Say-What will all your charms avail, If the dear Maid, whose blushes glow The Nymph who tempts with honey'd lip, With cheeks that shame the vernal rose, In rapture we can ne'er behold; Unless with kisses fond we sip The luscious balm that lip bestows→→ Sweet is the rose-empurpled bow'r, But are they sweet, or have they pow'r Where Beauty's presence does not shine? Nay, let the magic hand of Art The animated picture grace, With all the hues it can devise Yet, this no pleasure will impart, But what's thy life, O HAFEZ! say? Altho' by thee 't is priz'd in vain- At the rich banquet of thy fair, Where boundless love, and pleasure, reign! ODE II. HITHER, boy, a goblet bring, Bring me one, and bring me two; Iti s wine, boy, that can save Even lovers from the grave; Old and young alike will say― "T is the balm that makes us gay. Wine 's the Sun; the Moon (sweet soul !) We will call the waning bowl: Bring the Sun, and bring him soon, To the bosom of the Moon! Dash us with this liquid fire, If the rose should fade, do you Bid it cheerfully adieu : Like rose-water to each guest Bring thy wine, and make us blest. If the nightingale's rich throat Be not sad, whatever change Harp and lute together bring, Sweetly mingling string with string! My bright maid, unless it be In some dream, I cannot see: Bring the draught, that will disclose Whence it was sleep first arose ! Should it chance o'erpow'r my mind, Where's the remedy I find? "Tis in wine then, boy, supply : Wine, till all my senses die! Unto HAFEZ, boy, do you Instant bring a cup or two: Bring them; for the wine shall flow Whether it be law, or no! BY MILTON. HENCE, loathed MELANCHOLY! Of CERBERUS and blackest MIDNIGHT born, In Stygian cave forlorn, 'Mongst horrid shapes, and shrieks, and sights unholy, Find out some uncouth cell; Where brooding DARKNESS spreads his jealous wings, And the night-raven sings; There under ebon shades, and low-brow'd rocks, In dark Cimmerian desert, ever dwell! In Heav'n yclep'd EUPHROSYNE, To ivy-crowned BACCHUS bore; |