
agnosis and Treatment, A. W. Russell
-126, Jan.

Uterine Musculature, Experimental
search on Electric Irritability of, Rüb-
samen and Danziger-330, lxix, 3.


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Cerebral Hemorrhage, 2 Cases in Newborn Relieved by Operation, C. C. Simmons-61, Jan. 11.

Cretinism, Contact Infection in, Flinker322, Dec. 21.

Cystitis in Infant Boys, Etiology of, Rach and von Reuss-143, Dec. 4.

Diarrheas of Children, Albumin Milk in, H. Heimann-42, Dec.

Diarrheas, Summer, in Infants and Young Children, M. J. Synnott-42, Dec. Digestion of Infancy, Status of Carbohydrates in, D. J. Levy-161, Jan. Diphtheria, W. W. Harper-298, Jan. Diphtheria, Nasal, C. F. Burrows-234, Jan.

Diphtheria, Phlegmonous and its Treatment, Blumenau-86, Dec.

Diphtheria, Practical Points in Diagnosis
and Treatment of, Based on 400 Cases,
A. Levinson-202, Jan. 6.
Empyema, Acute Pleural in Children,
Drainage of, S. W. Kelley-12, Jan.
Etiological Factors in Exceptional Chil-
dren and Their Prevention, M. Neu-
staedter-9, Jan.

Exceptional Children, Clinical Studies of,
E. B. McCready—9, Jan.
Hygiene and Diseases of the Nursing In-
fant, Education of the Physician and
Post-graduate Study in, H. Koplik-147,
Jan. 13.

Infant Feeding Au Naturel, S. Delano-
61, Jan. 11.
Infant Feeding, Modern Problems in, .
H. L. K. Shaw-2, Jan.

Infant Feeding, Practical Points in, H. W. Burnet-203, Jan.

Juvenile Delinquency, Progressive Meth-
ods of Dealing with, N. E. Neelen-9,
Laryngitis, Catarrhal, Requiring Intuba-
tion, J. T. Allom-42, Dec.

Leucemia in Childhood, N. F. Cheney-8,
Metabolism, The, of an Artificially Fed
Child, Niemann-143, Dec. 4.
Myelo-cystocele, Spina Bifida

H. B. Sheffield-202, Jan. 6.


Nose, Throat and Ear as a Factor in Exceptional Development, O. Glogau-9, Jan.

Pleural Cavity, Drainage Tube in, F. Huber-42, Dec.

Poisoning, Belladonna, Case in Child of 7 Years, R. E. Coughlin-232, Jan. 27. Pyloric Obstruction, Congenital, Diagnosis and Treatment of, H. Lowenburg-232, Jan. 20.

Pyloric Obstruction in Infants with Muscular Hypertrophy at the Pylorus, Lewitt and Porter-147, Jan. 27. Rheumatism in Children, A. M. Gossage261, Jan.

Sick Children and Their Feeding by the Breast, Langstein and Hoerder-308, Dec.

Spasmus Nutans, with 4 Cases, H. K. Hill -42, Dec.

Speech Defects in Children, J. H. Fletcher -9, Jan.

Stomach, action of High Out-door Temperatures on the Secretory Activity of, Salle-143, Dec. 4.

Syphilis as a Factor in Abnormal Development of Children, E. W. Dittrich-9, Jan.

Vomiting in Infants and Children, Significance and Treatment of, H. Lowenburg-147, Jan. 20.


Adiposis, Pituitary Syndrome of Lannois with Narcoleptic Fits without Genitourinary Symptoms, Williams and Dunlop-147, Jan. 13.

Anemia, Pernicious, Causing Spinal Cord Conditions and a Mental State Resem

bling Paresis, C. D. Camp-202, Jan. 27. Central Nervous System, A Positive Wassermann Reaction in 2 Cases of Nonspecific Tumor of, L. Newmark-147, Jan. 6.

Cerebellar Abscess, Case with Isolation of
Micrococcus Cereus Albus, H. T. Kars-
ner-157, Dec.

Cerebellar Diseases, Congenital, with Re-
port on Cerebellar Development, Vogt-
37. xlix, 1.

Cerebellar Tumors, Bregman and Krukow-
ski-103, xlii, 5 and 6.

Cerebral Paralysis with Intact Pyramidal
Tracts, Hoestermann-37, xlix, I.
Children with Spinal and Cerebral Palsies,
The Future of, Stern-144, xxxii, 3.
Chordoma, Malignant, Involving Brain and
Cord, Jelliffe and Larkin-164, Jan.
Constitutional Inferiority and its Psy-
choses, C. P. Oberndorff—147, Jan. 27.
Convulsive Movements of Face, Their Dif-
ferential Diagnosis, Effect of Alcoholic
Injections, A. Gordon-147, Jan. 13.
Criminality and Morphinism, T. D. Croth-
ers-232, Jan. 27.
Dreams, Freud's Theory of, H. W. Frink

-14. Dec.

Epilepsy, Idiopathic, Curability of, with
Report of 29 Cures, L. P. Clark-40, Jan.
Freud's Apprehension Neurosis, S. Tan-
nenbaum-14, Dec.

Freud's Psychoanalytic Method and its
Evolution, J. J. Putnam—61, Jan. 25.
Freud's Theory of Compulsion Neurosis,
A. A. Brill-14, Dec.
Functional Neuroses,

Training Camp
Method in Treatment of, T. J. Orbison

—147, Jan. 13.
Genius-Is it a Sport, a Neurosis or a
Child Potentiality Developed? J. G.

Kiernan-3, Nov.

Hematomyelia, Gerhardt-103, xlii, 5 and


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Infantilism in Pituitary Disease, A.
Hewlett-40, Jan.
Insanity, Value of Early Diagnosis of,
J. R. Bloss-319, Jan.

Juvenile Delinquency, Neurotic Bases of,
with a Study of Cases, P. K. Brown-
147, Jan. 20.

Paresis, J. W. Stevens-298, Jan.
Pellagra, Kozowsky-37, xlix, I.

Pellagra and the Psychoses, A. Gregor-
3, Nov.

Pineal Body, Tumors of, Bailey and Jel-
liffe-40, Dec.

Poliomyelitis, Acute, in California, F. F.
Gundrum-147, Jan. 27.

Poliomyelitis, Acute in Iowa, W. L. Bier-
ring-141, Jan.

Pons Tumors, Dissociated Paralyses in; the
Central Tracts of the Sensory Trige-
minus, Economo-144, xxxii, 3.
Posterior Spinal Nerve-roots, Section of
for Gastric Crises and Athetoid and
Choreiform Movements, 2 Cases, Win-
slow and Spear-147, Jan. 27.
Phycho-analysis and Related Subjects,
Routine Practice of, B. Rosenbluth—14,

Psychiatric Disorders, Statistics and Symp-
tomatology of Especially Katatonia and
Imbecility and their Forensic Signifi-
cance, Auer-37, xlix, 1.

Psychoses and Brain Weight, Scharpff-
37, xlix, I.

Psychoses, Postoperative


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Sensory Disturbances from Cerebral Le-
sions, H. Head-184, Jan. 6, Jan. 13.
Sexual Perversion, Psychiatric Causation
of, Raecke-37, xlix, I.

Spastic Paraplegia, Report on the 7th Case
of in a Family, with the 3d Autopsy,
Newmark-103, xlii, 5 and 6.

Leptomeningis, two Cases of Malignant Spinal Cord, Observations on Myelin in

Metastases in, Löhe-316, Dec. 7.
Manic-depressive Psychosis and Dementia
Precox, Differential Diagnosis Between,
A. Gordon-164, Jan.

Migraine, Uric Acid Excretion in, A. C.
Croftan-141, Jan.

Moral Imbecile, The Career of a, M. W.
Barr-3, Nov.

Musical Memory, The and its Derange-
ments, J. L. Corning-202, Jan. 13.
Neuralgia, Trifacial, Technic and Results
of Deep Injections of Alcohol for, H. T.
Patrick-147, Jan. 20.

Fascicles of Columns of, A. Breglia-3.

Tetanus, E. W. Hill-40, Dec.
Torticollis, Origin of; a Case Showing
Professional Dyskinesia, T. A. Williams
-231, Jan.

Tumor Involving Base and Substance of
Left Temporal Lobe, F. X. Dercum-
164, Jan.

Tumors of 4th Ventricle, Diagnosis of and
of Idiopathic Hydrocephalus. Remarks
on Brain Puncture, Bonhoeffer-37,
xlix, I.


Bladder Diseases, Suction Drainage in,
N. G. Bozeman-6, Jan.
Bladder, Papilloma of, Treated by High
Frequency Current, J. A. Gardner-6, Jan.
Bladder, Tumors of, C. M. Harpster-13,

Blood, Coagulation Time of in Diseases of
Skin, M. Solis-Cohen-6, Jan.
Chancroids, Experience with a Vaccine in
Treatment of, Herbst and Gatewood-
147, Jan. 20.

Corpora Cavernosa, Unusual Case of, Fibroid Sclerosis of, M. Zigler-202, Jan. 13. Cystoscope, Operating for Removing Pedunculated Tumors, H. Meyer-147, Jan.


Dermatitis Nodularis Necrotica, Klingmüller-32, xcv, 2.

Erythema Multiforme, Cacodylate of Soda in Treatment of, with Case, W. Cuthbertson-147, Jan. 6.

Erythema Nodosum, Etiology of, Brian— 104, civ, 3 and 4.

Erythema Nodosum in Secondary Syphilis, Janson-97, Dec.

Foreign Body in Bladder, D. A. Sinclair -13, Jan.

Gonococcus Infection, Present Status of, R. M. Rawls-232, Jan. 13.

Gonorrheal Complications, Treatment of with Gonorrheal Vaccine Combined, J. L. Boehm-306, Jan.

Hands, Acute Infections About, W. C. Cramp-6, Jan.

Hypernephroma Latent with Solitary Metastasis in the Spine, Garrow and Keenan-202, Jan. 27.

Hypertrichosis, Its Treatment by X-ray, S. Stern-232, Jan. 6.

Hypospadias, Treatment of, F. W. Parham-231, Jan.

Kidney Diagnosis, Colloidal Silver in, L. T. Price-6, Jan.

Kidney, Incision for Lumbar Exposure of, W. J. Mayo-29, Jan.

Kidney, New Operation for Fixation of, F. McK. Bell-232, Jan. 20.

Kidney, Traumatic Rupture of, Michelsson-34, xcvi, 3.

Leprosy, Statistics on, Lie-32, xcv, 2. Locomotor Ataxia as it Concerns the Urol

ogist, H. Klussman-6, Jan. Lymphogranuloma Papulosum Disseminatum, Nobl-32, xcv, 2.

Nevus, Vascular, Treatment of with Carbonic Acid Snow, Friedlander-97, Dec. Nephrectomy, Acidosis Following, J. B. Squier-202, Jan. 6.

Nephrectomy and Ureteral Ligation, Bilateral, Study of Blood and Feces Before

and After, and of the Urine Secreted after Reimplantation of the Ureters, Jackson and Saiki-40, Jan. Nephropexy, Necessity and Technic, J. H. Carstens-12, Jan.

Nephroptosis, Personal, Experiences
W. Billington-136, Jan.
Pemphigus, Joseph-31, cx, 3.
Pemphigus Vegetans,


Case Treated by

Vaccines, G. Pernet-32, xcv, 2. Phosphaturia and Oxaluria, F. E. Sondern --13, Jan.

Prostate, Hypertrophied, Case, F. R. Charlton-13, Jan.

Prostatectomy, Indications for and Advantages of Suprapubic Method, J. A. Gardner-232, Jan. 20.

Prostatectomy, Suprapubic, Technic and Results of, Cholzow-113, Dec. Prostatectomy, Suprapubic, with Method of Control of Post-operative Hemorrhage, L. Freeman-300, Jan.

Prostatic Dysuria, Choice of Operation for Relief of, P. M. Pilcher-161, Jan. Prostatic Obstruction, Treatment of, E. O. Smith-12, Jan.

Renal and Ureteral Calculi, Sources of Er

ror in Diagnosis of, H. Cabot-13, Jan. Renal Colic, Its Causes, A. H. Levings-5, Jan.

Renal Tuberculosis, Early Diagnosis of and its Treatment, H. D. Lewis-6, Jan. Rheumatic Conditions, Cutaneous Affections in, J. Galloway-261, Jan. Ringworm, Eczematoid, of Extremities and Groin, Whitfield and Sabouraud—65,


Salvarsan, Action of on Syphilitic Infiltrates, Krzysztalowicz-32, xcv, 2. Salvarsan, Further Report of Cases Treated with, L. T. Price-317, Jan. 1.

Salvarsan Injection, Case of Thrombosis after, Clingestein-97, Dec.

Salvarsan in Yaws, H. Alston-66, Jan. 6. Salvarsan, Skin-reaction, Clinical Aspect and Histopathology of, Frieboes-97, Dec.

Salvarsan, Treatment of Abscesses and Necrotic Foci Resulting from Injections of, A. Ravogli-12, Jan.

Salvarsan with Salt Solution Preceding and
Following, Apparatus for Intravenous
Injection of, W. B. Dakin-147, Jan. 13.
Sexual Disorders in the Male Clinically
Considered, E. Fuller-202, Jan. 27.
606 and its Administration 420 Times, E. G.
Ballenger-298, Jan.

Suprapubic Drainage Tube, A. A. H. Peacock-147, Jan. 27.

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