A GENERAL AND CONNECTED VIEW OF THE PROPHECIES, RELATIVE TO THE CONVERSION, RESTORATION, UNION, AND FUTURE GLORY OF THE HOUSES OF JUDAH AND ISRAEL; THE PROGRESS, AND FINAL OVERTHROW, OF THE ANTICHRISTIAN CONFEDERACY IN THE LAND OF PALESTINE; AND THE ULTIMATE GENERAL DIFFUSION OF CHRISTIANITY. BY THE REV. GEORGE STANLEY FABER, B. D. "At that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY WILLIAM ANDREWS. T. B. WAIT & CO, PRINTERS. 1809. TO THE HON. AND RIGHT REVEREND FATHER IN GOD, SHUTE BARRINGTON, LL.D. Katharine Neilson Bonsoll in men memory of John Halvy Bonsall inst LORD BISHOP OF DURHAM MY LORD, To complete the plan of my Dissertation on the 1260 years, there was wanting, a general and connected view of the various prophecies which treat of the wonderful events about to take place at the expiration of that period. Prevalent as the powers of darkness may be during their allotted season, they are destined to be at length destroyed. Their destruction will synchronize with the restoration of the Jews, and will usher in that glorious state of things so frequently and so exultingly described by the ancient prophets. The lost ten tribes will be united with the tribe of Judah ; and the blessings of pure Christianity will be very generally diffused throughout the world. Such, we are led from holy Scripture to believe, will be the magnificent close of the great period of 1260 years. Without presuming to inquire too curiously into the state of the millennian Church and the nature of the Messiah's earthly reign, it is not difficult to conceive, how materially the face of society would be changed, and how wonderfully the general condition of mankind would be meliorated, were the Gospel 4-29-47 5353 334 (RECAP) |