JEWELL'S APOLOGY. To conclude: we believe that this body of ours in which we live, though after death it turns to dust, yet in the last day it shall return to life again, by the Spirit of Christ that dwelleth in us; and that then, whatever we suffer for Christ in the interim, he will wipe away all tears from our eyes, and that then, through him, we shall enjoy everlasting life, and be always with him in glory. Amen. NOWELL'S CATECHISM. Master. Sith thou hast before said, that the wicked shall rise again, in sort most far differing from the godly, that is to say, to eternal misery and everlasting death, why doth the Creed make mention only of life everlasting, and of hell no mention at all? Scholar. This is a confession of the Christian faith, which pertaineth to none but to the godly, and therefore rehearseth only those things that are fit for to comfort, namely, the most large gifts which God will give to them that be his. And therefore here is not recited what punishments are provided for them that be out of the kingdom of God. 1. What is meant by the Divine Laws in general...... 2. It is necessary to distinguish those Precepts which are peculiarly Mosaic, from those which belong to 3. The Mosaic Laws, of three kinds; Moral, Ceremo 4. Signification of the Word Decalogue · 5. The Decalogue obligatory on Christians CHAPTER II. OF THE FIRST COMMANDMENT. 1. Sum of the First Table, the Love of God; of the Second, the Love of our Neighbour 2. The First Commandment points out the true Object of Religious Homage 8. Vices and Defects condemned, by Inference. Extracts from Scripture, Book of Common Prayer, CHAPTER III. OF THE SECOND COMMANDMENT. 10. The Promise of Mercy Extracts from Scripture, Book of Common Prayer, CHAPTER IV. OF THE THIRD COMMANDMENT. 7. Sanction.. ib. ib. CHAPTER V. OF THE FOURTH COMMANDMENT 5. Reasons for this Commandment, and Arguments for Extracts from Scripture, Book of Common Prayer, CHAPTER VI. OF THE FIFTH COMMANDMENT. ib. 8. Duties between Equals · 9. The Fifth Commandment is "the First with Promise" ib. Extracts from Scripture, Book of Common Prayer, CHAPTER VII. OF THE SIXTH COMMANDMENT. 6. Sanction Extracts from Scripture, Book of Common Prayer, CHAPTER IX. OF THE EIGHTH COMMANDMENT. Extracts from Scripture, Book of Common Prayer, CHAPTER X. OF THE NINTH COMMANDMENT. |