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been quite away from hedgerows, several species of Bromus might have accompanied B. mollis, while Arrhenatherum avenaceum and Brachypodium sylvaticum might also have been looked for. The total absence of Glyceria further shows the fairly dry character of the soil. Lastly, the 10 species of Leguminosæ fall under 5 genera-of Trifolium 4 species, Lotus and Vicia 2 each, Lathyrus and Ononis I each.

Ten species of grasses occur on all the plots: Anthoxanthum odoratum, Alopecurus pratensis, Agrostis vulgaris, Holcus lanatus, Avena flavescens, Poa pratensis, Poa trivialis, Dactylis glomerata, Festuca ovina, and Lolium perenne. Festuca eliator was only found in one plot, and F. loliacea in two. Phleum pratense occurred in about one-fourth the number of plots, Aira cæspitosa in about one-half, Briza media, Cynosurus cristatus, Festuca pratensis, and Bromus mollis in sixteen or seventeen. No leguminous plant occurred in all the plots, but Lathyrus pratensis was found in nineteen plots, Trifolium repens and T. pratense in seventeen, Lotus corniculatus in sixteen, and T. minus, T. procumbens, L. major, Ononis arvensis, Vicia sepium, and V. Cracca only in one each.

These details will serve to indicate the nature of the flora of the plots. Certain miscellaneous plants common on many old pastures in this country are conspicuous by their absence. The dry and level character of the meadow will account for the absence of Caltha and Juncus. No species of Geranium is recorded. But the most noteworthy fact appears to be the absence of certain scrophulariaceous genera, which are by no means uncommon on old grass lands, namely, Bartsia, Euphrasia, and Rhinanthus. The quality of the land is probably too good for the first two, and the application of manure would certainly be against Euphrasia, but Rhinanthus Crista-galli is very common on old meadows, as, for example, in Derbyshire and Worcestershire.

The object which the authors kept in view in writing this section of their report was, in their own words, "to show both the normal botanical composition of the herbage, and the changes induced by the application of the different manuring agents, and by variation in the climatal conditions of the different seasons; and, as far as may be, to ascertain what are the special characters of growth above ground or under ground, normal or induced, by virtue of which the various species have dominated, or have been dominated over, in the struggle which has ensued." At the outset it was noticed that those manures which are most effective with cereals grown on arable land were also most active in increasing the quantity of grass amongst the herbage, and that the manures which are most beneficial to beans or clover produced the greatest proportion of leguminous herbage. Thus, the highest gramineous produce resulted from a highly nitrogenous manure, such as ammonia salts or nitrate of soda, with alkaline salts, particularly potash; but side by side with the increase in the total gramineous herbage there was a decrease in the actual number of species of grass. On the other hand, the highest percentage of leguminous produce was the result of a mixed mineral manure with potash. The percentage results on the following plots illustrate these points :

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Special observations and complete botanical separations made at intervals of five years to determine the influence of seasonal variations show that "a given quantity of the produce grown under the same conditions as to manuring might be composed very differently in two different seasons."

The influence due to the special medium through which a particular plant-food, such as nitrogen, is presented to the plant, is aptly illustrated in the following extract:"Because a particular grass, or other plant, is little benefited by ammonia salts for instance, it does not follow that it will not be favoured by nitrates; nor, because if while growing in association with other species it may not be specially benefited by a particular manure, does it follow that it would not derive advantage from the same substance when growing separately."

Nearly all the plants on the plots are perennials, very few are annuals, Bromis mollis being the only case amongst the grasses. The advantage possessed by deeprooting over surface-rooting plants was well brought out in the droughty season of 1870, when the latter suffered considerably from lack of moisture. The locomotive power of underground stems is of great use to some plants: "the stock continues to grow at one end, year after year, the opposite end gradually dying away. In the course of a few years the plant therefore occupies quite a different position from that which it at first had." Notwithstanding the general rule that the chief effect of nitrogenous manures is to favour the extension of foliage and give it depth of colour, while that of mineral manures is to encourage stem formation and the production of seed, and notwithstanding that excessive nitrogenous manuring prolongs the development of the vegetative organs till perhaps the resources of the plant are exhausted or the season is over, while excess of mineral manures may induce premature ripening, yet so far as the experiments have gone no absolute change in the distinctive form of any plant has been effected by the prolonged use of the different manures, though changes of degree are sometimes very marked, as in the tufts of Dactylis glomerata.

The battle for life between the various species of plants growing in the meadow is dependent much less on the chemical composition of the soil than on its physical character, its capacity for holding water and its permeability to roots. The immediate source of victory lies very generally in the powerful root-growth of the survivors, the term "root" here covering all kinds of underground stem. The various influences affecting the struggle for existence amongst meadow plants are discussed by the authors in a fascinating manner, and this part of the memoir is of special value to the botanical student.

Every plant occurring on the plots is dealt with individually, and in the case of each grass and leguminous plant and of the more commonly occurring weeds, a table showing the relative predominance is given. The fact that plants closely allied morphologically may yet differ widely in their physiological endowments is strikingly illustrated by the two species of Poa, P. trivialis and P. pratensis. These two plants, sprung at no very distant period from a common ancestor-for this, we presume, is the morphological significance of their being placed in the same genus-differ only in the most trivial points: P. pratensis is smooth, stoloniferous, and has a blunt ligule ; P. trivialis is rough, has no stolons, and possesses a long pointed ligule. We read that "the stolon-bearing Poa pratensis is specially benefited by nitrogenous manure in the form of ammonia salts (in combination with mineral manure), but not at all by nitrate of soda, whereas the more finely-rooted and non-stoloniferous Poa trivialis has declined markedly on the ammonia plots, but has remained very prominent on the nitrate plots, especially where the larger amount of nitrate was used with the mixed mineral manure." Thus in 1872, on plot 9 (mineral

manure and ammonia salts) P. pratensis gave 22.67 per cent. of the total produce, and P. trivialis only 064; on plot 14 (mineral manure and nitrate of soda) P. trivialis gave 24*76, and P. pratensis only 2'57 per cent. It is suggested that the relatively shallow-rooting P. trivialis predominates on the nitrate plots by reason of its fine surface-roots arresting and taking up the nitrate before it has had time to penetrate too deeply; this plant invariably makes rapid growth upon the application of the nitrate of soda in the spring.

The remaining portion of the memoir is devoted to a discussion of the botany of each separate plot in each season of complete botanical separation, and is carried out with the same elaborate detail as the earlier portion. No one can read this memoir without being impressed with the great power, too frequently overlooked, possessed by the subterranean members of the plant body in deciding the struggle for existence; much of the internecine warfare is carried on in the dark.

It is quite possible, and indeed probable, that, had a similar series of experiments been simultaneously carried out in another part of England with a slightly different climate, and on a different kind of soil, the results might have differed, but only in slight details. Such a splendid series of experiments on grass land has never before been consummated, and the memoir embodying the results will well repay the most careful study and perusal not only of the agriculturist, but of the botanist, the chemist, and the evolutionist. It may perhaps be long before the great lessons learnt in Rothamsted Park have filtered down to those to whom they should be of most practical value, but we do not despair of a time coming when the intelligent manuring of grass lands for very specific objects will form a part of ordinary agricultural practice. Those who will put their hands to the plough in the field of agricultural research must be content to trudge along, laboriously and unnoticed, in the furrow. Their discoveries cannot be made in a week, or a month, as are many in electricity or in chemistry, but, like those at Rothamsted, which are now in their twenty-eighth year, and are still going on, they can only be looked for, even after the expenditure of much thought and of unflagging industry and perseverance, as "the long result of time." W. FREAM




VERY one who has noticed the objects found in caves of Palæolithic date knows the evidence which supports the idea that cave men wore bracelets and necklaces, but the evidence that the older river-drift men wore similar ornaments is more obscure. Still, when one notices the extreme beauty and precision of make of some Palæolithic implements, one cannot help surmising that the more ancient savages of our old river sides also had sufficient personal pride and ideas of ornament to sometimes decorate their bodies with beads in a similar fashion with the cave dwellers.

Dr. Rigollot ("Mémoire sur des Instruments en Silex," p. 16) refers to the well-known foraminiferous fossil from the chalk-Coscinopora globularis, D'Orb. (sometimes found in river gravels with Palæolithic implements), as beads probably used by Palæolithic men ; and Sir Charles Lyell (" Antiquity of Man," p. 119) says: Dr. Rigollot's argument in favour of their having been used as necklaces and bracelets, appears to me a sound one. He says (Dr. Rigollot) he often found small groups of them in one place—just as if, when swept into the river's bed by a flood, the bond which united them together remained unbroken." Mr. James Wyatt of Bedford, in describing these bead-like fossils (Geologist, 1862, p. 234), says he had examined more than two hundred specimens, and on

making sections of some of them he saw markings which appeared to indicate "drilling with a tool after the object was fossilised." In specimens from the chalk the hole through the fossil, though commonly straight, exhibits of course no artificial drilling but shows the structure of the foraminifer.

I am not aware of any confirmation hitherto made of the two curious observations noted above, but so little is at present known of the habits of river-drift men that the following notes may prove of some interest. Where there is so much darkness the slightest glimmer of new light is welcome.

After long searching for the Coscinopora at Bedford without result, I lighted on many examples at Kempston in 1880. In this year I found in a few days over two hundred examples; they occurred with unabraded implements and flakes and carbonised vegetable remains. After this date the Coscinopora again ceased, and from then till now I have met with but few examples. The finding of the above-mentioned large number of specimens all congregated tegether appeared to lend some confirmation to Dr. Rigollot's view, for it seems unreasonable to believe that so large a number could by any natural possibility find a position in one place in any river gravel.

As my examples were found at Bedford, at a place where Mr. Wyatt must at one time also have found a considerable number, I naturally examined the specimens carefully to see if I could trace any artificial drilling or enlargement of the natural hole. I speedily noticed that the surface round each orifice in many of the beads was abraded as if by the constant contact of the bead next on a string. A few of the beads also had the hole artificially enlarged, sometimes at both ends, as at section A, sometimes in the middle, as at the section B, and sometimes at one end only, as at the section C. The dotted lines in these illustrations show the original natural orifice, the solid lines near the dotted ones show the enlargement by artificial drilling. The illustrations are all actual size. In most of the instances the drilling appears comparatively fresh, in others less so, but it must be remembered that the implements found with them were mostly unabraded, and vegetable remains were found. These specimens were found by myself. They were not touched or manipulated by the workmen. Other examples of these beads had one end near the orifice broken away as if in an attempt to enlarge the opening by breaking the substance of the fossil away as at D, E, F.

Whilst looking through the fallen material in the pit, the piece of naturally perforated fossil shell, illustrated actual size at G, attracted my attention. The hole is probably due to a shell-boring mollusk, but when I saw the object in the drift I distinctly noticed that a black substance entered at one side of the hole and emerged at the other; at the moment of picking the object up, this material fell to dust with part of the very friable surface of the fossil shell.

Some of the beads (as seen in section at H, J, K, L) also bore very distinct traces of a similar black substance within the orifice, although not seen till the sand and part of the black substance itself had fallen out. This black material I took to be the remains of part of the ligament on which the beads were originally strung by their Palæolithic owner, and with this idea in mind I sent some to an analytical chemist, who examined the material for me with the following result :-

"The testing for nitrogenous organic matters, of which animal tissues are composed, was tested in the same manner as testing water for such matter, that is, by converting it into ammonia; precautions were of course taken to eliminate from the results any ammonia already existing. The amount of ammonia was strikingly evident and showed with each bead examined separately. The blackening of the organic matter in the holes of the beads

[blocks in formation]

Paleolithic Bead Ornaments (Coscinopora globularis, D'Orb.), showing traces of the original ligament and artificial enlargement.

Mr. A. Clarke, analytical chemist of Huddersfield, who also made an analysis for me, reported as follows:

"I divided the bead into three portions. No. 1. The thin dark crust forming the internal portion of the ring; this is most certainly organic matter. No. 2. A powdery part between No. 1 and the main body of the ring, consisting of small quantities of carbonates of iron and lime. No. 3. The outer main body of the ring, mostly carbonate of lime, and a small quantity of silica; here there is only a trace of organic matter, but it is most distinctly present." WORTHINGTON G. SMITH

used by the Cornishmen, which so much astonished the Greek travellers, were described by the Greeks under the name of "coracles," evidently a Celtic word from the Celtic root "cren" or "croen," skin. So tin, I think, is derived from the Irish word "teine," Welsh "tan," teine probably also expressing brightness. Even in the Malay Peninsula, in the East Indies, a word of similar sound, "timah," still stands for "tin," and not the Greek term for that metal "kassiteros."

Then the Cornish term “iarnn," for iron is similar to English "iron," German "Eisen," Welsh "haiarn," Greek "seiderion," in which ei is the important syllable. The Latin word "ferrum" is probably a form of “ierrum,” and the Sanskrit "ayas" is for iron, metal. Nearly the same word for iron is therefore used in all the Aryan languages, while "æs" or "kalkos" stands for bronze or copper, and has only a comparatively local extension. The wide spread of the name for iron, or ei, is important, as it points to iron being the metal made before the division of the Aryan race, and therefore before copper or tin.

There is another and I believe new argument. The most easy process of copper-smelting, which even now is largely used, may have been the only plan known in prehistoric times. To use this process it was necessary to provide iron to precipitate copper from solution. At the present time 6000 tons of iron are sent annually to the Rio Tinto mines in Spain from Great Britain in order to precipitate the copper from solution.

It is possible that the discovery of the art of producing crude iron, which would be useful for precipitating copper, may have preceded the invention of bronze, and yet the art of forging difficult pieces may have been a later invention than that of casting bronze celts in metal moulds.

Iron, if not steel, appears to have been made in Egypt both in hearths and in crucibles certainly before 3124 B.C., but bronze was more used in Greece up to 650 B.C. than iron.

The smith in the sagas and folklore is the important person, not the caster or founder of bronze weapons. Why was the smith so important? Because he melted the small particles of gold found in the streams into small lumps, and with his hammer drew them out into wire and thin plates. Gold was made in such small quantities that it did not require large crucibles such as would be necessary for bronze. As iron was made by a simple welding ancient art than bronze casting, which required large or forging process, its production appears to be a more crucibles and mixing in exact proportions with tin, a process more difficult than in the infancy of metallurgy was likely to be invented. Then one ore of iron, ochre was the first metallic ore collected, long before the discovery of any of the metal. Ochre is found collected for use as a paint to ornament the cave men in the Paleolithic period, and is associated with limestone and charcoal. Accident in the fire might have thus led to the discovery of metallic iron in very early times. Such particles of iron placed in a certain stream in the Island

IS IKTIS IN CORNWALL, AND DID IRON AND of Anglesea (an early peopled district) would precipitate


AT T Penzance on October 19, 1883, I asserted that the invention of tin-smelting was Cornish, but disputed the claim of St. Michael's Mount to be the sole claimant to the title of Iktis, the tin-shipping port described by Diodorus Siculus 1800 years ago, and I thought the inventions of metals were in this order: (1) iron, (2) copper, (3) tin. We may consider the Romans invaded Britain purposely to obtain its metals, which were then worked extensively by the British inhabitants. I believe the Romans either adopted Celtic names of places or things, or translated their meaning. I find the Cornish district, or Land's End, described by Ptolemy the geographer in the second century as "Belerium," that is the land of mines, "bal" being Cornish for a mine. The word is also met with in Irish. In the same manner the skin boats

the copper in solution in that stream in a state of pure copper ready to mix with tin to make bronze.

Another point of great interest in this question is the position of Roman roads, proving a prior metallurgical trade, and therefore some considerable civilisation. The Romans erected their Roman villas and camps always near Roman roads, and these roads appear always arranged for military or metallurgical purposes, never for protecting agriculture, or levying imposts on the Britons. There is historical evidence that the Romans did not introduce metallurgy into Britain.

We may observe there is a great concentration of Roman roads at Winchester (Venta Belgarum). Roads meet at the point of junction from Exeter with this town, for bringing Cornish or Dartmoor tin, or lead and iron from the Mendips, to the Hampshire coast; iron from

South Wales, and lead from North Wales. There were, near Winchester, several great ports for Continental trade, viz. Magnus Portus (Portsmouth), Trisantonis and Clausentum (Southampton). Winchester is near Beaulieu. Below Beaulieu, six miles, is Stansoar (stone) Point, from "stannum," tin. This is nearly opposite Gurnard's Bay (Gubernators, across the Solent two miles), where there are remains of Roman villas. Thence to Newport and Brading, where the great Roman discoveries have been recently made. Among the "Islands of Britain" Ptolemy gives one as "Vectis," in Celtic Wyth.

Now Vectis has been hitherto treated as if it were only the name of an island, the Isle of Wight; but vectis is really the Latin term for a bolt, or security, and was

probably applied to harbours, and is a translation of "Gwyth." A lock means also a canal lock.

If Prof. Rhys is right,' that "Ictis" and "Itius" are the same word, we may go further and say that the Portus Itius, from which Cæsar started from Britain, containing his 800 ships, was merely a technical term for a vectis or secure harbour attached to a town, such as that at the mouth of the Liane (Boulogne). It is only a century and a half since the natural basin of Boulogne has been partly filled up by the sea sand, and there was an estuary supplied by the Liane stream at the time of Cæsar, not unlike those drawn by me in shape, but without a through passage.

In fact, not only along the English coast, where


Dungeness Beach has blocked up the Roman Port, Lymne, and the points where four islands have been joined to the mainland, as shown in the drawings, Figs. 1, 2, 3, and 4, but on the French coast great changes have been made by the same causes. At Sangatte and Calais, Wissant, Ambleteuse, Boulogne, St. Michael's Mount, and in fact at many places along the coast of the Pays Bas, the same filling up can be observed.

Cæsar's port of embarkation, Portus Itius, may have been named in the same sense as, according to Prof. Rhys, the old Irish wrote of the English Channel, viz. as Muir an Icht, which he renders the Sea of Icht, and which, according to the view I suggested, would be the sea of the passage, evidently a different meaning, although from the same roots. to the name, which, with the addition

of Portus, we find in Cæsar. The term Portus Itius evidently was applied by the Roman writers to the harbour of Boulogne, although the city itself was called Gessoriacum. I think this philological explanation and the fact of the distance from Portus Itius (given by Strabo) thirty miles to Britain, removes every difficulty in the way of settling the position of the port from which Cæsar started. Of course the term Portus Itius might also apply to St. Valery-sur-Somme, where a passage has been partly closed, as at Marazion, in the historical period, but the distance given by Strabo is against it. Species of mollusks are found at both places, Marazion and St. Valery, not now living on the coast, and probably

In a letter to A. Tylor, November 6, 1883.

these estuaries or passages were only entirely open in the Crag period.

» in

I have said Vectis is equivalent with the Celtic word "gwyth," a passage. Now there is a closed passage or haven (a gwyth, or vectis, or iktis) from Sandown to Bembridge in the Isle of Wight (Fig. 1). From this passage the whole island gets its name Gwyth" Celtic, Latin "Vectis," Saxon "Wiht," English "Wight," never spelt "White," although it has white chalk cliffs. The safety of any of the harbours called Vectis or Iktis arose from the fact of these islands (or parts of them) near the coast of Britain being peninsulas at low water and islands at high water. These were, therefore, typical natural harbours. The Greek writers, Diodorus Siculus and others, insist particularly upon this property of change with the tide. The remarkable tide contrasted strongly with the different circumstances in the Mediterranean. Now the prevailing winds on the south coast of England have caused modern beaches to form, particularly at all of these four passages on the south coast of England, and many of the passages have been closed, as we know, in the historical epoch. Their ancient form is clearly shown in my woodcut. Now the sea is entirely shut out by modern beaches and works.

The drawings show the changes which have occurred in Fig. 1, the Isle of Wight. Fig. 2 is the passage between the Isle of Thanet and Kent, closed in the historical period between Ritupæ and Regulbium. In Fig. 3, the Chesil Bank, has filled up the old waterway between the Isle of Portland and the mainland. Fig. 4, passage from St. Michael's Mount to Hayle. Gravel and stream tin-drift, closing up the ancient passage from near St. Michael's Mount at Marazion to Hayle.

The type of all that has happened is well seen, Fig. 1, Vectis, the Isle of Wight. Even in 1670 there was only a groyne and a small alluvial deposit near Sandown. Nearly all the passage to Bembridge was an estuary; now it is nearly all dry land.

The term "vectis in Latin, or "iktis" in Greek, was no doubt applied to all the passages in these four islands. The Cornish tin no doubt came in coracles, and by land on horses, to Magnus Portus or to Stansoar Point for shipment to Brading, and was shipped from these Hampshire ports and Isle of Wight ports to the banks of the Seine, to be carried on horseback in thirty days to Marseilles. Thus both the Bembridge peninsula and St. Michael's Mount were shipping places for tin, and both were properly called Iktis and Vectis, and as usual we find there was no error in the Greek observations.

Then as to the period when the contour lines of the south coast began to change. The Crag period was that in which the great estuaries round the British coast began to be filled up. Then pebbles and sand were driven along the coast. I believe all the four channels in the drawing, were open in the Crag period, and gradually closed up in the long period which intervened between the Crag and the present time. The continuous filling up has also occurred in the estuaries and passages on the opposite coast of the English Channel. It is pro

bable that Portus Itius, at Gessoriacum? (Boulogne) obtained its name in a similar manner to Vectis and Iktis as I have already stated.

We find pure iron B.C. 3124 in Egypt. If iron was a necessity for the production of copper, and the metal tin was of no use without copper, we may place the inventions of the metals in the following order: (1) iron, (2) copper, (3) tin. A. TYLOR


SINCE the formal opening of the Observatory on October 17, workmen have been engaged in fitting up and finishing the interior, and pushing forward the provisioning of the establishment with tinned meats,

biscuits, tea, coffee, &c., capable of lasting for six months, with fuel for a like period. Nothing that could be thought of has been left undone to render the observers as comfortable as possible during the winter. The telegraph cable is now in working order from the Observatory to Fort William, so that communication is always possible with the outer world. Mr. Omond, the superintendent, and his two assistants took up their residence on the top of the Ben about a fortnight ago; and it is extremely gratifying to learn that the building, every part of which during erection, and for some time after being roofed over, was soaked with water, is now thoroughly dry; the walls, roof, and windows have been officially inspected, and found to be perfectly tight in every respect; and in corroboration of this, during the storm of Thursday, the 8th inst., none of the finer snow particles of that elevated region entered the dwelling. As an additional protection against the severe weather which may happen, a large roll of tarpaulin, thirty-five feet long, was carried on the shoulders of twelve men to the top on Monday last week, and securely fixed over the roof of the building.

In a letter dated the 14th inst., Mr. Omond states that the Sunday previous was one of the finest days he ever saw; that Monday and Tuesday were nearly as good; and that on the Wednesday only the distant view was shut out by haze. Up to that date the top of the Ben had been all but free from stormy weather; indeed, while tempestuous weather raged below, the wind rose to a gale only on Thursday the 8th. A telegram was received direct from the Observatory on Thursday last week, which stated that the temperature for the day had been minimum 17° and maximum 28°, while inside the Observatory the temperature was 55°, which happened to be exactly the temperature of the Scottish Meteorological Society's office in George Street at the time.

A meeting of the directors was held at Edinburgh on the 15th inst., Sir William Thomson in the chair, at which Dr. Sanderson, the Treasurer, reported that the subscriptions now intimated amounted to a little over 5000/., nearly three-fourths of which sum had been subscribed since the middle of May last.

A scheme of work for the coming winter, consisting of hourly observations by night as well as by day, was agreed upon. The observations include the barometer; dry, wet, maximum, and minimum thermometers; direction and force of the wind; rain, sleet, snow, and hail; evaporation from snow; species, direction, and velocity of upper and lower cloud strata; and sunshine, together with thunder, lightning, halos, auroras, meteors, &c. In addition to the regular observations, Mr. Omond is to conduct physical inquiries into the hygrometry of this boreal climate by an instrument specially designed by Prof. Chrystal; inquiries as to the direction and speed of the wind and optical phenomena by instruments specially designed by Prof. Tait; and inquiries as to the best modes of conducting the observations under the special difficulties presented by the climate of Ben Nevis.

All the hourly observations will be extended on a daily sheet, three copies of which will be made, one for the Observatory, and two for the Scottish Meteorological Society, one of which will be sent to the Scottish Meteorological Council, London. Forms have also been supplied for monthly summaries of the observations. It has further been arranged that a series of similar observations at 8 and 9 a.m. and 2, 6, 9, and 10 p.m. be made at Fort William by Mr. Colin Livingstone, one of the Scottish Meteorological Society's observers.

A Redier's continuously-recording barograph and a Richard's continuously-recording thermograph have been supplied to the Observatory, and also to Mr. Livingstone, to be used as interpellation instruments. By the double set of hourly observations thus obtained, comparisons may be made between the atmospheric conditions on the top of the Ben and those at sea-level, which are of such

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