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journey of life. Often it is said that such and such youths have an excellent education, when nothing farther is intended by it than their having been accurately taught in the rudiments of what is called learning.

But, that learning is not the whole of education, nor even the most essential part of it, is a truth evinced by the divine testimony concerning Abraham, which here follows I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him to do justice and judgment."

Abraham, one of the greatest and best of the race of Adam, was, peradventure, of all men the most careful to train up his children in the way they should go ; and his unequalled care in that respect, was the means of entailing distinguishing blessings upon his posterity. Yet, till several ages and centuries after Abraham's day, nothing which we call learning had existence in the world. There were no writers nor readers: not even the letters of the alphabet were known by any body living.

What has been said above, is by no means meant to depreciate learning, which is to be regarded as one of the choicest of human blessings; far more to be valued than treasures of gold and silver. Indeed we can hardly be sufficiently thankful that we live in an age so far exceeding all former times, in the facility of the means of imparting learning to the rising generation, and for zealous co-operations to diffuse it among all classes of society. A happy prospect will this open, provided the means be directed to the right end. Otherwise, giving children learning, makes them wise but to do evil; for the increase of faculty effected by learning, will be turned to good or ill, to benefit or mischief, according to the direction it receives in the early years of life.

Now, as learning only supplies ability, the great thing is, to turn that ability to good account ; to prevent its running into mischief, and to incline it toward things that are excellent. For what though one had all the learning of the schools? So much the worse would it be for himself and for society, if his inclination led him to make a vile use of it. Though a man have all knowledge, if he have not sound moral principle with it, he is the more dangerous and pestilent, in proportion to his superior advantages and faculties.

Every day's experience gives proof of this. The fraternity of forgers, swindlers, and cheats, so numerous and formidable at the present instant, consists, for the most part, of men of good education, as far as mere learning is to be regarded. Of that they have more than an equal share. But their early moral education having been neglected, their learning is a curse to themselves and to all about them. Who would not chuse his son should rather never learn to write, than be tempted and led by means of his adroitness in penmanship, to the commission of felonious deeds that would fix him in "durance vile" for years or for life? And who can reasonably expect that the learning given his children will not be abused to their own shame and to the shame of their kindred, unless he takes at least as much pains to shape aright their moral frame, as in schooling them ?

Moral education, without which there is nothing of literature or of science but is liable to be perverted to the worst purposes, is to be begun from the cradle. The first step is to teach the infantile subject implicit obedience to parental authority; and then, to rule with such moderation and sweetness, that it shall entirely trust and love the hand that guides it. In this way, the good impressions made upon the young mind, are

likely to be indelible, and there is ground to hope that the moral and religious instructions you instil, will sink deep in the heart. Nor is it precept alone that will suffice. Though "precept upon precept" be giv-. en children, and their n.emories be stored never so well with moral and religious lore of the purest kind, it will be of little avail except a corresponding example be daily presented before their eyes.

"It is well known to the students in ornithology, that the younglings of singing birds listen to the old ones, and carefully learn their notes." And this propensity to imitation, is no less obvious in children. Like those little birds, or rather like little apes, they are prone to mimic whatever is done or said in their presence, and especially the ways and manners of their parents and instructers. So that the example set before them by those who have the care of their education, together with that of their young companions, has, of all human means, perhaps, the greatest influence in forming and fixing their characters for life.


Of the power of the Imagination over young minds instanced in George Hopewell.

"The man that once did sell the lion's skin
While the beast liv'd, was kill'd with hunting him."


IN younger life especially, the imagination often runs away with the judgment. A young man gifted with a warm imagination, but whose judgment is immature for want of experience, views things through a deceptious perspective. His throbbing head teems with flat

tering visions.

Every thing that may turn to his own favour, he takes for granted, and every untoward incident, on the contrary, that may chance to thwart and disappoint him, he leaves out of his calculations. A bold adventurer in the lottery of life, he feels quite sure of drawing a prize; and his too great confidence is the very means of turning him up a blank. For, as on the one hand, it prevents that care and circumspection in business which is necessary to success, so, on the other, it leads him to square his expenses not to his real circumstances, but to his visionary prospects.

George Hopewell, a goodly youth, took in a decent cargo of ideas for the voyage of life, but forgot to take with him a single idea of meeting with adverse winds and with misadventures. He was neither a simpleton nor an ignoramus. An honest heart had he, and a brain rather fertile than barren. He was weak in one particular only he was inclined to believe every thing that he found written in the Chronicles of the Imagination. In short, none was more skilful in building aerial castles; an art, which, though it always gives pleasure to the artist, very seldom brings him any profit.

Thus equipped with mental stores, and furnished also with some cash, Hopewell begins business. He begins on a large scale, and naturally enough; for who, with a warm and pregnant imagination, could bear to be occupied with small things? His great stock in trade, the most of which, by far, he had taken on credit, he now views with rapture." All this is worth and its profits from the first turn, will increase it to the sum of. Well, I can turn it seven times in seven years, and shall then be worth full thirty thousand dollars clear to myself."*-Hopewell, so rich in prospective funds,

* Most readers may recollect a paragraph in one of the papers of the British Spectator, very like to this.

feels as if he had this wealth all in hand, and comes quite up to the reasonable expenses of a man already worth thirty thousand dollars.

A worm may penetrate and sink a ship, as effectually as the ball of a cannon.-Hopewell met with no uncommon gust of adversity. Nothing did he lose by fire and water, and not much by bad debts; yet his circumstances grew more and more narrow year by year, till, in less than seven years, he became insolvent to a considerable amount. All this was owing, or principally owing, to one single circumstance-living upon prospects, his outgoes constantly exceeded his incomes. If, instead of being led away by the deceiving slut Imagination, he had all along conformed his management and the expenses of his living to his real circumstances, he might have had, if not wealth, at least competence.— Many a promising and fine young man has been upset, by carrying more sail than his bark and his ballast could

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And here permit me to offer a serious caution against running rashly and deeply in debt-a ruinous imprudence, to which all the numerous, and, in some respects, respectable, family of the Hopewells, are exceedingly prone.

It is no new remark, and yet not the worse for wear, that multitudes are undone as to their worldly affairs by viewing things at a distance.

It is thus the inconsiderate and sanguine deceive themselves when they contract heavy debts. Viewing the thing at a distance-at a distance of time-they view it in a false mirror.

In the days of our youth, and, as to many of us, even up to the days of our old age, we are apt to feel as if we should be mighty able to pay a debt six months or a twelvemonth hence. Imagination furnishes us with

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