No more shalt thou my coldness mourn→ I trust the drop that dims thine I see fair Truth thy lips adorn, And hear her voice in ev'ry sigh. eye; MUCH-INJUR'D MAID, who liest pale below, To thee a PILGRIM sad I steal away; In mournful silence steal, o'erpower'd with woe, To bathe with floods of penitence thy clay. Oh! can thy gentle ghost the wretch forgive, Who seeks thy sod at this lone hour of nightA wretch, whose greatest hardship is to live, Who, dead to pleasure, sickens at the light! Oh! if my grief could soothe the sweetest SHADE, And pardon gain, which JUSTICE must deny; Near JULIA's ashes should this FORM be laid; Its crimes forgotten-then what bliss to die! Tir'd of the world, my heart no longer prays ELEGY. TO JULIA. Detained in Italy by contrary winds, he expresses his ardent desire for sailing for England. FAR from my JULIA's arms I lonely sigh, Yet would I dare the dangers of the MAIN. Ye winds and waves, how cruel to combine! O let my pray'rs your rude, rude pity prove; Think of the gloomy moments that are mine! Alas! ye know not what it is to love! To stately structures now I urge my way, Now where the PAINTER shows his mimic art, I strive to free my soul from LovE's alarms; Lo, ev'ry VENUS but augments my smart, And to my view presents thy brighter charms. To MUSIC now fatigu'd I yield my ear, But Music cannot the dull hours controul; With cold indiff'rence ev'ry chord I hear, While not a sound descends into my soul. Oft as I mark the tribes of air, I cry, [wind! "How with your pinions would I mount the "Oh! with what rapture lifted, cleave the sky, "And, turn'd to BRITAIN, leave my cares behind!" In wishes thus, I daily waste my breath, ELEGY. To a Friend, describing the horrors of his situation after the death of JULIA. FRIEND of my bosom, all my joys are o'er- To gloom and solitude I steal to pine. There, as I sit upon the sod, and sigh, I hear reproof from every happy dove; In fancy's ear they, cooing, seem to cry, "We know not of inconstancy in love." Lo, darkness, tenfold darkness suits my soul! The haunts of spectres let me court to weep; The beach where black with fate the billows roll, And tempests raise the thunders of the DEEP. Thou tellest me that TIME a balm will bring, Soothe ev'ry sigh, and calm my keenest woes:] Go, seek in winter's wild the blooms of spring; Go, whisper to the restless surge, repose! Love, injur'd LovE, a sure revenge can boast; LOVE hears my groan, and mocks my soul's despair: [lost; "Bleed, VICTIM, bleed," he cries" thy all is "Such be their portion who deceive the FAIR!" |