2 And behold, 40 And there city,*behold, aman there came a leper, came a leper to him, full of leprosy: and worshipped him, beseeching saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. saying, Lord, clean. 3 And Jesus 41 And Jesus, moved with com 13 And he his put forth passion, put forth hand, and his hand, and his put forth hand, and touched him, touched him, and touched him, saying, I saith unto him, I saying, I will be thou will be thou will: Be thou immediately immediately immediately his leprosy was the leprosy de- the leprosy de parted from him, parted from him. * Place....A city of Galilee: perhaps Chorazin, or Bethsaida, Matt. ii. 21. way, shew thy-way, shew thy self to the priest, self to the priest, self to the priest, and offer the gift, and offer for thy and offer for thy that Moses commanded for a testimony unto them. cleansing those cleansing, accord- commanded, for a testimony for a testimony unto them. 45 But he went out, and began to publish it much, and to blaze abroad the matter, unto them. *Place.... Capernaum. 5 When Jesus seeing their faith, saw their faith, he saw their faith, he said unto the sick said unto the sick said unto him, of the palsy, Son, of the palsy, Son, be of good cheer, thy sins be for- thy sins be 3 And behold, certain scribes, Man, for- thy sins are for- 6 But there 21 And the of the were certain of the scribes and the Pharisees began to scribes sitting said within them- there, and reason- reason, saying, selves; blasphemeth. ing in their hearts. 7 Why doth Who is this this man thisman thus speak which speaketh blasphemies? who blasphemies? Who can forgive sins, can forgive sins but God only ? but God alone? 4 And 8 And immediately, when Jesus knowing Jesus perceived their said, 22 But when Jesus preceived in his spirit, that thoughts, they so reasoned their within themselves, he thoughts, answering, he said unto them, said unto them, Werefore think Why reason ye What reason ye evil in these things in Thy sins be for- Thy sins be for- Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to given thee: or to given thee; or to say, Arise say, Arise, say, Rise up and walk? & take up thy bed, and walk? and walk? 6 But that ye 10 But that ye 24 But that ye may know that the may know that the may know that the Son of man hath Son of man hath Son of man hath power on earth power on earth power upon earth to forgive sins, to forgive sins, to forgive, sins, Then saith he to the sick of the the sick of the the sick of the take up thy bed, take up thy bed, take up thy couch, |