Enter Surveyor. Queen. I am sorry, that the duke of Buckingham Is run in your displeasure. King. It grieves many : 390 The gentleman is learn'd, a most rare speaker, 400 Not well dispos'd, the mind growing once corrupt, The fore-recited practices; whereof We cannot feel too little, hear too much. Wol. Stand forth; and with bold spirit relate what you, Most like a careful subject, have collected Out of the duke of Buckingham. King. Speak freely. Suru. First, It was usual with him, every day 410 It would infect his speech, That, if the king Revenge upon the cardinal. Wol. Please your highness, note Not friended by his wish, to your high person 420 Beyond you, to your friends. Queen. My learn'd lord cardinal, Deliver all with charity. King. Speak on: How grounded he his title to the crown, The duke being at the Rose, within the parish 440 Men Men fear'd, the French would prove perfidious, Said, 'Twas the fear, indeed; and that he doubted, 'Twould prove the verity of certain words Spoke by a holy monk; that oft, says he, John de la Court, my chaplain, a choice hour To hear from him a matter of some moment: 450 Whom after under the confession's seal He solemnly had sworn, that, what he spoke, My chaplain to no creature living, but To me, should utter, with demure confidence This pausingly ensu'd-Neither the king nor his heirs (Tell you the duke), shall prosper: bid him strive For the love of the commonalty; the duke Shall govern England. Queen. If I know you well, 459 You were the duke's surveyor, and lost your-office On the complaint o' the tenants: Take good heed, You charge not in your spleen a noble person, And spoil your nobler soul; I say, take heed; Yes, heartily beseech you. King. Let him on : Go forward. Surv. On my soul, I'll speak but truth. I told my lord the duke, By the devil's illusions The monk might be deceiv'd; and that 'twas dan g'rous for him To ruminate on this so far, until It forg'd him some design, which, being believ'd, 470 It was much like to do: He answer'd, Tush! King. Ha! what, so rank? Ah, hal There's mischief in this man: -Canst thou say fur ther? Surv. I can my liege. King. Proceed. Surv. Being at Greenwich, 480 After your highness had reprov'd the duke King. I remember Of such a time:-Being my sworn servant, As to the Tower, I thought, I would have play'd As he made semblance of his duty, would Have put his knife into him. King. A giant traitor! : 490 Wol. Now, madam, may his highness live in free dom, And this man out of prison? Queen. God mend all! King. There's something more would out of thee; What say'st? Suro. After the duke his father, with the knife 499 He stretch'd him, and, with one hand on his dagger, His father, by as much as a performance Does an irresolute purpose. King. There's his period, To sheath his knife in us. He is attach'd; Call him to present trial: if he may Find mercy in the law, 'tis his; if none, Let him not seek't of us: By day and night, 510 [Exeunt. SCENE 111. An Apartment in the Palace. Enter the Lord Chamberlain, and Lord SANDS. Cham. Is it possible, the spells of France should juggle Men into such strange mysteries? Though they be never so ridiculous, Nay, let 'em be unmanly, yet are follow'd. Cham. As far as I see, all the good, our English Have got by the late voyage, is but merely For, |