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quence will be derived from the great care of fuperintendence and the regular execution of every duty. The children who fhall be first brought on this establishment should be draughted from the feveral charter-fchools, with a regard to their fuperiority of talents and good behaviour, and by this means indeed an improvement might be formed in fuch of the charter-schools as fhould remain, if the object of remos val of the children from them to this higher fituation should become a fpur to emulation and induftry. The number of charter-fchools fhould of course be diminished after thefe first draughts, and the remaining children be distributed among fuch as fhould ftill be kept on foot in fuch places as might be thought proper and convenient to answer the great purposes of their inftitution. Perhaps indeed, it may not, under fuch a regulation as this, be found inexpedient to preferve always a certain number of thefe fmaller fchools, into which the children might first be received previous to their more advantageous removal into the provincial academy.Perhaps alfo, on this account the number of these provincial fchools would not require to be increased beyond two. New Geneva is fo fituated on the confines of two provinces, as to anfwer in a great degree for the convenience of both; and another fituation might be chofen for a fecond establishment with fimilar reference to the accommodation of the two other provinces. I would here only throw out a fuggeftion that poflibly a third might not improperly be formed, by an enlargement of the prefent Blue-coat Hofpital in Dublin. It is ot however, at all events, my purpose to limit the num ber or extent to which hereafter fuch useful inftitutions may be carried by the increase of means for their endowment and fupport; but, wifhing to avoid every thing which may be deemed a mere fpeculation, I would confine myfelf at prefent to schemes of affured practicability. I will not pretend to form any exact estimate of the expence under distinct Keads, which mult probably attend the fupport of one of


these establishments on the footing already mentioned; but having reflected upon the proper amount of falaries and allowances for masters and other neceflary officers, fuch as ftewards, wardrobe-keepers, houfe-keepers, matrons, cooks, porters, &c. &c. and haviug confidered alfo a fort of average for the fupport of the children in diet and cloathing and other neceffaries, and having proceeded further to conceive the expediency of a fund for the rewards of children, and for the fees or gratuities to be given with them upon their removal from the academy into different pursuits and occupations, I can hardly make the whole amount fall fhort of 11,000l. or 12,000l. per annum.

His next object was the diocefan fchools. Thofe he propofed to put on a better footing than at present. The bishops, he was fure, would moft liberally contribute towards their improvement. He did not mean to burden them, but poverty was not exactly what they could complain of, and with twoand-twenty diocefan fchools he had no doubt of laying a proper foundation for claffic learning.

His fourth object was to establish two great academies, immediately preparatory to the univerfity. To fupport these, and aid the diocefan fchools, he propofed to apply part of the revenues of those lands which have been given by benevolent persons, or by the state, for the endowment of schools, which lands, to a very great value, had fallen into private hands that did nothing for them, but which he thought it the duty of parliamentto reclaim, and apply confonant to the intention of the donors.

Throughout the whole of the foregoing plan was left a poffibility for boys of genius to raise then felves, even from the lowest to the highest rank. Other rewards were to be given in proportion to merit. And to the highest schools, or two great academies, were to be annexed exhibitions, as a further incitement to genius and ability to perfevere.


Having gone through the four principal heads concerning: schools, he next mentioned another University, which, without the fmalleft offence to the prefent moft excellent inftitution; he thought might poffibly be neceffary. There were, he faid, many perfons who do not come to this University who would go to another, fuppofe it inftituted in the northweft part of the kingdom, but who now are obliged to feek. for education in a foil lefs congenial to their nature. By these he did not mean fuch as go to England; that he thought produced a good effect, by increafing the attachment of the fubjects of the two countries. He believed there came also fome perfons from England to study here; but he was certain the number would be greater if there was another Univerfity, not fituated in Dublin. The object of a fecond Univerfity might, he thought, be compleated by taking several of the great endowed schools in the north-weft, and blending them together in a new model. The object, however, was at fome distance; for though it should be now determined on, it would be fix years before it would be neceffary to open a new University conformable to the general plan just mentioned.

His next object was to preferve these institutions as pure as poffible, by appointing intelligent visitors, perfons eminently diftinguished for learning and abilities; and his laft was, to provide an honourable and comfortable retreat for such mafters as fhould spend their earlier days in the public fervice, by inftructing the youth of the kingdom consonant to the prefent plan, and for fuch other perfons as fhall exert them felves in carrying the fyftem into effect.

He concluded his fpeech with the following refolutions: Refolved, That it is the opinion of this committee,

That it is expedient to revise the act of the twenty-eighth of Henry VIII. ch. 15th, for the establishment of parish


fchools, and to make provifions and regulations for afcertaining a new scheme and rate of contribution towards their more effectual fupport and improvement.

That it is expedient to establish, by the aid and authority of parliament, an annual fund, to be applied at the discretion of the Lord Lieutenant for the time being, for the purpose of gradually building or purchasing, or otherwise providing proper school-houses, and conveniences annexed thereto, in every parish or union within this kingdom, in which they may be requifite, for the refidence of a school-master, and the free inftruction of the poor.

That an humble address be presented to his grace the Lord Lieutenant, requesting his grace to give directions, that there be laid before this house, on the first day of the next feffion of parliament, an exact return of the number and present State of parish schools and school-houses throughout the kingdom; and alfo the particulars of all grants, donations, or other provifions of any kind, in land or money, for the endowment of the said schools, or any of them, or for the use of the school-mafters of the fame, or any of them respectively, with the ancient and present denomination and value of fuch lands, and in whofe occupation, and under what title they were held on the 25th of March, 1787.


That it is proper and expedient to inftitute and fupport by degrees, at the public expence, one provincial school or hofpital, in each province within this kingdom, for the gratuitous maintenance and education of children in the established religion, and in fuch branches of learning and fcience as may tend to qualify them with fuperior advantage for the future exercise of various occupations in hufbandry, manufacture, trade, commerce and fine arts.

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That it is proper and expedient to revife the act of the twenty-third of George II. ch. the 11th, to provide for the better regulation of charity schools, and to take effectual meafures for improving and enlarging the benefits of the proteftant charter fchools, in connection with the institutions aforefaid.

That an humble addrefs be prefented to his grace the Lord Lieutenant, requesting his grace to give directions, that an exact return be made to this Houfe, on the first day of the next feffion of parliament, of the amount, application and expenditure of the funds of every denomination under the care and management of the Incorporated Society for Protestant Charter Schools, and of the Governors of Erafmus Smith's fchools, with an account of the different authorities by teftament, charter, ftatute, or otherwife, under which these applications and expenditures have been made, and a copy of the fettled accounts, properly authenticated, of the incorporations aforefaid, for three years last past.

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That it is proper and expedient to revise the acts of the twelfth Elizabeth, chap. 1ft, feventh William III. chap. 4th, twelfth George I. chap. 9th, twenty-ninth George II. chap. 7th, for the establishment and maintenance of diocefan fchools and school-houfes, and to take proper meafures, under authority of parliament, for insuring the due execution of thofe acts, according to their true intent and meaning; and alfo to empower the Lord Lieutenant and Council to make new provisions and regulations for the more effectual fupport and improvement of the fame.

That an humble addrefs be prefented to his grace the Lord Lieutenant, requesting his grace to give directions that there be laid before this Houfe, on the first day of the next seffion of parliament, accounts of the number and prefent state of diocefan fchools and fchool-houfes throughout this king


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