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city of cisterns', ib.; our traveller's re-
turn to Mount Sinai, 13; character of
the present work, ib.
Latrobe's rambler in Mexico, 122; the ar-
riero, or carrier ant, 123; route through
the Canada, 124; ruins of Indian
temples and towns, 125; the mines of
Regla, ib.; Real del Monte, 126; ap-
proach to the capital, 127; description
of an earthquake, 128; the religion of
Mexico, 128, 129; natural antiquities of
that country, 130; the comparative
mountain formations of Europe and the
New World, ib.; state of political affairs,
132; affairs of the Texas, 133; speech
of John Quincy Adams concerning the
same, 134-136; important nature of the
contest, 137.

Lawrence's (Mrs.) last autumn at a fa-
vourite residence, with other poems, and
recollections of mrs. Hemans, 31; mrs.
Hemans's early love of poetry, 33; her
childish effusions subjected to the bitter-
ness of criticism, 34; the homage sub-
sequently offered to her, ib.; her attach-
ment to capt. Hemans, ib.; her marriage
and separation from him, ib.; professor
Norton secures her the copyright of her
poems in America, 37; fragments of
letters written during her visit to Scot-
land, 38; her dying moments, 41; cha-
racter of the present volume, 45.
Le Bas's life of archbishop Laud, 148; his
biographers faithless, 151; character of
Laud, 152; the author's defence of him,
153; his elevation to the see of St. David's,
ib. et seq.; his ingratitude to the lord
keeper Williams, 155; author's apo-
logy for Laud's threat of the rack to
Felton, ib.; case of Leighton unfairly
stated, 156; opinion of the present work,

L. E. L.'s drawing-room scrap-book, 438;
elegant verses to lord Melbourne, 446;
picturesque ballad, 447; the delectable
mountains', ib.

Little scholar learning to talk, 261; object
of the volume, 262.

Lives of the most eminent foreign states-
men, 148; the inquisition, 149; charac-
ter of cardinal Ximenes, 150; why has
mr. Crowe omitted to notice the car-
dinal's appointment as inquisitor-general?
ib.; opinion of the work, 150.
Loudon's Arboretum et Fruticetum Bri-

tannicum, 537; nature of the work, 543.
Love of money, 248; the desire of ac-
quiring is not a sinful propensity, ib.; the
best age of Christianity recognized the idea
of trust and stewardship for Christ, 249;
delusions now opposed to this idea, 250;
the tendencies of wealth, 251.

Maund's (and Henslow's) Botanist, 537.
Mexico, Latrobe's rambler in, 122; see
Latrobe and Texas.

North American Review, No. XCII., art.
'Texas', 236; occurrences in Mexico
since the revolution in 1810, 236; the
first abortive attempt to establish inde-
pendence in the Texas, 237; description
of the theatre of those operations, 238;
the origin of the recently flourishing co-
lonies of Texas ascribed to col. S. T.
Austin, 239; causes of the rupture with
the government of Mexico, 240; arrest
of Austin for treason, 241; declaration
of independence by the Texians, ib.;
flagrant misrepresentation contained in
that document, ib.; the other enumerated
grievances frivolous and audacious, 242;
suppression of secret societies in Mexico,
243; election of a president, ib.; Santa
Anna first began to take a distinguished
part in public affairs, ib.; narrative of
events until 1835, 244; character of
Santa Anna, 245; the pretended war for
Texian independence is a mere struggle
of the land jobbers and slave jobbers of
the United States, 246; annexation of
the province to the United States dis-
cussed, 246, 47; result of the struggle,

Nursery book, 261; object of the, 262.

[blocks in formation]

Pastoral epistle from his holiness the pope
to some members of the university of
Oxford, 45; papistical tenets of the high
church party, ib.

Peru, journey in; see Smyth.
Physical theory of another life, 85; singular
dissimilarity between this work and the
author's Spiritual Despotism', 86; re-
formation of the church, 87; requisite
qualifications of the missionary, 88; the
agitation of the times is in furtherance of
the gospel, 89; catholic emancipation,
ib.; the reform bill and abolition of
slavery, 90; grievances of the dissenters,
91; the great change in the relative po-
sition of religious parties, 92; church
and state in permanent collision, 93; the
spirit of piety among dissenters has not
suffered deterioration, ib.; their political
spirit is fed from moral sources, 94; the
extant spirit of the Establishment de-
scribed, 95; maxims of the church essen-
tially despotic, ib.; church reform en-
trusted to the episcopacy, 96; the church
in captivity to the establishment, 97;

physical theory of a future life, 98;
analysis of the theory proposed, 100;
power to originate motion inherent in
the mind, 101; as also perception, ib.;
the memory set free from physical in-
firmities, 102; prerogatives of the future
corporeity, 103; the probability of im-
mortal happiness or misery involved in
this theory, 104 et seq.; the future life,
as analogous to the natural transform-
ations of the animated world, a natural
event, 107; the physical and moral na-
ture being independent of each other, the
greatest revolution of the former leaves
the latter as it was, ib.; present and
future employment of the active prin-
ciples, 108; conjectures of the author
not less magnificent than bold, 109;
Hooker's description of the future cor-
poreity, 110; the strongest evidence of
a future life is in the moral constitution
of our nature, ib.

Pike's Christian liberality in the distribu-
tion of property, 190; opinion of the
work, 205.

Popery. See Young's lectures.
Price's history of Protestant nonconformity

in England, 298; a history of noncon-
formity is a desideratum in our litera-
ture, 299; cause of modern dissenters
identical with that of the Lollards and
Puritans, 300; summary of the reign of
queen Elizabeth, 301; the puritan party
at this period, ib.; letter of Burleigh,
disapproving of the severities of Whit-
gift, 302; character of the queen, 303 et
seq.; accession of James, and his refusal
to redress the grievances of the puritans,
305; progress of nonconformity, 306;
ludicrous panegyric on James, by bishop
Williams, ib.; candour and impartiality of
the author, 307; opinion of the work, 308.

slavery in America, 158; opinion
of the work, 161.
Psalms and hymns, 265; notice of the se-
lections published, 281; injustice of sup-
pressing the authors' names, 282; ex-
cuses alleged for the suppression, 283;
the excuse alleged by dr. Urwick is used
by mr. Bickersteth as a reason for giving
the authors' names, ib.; specimen of the
effect of dr. Urwick's alterations, 284;
instance of a favourite but indifferent
hymn, 285; imperfect rhymes of former
versions, 286; the worst specimens of
sacred verse are often preferred to the
most finished productions of art, 287;
instances of hymns wanting sense and
metre, 288; editorial alterations in ex-
isting works of this class, 289; in those
of Watts, ib.; in the hymns of Dod-
dridge, 290; extract, ib.; the Olney

hymns, 291; Willcock's collection, ib.;
Pratt's selection, 292; version of the
Psalms by rev. Wm. Goode, 292; ver-
sion of the Psalms by Wrangham, 293;
extract, ib. et seq.; a revised edition of
Watts remains a desideratum, 295; the
division of the Psalms, 296; selections
supplemental to Watts, ib.; true design
and use of psalmody, 298. See also
Allen's psalms and hymns for public
worship; Bulmer's hymns, original and
select; and Farr's new version of the
psalms of David.

Real grievance of the Irish peasantry, 353;
What is Irish poverty? 361; influence
of the system of letting land to the la-
bourers upon the national character, ib. ;
dairy ground system, and its conse-
quences, 362 et seq.; the miscalled farmer
in Ireland, 364; the Irish peasant an
outcast at his own door, 366; remarks
on an Act relating to the letting of small
parcels of ground, 367; labour is not
valued in Ireland, 368; the 'iniquitous'
tithe agistment bill, 369; its operation
as a tax upon industry, ib. et seq.; ex-
aggeration of the author's views in this
matter, 371; influence of the corn law,

Reid's history of the Presbyterian church
in Ireland, 516; Presbyterianism in Eng-
land, Ireland, and Scotland, ib.; it is the
natural antagonist of prelacy, 518;
causes of the limited progress of the re-
formation in Ireland, 519; origin and
course of the rebellion during the reign
of Charles I., 520 et seq.; the body of
Presbyterians suffered less than other
parties, 523; vindication of the solemn
league and covenant, 524.

Ritchie's Ireland, picturesque and roman-
tic, 544.

Roberts's cruel nature and injurious effects
of the foreign slave-trade, 158; carried
on by British capital, ib.; defect in the
law making a capital felony, 160; ex-
tent to which it is carried on, 161.
Roscoe's tourist in Spain, 544; its illus-
trations, ib.; the present is the best of
the author's works, 545.

Sibthorp's book of Genesis, 61; object of
this exposition, 62; paraphrastic com-
mentary on the fourth chapter of Genesis,

Smyth's journey from Lima to Para, 206;
Lieut. Maw's previous journey from
Truxillo to Para, ib.; the town of Cerro
Pasco, 207; interior of the mines, ib.;
the episcopal city of Huanuco, 208; de-
parture from Panao, 209; arrival at the

Ucayale, 210; difficulties of the expe-
dition, 211; state of education among
the Indians, ib.; arrival at Para, 212;
brief criticism on the work, ib.
Specimens of the theological teaching of
certain members of the Corpus com-
mittee at Oxford, 45; papistical tenets
of the high-church party, ib.; glowing
ascription of celestial honours to the Vir-
gin, 46.

Stanley's Ireland and her evils, 353; the
object of its misrule is the maintenance
of the church establishment in that coun-
try, 354; state of Ireland in former days
exposed by Spenser, 355; his opinion of
the success which would attend a differ-
ent system of planting religion, 356;
indolence of the church establishment
acknowledged, 357; palpable injustice of
the system, ib.; the Bible kept from the
common people of Ireland by Protestant
and papist, 358; argument against the
church establishment in Ireland attributed
to lord Mahon, ib.; why are three-fourths
of the Irish people papists? 359; causes
of their ignorance and pauperism, ib.;
arguments usually advanced against mea-
sures of political amelioration, disal-
lowed, 360; the bounties on corn pro-
duce one source of the evils under which
Ireland is suffering, 372; want of divi-
sion of labour one of the master-evils,
373; population has become a sub-
stitute for capital, ib.; causes of its in-
crease, 374; poor-laws in Ireland not
a panacea for her evils, 375; nor is emi-
gration, ib.

Students' cabinet library of useful tracts, 162.

Temple's Christian daily treasury, 259; on
continual dependence on God, 260; on
the instrument of regeneration, ib.
Texas (the); see North American review,

and Latrobe's rambler.

Treffry's Covetousness, 189; the influence
allowed to wealth affords added energy
to covetousness, 203; the charge of
covetousness, in the sense of avarice,
cannot be truly brought against the
church of Christ, 204.

Triglott evangelists, interlinear, 55; cha-
racter of the work, 56.

Twiss's epitome of Niebuhr's history of
Rome, 137; advantages afforded by the
volume, 142.

Universities of Germany, 162, 63; of
Prussia, 164; university of Berlin,
ib.; of Halle, 165; of Bonn, 166; of
Breslau, 168; distinguished men con-
nected with other German universities,
ib.; errors corrected in this article, 262.

Walford's manner of prayer, 212; circum-
stances connected with the appearance of
the book, ib.; on public prayer in dis-
senting congregations, 213; purposes
of religious meetings, 214; most be-
coming manner to conduct public and
social prayer, 215 et seq.; importance
of public worship, 217; comparative
merits of liturgical forms and free
prayer, 218; a combination of both
modes of devotion advocated, 219; im-
portant improvement in extemporary
prayer suggested, 220; prayers of con-
fession considered, 221; of thanksgiving
and praise, 222; necessity of antece-
dent preparation of prayers enforced,
223; use of Scriptural phraseology in
prayer, 224; opinion of the present
work, ib.

Walsh's residence at Constantinople, 346;
author's opportunities of seeing the
East under different aspects, ib.; his
feelings on setting out for the Levant,
ib.; extraordinary privileges of the head
of the Turkish government, 347; Otto-
man despotism has a close resemblance
to the theory of the royal prerogative
in the English constitution, ib.; import-
ant changes effected at Constantinople
between author's first and second visit,
348; establishment of the Ottoman ga-
zette, 349; first appearance of a printed
newspaper, 350; speedily followed by the
publication of other journals, 351; moral
regeneration of the sultan, 352; illus-
trations of his character, 385; first
step towards the abolition of slavery
in Turkey, 386; former avarice of the
sultan contrasted with his conduct to-
wards the Sciotes, ib.; condition of the
Greeks under his sway, 387; his internal
political reforms, 388; ancient laws of
the empire, 389; the most difficult body
to contend with was the Ulema, 390;
military reforms, 391; characteristics
and personal habits of the sultan, ib.;
sultan's reception at Constantinople on
returning from a tour, 393; the Mo-
hammedan religion expected to yield to
the Christian faith, 394; Turkish pro-
phecies foretelling the disappearance of
the koran, ib.; earthquake at Zante, 395;
opinion of the work, 396.

Watson, life of the rev. Richard; see
Jackson's memoirs.

Westminster confession, objections to, 584.
Williams's seven ages of England, 477;

results of the Norman conquest, 478;
the court of queen Elizabeth, 479;
scarcity of wood, and commencement of
sea-coal fires, ib.; the age of progress,
480; opinion of the work, ib.

Wordsworth's Athens and Attica, 339;
character of the author and of the work,
340; ruins of an Hellenic city, ib.;
the town of Rhamnus described, 342;
plain of Marathon, ib.; actual condition
of Athens, 343; temple of Theseus, ib.;
present book is not improved by author's
political opinions, 344.

Yarrell's history of British fishes, 235;
character of the work, ib.; peculiarities of
the Great Weever, ib.; account of white-

bait, 538 et seq.

Young's lectures on the chief points in con-
troversy between Protestants and Catho-
lics, 13; the quarrel between the church-
of-England men and the Roman-catho-
lic religion only a territorial quarrel, ib.;
popery cannot be tested by its effects in
Ireland, 14; popery losing its hold in
Ireland as a religion, 15; the spread of
popery in England, 16; extraordinary
efforts now made by Roman-catholics to
increase the number of their votaries, 17;
these lectures serve to counteract them,
ib.; the persecuting spirit of the Romish
church by no means peculiar to that

church, 18; these lectures calculated to
exhibit a true character of the Romish
tenets, ib.; the subject of indulgences,
19 et seq.; auricular confession, 20;
authority of the apostle James, as stated
in the Rhemish translation in its favour,
dishonestly stated, 21; remarks on mu-
tual confession, ib.; extract from "letter-
writing" by Charlotte Elizabeth, on that
subject, ib. et seq.; compulsory confession
the fertile source of evil, 24; the au-
thority of the church, ib.; sources of
error upon this subject, 25; the vulgate,
26; the power of popery traced to the
innate bias of the human heart, ib.; par-
tial agreement of Roman-catholics and
Protestants on the subject of sanctification,
27; objections against the Protestant doc-
trine of justification, 28; the claim of
the pope, derived from the apostle Peter's
supremacy, is untenable, 29; the denial
that the church of Christ is a visible as-
sociation, ib.; the headship of the pope
not more opposed to the declarations of
scripture than the headship of the king,
30; on the dogma of transubstantiation,
ib.; character of these lectures, 31.

The paging from p. 321 to p. 328 is repeated in signature O O, through mistake.

G. Woodfall, Printer, Angel Court, Skinner Street, London.

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