Or whether (as some sages sing) The frolic wind that breathes the spring, ZEPHYR with AURORA playing, As he met her once a Maying; There on beds of violets blue, And fresh-blown roses wash'd in dew, Haste thee, Nymph, and bring with thee Quips and Cranks, and wanton Wiles, Such as hang on HEBE's cheek, Sport, that wrinkled Care derides, On the light fantastic toe, And in thy right-hand lead with thee, The mountain-nymph, sweet LIBERTY. And, if I give thee honour due, MIRTH, admit me of thy crew, E To live with her, and live with thee, In unreproved pleasures free; To hear the lark begin his flight, And singing startle the dull night, From his watch-tower in the skies, Till the dappled dawn doth rise ; While the cock with lively din And to the stack, or the barn-door, Through the high wood echoing shrill : By hedge-row elms, on hillocks green, Right against the eastern gate, Where the great sun begins his state, Rob'd in flames and amber light, The clouds in thousand liveries dight; While the ploughman near at hand And the milk-maid singeth blithe, Under the hawthorn in the dale. Straight mine eye hath caught new pleasures Whilst the landskip round it measures, Russet lawns, and fallows grey, Where the nibbling flocks do stray, Where, CORYDON and THYRSIS met, Of herbs, and other country messes, And then in haste her bower she leaves, To the tann'd haycock in the mead. The upland hamlets will invite, To many a youth, and many a maid, And young and old come forth to play Till the live-long day-light fail; Then to the spicy nut-brown ale, With stories told of many a feat, How faery MAB the junkets eat, And he by friar's lantern led; Tells how the'drudging Goblin swet, And, crop-full, out of doors he flings, Thus done the tales, to bed they creep, And the busy hum of men, Where throngs of knights and barons bold In saffron robe, with taper clear, |