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Foo Chow, Chengtu, Nanking, and Shanghai, as well as from Peking.

The Woman's College of Peking is an interdenominational institution, founded by the union of four denominational boards, and has graduated two classes.

There is an interesting and promising interdenominational movement in the Fukien province, which has made substantial progress toward standardizing the primary and middle schools, and is working upon a plan for an interdenominational university.

The Shangtung Christian University is another interdenominational institution which should be mentioned with considerable detail had we the time. It includes the American Presbyterian, English Baptist and Anglican mission boards.

There are some thirty different higher educational institutions in China that are interdenominational in their control, their faculties, and their students, and are serving all the missionary societies that join in their support and management with economy and increased efficiency. These institutions include universities, theological schools, medical schools, colleges, normal schools, schools for missionaries' children, and, in fact, educational institutions above the primary and intermediate grade, of every character, and some of the kindergarten training schools for the preparation of kindergarten teachers are supported and controlled by interdenominational bodies. This method of training and administration has passed its experimental stage, and reached a position where it commands the confidence of those who participate.

The Canton Christian College has been making decided progress the last few years, and has 418 students. Practically all the Protestant denominations at work in CantonBritish as well as American-are united in the work of the University Medical School affiliated with the college, and the spirit of unity is on the increase.

The Canton Missionary Conference has organized an Interdenominational Board of Coöperation, which is operat

ing as a unifying factor among the missions, churches and schools.

The South China Educational Association, "the membership of which is available to all, whether Chinese or foreigners who may be engaged in, or in any way connected with or interested in educational work," has established a Unification Committee, with a Unification Secretary, and is working successfully to secure uniform schedules and coördination in the schools associated. It issues a monthly bulletin, has monthly meetings, and many of the present problems of school management and of larger policy have had much light thrown upon them by the discussions before the association.

There are some denominational schools of high grade which are making excellent growth, such as St. John's University at Shanghai, Boone University at Woo Chow, and others. But the most notable developments are in the interdenominational institutions, and the trend of Christian education in China is decidedly towards the interdenominational university, with denominational and interdenominational technical schools and colleges, organically related or closely affiliated, strengthening the local administration, but keeping the determination of the larger policies and problems in the hands of the interdenominational boards in the home lands. There seem to be abundant reasons to justify this.

It eliminates overlapping, duplication, and harmful competition.

It secures coöperation, specialization of workers and work, economy of administration, and increased efficiency.

It broadens the field of activity for the institution, enlarges the constituency from which to draw students, multiplies the facilities for graduates to find employment, and gives increased opportunities.

It appeals to the loyalty and liberality of Christians in the home lands and makes possible the establishment, maintenance, and development of great Christian institutions; it secures to them the ability to maintain the highest standards of efficiency; it enables them to compare most favorably with the government schools in the breadth, variety, and

thoroughness of work offered; it guarantees the continuance of their Christian character; and simplifies the problems of governmental approach and recognition.

Business men desire that their investments shall have two qualities in particular, security and productiveness. Interdenominational institutions furnish both of these in large measure, and react with blessed influence upon the supporting Churches in the home land, reflecting the prayer of Our Lord for His disciples that they all may be one.

It has been a matter of astonishment to many that China, the oldest, largest, most conservative nation on earth, should have remained to the present time so slightly influenced by Christianity.

May it not be because Christianity has had neither the vision nor the spirit to properly undertake the mighty task? Christ took a little child and set him in the midst of His disciples as the hope and responsibility of the Church, and called His disciples to be laborers, to be laborers together, to be "laborers together with Him." When they recognize the possibilities of Christian education to so influence the children as to lay adequate foundations for the Kingdom of Christ, and possess the Spirit to undertake the programme with united effort, He will honor their labor with assured success.

[blocks in formation]

Ability of China, 24-25.
Backwardness of China, reasons for,

Boxer uprising, 51-52, 297–300.
Catholic missions in China, 378–387;
organization of Catholic, 378-381;
conversions, 382-384; resources,

Christianity in China, 20-22.
Commerce, 241–243.

Dangers to China from the great
powers, 26-28.
Democracy in China, 54.

Diplomacy in China; American and
Japanese, 176–180.

Dollar diplomacy, 120–122.
Education in China, 98-99; effect

of American and Japanese, upon
revolution, 165–168; status of, at
dawn of revolution, 346–347; effect
of revolution upon, 347-348; reor-
ganization of, 348-355; students
educated in United States, 355-
356; popularizing education, 356-
357; recent developments of Chris-
tian, 388-409; world missionary
conference on China, 388-391;
West China Union University,

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