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that art, as the assistant of nature, (when too slow in her operations) should interfere as far as possible to alleviate them. It is also at this critical time that the greatest attention should be paid to the state of the gums, to mark the protrusion of the teeth, as well as the after change; for it is only by knowing the steps and order of their progress that proper aid can be given to the efforts of nature during the years of childhood.

So important is the interference of art at this time, that to judge properly of its effect, let us compare two children from the time of dentition, or immediately after the protrusion of the front teeth; in one of whom a proper attention has been - paid to their cleanliness, and the other where it is neglected. The first evidently enjoys the greatest advantage for securing comfort and health, his organs will receive the supplies of nourishment, duly prepared; his system will not only be thriving, but the development of natural attributes and bodily strength, will gradually proceed to maturity, He will possess sound health and an active frame, his mind unfolding with equal rapidity and perfection as his body.

No disorder of the mouth will communicate its distress to the other parts, and excite sympathetic anguish.

His mind, vigorous and active, will apply with ardour to every study and pursuit suitable to his years. His disposition will be pleasant and cheerful, for he has had no malady to contort his temper, or distress his frame.

Contrast this happy picture with that of a child where the teeth and gums are diseased from a want of cleanliness.

The causes of pain and irritation are ever present, and are increased by the influence of the tartar, which gradually accumulates on the teeth, producing inflammation of the gums,

and even an absorption and destruction of the alveolar processes, which all provident nature intended for the security of those instruments.

The consequences of this are, occasional severe fits of tooth-ach, swelled face, and other marks of indisposition, which by the least cold lay him aside for weeks and months, putting a stop to every study and pursuit.

The body, instead of being gradually increased and duly nourished, as in the other instance, is here puny and diminutive; nay, even rickety, deformed, and unsightly, upon too many occasions. The mind, instead of being active and vigorous, is fretful, peevish, and not alive to external impressions, owing to continual irritation and pain.

The most critical years of life, which are intended to form the mind, are lost in a struggle to get the better of indisposition, brought on by neglect, and nourished and rendered permanent by the same cause; for it is an incontrovertible fact, that no child, with bad teeth is ever healthy; and as this fact has been abundantly verified, in my experience, the same cause will prove a certain excitement of whatever constitutional disease the system may be naturally predisposed to. Thus, diseases, which might have been dormant without this baneful cause, are always ready to appear in children whose teeth are bad, and to the disgrace of their nurses, neglected; for little in a habit predisposed will excite the action of inbred disease.

'In concluding this letter (on the treatment of children, says Dr. Ewell) I feel some pain at the apprehension that I have not said enough to induce a strict adherence to the practices recommended. I knew them to be so judicious, that I felt as if argument were useless. The subject is those, of whom our Christ declared, "of such is the kingdom of heaven!" Ladies, if you feel as mothers, if you have souls to partake of

the heaven of doing good to innocence in pain, you will not require long arguments to adopt practices promoting the health of children. I ask, I pray you, if I have not urged sufficiently to induce you to do it; then, as a favour, as a kind compliance, in return for the wish I have to serve, immediately prescribe."

Thus the proper treatinent of the teeth, when properly considered, forms the foundation of happiness; First, as the prime strengthener of the constitution; Secondly, as the grand means of extending the growth; and, Thirdly, as the sure foundation of health and harmony in the system. By care of the teeth, and thereby avoiding frequent illnesses, directly or indirectly arising from the neglect of them, we are enabled to undertake those pursuits fitted to our age and genius. We may thus economise time, and apply life to every beneficial purpose.

'The possession of carious teeth, besides its effects on the temper and growth of childhood, is liable to produce very serious evils at a more advanced period of life, by giving to the air inhaled a putrid taint or impregnation, which being conveyed into the lungs, diminishes the benefits of its otherwise healthful office.

Indeed, it may be regarded as an established fact, that it is only by the influence of the living principle that the human frame is prevented from yielding to the powers of a chymical agency constantly acting on it, as on inanimate substances. But there are certain parts to which this living principle does not so strongly extend, and here the laws of chymistry take full effect; the part being subjected to all these changes which heat and stagnation produce, and thus exciting a fermentation in the matter subjected to their operation, as is strongly marked in the teeth, which are, as we have seen, beyond the reach of the circulation, since they are exposed to accumulations from what we eat and

drink; and the particles of the matter so accumulated are highly disposed to morbid changes, deleterious to the healthful state of these organs.

The same matter introduced into the stomach, which thus acts on the teeth, would be harmless to that organ:-the constant motion of its contents, their admixture with a variety of fluids, changing their relations and powers, and the strong influence of the living principle on this viscus, are counteracting circumstances which prevent all injury and accumulation here. Thus we see it is not by any failure of the natural qualities of the teeth that their premature decay is occasioned. This malady is alone to be attributed to the situation in which they are placed, whereby they are exposed to the common fate of all matter under the influence of chymical powers, and which even their compact structure cannot resist, unless those accumulations be prevented, which finally constitute a corroding power they cannot of themselves


From these facts we may venture to assert, that soundness of constitution and duration of life, greatly depend upon the healthy condition of the mouth.

All these facts are important reasons then, for an early attention to the teeth, and the natural organs connected with them, for it is principally in childhood that the means of preserving them perfect can fully succeed before the evil commences.

The preservation of the teeth and gums, therefore, is one of the first objects to be studied for insuring health and strength.

As they form by nature, a complete arch, the removal of a tooth destroys the evenness of the gum and the alveoli, diminishing the strength of the jaw, and proportionally reducing the perfection of voice and articulation.

If the great distinctive attribute of man be the faculty of speech, that

speech can never be complete or perfect, without two arches of teeth to modulate the sound, and give proper utterance to the words. Indeed, it is obvious to every one, that when the teeth are lost, the speech becomes imperfect, and often scarcely intelligible.

This circumstance makes them valuable beyond measure, to a public speaker, and their preservation ought to meet due attention from those who wish to shine either in the senate, at the bar, or in the pulpit.

Without these instruments of utterance, the graces of eloquence are lost, and the power of impressing the mind, and convincing the understanding, if not taken away, is considerably diminished.

It is the premature loss of this part of the human structure, that produces the leading mark of age, and occasions the contracted countenance, the wrinkles of the face, and those unseemly changes which youth and beauty ever wish to see placed at a distance.

This may be done in a certain degree, and the countenance exhibit the great lines of character that belong to it, by a proper attention to the cleanliness and regularity of the teeth. No face, however pleasing and prepossessing, can ever be complete in its attraction where the mouth is disfigured.

However worthy of admiration by natural symmetry, or intelligence of character, a still and silent countenance may be, we at once lose the grateful impression, when a disclosure of bad teeth is made by the influence of any excitement.

The circumstance either attaches disgrace to the individual for present want of cleanliness, or to its parents, or nurse, for past neglect. Even the laugh, the test of good humour and openness which invites to cordiality and confidence, fails to produce a reciprocal effect, where we are disgusted by a foul mouth.


Nay, from the very form, position, and cleanliness of the teeth, so far as depends on the individual himself, may be justly inferred his taste in other matters. Hence, in order to win that admiration which is the na tural wish of every one, the care of the teeth becomes an essential qualification, and ought to form an early branch of education, which cannot be too forcibly impresed on the minds of children.

Independent of their soundness, as a necessary appendage of external symmetry, the teeth are no less important, as has been stated, to the preservation of the general health. From their structure being highly sensible, and every where surround ed with parts of equal sensibility, they communicate every impression of their disease to the system at large. Thus, the first pains that undermine the constitution, and sow the seeds of irreparable mischief, may often be traced to the diseased state of the teeth when unable to perform their natural functions.

So conspicuous is this with all animals in a domesticated state, that the failure of their teeth may be considered as the very breaking up of their constitution. Unless fed on soft food, where the use of the teeth is less required, their lives cannot be protracted. In proof of the same fact, we may adduce the long lives of fowls, and other animals, having no teeth are consequently not subject to any disease of the mouth; a strong corroboration of which, is also afforded by the long lives of some kinds of fish.

Thus the lives of animals as well as man, seem by nature to be in a considerable degree regulated by the health and permanence of the mouth. In the teeth of all animals

in state of nature, we discover no diseased structure or deformity, and therefore we must ascribe it in the human subject to fortuitous, not constitutional or hereditary causes; for that they are less destructible, 3 H

than any other part of the frame is evident, since, in places where bodies have lain for centuries, teeth are found entire and sound, while the other bones crumble to dust; a sufficient proof that disease is not naturally entailed, upon their structure. but is the effect of the constant accumulation and action of offensive matter upon them, which operates by a putrid fermentation on those parts unnoticed, before the agonizing pain of a single tooth calls our attention to those adjoining; when we are astonished, as much as we are grieved, to find many in a state of rapid decay.

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State of Society in Italy.—May 16th. After six days of continued travelling, a short season of repose succeeds as an agreeable vicissitude. Let me employ a portion of it, in recording my impressions of the moral and political state of the country, in which I have been sojourn ing.

The discontent of the people, particularly in the Papal and Neapolitan states, is loud and open; -for, though the liberty of the press is unknown, they indulge in the fullest freedom of speech, in canvassing the conduct of their rulers. There is indeed ample cause for discontent; -the people seem every day more impatient of the civil and ecclesiastical oppressions, to which they are subjected; and a revolution is the common topic of conversation. If there were any rational hope of revolution bringing improvement, it would be difficult not to wish for a revolution in Italy.

A revolution, however, to be productive of benefit, ought to be effected by the quiet operation of public opinion; that is, of the virtuous and well informed part of the public; and this would be, not revolution, but reform-the best way of preventing a revolution, in the mo

dern sense of that term. But, where shall we look, in Italy, for the elements of such a reform? There can be little hope of its political amelioration, till some improvement has taken place in its moral condition. How can any thing great or good be expected from a people, where the state of society is so depraved, as to tolerate the cavaliere servente system?-a system, which sanctions the public display of apparent, if not real, infidelity to the most important and religious engagement of domestic life. And yet, constituted as society is in Italy, this system ought perhaps to excite little surprise. For, marriage is here, for the most part, a mere arrangement of convenience; and the parties often meet, for the first time, at the foot of the altar. An Italian does not expect from such an union, the happiness of home, with the whole train of domestic charities which an Englishman associates with the marriage state; the spes animi credula mutuż is certainly not the hope of an Italian husband, and the Cavaliere robs him of nothing, which he is not quite content to spare.

It is indeed, nine times in ten, to the fault of the husband, that the infidelity of the wife is to be ascribed. This is a reflection I have often made to Italian men, who have always seemed disposed to admit the truth of it, but the truth is better attested by the exemplary conduct of those women, whose husbands take upon themselves to perform the offices of affection, that are ordinarily left to the Cavaliere. An Italian said to me one day, Una donna ha sempre bisogno d'appoggiarsi ad un uomo! -If she cannot repose her cares and her confidence in the bosom of her husband, is it very surprising that she should seek some other support? Consider the character of the Italian woman. Ardent and impassioned, -jealous of admiration,-enthusiastic alike in love or in resentment, -she is trembling alive to the pro

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vocations which she has so often to endure from the open neglect and infidelity of the man, who has sworn to love and protect her.

The spreta injuria formæ is an insult which has provoked colder constitutions than the Italian, to retaliate. What indeed is there to restrain her?-a sense of duty?-there is no such sense. An Italian woman is accustomed to consider the conjugal duties as strictly reciprocal, and would laugh to scorn, as tame and slavish submission, the meck and gentle spirit which prompted the reply of the divine Desdemona’—

'Unkindness may do much; And his unkindness may defeat my life,

But never taint my love.'

And while there is so little to restrain, the effect of example is to encourage her to follow the bent of her inclinations; and she is attended by a licensed seducer, privileged to approach her at all hours, and at full liberty to avail himself of all the aid that importunity and opportunity can lend him, for the accomplishment of bis purpose.

These observations can only be meant to apply to the higher classes of society, to which the Cavaliere system is confined; and it must not be supposed, even amongst these, that there are not many examples of domestic virtue and domestic happiness; or that husbands and wives may not be found in Italy, as in other places, fondly and faithfully attached to each other. Nor is it always a criminal connexion that sub sists between a lady and her Cavaliere, though it is generally supposed to be so; but, many instances might be cited, where it is well known that it is not.

There is indeed a sort of mysticism in the tender passion, as it seems always to have existed in this country, which it is difficult to understand or explain. Platonic love,

in the verses of Petrarch, if indeed Petrarch's love were Platonic, glows with a rapturous warmth, which often speaks the very language of a grosser feeling; while the most depraved of all passions has been clothed with a tenderness and delicacy of sentiment and expression, which would seem to belong only to our purest affections. Witness Horace's address to Ligurinus:

Sed cur heu Ligurine, cut, Manat rara meas lacryma per genas?

Cur facunda parum decoro,

Inter verba cadit lingua silentio?

What can be more tender, unless it be Pope's beautiful imitation

But why ah! tell me ah! too dear! Steals down my cheek th' involuntary tear?

Why words so flowing, thoughts so free,

Stop or turn nonsense at one glance of thee?

But to return; the Cavaliere system must ever remain the great moral blot in the Italian character;and yet, this system, founded as it is in the violation of all laws and feelings, has its own peculiar regulations, which it would be an unpardonable breach of etiquette to transgress. The lady must not have children by her Paramour;-at least, the notoriety of such a fact would be attended with the loss of reputation. What can be said of a state of society that can tolerate such things, but, Reform it altogether.'

I am afraid the morals of England will not derive much benefit from familiarizing our countrywomen to hear these connexions talked of, as they constantly are, without censure or surprise. It would be impossible, however, to introduce the system into England, as it exists here.

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